Very occasional ramblings

41, watches too much reality tv

My favorite diaries:

strawberrri profile - diary
comments: "It amused me for a while - being able to shut one eye and have everything crystal clear, then shutting the other eye and everything being a festive blur."
teena79 profile - diary
comments: "I'm sooo in love!!! I went to see Daniel Bedingfield in concert on saturday night & he was fantastic!!! I actually got to meet the guy too!!! In the flesh, he was beautiful, he was soooo nice!!! I want to marry him & have his babies!"
buffylass profile - diary
clarity25 profile - diary
amb1valent-k profile - diary

My favorite music:

Matchbox Twenty
comments: Sexy Rob Thomas
Avril Lavigne
comments: Gorgeous, sexy singer
Maroon 5
comments: Sex on legs
comments: Sexy AND talented!
No Doubt
comments: Sexy Gwen sings in a divine way.

My favorite movies:

The lion king
comments: My most faveouritest movie ever! I have watched it over 150 times, I love everything about it!
Point break
comments: Excellent action packed crazy film. Has all the things that I want to do, in it, but have never thought I could. But hopefully one day I will be jumping outta planes and robbing banks too!
Disney films
comments: I am a HUGE disney fan! I love them all, virtually!
The last samurai
comments: Breathtaking.
comments: Incredible

My favorite authors:

Slyvia Plath
comments: She's a crazy woman, perhaps thats why I relate. I understand where she was coming from. Its refreshing to know that other people can feel the same pain, and madness that you feel...
Dave Pelzer
comments: Absalutely amazing books!

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last updated: 2024-07-02 14:51:59
this user's total entries: 1409
user since: 2001-11-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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