Goodnight, wittness light...

Goody, Like Two Shoes...

Nurse, something for the pain

Something to make this guilt go away

You're forgetting us

You're forgetting everything

And I wanna hate you for my mistakes

I hate you for everything

This is goodbye, this is always

My favorite diaries:

Zania profile - diary
Techrat profile - diary
Missym profile - diary
Lighthouse8 profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: �I cannot say that I was ready for this, but when worlds collide, and all that I have is all that I want, the words seem to flow and the thoughts they keep running, and all that I have is yours, all that I am� is yours.�
comments: "I won't be made a fool of, if this is true love you wouldn�t do what you did last time, you wouldn�t screw up this time, cause this time girl I�m telling you what you do it again I�m fuckin� you up!"
Daphne Loves Derby
comments: "If you need your space then I'll face the distance, it's not that I'm brave, I just finially realized that I've never been there for you."
Matchbook Romance
comments: �Your cold, but your beautiful, you�re a mess but I like it that way, I�m a fool, but only a fool knows a miracle. And I won�t ask for anything, no I won�t ask for anything ever again, just give me this one thing that�s all I ask.�
Something Corporate
comments: "This is the last true burning letter given to a girl, written by a boy."

My favorite movies:

comments: "No true feasco ever began as a quest for mear adaquicy."
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lord of the Rings
Jerry Maguire
For Love of the Game
comments: "Haven't you ever loved anything that much?"

My favorite authors:

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diaryrings which prapdri belongs to
diaries which list prapdri as a favorite diary
last updated: 2007-07-19 23:13:59
this user's total entries: 13
user since: 2006-06-21

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