Here we go round the prickly pear, at five o'clock in the morning...

The number of garbage disposal related deaths is probably highly underreported. I mean, who wouldn't be ashamed? Beware!

My favorite diaries:

sasori-gal profile - diary
comments: A fellow Kim. I used to read her all the time when I was still gemini5238.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Why didn't I find her sooner?
unclebob profile - diary
comments: He's on everyone else's favorite list, so you know, when in Rome.
onewetleg profile - diary
comments: Fabulous, simply fabulous!

My favorite music:

Pink Floyd
comments: Need I say more? No. I needent.
Duran Duran
comments: Her name is Rio, oh yes, and she dances on that sand. Have you ever tried to dance on sand? I did, once. Tequila was implicated in the crime but we had no proof as I'd thrown up the evidence.

My favorite movies:

Gone With The Wind
comments: I even went and saw it when it was re-released. Yep, I was #5 in the 8 that did.
The Craft
comments: Wish I was a witch in high school. There would have been a fuck of a lot more bald cheerleaders.

My favorite authors:

Steven King
comments: Oh, leave me alone.
Margaret Atwood
comments: "Waste not, want not. I am not being wasted, why do I want. I know why the paintings of the irises on the wall have no glass in them..."
Margaret George
comments: Love historical fiction, love it.
VC Andrews
comments: Again, leave me alone. Bathtub reading.

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last updated: 2005-08-08 00:13:05
this user's total entries: 24
user since: 2005-07-17

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