This is the Compost Heap of my Brain.

An angsty people-hater (they're okay in theory) who will one day turn his avoidance-tendancies toward a world-changing movement that will end in global peace and harmony. Honest.

My favorite diaries:

manukenkun profile - diary
comments: My oldest favourite, and one of the neatest. She taught me how to whinge. I think she spends her time on LJ now.
bunnyhug profile - diary
comments: Gone to LJ. Don't be fooled by the cuddly name: she's still all woman.
biggestlie profile - diary
comments: He's gone to a big, fancy art school where he hopes to learn to be a snob!
tet profile - diary
comments: He keeps changing what he has for me, so I'm just going back to Because.
nividian profile - diary
comments: Recipe for a good diary: one part eloquence, one part angst, one part hope, and a bunch of quilts. Updates are more rare these days.
the-ordinary profile - diary
comments: A random treasure about random treasures.
hrhgreggie profile - diary
comments: He's gone, due to lack of updates. Where are you greg?
thegrapevine profile - diary
comments: An old favourite who's now a new favourite.
popcore profile - diary
comments: Another random find that looks promising.
solitus profile - diary
comments: When I grow up, I think I want to be solitus.
penmaster profile - diary
comments: A writer and a dreamer, finding his way.
oddchat profile - diary
comments: This is also tet (see above). It seems he feels important enough to have 2 diaries.
hodpodge profile - diary
comments: She uses a lot of pictures, but that's okay.
clean2202 profile - diary
comments: A travelogue of sobriety without being boring
wicked1969 profile - diary
comments: My new (one of my) favouritest diary(ies)
jex profile - diary
comments: He says nice things about me.
usagiisgod profile - diary
comments: A writer and an interesting person, even if he tries to get us to believe his life is boring.
hauntingme profile - diary
comments: is an old favourite in a new place.
lefty profile - diary
comments: is a new favourite in a new place.
cherryaa profile - diary
comments: Sometimes I am found by someone because of a similar path, and it's nice to walk along it with them for a while.
arandomname profile - diary
comments: Thoughtful, insightful, and someone I would love to have over for tea.
mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: I read her entries and sometimes it feels like she is sharing my brain at its most frantic.
.gone profile - diary
comments: But not forgotten. Surlygurl. Heyiya. Monstrosoman. Desertwitch. Blind-Merv. Tobys-friend.
bindyree profile - diary
comments: I'm too depressed to read this at all, but in my semi-suicidal haze I read the banner with the "verbing" and I wanted to check this diary out before I kill myself. Once I do (check it out, not kill myself), I'll rewrite this descriptio

My favorite music:

Nick Cave
comments: And the Bad Seeds. I don't really like putting a band here, since I stand behind my "What music do you listen to?" "Oh...well...everything, I guess..." attitude. Bit Nick Cave, at least the one CD I've listened to, rock
Good Question
comments: This is a band from my home town that happened to inspire the most romantic evening I have ever experienced without alcohol...hence, it is also my most memorable romantic experience. They rock, and are the perfect music for floating. If you can float.
Tenacious D
comments: They serve Satan out of -love-, man. Check them out.

My favorite movies:

Yellow Submarine
comments: I'm not a Beatles fan, per se, but this movie seems to capture the idealism of an age. If only our villains could be diffused with a good attitude and an ear for music. And try it: a minute -is- a really long time.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
comments: A friend of mine believes he can see a guy line (is that how that's spelled?) in one of the scenes. MY question is: why the fuck were you looking for guy lines in a perfect movie???
Dr. Strangelove
comments: This isn't a comedy. Unless comedies have you sobbing while you laugh.
Reefer Madness
comments: This isn't -supposed- to be a to watch when stoned and away from sharp objects.
Pee-wee's Big Adventure
comments: I'm not kidding. This movie makes modern gross-out comedies look like cow dung. It is supposed to be a comedy (With drama).

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: My guilty little pleasure.
E.M. Forster
comments: He somehow manages to capture the mixture of cynicism and idealism that I strive for, all the while acknowledging and celebrating in the beauty of the world and humanity as a whole.
John Fowles
comments: For The Magus and A Maggot (which was a little silly, really), but I haven't read the French Lieutenant's Daughter yet.
comments: His is a fully realized fictional world. Obsession or greatness? Does it matter?
comments: Of the Fyodor type. The Karamazov Brothers is good, and I'll be reading Crime and Punishment next.

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last updated: 2011-02-02 03:26:44
this user's total entries: 1235
user since: 2001-10-24

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