One day the world will be ready for you and wonder how they didn't see...

I'm in my twenties now, but I still call myself a girl. It doesn't feel right to refer to myself as a "woman." I'm too immature, too insecure, too clumsy, too naive, and I still get a pimple or two each month. No, to earn the privilege of calling myself a woman, I have to be sophisticated, wise, confident, and socially -able-. And not be a virgin, maybe.

My favorite diaries:

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My favorite music:

The Strokes

My favorite movies:

Run Lola Run

My favorite authors:

Roald Dahl
Katherine Dunn
Italo Calvino
Vladimir Nabokov

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last updated: 2008-06-24 13:02:26
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user since: 1999-12-14

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