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I am interesting and that can mean many things...

so just keep reading.

My favorite diaries:

robbiew815 profile - diary
comments: "My message: don't drink too much. And beer before weed is not a good deed."
fumblinglust profile - diary
comments: "To much gay for one little fag hag? Nay. I like to be surounded on all sides by gay, gay men."
basilgreen profile - diary
comments: "Please feel free to respond, as I welcome all to experience the grandeur of rhetoric. The arctic calls now. ::Takes a diaphragmatic breath::"
I-love-straw profile - diary
comments: "today, i am going to divulge to you the embarrassing dream i had last night. please refrain from your contemptuous mockery."
latoureiffel profile - diary
comments: "ok i am so bad at updating this thing...i really don't deserve to take up space here...but i so really, really want to"
purplebanana profile - diary
comments: Being bored at work=reading ALL of her entries and thoroughly enjoying them. It's true!
loverlay profile - diary
comments: "Steph, I don't think I told you but in San Diego, mom decided that she didn't like her fork. So she picked up her fork, walked to the table next to us, and switched. Nothing was wrong with the fork, she just didn't like it."
tony-sison profile - diary
comments: Oh, San Fran...
AFagN2Hags profile - diary
comments: If you want to be entertained, read this diary (especially if you like orgies...)
forsakenmind profile - diary
comments: We share bad experiences peeing at Castro on Halloween and that is a pretty powerful experience.

My favorite music:

comments: brilliant
Leona Naess
comments: brilliant
comments: brilliant
Remy Zero
comments: brilliant
comments: brilliant

My favorite movies:

Reality Bites
comments: It is so true of the '90s
The English Patient
comments: guilty pleasure?
comments: Disturbing, but so enjoyable
Monsoon Wedding
comments: Wow, everyone must experience this movie and get the soundtrack.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
comments: No matter how many times I watch this movie, it is still funny. Maybe it is the mid-west accents?

My favorite authors:

comments: suck my ass! that is all I have time to read
ben stiller and Janeane Garofalo
comments: that was a funny book they wrote together
David Sedaris
comments: So enjoyable and a lovely gay man
Nick Hornby
comments: Clever man, writes even better short stories
Irvine Welsh
comments: Anyone who can write something like "Trainspotting" is fine by me

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last updated: 2004-01-25 22:03:38
this user's total entries: 141
user since: 2002-04-09

AOL IM name: silvergnome
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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