damn the man.

"love is like oxygen. love is a many splendored thing. love lifts us up where we belong. all you need is love." -christian

"what's with today today?" -lucas

"and in that moment, i swear we were infinite." -charlie

ac/dc, activism, airplanes, aluminum foil, amelie, anti-war, art, astrology, audrey hepburn, backrubs, banana popsicles, beauty, being barefoot, betsey johnson, big cities, books, boys, buddha, candlelight, <A TITLE="Click for more information about car" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||cars|AA1VDw">car</A>s, cats, chanel, cheese in a can, cigarettes, clothing, clutter, collages, concerts, conversation, costumes, creativity

dancing all crazy-like, dancing in the rain, danger bikez, david bowie, decorating, destiny, disney <A TITLE="Click for more information about movies" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||movies|AA1VDw">movies</A>, drawing, dreadlocks, e!, e-mail, earrings, empire records, ethan embry, europe, ewan mcgregor, exotic accents, fashion, fishnet stockings, flip flops, fortune-telling, frank sinatra, free speech, french, friends, fuck

game shows, getting mail, girl parties, guitars, happiness, haute coture, heath ledger, hippies, horoscopes, hugh grant, imagination, incubus, intelligence

jazz, johnny depp, journey, kisses, kool-aid, languages, laughing, liberals, lipgloss, literature, losing weight, love, lust

magazines, maggie gyllenhaal, marc jacobs, marilyn monroe, mascara, men in eyeliner, milhouse stufenbacher, mod, moulin rouge, movies, museums, musicals, naked, natalie imbruglia, night, noise, nylon, old hollywood, paint, passion, paul mccartney, peace, perfume, philosophy, photography, pilates, pink floyd, planes, plastic, poetry, polaroids, polish power

rain, reading, reincarnation, renee zellweger, rent, retro, robots, rock, rocking out, romance, sarcasm, sephora, shakespeare, shoes, shopping, slurpees, smoky rooms, spanish, speaking out of turn, stargazing, stilettos, styx, summer, sushi, suzanne vega, sweep

the 60�s, the beatles, the breakfast club, the british, the cranberries, the newsies, the police, the real world, the rolling stones, the smell of laundry, the spice girls, the style channel, tofu, twiggy

urban outifitters, velvet goldmine, vodka, weezer, wit, women's rights, writing, yoga

My favorite diaries:

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kittyslave profile - diary
ihatepizza profile - diary
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zodac profile - diary
yardsale profile - diary
exalt profile - diary
red-beret profile - diary

My favorite music:

the beatles
dandy warhols
fiona apple
frank sinatra

My favorite movies:

moulin rouge
empire records
almost famous
velvet goldmine

My favorite authors:

beau sia
paul mccartney
stephen chbosky
emma forrest
cate tiernan

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last updated: 2004-08-12 18:47:58
this user's total entries: 55
user since: 2003-05-30

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