The black hole.... Hold on!

Most of the people listed on my favorite diaries have moved on with their lives, but here's who's left:

My favorite diaries:

jwinokur profile - diary
comments: Great photographer, musician, writer... you name it.
devian profile - diary
comments: We lived near other for a while, and I regret not getting to meet him.
fumblinglust profile - diary
comments: Has a talent for saying so much with a little text.
jonathan29 profile - diary
comments: Great guy is all I can say about him.

My favorite music:

Kylie Minogue
comments: When I am feeling happy, she's always on the playlist
Pet Shop Boys
comments: 3 things: Brilliant, subtle, and true-to-life lyrics.
New Order
comments: Excellent band with both killer melodies and lyrics.
80's stuff
comments: Yes, I still believe that I was a new wave DJ in the early 80's in London.

My favorite movies:

Beautiful Thing
comments: Being gay isn't about promiscuity, I learned from this movie back when I was a high school sophomore.
Latter Days
comments: One of the best gay films ever made.
Welcome to The Dollhouse
comments: At 3 o'clock, you get raped. Be there!
Love, Actually
comments: I bought this film on a whim but it's excellent. Hugh Grant is one of my favorite actors.
Bend It Like Beckham
comments: I can relate to this on a certain level, the whole conflict of cultures concept.

My favorite authors:

David Sedaris
comments: I don't want to go see one of his live shows for fear I will wet myself, as I have almost done this just by reading his books.
Roald Dahl
comments: A relic of my childhood I still embrace today.
Nigella Lawson
comments: I wish they would show her tv show more often. Her books are great too.
Helen Fielding
comments: Bridget Jones is wonderful.
Susanna Kaysen
comments: "Girl, Interrupted" was awesome. Minimalist writing, yet powerful at the same time.

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last updated: 2006-05-09 11:49:45
this user's total entries: 533
user since: 2002-05-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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