Hush, hush...

I am obsessed, what more is there to say? I'm incredibly dull and suffer from several mental disorders. Doesn't that just make you want to read about my life? ;) I'm a ring whore, a lotr sister/wife, pirate wench and the original Evil Demon Pygmy Monkey�.

My favorite diaries:

FanFickle profile - diary
comments: For the most fickle of fans
Psycho-Chibi profile - diary
comments: "Lost my train of thought. Brainfog sucks."
lotrsisters profile - diary
comments: "I lurv my Sisters, I really do. They are quite possibly one of the greatest groups ever to grace this existance. It's loverly to be able to share my dreams, my fears, my hopes, and complaints with someone and not feel judged or condemned."
Setterwind profile - diary
comments: Some things are better left unsaid... (this is my writing diary)
Smockgirl profile - diary
comments: "Just my last name is cool too, it can spell UZI RENTAL! I mean, you'd be cool too if you had a last name that could be rearranged to spell nazi."
Aviclark profile - diary
comments: "There was something else I wanted to talk about, but it went away. Damn it. All I know is that tuna is gross."
Secretanya profile - diary
comments: "Just what exactly does psychological problems mean? :s *is confused*."
GreyJedi profile - diary
comments: "I'm gradually vanishing so I can disappear for good."
Hobbity profile - diary
comments: "Ah, it feels good to let this out. Sometimes my mom can be so annoying. I cannot convey in writing her irritating habits to their full extent. But this will have to do."
Queenmab95 profile - diary
comments: Anyone who can say watching Two Towers is equally exciting as getting engaged is genius in my book! :)
Angrystarlyt profile - diary
comments: Comment coming to a screen near you...
Witchweekly profile - diary
comments: *blinks*
Lassofskye profile - diary
comments: Fellow Sister and U2 lover! :)
lotrsis-news profile - diary
comments: Yay! More power to the Sisters!
Tocomfortyou profile - diary
comments: Diana, SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Evenstargirl profile - diary
comments: Um... I'm all out of snazzy comments right now, but you rock none the less!
And profile - diary
comments: Tea, you rock my world!
Billypip profile - diary
comments: Jo is a most wonderful hobbit.... yesssssss sssssssssshe issssssss!
Clarinerd profile - diary
comments: The one and only clarinet playing elf!
Falling0star profile - diary
comments: She likes LOTR, Josh Groban, and adores Eomer as well, she's perfect!
Spunky-Wunky profile - diary
comments: The Dark Lady herself complete with Sauron a quaint home in Mordor.
Evermind profile - diary
comments: Sydney!!! Squeeeeeeeeedom!
Eisyel profile - diary
comments: My lyric diary.
Imaginez profile - diary
comments: LOTR Sister named Jen, does it get any better than this?
Phoenixchild profile - diary
comments: The infamous Phoebe!
Aine22 profile - diary
comments: mmmmmmm Dev *fondles*
Rainbowmyst profile - diary
comments: Tis Ly, my loverly wenchy wife!
Halladolwen profile - diary
comments: Tis Devora, my newly acquainted and entirely shaggable wife!
The-catgirl profile - diary
Morgolwen profile - diary
Pink-me profile - diary
Kayme profile - diary
Mad-Entwife profile - diary
Tillikins profile - diary
Mylostangel profile - diary
Ticky21 profile - diary
Greenjell0 profile - diary
Puffkrispy profile - diary
comments: My secret Gypsy lover ::wink wink::
Dernhelm profile - diary
Discarnate profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: The Irish whomp! Wanker...
Sarah Brightman
comments: She has the voice and the face of an angel.
comments: I love her music, it is just so relaxing.
comments: Goo Goo Dolls, The Wallflowers, Gin Blossoms, Vertical Horizon, Splender, Fuel, and Lifehouse.
comments: Jekyll & Hyde, Scarlet Pimpernel, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Sunset Boulevard, and well pretty much anything and everything else by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

My favorite movies:

The Lord of the Rings
comments: Of course I'm going to list this, it's only been a long time obsession.
Moulin Rouge
comments: I love musicals and this one was most excellent.
comments: I've been a long time fan, it was good to see it finally come to the big screen.
comments: Schindler's List, The English Patient, Wuthering Heights, Washington Square, and American History X, Gangs of New York, The Pianist.
comments: 10 Things I Hate About You, Sliding Doors, The Very Thought of You, and The Emperor's New Groove, Pirates of the Caribbean, Possession.

My favorite authors:

Ann Rinaldi
comments: I just happen to be intrigued by history and her historical fiction is just riveting.
Anne Rice
comments: I'm a sucker for vampires, there's just something about them.
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: I'd be insane if I left him off.
The Classics
comments: I love the classics, ie: Jane Austen, The Brontes, Louisa May Alcott, Gaston Leroux, Victor Hugo, and James Fenimore Cooper.
comments: John Grisham, James Patterson, and yeah a little Christopher Pike.

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last updated: 2005-01-10 23:26:02
this user's total entries: 80
user since: 2001-07-18

AOL IM name: Eisyel
ICQ number: 106548103
Yahoo Messenger name: Raziel_Parker
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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