I'm just a happy girl in a sad world.

Here are some things I would sing about if I could.

My favorite diaries:

burnthewitch profile - diary
comments: Look out for this one. She's my best girl.
bently profile - diary
comments: Watch this kid. He's making it.
johnnyrotten profile - diary
comments: It all started with me and Jon and a guitar. "It" being my life.
superdimple profile - diary
comments: When I take up dating girls, I'm gonna grab 'er.
abalony profile - diary
comments: Nothing can come betweeeeen...me and my Janeeeene
barnyardrock profile - diary
comments: We call him Johnny 'cause he's a wild one.
ihaterain profile - diary
comments: He's thinkin 'bout getting out.
ass-licker profile - diary
comments: *swat*....Oh for old times' sake.
blowfinger profile - diary
comments: The coziest individual I have ever known.
fairy26 profile - diary
comments: She might be coming to your towwwwwwn.
dropthefear profile - diary
comments: Understood by few, appreciated by many.
schmordo profile - diary
comments: Nice sweaters. Good coffee. You're A-OK.
abortedfetus profile - diary
comments: She knows where it's at.
midas profile - diary
comments: A rose by any other name would smell like meat.
proboscis profile - diary
comments: Sad and silly, just like me. I like it.
bmi profile - diary
comments: i'd like to write like this please.
cactushead profile - diary
comments: not outside the realm of possibility.
petmis profile - diary
comments: ryan = good.
patrickg profile - diary
comments: entertaining and addictive as hell.
andrew profile - diary
comments: the classic
uncledeath profile - diary
comments: i have no idea.
melomane profile - diary
comments: mayhap my favourite diaryland diary. mayhap.
butigotta profile - diary
comments: i like him.
savecraig profile - diary
comments: "I feel like I need to throw up. I wondered why until I realized I was at work."
carrythe0 profile - diary
comments: a mystery.

My favorite music:

Counting Crows
comments: I've built my life on this stuff.
Buck 65

My favorite movies:

High Fidelity

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
James Redfield
J.K. Rowling
Richard Bach

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diaries which list speedway as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-01-11 16:10:44
this user's total entries: 457
user since: 2000-05-15

AOL IM name: EvaAteABug
ICQ number: 10019378
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