Rose's Diary

i think it's nice here. stay a while.

My favorite diaries:

adopted profile - diary
comments: her dreams are very colorful.
quilt profile - diary
comments: very pure.
thatoneguy85 profile - diary
comments: i wish he lived 1 minute away.

My favorite music:

comments: I love Shirley's lyrics and her whole state of mind is just so twisted....I like it!
Jimmy Eat World
comments: There's something about hearing..."Everything will be alright" over and over again.
comments: She's not a band, but I like her lyrics once, she's so peaceful, its soothing to the soul.
No Doubt
comments: Gwen rocks whatever house she's in. I liked her first cd.....very feministic.....girl recovers and saves boy :)
Dexter Freebish
comments: I like the only song I've ever heard of theirs..."Leaving Town"

My favorite movies:

Legally Blonde
comments: I haven't even seen this movie yet, that's how much I like it.
The Sixth Sense
comments: I think I watched this 4 times. I get spooked everytimes.
I Know what you did last Summer
comments: The perfect thriller to watch with all your friends!
Romeo and Juliet
comments: of the most tragic stories gone Hollywood.
Oceans Eleven
comments: One day, I too will perfect a plan to rob a casino with my partners in crime!......guys?

My favorite authors:

Janet Fitch
comments: I absolutely loved "White Oleander" it was amazing. I'll be the first to pick up whatever novel she writes next.
Erich Maria Remarque
comments: I had to read "All Quiet on the Western Front" for my AP English class last summer. I loved it.
Alison McGhee
comments: The only novel I've read by this author is "Shadow Baby". I loved how beautifully it was written, and how well she developed the character.
Lindsay Caldwell
comments: I read "Don't Let Me Die" a couple years ago, I was utterly intrigued by it. It was awesome
Roald Dahl
comments: I remember reading a couple of his books when I was younger, but Matilda stood out the most. It still remains my favorite book of all time.

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last updated: 2024-04-14 00:53:39
this user's total entries: 423
user since: 2001-07-06

AOL IM name: FrozenChampagne
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MSN Messenger name: frozen_champagne

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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