Arrr...The Diary of Cutthroat Mary

Ask yourself: is this all there is

Take no answer but the one you find

I have put my faith in aberrations of your kind

But even if you're in my mind

Across the sky

I will come for you

If you ask me to


Your uncommon dreams

Stranger things have come true

-from Emilie Autumn's 'Across the Sky'

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My favorite music:

Loreena McKennit
Ani DiFranco
Tori Amos
Stone Temple Pilots
Pearl Jam

My favorite movies:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: Amazing.
The Royal Tenenbaums
comments: Quirky Quirky Goodness!
Practical Magic
comments: Ok, I want to BE Aunt Frances. But own Verbena. Is that possible?
comments: Simply Divine
High Fidelity
comments: What can I say? John Cusack at his best, before his sorry attempts at being in romantic comedies

My favorite authors:

comments: Spiral Dance, Dreaming the Dark, Fifth Sacred Thing
Kaye Gibbons
comments: Charms for An Easy Life
Marion Zimmer Bradley
comments: Mists of Avalon, Firebrand
Alice Hoffman
comments: Practical Magic, Here on Earth
Janet Fitch
comments: White Oleander

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last updated: 2005-03-25 10:13:42
this user's total entries: 470
user since: 2003-01-30

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