i just want to be pure

i thought i could deal with, perhaps even come to understand my obsessions through some strained eloquence. i thought i could eventually pierce every veil through chance metaphor, but how many flowers can serve as metaphors for that initial mingling of blood and water encased in the barrel of a syringe? the fact is that instead of freeing myself through language, the language itself has become a hostage, and the room where we are held becomes smaller every day.

-jim carroll

My favorite diaries:

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My favorite music:

knife in the water
bright eyes
elliott smith
the incredible string band
comments: syd barrett, gustav mahler, arvo part, nick cave, palace, built to spill, cocteau twins, pixies, modest mouse, the shins, weakerthans, brahms, phillip glass, mozart, gorecki, prokofiev

My favorite movies:

waking life
mulholland drive
comments: dune, royal tenenbaums, virgin suicides, harold and maud, slacker, my neighbor totoro, cries and whispers, man facing southeast, 2001, last tango in paris, pi, trainspotting, requiem for a dream, traffic

My favorite authors:

anne carson
comments: "Anthropology, like marriage, is an activity of the forebrain. As thought breaks free of impulse slowly, slowly the day scream subsides into ordered lust." -plainwater
henry miller
comments: "i am the one who was lost in the crowd, whom the lights made dizzy."
comments: this bell-stroke of noon and of the great decision, that makes the will free again.
jane roberts
karl marx
comments: virginia woolf, joyce, dostoyevski, kundera, lorca, borges, garcia-marquez, fitzgerald, salinger, walter benjamin, foucault, barthes, douglas hofstadter, jean baudrillard, sartre, guy debord

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last updated: 2004-06-03 14:32:44
this user's total entries: 95
user since: 2003-11-17

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