tired of crying

...walked away, heard them say poisoned hearts will never change, walk away again...

My favorite diaries:

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xbroken249x profile - diary

My favorite music:

simple plan
comments: the juliana theory, the all-american rejects, sugarcult, no doubt, evanescence, taking back sunday, the ataris, afi, bowling for soup
comments: def leppard, the doors, poison, carole king, janis joplin
vanessa carlton
comments: norah jones, madonna
comments: ja rule, dmx, common, kelly rowland, mjb
dj sammy
comments: dirty vegas, dj irene, moby, garbage

My favorite movies:

comments: the fast & the furious, boiler room, star wars, vanilla sky, shrek, armageddon
comments: dirty dancing, american beauty, lord of the rings, chicago
comments: belly, blow, jawbreaker, 10 things i hate about you
girl, interrupted
comments: seven, go, groove, american history x
lilo & stitch
comments: the little mermaid, scooby doo

My favorite authors:

jane austen
dean koontz
stephen king
f. scott fitzgerald
alice sebold

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last updated: 2004-02-16 20:31:46
this user's total entries: 152
user since: 2003-01-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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