Emma's Diary

Hello :)

My favorite diaries:

mindoverflow profile - diary
comments: the joyous collaborations of me and Jay
buffylass profile - diary
comments: I love this amazing girl. No amount of words can do her justice, she is naturally and completely wonderful. And extremely funny to boot.
blujeans-uk profile - diary
comments: a lovely look into the head of Ms Kirsty Mills AKA my best friend
lilkate profile - diary
comments: my twin sister. Shes so funny and luckily for her, she looks like me :-)
joethebrave profile - diary
comments: absolutely bloody brilliant
mrh4ppy profile - diary
comments: a very amusing read. Especially with his 'looking at the bus time-table' trick to get a good seat on the bus.
onlyinpink profile - diary
comments: an inspirational diary and a very good read!
carpediemgem profile - diary
comments: my old school friend, and a very good friend at that.
boy1daful profile - diary
comments: My art buddy Mark who has messy hair (apparently)
shell2002 profile - diary
comments: my chum from next door. Shell-eh Well-eh ;-)
zanks profile - diary
comments: Meg has a DIARY!!
silly-moose profile - diary
comments: Lisa - another member of 'the corner' in Sixth Form. She has great hair, I tell you!
shylozzaah profile - diary
comments: Laura (shylozz)'s new diary. This girl is great, but suspiciously spends a lot of time on crutches ;-)
scooby-gang profile - diary
comments: it's amazing who you come across when you nosey through your friend's guestbook.
mragreeable profile - diary
comments: He finally has a diary after weeks of nagging. My job here is done.
onesweetyear profile - diary
comments: lovely Jodie's new diary
sarahchiv profile - diary
comments: She's one of my best friends, don't believe everything she says, she told me she'd lie to make herself sound interesting....
sexylou profile - diary
comments: this is Hannah, my friend for the best part of my life
kate-lee profile - diary
comments: very pregnant and very funny. [updated] no longer pregnant, slightly more tired but still extremely funny though :P
borntotryem profile - diary
comments: My friend Em, from uni. Easily obsessed with anything tv-related :-P
clairecav profile - diary
comments: Always manages to make me laugh. I wish I'd been so cool at her age
the-moo profile - diary
comments: she is so fun! A pleasure to read :-) She is the happiest person I have ever come across and everyone loves her!
biggrin profile - diary
comments: big-grinned Rob has got a diary at last!
anibananie profile - diary
comments: brilliant diary, she's never boring!
avanery profile - diary
comments: so funny and has a friend whose worst nightmare is an M&M squashed into his carpet. Brilliant!
strawberrri profile - diary
comments: only just discovered her but I like her already!
randomrabbit profile - diary
comments: Hilarious. I absolutely love him.
uber-shaker profile - diary
comments: 3 entries in and I'm already a fan
theswordsman profile - diary
flufflebunny profile - diary
student-bum profile - diary
comments: formerly anibananie and absolutely wonderful.
shot-of-tea profile - diary
comments: formerly known as clairecav. Brilliant and funny.
toiletwater profile - diary
shinynewtoy profile - diary
comments: Found by accident but I really like her already.
danielfox118 profile - diary
wyndspirit profile - diary
lifeineminor profile - diary
persaud-land profile - diary
stepfordtart profile - diary
cera-jeanne profile - diary
grindangel profile - diary
joistmonkey profile - diary

My favorite music:

Maria Mena
comments: Norwegian. Woo! I love to embrace my quarter norwegian side.
Paolo Nutini
comments: Makes me want to be a bit Scottish
James Morrison
comments: Doesn't make me want to be a bit Scottish.
Lots of things
comments: They're not a band, I just like lots of things.

My favorite movies:

Never Been Kissed
comments: I've got it on video and I've watched it at least 100 times.
comments: can't think of any others

My favorite authors:

J. D. Salinger
comments: The Catcher in The Rye - favourite book of all time
Billy Graham
comments: 'Run Baby Run'. It's brilliant.
Alice Sebold
comments: The Lovely Bones - a very good read
Steven Dobyns
comments: 'The Church of the Dead Girls' + 'Boy in the Water' - scary mysteries
P.J Tracy
comments: Good crime thrillers

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last updated: 2019-10-26 16:44:26
this user's total entries: 289
user since: 2001-11-19

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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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