
mumbling my way into the hearts of dozens

My favorite diaries:

hucksterfinn profile - diary
comments: no matter where you are, no matter how far
sinister-fox profile - diary
comments: love & staples
ohio21boy profile - diary
comments: i need u
blankwave profile - diary
comments: for those about to indie rock...we salute you
xgayboi profile - diary
comments: everyone's favorite internet boyfriend indeed
holly9483 profile - diary
comments: hello sweet girl
soulepiphany profile - diary
comments: ...if I know one of you, I know all of you. So don't give me your shit.
goodprovider profile - diary
comments: cardigan is the new leather
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: consistently hilarious
faux-homo profile - diary
fergie profile - diary
blonde32810 profile - diary
taydo profile - diary
x-outrmyeyes profile - diary
comments: hey there, fella
peteypuke profile - diary
comments: ass kicking homo mofo

My favorite music:

the waitresses
comments: i know what boys like / i know what guys want
the smiths
comments: the sun shines out of our behinds
the strokes
comments: you say you wanna stay by my side / darling, your heads not right
sonic youth
comments: does "fuck you" sound simple enough?
comments: we live in a beautiful world

My favorite movies:

to kill a mocking bird
comments: when i grow up i want to be atticus finch
comments: daring to do it!
almost famous
comments: the movie that comes closest to conveying my love for rock music
comments: did the conspiracy theory guy do his scene in one take do you think? amazing
comments: segragation never! intergration now!!!

My favorite authors:

james ellroy
comments: preserving 50's los angeles in all it's seedy glory
armistead maupin
comments: the way he interweaves stories, and characters is seamless
david sedaris
comments: funny
j.d. salinger
comments: oh, holden!
bret easton ellis
comments: people are afraid to merge. deal with it. rock'n'roll.

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last updated: 2007-08-17 20:11:58
this user's total entries: 509
user since: 2002-02-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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