life needs sugarcubes sometimes.

occasional nailbiter. (trying to quit.)

My favorite diaries:

likeaforest profile - diary
comments: a formidable scrabble player i imagine
loriebug profile - diary
dead-slug profile - diary
comments: reliving my freshman year.
jumprope profile - diary
katharinhand profile - diary
songaday profile - diary
allnitediner profile - diary
crispystar profile - diary
morestories profile - diary
comments: "it's hard to really let it all go. the ghosts of years and all the many shelters that housed us."
rejectviolet profile - diary
softblossoms profile - diary
wateryblossom profile - diary
comments: "i found a book to read, like magic, in the school's library stacks. it has no jacket. it's about a unicorn, and here's a passage for me. and for you."
edithelaine profile - diary
kats profile - diary
novembre profile - diary
comments: "You will melt into something murky underneath your collared shirts and paperwork unless you are defined by love."
porktornado profile - diary
comments: he's funny.
cloudmaking profile - diary
anat profile - diary
pixie-never profile - diary
nookncranny profile - diary
comments: finding things in unexpected places
onepinksock profile - diary
comments: l word.
minderella profile - diary
laura-jane profile - diary
paperfriend profile - diary
comments: thoughtful. reminds me of someone i went out with a few times.
sls profile - diary
comments: viva lola
dinosaurs profile - diary
amishboy profile - diary
comments: he makes me laugh. and he seems to appreciate the magnetic fields.
stellarose profile - diary
virtu profile - diary
comments: she knows the truth about so-called "new york style pizzas" outside new york
fuschia profile - diary
comments: isn't just a color
not-a-finger profile - diary
central-red profile - diary
southeast profile - diary
rainhammers profile - diary
comments: adventures in portland
vocalfern profile - diary
comments: long new england winters
clearskies profile - diary
lacienega profile - diary
mcearstix profile - diary
asyourghost profile - diary
rachaelina profile - diary
mangotuesday profile - diary

My favorite music:

Neutral Milk Hotel
Iron and Wine
comments: Guided By Voices.
Pink Floyd
comments: Cold Play. Radiohead. Smashing Pumpkins.
Mazzy Star
comments: Tegan and Sara. Sleater-Kinney. Nini Camps. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Juliana Hatfield. Tattletale.
Patty Griffin
comments: Cat Stevens. Tracy Chapman.

My favorite movies:

comments: not just because it's french.
Garden State
comments: Laputa: Castle In the Clouds.
Napoleon Dynamite
comments: Foxfire. The Graduate.
Chasing Amy
comments: comicbooks, sexuality, a screenplay by kevin smith...this movie was made with me in mind.
Broken Wings
comments: because people are people no matter where they live.

My favorite authors:

Dorothy Allison
comments: sometimes hard to read, but a damn wise writer.
Stephen Chbosky
comments: "The Perks of Being A Wallflower". If there's a book you need to read, it's that one.
Marjane Satrapi
Neil Gaiman
comments: sandman series. neverwhere. also David Mack, of "Kabuki". i am a graphic novel junkie.
Haruki Murakami
comments: because he's strange and brilliant.

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last updated: 2024-08-10 20:17:33
this user's total entries: 1433
user since: 2003-10-01

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