A Life of Synne

What do you want to know about me? It can all be found by reading this diaryland...

Ok, I lied, it can't, but if you have a question you can just ask. Or send me e-mail. Or signmyguestbook. :) I don't bite.

My favorite diaries:

realityisshy profile - diary
comments: My dearest brother. "Enough complaining. It's Spaghetti-O time."
anne-jumps profile - diary
comments: "This morning I woke up and Rufus Wainwright was on 99x singing Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah." I said aloud, "Do all the dark-haired pretentious effeminate guys have to sing this song?"
brooksie profile - diary
comments: My lost-lost twin far away *sniffle* "boys, why do you have to be so attractive?"
bigreddog profile - diary
comments: The hottest packages! (Yes, that was plural!) "... the dance move is when they turn in a circle and stomp, and hammer with one hand ... ok, you really have to be there, but it works."
skankindork profile - diary
comments: Jay-girl bonding! "remember kiddies: exotic does not always equal good."
lahoo profile - diary
comments: Too bad-ass for high school. "Everyone at my school really hates boybands. 'N Sync, specifically. I feel like I have a secret, because if I tell anyone they will so kill me and bash my head in with rocks in disgust."
inmytree profile - diary
comments: "Geez...I thought I'd do something better with dland, but all I could think of was to share with you my latest desktop at work...."
riot-pills profile - diary
comments: Too bad-ass to be american. " s.p.i.n: I just want you to know that if you ever call me 'sweet pea' again, I'll have your kneecaps removed." hah. I'm a hardass."
redzingerbee profile - diary
comments: She has the cutest psycho-kitty ever."not a student. i'm not ready to not be a student. maybe my grades are due to my subconscious underlying desire to stay in college forever. something to ponder."
dockstreet profile - diary
comments: "tee hee"
liljumpinsam profile - diary
comments: Oh my god, the tongue! " I'm really spoiled. I sat beside the admissions director for Duke at one dinner a few months ago and made a complete fool of myself. And do I care...come on....go ahead ask....that's right I don't care."
mare1601 profile - diary
comments: *mwah* I love my PIC! "What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? "Maybe I can just skip class today" "
doublefish profile - diary
comments: You know you pimp it ;-) "There was just a touch of mental anguish before bed, but everything else was great. What's that? You want to hear about my anguish? What's wrong with you, you sick bastards?"
jammin profile - diary
comments: "If Crabtree mall explodes soon, it's not me. I would never destroy a mall. In fact, I abhor violence of any kind."
cutelilfish profile - diary
comments: "Good Morning--Why yes, it is the ass-crack of dawn, so nice of you to point it out!" with everlasting lipstick!
honeyj profile - diary
comments: "So here I am. I made some cookies. Chocolate chip. And now I'm computering."
fallyn-angel profile - diary
comments: "don't ever forget that you can't ever really forget parts of the past. there will always be something or someone there to remind you of it, generally when you least expect it."
pistolpfm profile - diary
comments: "So, I guess you can officially call me a pretty boy if you didn't think I was already."
gettingeven profile - diary
comments: One day I will meet her! "Or maybe it's simply something we learn all the time: "No one else is listening, so why should I?" And why isn't anyone listening?"
moviereviews profile - diary
comments: Helping to discover films with hot men, one movie at a time.
taoalive profile - diary
comments: "Irony is a bitch, but schnapps is always a lady."
ray-andrew profile - diary
comments: "I guess I am an idealist in ways a relationship should go, probably to a detriment. But what do I know, I have only been in 3 romantic relationships in my life. I have had a lot of study time and not enough lab time."
hmfiscds profile - diary
comments: chocolate babies CD picks!

My favorite music:

Jump, Little Children
comments: are driving me nuts! (quote)
comments: Super sexy hip-swinging, fun for the whole family.
comments: All mine...you have to be...
comments: Europeans like them, why don't we?
Heather Nova
comments: and more...Bjork. Veruca Salt. Poe. Tori Amos. Cibo Matto. Le Tigre. Tami Hart. Our Lady Peace. Liz Phair. Porno for Pyros. Save Ferris. Shaggy ;-). U2. STP. Belle & Sebastian. Rosebud. Groove Armada. Stereolab. David Mead. David Garza. I'm out of ro

My favorite movies:

Dancer in the Dark
comments: Bjork and music and emotion.
comments: Classic spoofiness.
Run Lola Run
comments: Awesome, fast-paced, and with cool music. Oh yeah, and it's foreign too!
Requiem for a Dream
comments: Disturbing, yes. Amazing, yes.
An Occasional Hell
comments: After viewing this, I was still a Jay-girl. Amazing.

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut
comments: It's weird. And wonderful.
Sara Teasdale
comments: Romantic poetry rocks my lovelorn self-pitying world. Yeah, and she has my name. (Without the H and all!)
Edward Gorey
comments: Author, Illustrator, same really. "She kicked it in the nose, and it promptly expired." (Tell me where this quote is from, and if I got it wrong...)
Vladimir Nabokov
comments: Lolita: a masterpiece
Simone de Beauvoir
comments: A crappy english translation of the Mandarins is enough for me

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last updated: 2004-10-10 14:23:06
this user's total entries: 366
user since: 2001-04-14

AOL IM name: SynneBDHG
ICQ number: 2607921
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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