It's a MAD, MAD world

Single mom, two kids, one boring job and a spare .... one ex-husband, one "sooner the better" ex-husband and one really awesome boyfriend. Am I out of my mind?

My favorite diaries:

Augustdreams profile - diary
comments: Wow - this chicha is FUNNY! It seems we have a lot in common so maybe I can appreciate it more than most. BTW - I myself hate GREEN ketchup. Yuck.
melwadel profile - diary
comments: Same kind of sense of humor as mine. If you enjoy mine, or AugustDreams you may like Mel as well.
Drunkencynic profile - diary
comments: "This Is My Life." This entry hooked me......
Fault-Finder profile - diary
comments: Fault-Finder
pastagirl2 profile - diary
comments: Cool buttons to link back with.
lintpickle profile - diary
comments: Ok, anybody who calls themself "lintpickle" deserves to be on as many favorite lists as possible.
snapereviews profile - diary
comments: Ok, this just looks like FUN!
the-attic profile - diary
comments: Reviews by a mom .... for grown-ups
our-views profile - diary
comments: I don't know what to expect here .... we'll see.
quoted profile - diary
comments: Oh .... My..... God! I love this!
smoog profile - diary
comments: Ok, if the rest of this is as great as the hair entry, we're on to something!
ergoatlas profile - diary
comments: How interesting! Life as a family man, from the family man's point of view.
melomane profile - diary
comments: Yes, we'll be checking back here.... that's a given.
prosa profile - diary
comments: A great place to show off your banners!
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: What to snort coffee outchyor nose? Here's your girl!
jangela profile - diary
comments: My instincts tell me that there is much to be learned in these pages. They usually don't steer me wrong.
porktornado profile - diary
comments: Ok, now here's a belly laugh with my name on it!

My favorite music:

Matchbox 20
comments: Every single song that I've heard that I could identify as theirs, I liked.
comments: Something very "free" about their music.
Martina McBride
comments: Quite possibly the most underrated country artist ever. The voice, dear God the voice!
Eric Clapton
comments: I'm a sucker for good blues. Not many people can do blues better than Clapton.

My favorite movies:

The Godfather
comments: 'Nuff said.
Leathal Weapon I
comments: Martin Riggs is a nutjob and I love him! (And Mel Gibson ain't bad either!)
comments: The TV show is good, but the movie is just awesome!
comments: I needed a good love story in here ... Even if the idiot did ruin it for me. (Long story, I'll share sometime)

My favorite authors:

J.K. Rowling
comments: Yeah, yeah, cliche' at this point, but even if I don't like the stories, I love the writing.
Mary Stewart
comments: If you like Arthur Mythology, read the "Hollow Hills" series. Wonderful.

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last updated: 2004-01-24 11:11:55
this user's total entries: 3
user since: 2003-05-31

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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