confidence is seeping in the nooks & crannies...

" is unpredictable and is something to be sought not only in obvious places, but in the nooks and crannies of our daily lives."


My favorite diaries:

snoozer profile - diary
comments: girl, most sublime, who designed the nookncranny template
mangotuesday profile - diary
comments: phosphorescent words, cast a spell
sls profile - diary
comments: had me at "flying inside"
likeaforest profile - diary
comments: helpless but to fall in love with her
edithelaine profile - diary
comments: her stop tracks poetry, was that beautiful always there?
novembre profile - diary
comments: the girl is exquisitely gifted
jumprope profile - diary
fireflea profile - diary
comments: oh're making my wings twitter
orangepeeler profile - diary
seethingblue profile - diary
bethannebee profile - diary
theshivers profile - diary
laststop profile - diary
oh-sweet-pea profile - diary
southeast profile - diary
comments: there is my heart
spitfire79 profile - diary
oltremare profile - diary
snotgirl profile - diary
lightfallsup profile - diary

My favorite music:

alanis morissette
frou frou

My favorite movies:

lost in translation
the family stone
spirited away
iron jawed angels

My favorite authors:

banana yoshimoto
e e cummings
lynda barry
sabrina ward harrison
comments: christine castro
anne lamott

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last updated: 2005-06-07 10:39:57
this user's total entries: 132
user since: 2003-05-24

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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