messages to kelsi:
(click here to add new message):

from orangepeeler :
Oh that's great about your dog! :)
from jarofporter :
hey, thanks for the note! the amount of weight you pull isn't as important as the ratio to your own body weight. if you're deadlifting somewhere around your body weight (or over), that's a pretty good lift! i love to hear that women are lifting weights, i think everyone should to an extent - keep it up! (i'd be interested in reading about your weight lifting, if you'd care to write about it!)
from orangepeeler :
oh, you didn't miss much!! Urrgggh
from toejam :
I freaked the fuck out when Diaryland went down. Seriously, I felt like my life over. I wrote to Andrew and told him I would take over this thing if he's burned out and I mean it. Anyway, please send me homemade pudding, especially tapioca.
from orangepeeler :
Ah hey, if Diaryland went kaput, I'd definitely miss your diary.
from orangepeeler :
"Wouldn't it be terrible to just have to do what you want to do and eat popsicles all day long." No, it wouldn't be. Doing nothing is underrated.
from narcissa :
Ready for chapter 2 please. I have no idea what your prompt was alas, so I can’t proceed independently
from orangepeeler :
Oof, I hope you get over it soon. "Miserabled" <3
from jarofporter :
if you have a sinus infection, i'd suggest you do *not* use a neti pot! it will end up spreading the infection to other sinus cavities and make things much worse. ask me how i know! ;-)
from orangepeeler :
Sam's much better. It turns out he has a bad hip from a previously undiagonised fracture that healed poorly, so he's going to need an operation to cut out the arthritic part (oof). He's on painkillers now. A touch sore after a walk, but happy and livelier now. Thank you for asking!
from orangepeeler :
2023-11-02: I'm absolutely tickled at this idea of you and your coffee berry. :)
from dangerspouse :
You measure things in Skor bars? That's so stupid. The international unit is the York Peppermint Patty. Also, there's a WNBA now??
from nerryna :
I, too, now am curious about the great Lance Bass. Who would have thought?? Definitely not the 1999 me either.
from narcissa :
Omg I CANNOT wait to go find out what is so great about Lance Bass
from orangepeeler :
Ooh I hope your dog feels better... Only a day into my holiday, and I already sorely miss my own dog, oof!
from dangerspouse :
Well of COURSE a nail color obsessed chick is gonna like the Barbie movie. But ok, based on your admonishment I'll give it a go. Someday. (Lovely old joke: Why is there no Pregnant Barbie? Because Ken comes in a different box.) Thanks for the well wishes, and for liking my cat. At least we have that in common :)
from orangepeeler :
"My house is cooler and more modern than I am and it's intimidating to live here." <snort>
from orangepeeler :
Oooh! A hummingbird, how exciting!
from alethia :
Yes. My life does feel like cumulative heartbreak.
from swordfern :
50 miles!!!! Seriously impressive.
from orangepeeler :
Snort: "It was actually my most successful 50 from a gastrointestinal standpoint." Yay! Well done!!
from narcissa :
Hope your run goes well!! Full respect, I don’t know how you motivate to train for something like that
from swordfern :
Sorry about the smoke. Sounds like you have it worse than us over here in BC. :(
from orangepeeler :
May 17: Oof re: company layoffs. That sucks. May you get to buy every single thing you want to buy into the future.
from toejam :
I named my now twelve year old kitten, Patootamous Prime because of his propensity for the tooting when I got him. He goes by Tooty or Cutey Patooty.
from orangepeeler :
Yes, consumption would be an excellent way to expire (aside from coughing up blood) : languishing in bed, with a book in one hand, listening to birdsong as one softly fades away.
from narcissa :
ok, there is ONLY one kind that is the best kind, and that is the old school 5220. Do not be tempted by new versions with presets or attachments to mill your own flour or whatever. i think 5220 is the one that Costco usually has.
from narcissa :
congrats, i guess, and welcome to golden handcuff life!! we can never leave, we can only just buy vitamixes and increasingly complicated sports accoutrements.
from narcissa :
my vitamix was stupid expensive, but i got it in 2012 and i still use it all time, so I just tell myself it's amortized : )
from narcissa :
when i'm not getting enough calories, my vitamix is the best thing i ever bought... it's so easy to make something delicious to drink - i throw in beets/kale/ginger/apple. OR i do banana/protein powder/peanut butter. OR roasted squash/ginger/broth ... etc. i think it's easier to get more calories when i don't have to use my teeth because i'm lazy that way.
from narcissa :
thanks for the note : ) I want you to know that months later I have more than once thought about your screenplay with diaryland members in the crime ring and I'd definitely watch that.
from narcissa :
agh, i think it all starts from going OFF birth control about 4 years ago. Thx for sharing, will think about what i need to do. I keep thinking: if this was happening to men, the whole world would be constructed differently.
from jarofporter :
i'm probably the only person i know who actually likes daylight saving time...
from a-d-w :
once i started reading your diary from the start, but it felt weird so i stopped i guess.
from swordfern :
Haha, the dog poop story made me laugh. You have a gift of transforming a nightmare situation into an amusing anecdote.
from orangepeeler :
17-12-22: this is an excellent idea.
from orangepeeler :
My writing workshop teacher didn't literally rip it up! She just urged huge changes, which would have made it an entirely different poem. But yeah that would be a hilarious writing prompt. :D
from toejam :
I got FOUR silver fillings between the ages of 12 and 15. And they have been the bane of my existence (I can out vane anybody). I've been begging for so many years, twice a year since those tooth colored fillings came out, to replace my silver fillings and nobody will. Even if I make up stories and tell them that the fillings cause discomfort.
from orangepeeler :
"Aging secrets, guys! We need to talk to each other about these things!" I totes agree!
from boombasticat :
Re: comments. It really is just an alternate reality, isn't it?
from narcissa :
Snorted out loud at that trombone joke ❤️
from jarofporter :
never tried lemonade - i always mix it in with my flavored protein powder (especially good with the casein types). make sure to shake/stir often, as psyllium likes to settle out, and then you're left with a big slug of goop with no liquid left!
from jarofporter :
yeah, what's the deal with that anyway? i mean, we got by without psyllium for decades...
from orangepeeler :
Ha! It's all true. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up in this small town in Ireland...
from jarofporter :
so where is this next weird al movie then? is it supposedly going to be out this year?? we need more al!
from narcissa :
that's how i feel about my elementary school's production of "annie" that i went to see with my dad when i was four. In my memory they had a real helicopter on stage.
from swordfern :
Happy birthday to your dog!
from narcissa :
Oh nooooo so awful, feel better soon!!!
from jarofporter :
i've used taxact for years, i think it's great! glad it found extra money for you.
from swordfern :
Ugh, hope that you feel better soon.
from swordfern :
Your note came at just the right time on a hard day. You're the best!
from swordfern :
I'm reading a book right now, and I think that you ghost wrote it? Their writing style is just like yours! It's a great book so far, despite it being science fiction. Thanks for writing Project Hail Mary under a pseudonym! Or is 'Kelsi' your pseudonym? Hmmm.
from jarofporter :
Happy B-day!
from swordfern :
Happy Birthday! 'Stressed/distressed' resonates. I think the 'distressed' aspect is often overlooked in conversations about mental health in the workplace. Rooting for you on your pursuit of change!
from orangepeeler :
Happy birthday! Hoping for good changes for you this year. :)
from jarofporter :
yeah, sorry, that guy sucks, just tell him directly you're not interested. and thanks for your note! question: do you find your 'secret' journal helpful at all, even though nobody can read it/share their thoughts?
from swordfern :
I wonder if dude hasn't dated in the digital age yet? Still, he should know better. So annoying! Red flags galore.
from orangepeeler :
pesky dude texters - arrgghhh
from swordfern :
The story about driving the lady around had me on tenterhooks. I thought for sure that it was going to take a nasty turn. Oh, and the trauma of a reset device or a new device is understated. It's like moving apartments. You can't find anything, and the world feels strange. Ugh!
from swordfern :
What do you watch when you're sick if not terrible Channing Tatum romance movies? Dear John! The Vow! Okay, maybe there are only two terrible Channing Tatum romance movies.
from dangerspouse :
Barf mouth is not a factor if she's got a nice rack. Learn about men, yo.
from narcissa :
Ew ew ew…… blergh
from dangerspouse :
Thanks! He is rather handsome, ain't he? I figure at least one of the males in this house has to be, so I guess he can stay. And ooo, my wife loves Only Murders in the Building. Haven't watched it myself, but I hear her laughing at it all the time.
from narcissa :
re: your mystery. I've seen my across-the-hall neighbour just STEP OVER boxes that arrive for her that are sitting on her doorstep. Like, she'll come home and just leave them there. Sometimes they'll go missing a day or two later and she'll send around a message like, "hey, I know this box arrived because i saw it and i was going to get it and i didn't because i was going to get it later and now it's gone, has anyone seen it?" And that's how i know i will never understand anyone.
from jarofporter :
not sure if you'd be interested, but two websites i enjoy that tend not to focus on negativity are '', and ''. if you are ok with metaphysical stuff (and can handle weird writers who might be somewhat off their rocker!), '' is kind of fun too!
from swordfern :
I've slipped into managing people/projects, and I hate it. I'm seriously considering going back to work in the new year and getting rid of the project management aspects of my job. Do some people actually like being a PM or do they all do it for the extra cash? I just want do listen to music while I do technical work like I used to. I think I need a career coach or therapy or something? Why does PM'ing cause me so much stress? Okay now I'm rambling on your notes page and want to delete it all. Happy New Year!!!
from jarofporter :
"I still would rather be retired/independently wealthy" - i so agree with this, and am currently working towards that goal. hopefully, you've got a plan & can work towards it too!
from narcissa :
All right, I’m going to say that two wrongs may make a right. I don’t feel like continuing in this timeline til 2030 so you better do something now while you have the opportunity. Thanks for taking this on for the rest of us
from jarofporter :
one vote for yes, run the race!
from swordfern :
I thought of you the other day as I was removing rocks from my shoes. Shame about the dahlia theft. The note that I'd leave at the scene of the crime would consist only of a sad face. :(
from jarofporter :
it's been helpful, but seeing patterns takes a long time. still worth the expense though...
from jarofporter :
"It's a long weekend and I feel bruised, like I just need to hide out and sleep and watch the best movie in the world (whatever that may be). The days are so perfect and beautiful right now, though, that it's a shame to waste them. So - maybe I'll do some stuff this weekend." - exactly how i'm feeling right now...
from orangepeeler :
"Yes, I know I'm being a little melodramatic about the house, but where can we be melodramatic if not in our secret online diaries?" YES!!!
from narcissa :
May 19: thanks, I appreciate it.
from narcissa :
crying sounds about right. What else is there to do, there are apparently no other rational responses.
from narcissa :
march 3- Not sure why it helps to know someone else knows that it sure is fucking hard, but it does. Thanks.
from jarofporter :
happy belated b-day to you!
from misfitstray :
Thank you!
from jarofporter :
cussing at those seditious fucks is exactly why i can't watch any of it. i really hope enough republicans grow a conscience and vote to impeach. failing that, i hope drumph gets sent to prison for decades for all the other illegal shit he's done...
from misfitstray :
Thank you! How is it going with your house? Any more plans?
from jarofporter :
1/20 - again, agree!
from jarofporter :
i completely agree with your post today about trump & the fucking idiot mob at the capital, and wrote as much on my own journal. i hope they 25th amendment that asshat...
from jarofporter :
congrats on passing the exam!
from orangepeeler :
12-14-20: Amen!
from misfitstray :
I'm nowhere near master-levels in renovating. And it sure doesn't look master-level-like in it's finished form. haha. You have time for the next 100 years at least, to get your house in shape, so there's no rush. I'm a bit envious because you have a whole new house. I would want that too. :)
from misfitstray :
Congratulations on your new home! How exciting! Do you move in alone or with that man and puppy living with you in your house at the moment?
from dangerspouse :
Damn your work. Humanity weeps our loss.
from dangerspouse :
What kind of camera are you using? Can you spot meter so the sky doesn't get blown out, without needing to process it back in? Sounds like it would be a terrific shot, if you get it (despite the horrah of it all). A reading chair by a fireplace is one of my dreams also :)
from dangerspouse :
A pound of exfoliation? Are you sure it wasn't the dog in the shower? That's some rough soap you're using otherwise, kid.
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god, I am so glad you can empathize with my petty complaint! I also enjoyed your laughter at my expense, thank you :)
from dangerspouse :
Congrats on the new house!! Hope you manage to plug your dog's leaks before he christens it.
from swordfern :
That house sounds so perfect. Hope it works out for you and your dog!
from jarofporter :
awesome, congrats! :-)
from jarofporter :
good luck on the house bid, hoping it works out for you!
from dangerspouse :
After watching some of the RNC fear-fest myself, I can tell you where I'd like to put some of your leftover yards of zucchini. (Bravo on the choco-zucch cake, though!)
from narcissa :
omg. 20 years. (but honestly it feels like 20 years). i hope you have something fun and outside-related planned this weekend (i'm stuck in 14 days of quarantine and the outside world looks so tempting)
from narcissa :
aug 10: i would 100% read more kerry mason. xox
from dangerspouse :
Thank you so much!
from narcissa :
july 10: i think you can push it to at least 728 : ) Totally worth it! Fridays!
from narcissa :
june 4. i do. It could just be a protest-fueled wave of optimism but I do think things are going to change. doesn't it feel like there's a large and diverse group of people genuinely reflecting on what they contribute to, how things could be different, and resolving to be part of it? But i live in a bubble.
from dangerspouse :
Whole grains! Wow, I bet that was terrific. I gotta give that a try. Well done, Young Glasshoppa! Seriously, I'm both flattered and impressed here.
from dangerspouse :
Am I the only one who wants change, but not necessarily progress?
from dangerspouse :
I'm so sorry I missed your note when you posted it! Wow, you're still making that bread, huh? I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. I'm so glad you like it, and I didn't fuck up the instructions somehow! Yeah, about the tampons...I'm sure the lady would never have dreamed of imposing on me/us. She probably let her need slip while chatting with NewWifey(tm), who had far less etiquette about these things and so prevailed upon me. Strangely enough, that didn't bother me. 4 kid sisters growing up, which meant I was the only sibling with a car for a long time, and often tasked with doing all the grocery shopping on my way home from school. Then various girlfriends and now a wife, all of whom were/are rather unconcerned with my level of discomfort in all things. All that to say, this wasn't unusual for me, or uncomfortable. Especially since it added an extra element to my story :)
from dangerspouse :
I'm jealous of your garden! I could even kill pictures of plants. Well done, really. And great job replacing the sensor on the car on the cheap. You're getting through this just fine, it appears :)
from swordfern :
Ahhh I enjoy your entries. You are a ray of sunshine! Gardening and running and pup updates. Sadly no mention of sourdough, though. <3
from swordfern :
I think I might 'cycle to work' tomorrow. Why miss one of the best parts of my day just because my office is now 3 steps from my bed? Thanks for the idea!!!!
from dangerspouse :
Thank you for saying that! My kitchen really is my Happy Place :)
from jarofporter :
yes, happy b-day! btw, where did you see a score on that game? (i can't stop playing it!)
from swordfern :
Happy birthday!!! 🎁
from linguafranca :
Happy birthday!
from dangerspouse :
Let that be a lesson to you. Never check the news.
from jarofporter :
thanks for the b-day note!
from swordfern :
You were married? *reads back into your archives* (Happy New Year!!)
from dangerspouse :
Happy New Year! I hope the start of this decade begins with fewer broken ribs than the start of the 90's did. It's cool that you like your new job training. I didn't know you worked in the coffee industry.
from dangerspouse :
Welcome back! Good to know the dog is getting some rest.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks very much!
from dangerspouse :
Merry Christmas, babe! I hope you never look like Lizzo.
from jarofporter :
here's a new note!! :-)
from jarofporter :
What kind of coding are you doing? I'm thinking of going back to school to learn a bit more...
from swordfern :
Glad to hear the paid training thing is working out well! And I'm impressed with you getting all of the things done - re-potting plants, baking, tending leather footwear... and cleaning your shower curtain! Ugh, that reminds me how horrible mine is at the moment. Anyhow, sounds like you're experiencing a satisfying flow. :)
from jarofporter : - ;-)
from narcissa :
11-12: did you see the full moon last night? so beautiful (from Washington DC)! Now I think of you when i see moons, which is a nice thing. I always wish i was a welder too instead of a chump inside at a desk, ughhhh. Hope it was good today.
from misfitstray :
I really don't envy you for the early winter over there. I'm so glad that the snow and ice hasn't arrived here yet. It had a few frosty mornings but that's it, for now.
from narcissa :
10-17: wait, i'm confused! You quit your job AND you will have the training? Or.. you quit your job and that means no training? Regardless - wooo! i hope you get a break between.
from jarofporter :
nancy drew series? where can i find that? i read all those books! (after getting through the entire hardy boys series, and before reading all the trixie belden series too!) what? i was a pre-teen at the time! lol
from jarofporter :
thanks! it'll be more fun once i get everything dialed in and aligned so it's more comfortable, but i'm enjoying it!
from narcissa :
haha i just threw it out there based on.. nature? i don't know : )
from narcissa :
i had to look up beryl markham! So that was very delightful. Also - i like how you thought of the moon and this week when i saw the moon (in tanzania) i thought of that and you looking at it in .. colorado?
from a-d-w :
"Remember when Gwyneth Paltrow was starring in all these movies and we were just supposed to sit there and take it?" i think you just wrote the most perfect thing on the internet
from swordfern :
THANK YOU!!!! I'm going to print out your note and pin it to my cubicle. Fantasy response #1: "Are you on medication?" Fantasy response #2: "What are you hoping to achieve with this email?" Fantasy response #3: "Did you just ask me for $36? LOL!" Poor guy. I pity the next woman who gets involved with him. He just 100% confirmed my decision to end the relationship.
from swordfern :
What's wrong with cilantro? I'd take it off your hands if I lived near you!!!
from boombasticat :
Thanks so much for your kindness.
from swordfern :
Awww, thanks, Kels. My 'walk of shame' hair shall be forever documented in the company photo directory ;)
from a-d-w :
sometimes i have to stop a minute and listen to my instincts. sometimes my instincts are wrong. all the time it works out fine, we figure it out. you'll figure it out, because you're rad
from jarofporter :
wait for the house that's really right for you, minimal repairs, etc.
from swordfern :
If you are happy where you are, then why buy/move? I wasn't reading you at the start of your house hunting so I might have missed if you shared your reasons for wanting to own.
from jarofporter :
from swordfern :
Ahh congrats! Exciting and scary!
from swordfern :
Hmm.. now you have me thinking about racing. Not sure about 'winning' races in this city - the level of athleticism here is insane - but the idea of not sucking is alluring. I've never run a half marathon... thx for seeds of an idea...
from swordfern :
I totally thought this story was going to end with you discovering that he ate the squeaky pig.
from dramathighs :
meh. I wrote this long message about how we live in parallel universes and our dogs being dickheads, but at the same time, not knowing they are being dickheads. but then diaryland just deleted it. yet I don't think I have to write it all over again. because we live in parallel universes. so you've already written this to me. or something. like. that.
from jarofporter :
if you're coming down with something, you might want to give this a shot? i held off/cured an upper resp. infection this way, doing it 3-4 times/day, didn't even need any meds to get through it. no prob if you're not into it, but thought i'd offer it up (if you have any questions, let me know!)
from swordfern :
Ahh so exciting! Hope it works out in your favour!!
from swordfern :
Invisibobble is a swimming hair game changer. Also running hair. Maybe it's a wavy hair thing, but all other kinds of hair elastics are a nightmare for me to remove after sports. One and done.
from dangerspouse :
Thanks very much! (Did the cops arrest Creepy Fence Crawler Guy? Are there gonna be repercussions?)
from narcissa :
4/17:thanks for your note... for some reason that was such a hard entry for me to write. Also: wait, if i eat protein after a long bike ride/workout/run will my quads not have daggers? I thought that was just the deal we had. You amaze me with all your casual mentions of these things you juggle - your puppy, your other puppy and his roommate, apartment fixing, extreme athletics, work, house hunting. omg.
from jarofporter :
hey kels, thanks for taking the time to leave me a note about my gma, it was comforting to see.
from narcissa :
4/9 - UGH that is stressful. You're still renting, right? still.
from swordfern :
Glad to hear that I'm not alone in my lack of desire for a couch. I'm guessing that it's a symbol of commitment/permanency/inertia.
from swordfern :
I woke up today with three zits and thought of you and felt less alone in my sporadic adult acne.
from linguafranca :
I eyeball those granola cups every time I go to Costco and I will NEVER buy them because I can tell just by looking at them that I’d eat the whole box in 2 days.
from narcissa :
3-24: this just happened to me a couple weeks ago with the David Gray!! Mine was “sail away”, but still... WHAAAAA? WHYYYY? As part of this experience I encountered his new music : /
from swordfern :
If you can go back to this same job, then why not take the paid training? It will jazz up your routine, bulk up your resume, and expose you to new things. If your writing and intelligence displayed here is indication of your career potential, then you are destined for something far more compelling than 'female administrative support'.
from jarofporter :
i feel like this movie could be either the highlander, or crocodile dundee, although i know it's actually neither!
from swordfern :
Happy Yesterday Birthday!! That house heating system sounds amazing. I'd probably spend most of each winter sitting on the grate.
from narcissa :
2/19: 1. i've been making all the sourdough too! on some level want to quit my job and *just* make sourdough 2. you too with the eyelids and the face? Ugh. Trying to cut out all the different things but it's hard. Thanks for the sympathy and reminder there's life after it. 3. I would watch that movie. i might throw stuff at it as i was watching, but i'd still be there right til the end.
from a-d-w :
no plans beyond finding a rock to hide under forever after
from a-d-w :
i thought of you today when i quit my job
from dangerspouse :
The prospect of replacing a radiator in a 9 degree garage would make me have to powder my nose too.
from swordfern :
If you're into sourdough, I suspect that you'd also have a talent for soap. It's not difficult and evokes the joy of highschool chemistry labs. It's like baking that doesn't require running a million miles to wear off the results.
from swordfern :
(also, thx for reading along. it's really nice.)
from swordfern :
Soap! I've been making it for years. And then I started a side hustle last year, but it essentially died in the midst of my relationship failure. I'll obvs have to rebrand now that I'm leaving that town.. well.. maybe not??
from swordfern :
Kelsi. Yes. Thank you. "’s laying a lot on you." This is what I've been feeling was having a hard time describing. And you know what? I think all of the background info just makes things murky - your fresh perspective is very welcome.
from swordfern :
Yes! Thank you. This idea - that everything that happens is perfection - is something that I've talked about with a few people lately. It's sometimes hard to see in the moment, but later it becomes clear the lessons that you learned and how much you've grown as a result.
from dangerspouse :
You made sourdough bread! Woot! Woot! I'll assumed you saved some of the saved some of the starter, right? Whew. Good. Next up for you, I predict: homemade kombacha! That's the way these things usually progress.
from a-d-w :
sooo... you essentially have to grow your sourdough?
from swordfern :
I also don't know how I missed reading you after all of these years. Your writing is... well.... SO GOOD. I can't wait to get to know you better. "My future was my own again, and I was my own again" resonates strongly with me. I hope that's true for me too. ps. Your shit story haunted me for days. Ugggghhhh.
from dangerspouse :
Yes! Spread the word, sister! My Christmas decorations are still up, tinsel and all, and will say up DAMMIT until at least the 27th. It's the one and only birthday present I ask for every year. Fie, Scrooge, on the rest of you! (Alrighty, homemade yogurt! Mmmmmm. So, what is this fabuloso meal you'll be making? Do tell.)
from linguafranca :
One time my sister in law told me a story about a colleague in whose steam iron a mouse had opted to die and decompose and she didn’t discover it until she turned on the steam iron to use it and it exploded in some way, leaving steamed decomposed mouse all over her and her clothing. This story is still worse than your story, and now you too know both. You’re welcome.
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god, it was only two entries ago you wrote "Also I dreamed I was barfing and pooping at the same time." It's kismet, or prescient, or something! Ok, it was disgusting at the time. But consider this: if your toilet ever stops working and you can't get out to use the restroom at McDonald's, that dog is gonna come in very handy.
from dangerspouse :
I hope the doggie infested apartment dream comes true for you in 2019. The pooping barfs, not so much. Happy new year :)
from jarofporter :
when i checked a few months ago, the flight to frankfurt alone, was around $2500, hence the estimate. maybe it's changed? will have to look again! :-)
from jarofporter :
I don't really 'plan' on dying, I think my subconscious mind has just latched onto it as an irrational fear. Depression does weird things to the mind...
from dangerspouse :
Hey listen Kelsi, I know you seem to have soured on me following my most recent post, but I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas. You're still one of my favorite bloggers in the whole of the blogging blogosphere. I hope this holiday stretch is as festive as you want it to be. It already snowed, so you're at least part way there. And you saw the puppy! And the of-lesser-importance puppy roommate! Many more,, Kelsi! :)
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god. WAS I being dishonest with myself, employing defense mechanisms to keep from having to face up to the fact that I was in the wrong? I didn't think so as I was banging out that entry, but who knows? Maybe you're right. I'll have to do some serious introspection now. I'd really hate for that to be the case, but if it is I'd rather know and be more aware of it in the future. Thanks for the note. (ps. I'm really curious to hear how your fermented peppers come out.)
from dangerspouse :
12/14 Holy shit what a depressing entry. Did my scythe-like retort cut you that deep? I'M SORRY! I'll send you cookies. Cookies! Cheer up!!
from jarofporter :
I don't do well with (awkward) silences, and we don't have enough in common anymore to carry on conversations much beyond 'catching up'. I can speak on almost anything, but am the absolute worst at instigating conversation. i do understand what you're saying, but outside of relationships, all silences are awkward to me.
from dangerspouse :
Your turn.
from dangerspouse :
Oh yeah? Well you're a poopy head!!
from dangerspouse :
I'm not on Facebook but if you're really jonesing for a good old fashioned internet beat-down, then in the name of friendship you're welcome to start in with me here in the notes section. I promise to neither hold back my ill concealed contempt, nor be swayed by reason. It'll be just like the real thing! (And your dog probably took the shoe so the smell of you would comfort him. Either that, or he was looking into your sole.)
from dangerspouse :
That's really weird. My packing tape smells like poop! I think I should find a better place to store it. I hope you get over your (viral) cold soon. But congrats on the fast T-day run! Some things are worth the puke. Well done.
from narcissa :
21 Nov: i just clicked way back to get all caught up (having been mired in my own head for months) and then i put together that you're also in some kind of transition, and so sending you the thoughts on that because it's hard but also i'm with danger - MORE ON THE CROW ARREST PLEASE
from dangerspouse :
So I came crawling back to Diaryland and posted an entry, then immediately clicked on your own to catch up on how you and the puppy, puppy's roommate, job, period, car, etc. were doing. And they were doing so much! But the only thing I can remember, and the only thing I want to know more about, is: WHAT THE HELL WAS THE 'CROW SHIT ARREST' ABOUT??
from jarofporter :
*sigh* you weren't supposed to see that...
from misfitstray :
Thank you! :)
from narcissa :
10-10: thanks for your message. Really good to remember it's ok to feel however. Easier said than done, you know?
from narcissa :
thanks, i think everything's ok... but every time he laughs hard (which is often, because he's funny), i have a little spasm of anxiety.
from jarofporter :
and thanks, i know i'm a bit over-the-top, but it was how i honestly felt. new entry explains things a bit.
from jarofporter :
wrigleyville's awesome, my sis lived there for several years.
from jarofporter :
is the eye thing something like, they're blurry so you rub them, and maybe it gets better, maybe not? i usually wet my fingers in the sink then rub my eyes a bit, usually goes away. I thought this was normal? but he thinks it's ducts? makes sense - I'll have to remember the hot cloth.
from jarofporter :
from jarofporter :
sorry you're having a tough time of it right now. :-(
from jarofporter :
"things will get better."...
from jarofporter :
yep, 1960 Dodge Matador - only made in 1960, only 27000 total made, which includes 2-dr, 4dr sedan, 4dr hard top, and 4dr wagon! No idea why they parked it, but the dealer I got it from found it in a field in Oklahoma, been sitting since 1970 or so!
from jarofporter :
Totally agree, it's a great word, just haven't heard/seen it in ages - kudos for keeping it going! :-)
from jarofporter :
Ha! Choades... :-P
from misfitstray :
And speedy recovery wishes for your Dad! I hope that he'll be all healthy again very soon.
from misfitstray :
I was the same while I was doing triathlons. Directly after finishing one I was like "oh no, I'm never doing a triathlon again" and then after a week or so I thought "it would be nice to do another..." and then when I'm at the Starting-line I think to myself, "why am I doing all this to myself?" So, a 100-miler next? :) I heard that there's a nice one in Japan - around Mt Fuji... I've been following Adam Campbell from Canada for a long time on Twitter and Instagram. (adam campbell @campbelladam79) He is a very nice and VERY good long distance/Ultra-Runner. He did this Mt Fuji Ultra and got 2nd overall. And I think, if I remember right, that he's the 50 miles Canadian Champion.
from jarofporter :
good to hear your dad's improving.
from misfitstray :
Congratulations to you finishing the 50 miler! Well done! I'm thiniking about coming back to dland, but haven't decided yet. I'm still in fear that one day it'll be shut down.
from jarofporter :
50 miles is disgustingly impressive. I still struggle with a mile, nice work!
from jarofporter :
that's why challenging people come into our lives - we still have things to learn.
from jarofporter :
thanks. yeah, re: guaranteed heartbreak, that's why i'm probably never getting another animal. too hard to deal with.
from a-d-w :
how did i never factor the apocalypse into my decision to get lasik or not? gonna ring the optometrist now
from dangerspouse :
Well, ok, as long as you didn't wussy out and reverse course. But I personally think there are instances where pulling out the flamethrower is entirely appropriate. Especially when dealing with men. You know how they are. You practically have to swat them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper just to get them to acknowledge your presence in the room sometimes. Getting it through to them that you have a real, actual, concern that requires action on their part WITHOUT the use of profanities and 150dB slights on their good name is gonna be an exercise in teary eyed futility. (At least if my own personality is any indication of the gender as a whole.) But again, I'm glad you're sticking to your guns as far as the content of you rant goes, if not you choice of vocabulary delivering it. Best of luck here. In all sincerity, I hope, like your subtitle, it works out for you.
from dangerspouse :
You...what? *thud*
from jarofporter :
I'm sorry. :(
from dangerspouse :
1. BlueDevil Head Gasket Sealer. 2. If we were capable of moments of clarity and/or self-loathing, we wouldn't have become DJ's.
from dangerspouse :
So I just got back after a 3 week hiatus and...whu-whu-whu-WHAT? You're un-single again? Is that what I'm being led to believe here? Dayum girl, way to stick to those guns. Oh well, I hope it works out better this time. Seriously. In other news: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOME DAYS AGO, SEAN ASTON! You too, Kelsi. Did I ever tell you I interviewed John Aston once, and he loved me because I remembered the stupid made-for-TV movie he starred in called "Evil Roy Slade"? If not, I just did. So yeah, many more :)
from dirtyboots :
I have just caught up on your diary. I miss diaryland a lot; stupid work takes up too much time. But a lot of what I miss about diaryland is reading your diary all the time. I hope things do their things and work out their things with you. All the best, dude. I'm cheering for you.
from linguafranca :
Thanks. It’s good to know it is possible to do this and not immediately and irrevocably screw up your hormones.
from a-d-w :
happy birthday dl-bud
from dangerspouse :
Hey, if you're feeling sad and pathetic then sad and pathetic diary entries are to be expected. I'm not taking you to task over it. I mean, who could take Ronald McDonald to task over anything? I do hope, as your tagline says, things work out your way soon, though. You're too nice, and talented, to keep incurring the universe's unjust wrath.
from dangerspouse :
Oops. Gotta put aside my sadness at your sadness for an IMPORTANT addendum: you don't even need yeast! Historically, the first loaves were made when wild yeast spores floating around in the air invaded damp flour. There's a whole community of bakers out there that still make their loaves this way. So if you life in a spore infested hellhole, you're in! Ok, back to being sad....
from dangerspouse :
You just learned Basic Tenet #1 of bread baking: "it doesn't matter". Hooray! As long as you have flour, yeast, and water, you can make bread. You don't even absolutely need sugar for the yeasties to feasties on. If you have the patience, the yeast will eventually devour the wheat 'au natural'. Play around with this, then. Less, or no, fat (milk, butter) will give you leaner breads. More fat means a softer loaf. Chinese breads often have you knead soft butter into the dough before the first rise, and that's an enjoyment in itself. Speaking of enjoyment, leaving you notes like this when you're obviously not having much enjoyment in your life right now outside of bread baking is...sad. I hope things get better for you. Soon. Hang in there, k?
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god - YOU LOAFED! And it worked!! Thank god. Thank god thank god thank god. I would have counted myself a failed god had TWO of my recipes tanked on you. Well done! Well done, I say! (And thanks for the nice mention.) Now then: forget plasma. Takes too long. Organs.
from dangerspouse :
See, I knew you'd get those tickets! Feminine intuition, thank you. And...stick to your guns. Better catches will come along. Don't settle.
from dangerspouse :
ps. I *knew* you'd be able to talk yourself into going to Chicago if you tried hard enough ;)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thanks very much for the sweet note of commiseration. And the other note. It reminded me of an old saying, "We die twice. The first time is when we die. The second time is the last time anyone says our name." Your friend Mary apparently still has a ways to go :)
from dangerspouse :
With the pup's roommate out of the picture, who would take the second seat of all those pairs of tickets (or would you scalp them)? Either way, I hope you get to as many concerts as you can afford - even the Boston one. Sounds like the distractions would do you good. Hang in there.
from narcissa :
i just caught up on your entries. I'm sorry too : /
from dangerspouse :
...lying "awake" nights. I only lie away after a spat with NewWifey(tm). Not that that ever happens....
from dangerspouse :
Cool! I hope you do try it...and it comes out better than my "apple pie in an apple" recipe for you. I'm still lying away nights wondering how you managed to fuck that one up, I'll have you know. But yeah - THIS one should work. If not, I'm coming out there with my own damn milk and I'll teach you how in person. Speaking of milk, your yukky dairy product should (hopefully) be ok, if my post's buttermilk substitution is any indication. Unlike the pudding recipe I posted the day before, there was no discernible "tang" in the bread. Sometimes the fermentation process seems to even out (devour?) secondary flavors. I mean, the sauerkraut bread I made was almost indistinguishable from good white bread, other than being more moist. No hint of sauer at all. So perhaps, maybe, HOPEFULLY, your second-rate-milk loaf will benefit from this treatment as well. If not...yeah, I'm coming out there. (I hope you get to make it to Chicago in time to see your band!)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, good job Kelsi! And don't worry about getting to bed so late. You can always sleep at your new job. (Yes, I'm predicting you'll get it. Feminine intuition, and all that.)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the birthday wishes, kid! You rock! Lol...the boots are almost 5 years old. Something tells me they're past their return date :)
from dangerspouse :
I'm with you. Lightroom et al just seem like...well, it's almost like you don't even have to bother even taking a picture at all any more. Just compose things in post. It's crazy. (Have I considered writing a magazine food column? Um...does Hustler even HAVE a food column? Lol...but no. I wouldn't know how to go about breaking into that world. Great idea though. I mean, I'm absolutely brilliant at that sort of thing and would become a guaranteed overnight sensation, as well as very, very wealthy. Right? RIGHT??)
from dangerspouse :
That ended so sadly. I hope things work out for the best, whether that means staying, or going. (Congrats on 5th!)
from dangerspouse :
I'm guessing the pumping thing is different than the pumping I'm used to seeing women do. I hope it is, anyway. Either way, I'm sorry your life is generally sucky right now, and hope it's temporary. Try hitting that heavy bag. Displaced aggression works wonders sometimes. Hang in there :)
from dangerspouse :
Don't get arrested. Yeah, three meals a day, roof over your head, regular sex. But...wait, what am I saying? That sounds GREAT.
from dangerspouse :
Oh Hallmark Channel. You never disappoint, or surprise.
from dangerspouse :
Iron a pillowcase? Too complicated! (Happy New Year, kid :) )
from dangerspouse :
If there's one thing that should be painfully apparent after reading my diary even once it's that I have no imagination. I demand visuals! If you do too, there's a stop-gap you can use until DL gets back up to snuff. Do what I did: start a free WordPress account, and use it as a repository for your photos. Then just cut-n-past the HTML code (it pops up automatically there) into your "Add an entry" box here. Even I can do it, and I'm a retard! But if even that's too much...I still love you, dammit. *sob* So Happy Holidays to you and yours also. Hope you get lots of good puppy kisses. At least :)
from dangerspouse :
For godsake, POST A PIC OF THE CHRISTMAS DOG! This is like reverse clickbait :(
from dangerspouse :
I'm not sure "lazy narcissists with a tenuous grip on reality" didn't describe most of us before the internets. It's just perhaps seared into our eyeballs with fewer and fewer breaks in between, now. Hope your bath went well.
from dangerspouse :
18th century British women playwrights were known as "squeegies"? You're right, that IS fascinating. (I was already privy to such knowledge, thanks to the impossibly cute historian Dr. Lucy Worsley courtesy of her BBC series "Harlots, Housewives and Heroines: A 17th Century History for Girls". As you're resolved to staying glued to the youtube, you might want to give it a click.)
from jarofporter :
thanks for the suggestions. :-)
from dangerspouse :
I've already posted pictures of my wife. * badum - bum *
from jarofporter :
Yeah, I agree that a drawing would be a great thank-you, but of what? I suck in the creativity department - any thoughts/suggestions?
from dangerspouse :
KEEP THE JOB!!! Don't leave a job until you have another lined up, remember your mom saying that? C'mon, no front desk duties! And sorry about the new puppy not being meant to be. You'll find another, more diminutive one, I'm sure. Wow - scary about your sister being in the fire's path. I hope they're spared.
from dangerspouse :
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your first time seeing one?
from dangerspouse :
Which wins: Raffaello coconut blobs or limited edition M&M's?
from dangerspouse :
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Maybe you should put water in your food, too. (Are you really getting a puppy for Christmas?? Wheeeee, I can't wait! PICTURES, DAMMIT!) Feel better, kid.
from dangerspouse :
Oh, she'll get more than that. (Welcome back!! I didn't comment while you were posting from those far climes, but I followed along.)
from a-d-w :
has every nzer you've met so far passive aggressively gotten you to gush about this place? it's an inborn trait in all of us
from dirtyboots :
Excellent New Zealand-ing. Well done. I feel like it's hard to mess up touristing in NZ. It's sooooo gooooood.
from dangerspouse :
I'm just catching up on your entries, and maaaaaaaaan am I jealous. Even of the bikini stripes. I never have any luck with those....
from dramathighs :
i heard a rumor that all calves heal in new zealand.
from jarofporter :
really diggin the new place, feels like home, especially with the huge garage! and now that the house is listed, i can finally start unpacking & putting the new place in order! yeah, cost of living is good around here - i've pondered moving elsewhere occasionally, but really, this city has everything.
from dangerspouse :
Aren't we all just smart robots, when you get right down to it? Sorry I missed the recruitment spot, though. All I get are spots for lawyers specializing in gunshot litigation - something I only need 2 or 3 times a year. Hey, I saw all those planet things you mentioned! One of the few perks of living in a part of the country where bear attacks are a very real possibility is a lack of any light pollution. As I'm out the door every morning at 3:30am I often get an unsullied celestial view. (Don't get me wrong, I'd swap that view for a job that lets me stay in bed til 9 in a heartbeat. But as long as I have to be up at buttcrack o'clock, at least I can take some solace in that.)
from dangerspouse :
Unwanted, and possibly damaging, advice from someone who's not your trainer: when I was learning the left cross my trainer first had me hold my arm out in what was basically the position it would be at impact, and just rotate my body into the heavy bag, starting with my legs. Once used to that, the transition to correct form (leg push, body uncoil, shoulder roll, arm extension) was a natural one. Oh: and aim for the BACK of the bag in your mind's eye. You won't believe the difference that makes in striking power. Go get 'em, champ.
from dangerspouse :
Damn, chica, I've been going back and reading all your entries I missed while I was away, and...damn, chica. Here I've been whining on about hammocks and deer and hangnails and stuff, while YOU'VE been dealing with job tectonics, puppy drama, puppy roomate drama, BIRDS POOPING ON YOUR NEW HAT! and the loss of CBS radio. Speaking of: I was an announcer on CBS for several years, and also on their sister station 1010WINS in NYC for at least a dozen. Er...I can't answer any of your questions about CBS. I just wanted to throw that out there to impress you. (Ok, ok. I listened to their online product through the link you gave. It seems they're tailoring their spots (pro tip: it's "spots", not "ads", so "spot sets", not "ad breaks". Live it. Learn it. Love it.) to the local market your ISP says you're in. So I'm hearing NY/NJ local ads...oops, spots... and probably not the spots you're hearing. Which is a shame, because I still know a number of their announcers and I might have been able to call him and tell him to pop a pseudoephedrine and do a better job selling steaks. Oh, and he's probably just a local producer or "board op" who is not an actual announcer but gets pressed into service to voice these local spots because it's a helluva a lot cheaper than keeping one of us golden voiced SAG/AFTRA gods on standby. So go easy on him. He probably has a dog who loves him.
from dangerspouse :
You're right, bears are known for giving bear hugs. It's their way of incapacitating prey before decapitation.
from jarofporter :
Yeah, he remembered, and he fubar'ed the main landing page after log in...
from dramathighs :
TF! That is assinine of those asses to let you go. I am really sorry and equally as angry. I hate bad decisions like this one.
from dramathighs :
so i don't really know where on earth you sleep, but i tend to think it is in northern ca and you can totally do 50 next spring. i think our bodies learn to put up with this shit more easily. and so what i was going to say was that if you BE in norcal, you should put in for lake sonoma. i have not run it but heard it was badass and intend to put in for it. its like graduating to high school i feel like. all the cool kids are doing it.
from narcissa :
right? wtf i was so angry. hoping you get more of the clear skies.. i can't even imagine how oppressive that constant smoke must be.
from jarofporter :
Thanks! Wish I were already moved in, rather than just starting to move...
from dangerspouse :
YOU'VE GOT A STALKER! Welcome to the club :) (Word of advice: milk him for a few free gifts before you actually file that restraining order. It is so worth it. I got homemade baked goods from mine. Cookies! Bread! Pies! COOKIES!!)
from dramathighs :
everybody seems to be injured right now. i think its our bodies' way of saving us from being scorched by the heat this year.
from dangerspouse :
It's ALWAYS about food.
from dangerspouse :
Remind me again - why don't you have an air conditioner?
from jarofporter :
cheap because they all need work, and because i'm cheap (trying to be smart & not go into debt again). once i get my new place, the following year i hope to start buying properties for rentals as a retirement plan.
from dramathighs :
hey i volunteered at western states. i think i really messed up though. some crew person asked me to give alex nichols a water bottle when he came through, but i was just looking at his crazy ice loading hat and didn't realize who he was. so no water for you, nichols. i'm pretty sure if i had tended to my responsibility he would have come in in first instead of second. otherwise it was pretty much carnage out there. *waves*
from dramathighs :
dood. the opposite of the temporary best friend is the permanent stalker? er, non-friend? are you on strava? if you hang out there long enough, you will get followers from foreign lands and have no idea why they give you kudos for a slow three mile jog with your dog.
from narcissa :
blech 50 miles are not in my skillset! but 10k on a rainy day? i can do that. thanks!
from narcissa :
is that a thing, that ppl just randomly meet each other during those 5k/10k races? I could use some temporary best friends.
from dangerspouse :
You're the third female and eight overall in my life too, babe. Hooray! Let's have ice cream and celebrate!
from jarofporter :
congrats on the award!
from jarofporter :
barf song? what am i missing!?
from dramathighs :
still the end all be all. of all. and that is a good song. that abba is a joke... is a joke on all of us. they are the best. also i have a 5k on sunday and am super scared. if i had to do the same again, i would my friend.
from jarofporter :
heh, maybe i shouldn't admit this, but i actually kinda dig that song! :-)
from narcissa :
5-22-17: I hate that song so much. Every time I hear it I wonder how we came to a place where a song like that can make someone a (brief) star.
from dangerspouse :
Damn. All that work for a freakin' Yugo.
from dangerspouse :
Ooo, blue dash panel lights! Stylin', yo. Pretty soon you're gonna be getting those bouncybouncy shock absorbers and picking up Spanish chicks. Yeah, baby! Er...I still have, and want, a 6-cd changer in my Forester. Fuck yeah.
from jarofporter :
don't buy a smart tv until you research their vulnerability - no antivirus, no firewall protection, etc... quite dangerous. you're better off getting a wireless HDMI and connecting your comp to your tv.
from misfitstray :
These are awesome times on your 5k races. As your body isn't a machine it needs some rest between races. Though it's just natural that your time isn't improving on the last one. Even you, my young friend, need restdays!
from dangerspouse :
Just make sure it's not from IKEA. (Stupid old furniture joke: I went to Sears last week and bought a chair on sale. But when I got it home, it turned into an ottoman! So I called Sears back and they told me, "Well, it's an occassional chair." Thank you, you've been a lovely audience.)
from dangerspouse :
I'm not a juice man personally, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate your "Big Appple" joke. Brilliant :)
from dangerspouse :
Oh no. You fell for the cherry consortium's lies....
from dangerspouse :
YOU'RE magnificent and resilient. I'm a middle aged guy who still tells fart jokes. But thanks, kiddo. That meant a lot :)
from dangerspouse :
You can't just throw that out there without context. What horrifies you about your rear? The lighting itself? Its demeanor? Or was it just some sort of crack?
from dangerspouse :
Lol. I love you.
from dangerspouse :
You're right. The internet, and therefor the world by extension, was a better place when long form blogging held sway. You had (have) to sit and contemplate and form cogent ideas for sometimes extended periods of time. Now brief memes, status updates, and "likes" are all just thrown up into the ether with the same claims of creativity and intellectual rigor by the authors. But they don't realize that it's a lie, a lie! It's leading to...well it's leading to me feeling like a dinosaur for continuing to carry the torch for a dying and increasingly irrelevant activity. In reverse order: I first thought it read, "Be Nice To Be Ars", the blog of a British proctologist who couldn't (or forgot to) put the last "e" on the end. Imagine my surprise!
from dirtyboots :
Hey, hey!!!!!! Uh, can you please send me the facebook invite again? It sounds many funs. There's two people of my name on fb and I'm the black-and-white profile pic one. Sorry, I don't go one fb very much at all usually. I'm an instagram guy.
from misfitstray :
I hear you about the costs of protein powder. I bought some organic neutral whey powder protein by Simple Origin. It is good, as it really does taste neutral. It's around 35 Euro per kg. Don't know about tart cherries. Is it any good? I don't like to eat tart cherries. They are awfully sticky sweet. Never heard of Roth IRA Funds. What is the advantage in investing in those?
from dangerspouse :
You can never have too many basil seeds. Do you know how many freakin' leaves it takes to make even an Italian baby's portion of pesto? It's like spinach, it reduces down so much. I mean, if you want to make a pistou soup for two, you better devote your entire north 40 to the crop a year before dinner. Buy more basil seeds.
from jarofporter :
hi, thanks for the note! thing is, i sent that message to her husband when he told us about her passing, so i've already expressed my condolences...
from dangerspouse :
I had the great good fortune to interview John Astin not too long before his death. He was expecting, for the umpteen bazillionth time, some fanboy gushing about "The Addams Family", but was thrilled when I wanted to talk instead about "Evil Roy Slade". The guy was a hoot. I like Sean, too, although I've never spoken with him. Yet. He made a good Samwise Gamgee.
from dangerspouse :
Gosh, I feel like I have to apologize now for being a commercial radio shill....
from linguafranca :
Aw, sorry about your grandma. I know it's different when you are expecting it, but still.
from dangerspouse :
Yay for deltoids! (And Altoids too. They're curiously strong also.) And YAY for healthy dad! Er, not so much for grandma. Sorry 'bout that. But it was indeed humorous in light of what you were expecting. And...communications problems suck. Hey - I'm in the communications biz. Need any pointers? Nah, never mind. I'm a poser. I hope you manage to work it out yourself, and soon. Because communications problems suck. Have I mentioned that? Good luck. Really.
from dangerspouse :
Dozens upon dozens, huh? Welcome to my life, sister. (In other news, you have no idea how I've been mentally raking myself over the coals since getting word of your culinary disaster. "One of my recipes didn't work! What did I do wrong? What should I have written? WHY AM I A FAILURE?!" No, seriously, I've felt really bad about the apple thingie not working for you. My whole life has been spent cooking, and sad to say but the only self validation I get these days through cooking and cunnilingus. Then I shared one of them with you (two guesses) and it didn't work! I hang my head in shame.)
from dangerspouse :
LOL! Um, yes. All in all, the cards were stacked against you from the get-go in this endeavor. I'm frankly amazed you decided to undertake it at all, given the paucity of both equipment and experience on your end. I'll tell you what, shoot me your address and I'll mail you out a CARE package. Can't guarantee they'll arrive in particularly good - or even edible - condition, but isn't that what butthdats are all about?
from dangerspouse :
Wow! Hey the fact that you tried at all is incredibly impressive. Bravo! What went wrong? Wait! Was it this? One batch I made featured the apples coming out under-cooked. I determined it was the type of apple - some are denser than others, with different water contents as well - so I've actually been considering par-cooking my apples a bit now before popping them in the oven to compensate. Just maybe microwaving them for a minute or two. I probably shoulda added that, but the apples in the pics came out perfectly. I dunno. Cooking, like the rest of life, eludes me sometimes....
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I kinda like the misspelling. "I like big butthdats and I cannot lie...." Yeah baby! Lol. Thanks for the note and the B-Day wish, kiddo. If you were here I'd toss an apple on the pan for you, too :)
from dangerspouse :
We wanted to, but the network told us she needed a more photogenic co-star. Story of my life....
from dangerspouse :
A little from Column A, a little from Column B. Basically, she's a hillbilly living in a mountain castle (by her standards). I'm an urbane sophisticate dwelling in a tar paper shack. But we make it work.
from dangerspouse :
Amen. To all of that. (And don't forget the threat of privatizing Social Security. Or never ever ever now getting a gander at a certain tax return so we can see which foreign entities hold our president's debt...and balls, by extension.)
from misfitstray :
Thank you :) I'm still hopeful that maybe someone will wake up over there and dumps all those immature megalomaniac pieces of garbage who wanted play grown up always failing because everythings just ridiculous.
from dangerspouse :
Very well said. It doesn't matter if you marched or not, as long as your heart was there (er, metaphorically). A march is a march. The real work begins after the signs are tossed out and everyone's had a nice shower. I'm so relieved to read here and elsewhere the "it matters because it matters" sentiment. I might actually even say I'm hopeful. (My cookies sometimes tasted awful because vanilla beans look so much like dissected worms that I often confused the two. Please tell me you saved the scraped out pods to make vanilla sugar or vanilla liquor or something! You can even whiz them into dust in a small coffee grinder and use that for any number of recipes to give them an amazing lilt. Yay!)
from dangerspouse :
Yay! I bludgeoned another woman into acquiescence! You can thank me when you get your first paycheck :)
from dangerspouse :
I know I'm late to the January 15th party, but I just now saw it so I'm stepping out of chronological order to comment now. Deal with it. Anyway, yeah, so: journaling is not a disorder. For many of us, and I suspect you're in this camp, writing is cathartic. Like others find cooking, ship-in-bottle making, scrapbooking, etc., to be a feel-good release and practice it on a regular basis, so journaling does for us. It's not narcissism. And regarding "every so often I get sick of or embarrassed by what I'm writing": fuck that. You write BRILLIANTLY. So brilliantly, your content is almost secondary. Almost. Seriously, I wish I am insanely jealous of your ability to create such hilarity with such word economy. How do you do that?? It takes me 7, 8 paragraphs of circuitous blather to get even a tenth of the way up the Hilarity Scale every entry, yet you somehow manage to reach the very top after only a sentence or two. Every. Fucking. Time. (And don't be embarrassed by what you divulge. We ALL share our period stories on line, amiright girls?) So please, for the love of your loving audience, don't stop. If this be narcissism, play on!
from dangerspouse :
DON'T WEENIE OUT!! I interviewed a famous athlete years ago who related the tale of when he was young and offered the opportunity to Go For It. He told his dad his reservations - which sounded an awful like like your dolorous little screed there - and his dad just said, "Leap, and the net will appear." He did, it did, and now he doesn't have to care if Obamacare is repealed or not because he can afford to buy his own damn hospital if he wants. Besides, anyone who understands, let alone can write, whateverthehell you wrote in that last paragraph deserves to be an editor. Do it.
from jarofporter :
i say, burn those thousand pages in effigy...
from misfitstray :
wow, these are quite some miles! Did the calculation between km and miles, it's 613km. Though if you do the math and put all of these miles into km which is the international/official unit of length you easily come above 800 :)
from misfitstray :
I hope you feel and get better soon! Sending healing vibes your way. Take zinc and vitamin c and lots of that. It will help fight and strengthen the immune system.
from nacht-katze :
Thanks for the note. I guess I should say I deliberately killed it. It was spindly and I needed space for my geraniums anyway. Plus, I think I secretly hated it. Yesterday was my first 5k... running in thirty degree weather is absolutely miserable. I don't know how you run so much (and like it). Also, I can commiserate regarding this election. Still living in denial over here.
from dangerspouse :
You? YOU "always felt hugely under-qualified for life"?? How can that be? You've always seemed like one of those supremely qualified people I wish I were myself (except for the toe business). You even have a toothless puppy! Not many can say that. So, yeah, why the poor self image, Writing Goddess, dangerous woman boxer, marathon elite, happy relationship status girl? Or is it just false modesty, you little vixen, you!
from dangerspouse :
Coffee nut M&M's AGAIN?! Tempt me not, Satan! Damn. I am never gonna lose these 5 (*cough*18*cough*) post-surgery pounds. Here's what's ironic though: I live within fat shaming distance of the M&M plant, yet I still have never seen those exotic offerings. All the good stuff gets shipped elsewhere for bigger profits. It's like Nigeria producing all that oil but its people burning their own body hair for fuel, only worse. (BTW, how old is the puppy??)
from dangerspouse :
Jeez, I hope you feel better! A sore throat can color your whole world painful. Regards smart people: the problem is more when very smart people are also very evil. Smart + Evil generally beats Smart + Good, because Evil is willing to use tactics that Good isn't. If you're amoral, you have a much, much bigger arsenal. But we'll see. Maybe this time it will be different. And maybe the moon will fall out of the sky....
from dangerspouse :
See, I (and by "I", I mean "NewWifey(tm)" was worried they were going to magically disappear and die inside an inaccessible nook behind the wallboard in our bedroom and the attar of decomposing flesh would linger for months and cause birds of prey to congregate for miles around. So we squish 'em instead.
from dangerspouse :
Hopefully your wayward toe(s) will have uncurled by now, and you're sporting a new trophy for the mantle. You certainly deserve one, if only for perseverance in the face of bum toe pain (non-gout, non-arthritic type). I was never subjected to Kenny Rogers songs growing up - my god, I can't believe what I missed out on! Crummy negligent parents. Speaking of negligent: what the hell is wrong with your grocery stores and/or neighborhood? HOW CAN YOU NOT FIND WAGON WHEEL PASTA?? That's like saying you can't find lint! (Around here, anyway.) Look, if you still can't find any after Christmas, drop me a line. I'll mail or drive some out to you. This is a worse food crisis than the Sudan. Jesus.
from dangerspouse :
Ain't nuthin' wrong with that TEAC at all. They've got a solid reputation. Anyone who finds fault with that brand - especially at that price point - doesn't know audio. You've got a very nice unit there, one with a highly regarded cartridge if I'm not mistaken. I trust you have speakers that can handle that kind of accuracy? If so, crank that Kenny G., rocker chick! (Or maybe "Thrill" by Band-Maid, my new obsession. For their music. Yeah. Yup.) Oh, and thanks for the welcome back :)
from dangerspouse :
I don't think you ever mentioned what kind of turntable you got. Us serious-sorta audiophiles wanna know.
from dangerspouse :
God, I love it when wimmen pine for me. That's the only reason I took off. The elbow was just a ruse. But ok, your tearful entreaties touched what passes for my heart. I'll try to update more often. I hope your toe is doing better, too....
from misfitstray :
Yes I think you are right, that Andrew isn't interested in this site anymore. It is exasperating that a lot of the features work faulty or don't work at all. I'm a goldmember with the other diary I have. (you could delete the note of raschel ;)) There are some others that pay as well from time to time but I think that this site has too few benefits for being a goldmember and it doesn't provide any features for modern days mobile generations. But nevertheless it would be sad if this site would disappear.
from misfitstray :
Where did you get the info, that this site will disappear? I'd be very very sad if this won't be existing anymore. I'm here for more than 13 years. (began with an other diary). Can't we do anything to keep this going?
from raschel :
Where did you get the info, that this site will disappear? I'd be very very sad if this won't be existing anymore. I'm here for more than 13 years. (began with an other diary). Can't we do anything to keep this going?
from misfitstray :
An award is an award and HAVE TO be proud :) I assume that you earned it as you are an avid runner and trainer.
from jarofporter :
from misfitstray :
What kind of award did you win?
from jarofporter :
restraining order...
from nacht-katze :
You're telling me. A bionic finger would have been quite interesting, though. I'd totally have done some super poking/pointing with it!
from dangerspouse :
I like "furo-editing"! It's only one letter away from "Euro-editing", which also means "furiously editing", but with "furious" meaning "angry" rather than "frantically". I hope your toe finally finds a doctor who can help. Or maybe a truck. A toe truck. (Sorry.) Your toe and my elbow should get together sometime and share war stories. I, btw, have put on ELEVEN pounds since my surgery. I can't lift my car keys without fainting, but I'm apparently able to lift a 64-OZ. DQ Blizzard every day. Hope the Boy is home by the time you read this. Hope he doesn't call you fat.
from dangerspouse :
Can't you, like, spray for mildew? (Well, not you. You're not a civet cat...are you? More like some commercial preparation that sprays out of a bottle.) Mildew on a pumpkin must suck when it comes time to pie. Hope you clear the motherfuckers up.
from dangerspouse :
Again with the motherfucker. If I was a Freudian....
from dangerspouse :
I think you're on to something. Ad copywriters need to wake up and start using "motherfucker" to sell any product that needs punching up. "It's the new 9x5 index card from Staples, motherfucker." I'd buy 'em. Thanks for the well wishes on my wonky wing. Motherfucker.
from dangerspouse :
New moisturizer isn't a thrill?
from misfitstray :
You ever thought of limes disease? It could cause those pains too if the bacteria are long enough (months/years) in your body to produce their endotoxins which could cause joint pains as well. When the immune system is down, which is the case after intensive, strenous sports sessions, it could cause acute attacks of joint pains.
from dangerspouse :
You're welcome. (BTW it's Austrian, not Australian. DON'T ADD VEGEMITE!)
from dangerspouse :
Do you like pickles? (Not the Rugrats ones.) When I have a lot of cukes I sometimes jar up various pickle variations. Last time I tried a Korean "Mul" Kimchi with them, which was extremely pleasant. "Mul" means "water", which is what the recipe uses rather than a long fermentation in salt and chili, like the more ubiquitous sour/spicy Napa kimchi. It doesn't keep very long (no fermentation), but if you're looking for new ways to use cukes, it might be an option. Also, a picnic fave is an old Austrian recipe I came across years ago and still make: hollow out a cucumber lengthwise with a long spoon (don't break through the far end). The stuff the now hollow cuke with...well, the original recipe calls for a Viennese ham salad, but anything that goes well with cucumbers will work. Chill it down, slice it into wheels, and you're good to go. I got others, but I can see you're asleep already....
from misfitstray :
I'd always go with Technics, when it comes to turntables. I have two. One JVC and a Sony with which I'm able to digitalize my LPs. Haven't used my turntables in ages *sigh*. I should, as I crave to listen to my old Stones, Bowie and Doors LPs. My first tomato is turning red, whoohoo!
from linguafranca :
I hate opera too! Except for that bit in Figaro, where he says "Figaro!".
from misfitstray :
Could you post a pic of the adorable puppy? With or without roomate? Please? Do you already have purple fruits on your purple tomato? I have one of those on my roofterrace too. But they are still green and some blooming blossoms. Are they late or am I too impatient?
from dangerspouse :
Mmmmmm. Wagon wheels alle Vongole. Ok, I'm mollified. Sorry about the "FUCKING BITCH STOLE MY LIFE!" shade. Candy has that effect. Pax vobiscum. Mint flavored.
from dangerspouse :
I HOPE YOU CHOKE ON A COFFEE NUT M&M, BITCH! Oh - and leave me the rest of the bag, wiilya? Thanks hun.
from dangerspouse :
That was the best internet review of candies on the internet. And I would welcome - or at least try - chili M&M's, despite your sneer.
from dangerspouse :
I hope sharing your Sunday misery was cathartic and you're somehow less miserable now. Did you end up having more French bread? That's universally known as a panacea, so I hope you did. If not, and you have some left over still, I recommend making a tureen of Cream of Shallot soup - the original old French version that uses grated baguettes as the thickener (as opposed to roux, slurry, etc.). Hit me up if you want the recipe (or look for it in Madeleine Kamman's "When French Women Cook"). Hope time passes quickly for you regardless, and you're back to tonguing noses in no time!
from misfitstray :
Just read this: I think you will like it :)
from misfitstray :
Can't think of any shop that imports such treats. *sigh* At least I don't know any. I'm not very familiar with shops in Munich as I rarely go shopping. Maybe I could get them online. Are you german? Your german is excellant!
from misfitstray :
Over here in Germany there are just the "normal" M&M's available, meaning chocolate and peanuts. Never heard of any otheres. I would like to try those other M&M's!
from jarofporter :
yeah, the porch was a bit nerve-wracking! and thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately, it's a bit too small, and i'm pretty sure it's also in a flood area. that whole region is low-lying.
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, that's it exactly. Berries, sugar, vodka. Let it macerate for a good couple of months (my kid sister makes blackberry liquor every year, and she goes 6 months in the tub), then strain and bottle. Use 100-proof (or better), otherwise too much will evaporate off before bottling, and you'll end up with watered down mouthwash. Time of maceration varies depending on the sugar content of the berries, btw, so kinda taste as you go along and bottle when it tastes like Chambord. And hey, if you can't wait til Christmas to taste the fruits of your fruits, there's no harm drinking it early. It's still booze! Thanks for the well wishes on my upcoming butchering :)
from dangerspouse :
ANOTHER book about global warming? Ok, yeah, the blood spattered secret room is a nice twist, but still. Hey listen - save some of that shit-ton and make a bottle of raspberry liquor!! Seriously, that's what you want, not some silly freezer jam.
from jarofporter :
yeah, prices are pretty good here, but it seems there's a trade-off - cheap housing, but a dearth of single, attractive, non-smoking, child-free-by-choice women to date. tough call on which is preferable! oh, and congrats on the race! i would have given up for sure!
from misfitstray :
Congrats on finishing sub 2h! Well done and even better with those problems you had during the race and with that less sleep. You would have done even better with perfect conditions.
from misfitstray :
What is your goal time for the race?
from dangerspouse :
Remember, the FCC itself is not a monitoring body. They don't act on their own. They act after someone complains. So if no one's puritan ire is piqued, they don't go after the miscreant who aired the offending material. A lot of college stations around here take full advantage of that little fact during the overnight shifts, airing uncensored hip-hop, experimental, and spoken word goodies that would get stations with actual PPM numbers yanked off the air for good and their towers burned to the ground by an angry mob. I'm glad you got away with it :)
from alethia :
Interesting. Thanks for the recommendation. While she doesn't hit all the traits, she certainly hits enough to be unsettling.
from dangerspouse :
Coffee nut M&M's? WHERE CAN I FIND SUCH THINGS?! Oh my god. I would stop cooking if I could serve just them. Wow. You'll get a kick out of this: at my first radio station - a little Mom-n-Pop AM/FM daytimer - there was really no MD. We got a printed playlist every shift, but it was more or less just kind of a wish list. Everyone played what their heart told them to, list be damned. One day...ah, never mind. This note is TLDR already. And I'm sure you guessed where it's going by now anyway. So, yeah. Coffee nut M&M's. Where??
from dangerspouse :
You can't find wagon wheel (rotelle) pasta? What blighted, god forsaken ISIS controlled food desert do you live in, anyway? That's terrible. They've been my favorite macaroni shape since I was a kid. I tell ya what, if you really can't find any drop me a line with your address and I'll mail you out a box of Barilla or DaVinci or something. No one should have to go wagon wheel-less in this day and age.
from dangerspouse :
The Republicans did all in their power to insure Prez Obama was a one term president to no avail. The 2010 midterms installed probably the most obstructionist set of legislators ever, yet we still got Obama 2.0. That's the only thing that gives me hope. And btw, don't think Trump's defeat is practically a fait accompli. His campaign is being steered by someone who ISN'T just in it for the masturbation - Paul Manafort. To those of us who follow these behind-the-scenes kingmakers, that is a frightening name to see pop up. It usually means something very, very odious is going on - or about to. (I used to be on shows occasionally with his former partner, Roger Stone. I now believe in Evil.) Anyway, this is all moot if you don't survive til the 6th. There's always that hope. Good luck.
from nacht-katze :
I usually just use a tension rod and a heavy curtain/blanket to keep cool air in desired areas. Works surprisingly better than you'd think. Good luck!
from dangerspouse :
You egged Mr. Inappropriate Love on with all the talk of your periods. What man can resist that? You have only yourself to blame, chickie.
from dirtyboots :
Douche-bros are so loud!!!!! I had a bunch next door if you recall - they moved once they destroyed the kitchen. Hope they don't last too long.
from nacht-katze :
Guess I picked the perfect month, which will most likely continue through June. I really feel that at thirty I should know who the hell I am. Or that I should be able to keep a boyfriend. All of this is probably an indication that I know very little. Thanks for the nice comments. :)
from dangerspouse :
Yes! The "BEEEEEEEP" was my favorite part of writing it, too!
from dangerspouse :
I hope everything works out between you crazy kids. Fights suck. So does Dan Brown, but not *quite* as much. The guy who voiced the Potter audio books is a fucking voiceover god who's talents I would give my left nut to have. Forget pianos. See if you can find an organ donor.
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Well waffled!
from dangerspouse :
I understand the "I'm a woman, she's a woman, it's about time we HAD a woman, I'm voting for the woman" thing. But really...if it were Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann as a major party nominee, would you still follow that tenet? Pussy over platform?
from dirtyboots :
Come on now, there's nothing wrong with metric.
from dirtyboots :
Hi! It has been too long! Congratulations at your favourite neighbours moving out! That happened to me recently and I really "miss" the sound of chairs scratching on the floor all night!
from dirtyboots :
Hi! It has been too long! Congratulations at your favourite neighbours moving out! That happened to me recently and I really "miss" the sound of chairs scratching on the floor all night!
from a-d-w :
loled at commando consequences
from dangerspouse :
One of the best interviews I ever did was with Sean Astin's father, John. The guy was a hoot! He was impressed that my favorite film of his was "Evil Roy Slade", although not impressed enough to name me in his will, dammit. Anyway, happy birthday Sean. And you. Hey wait - new roommate? What species?
from dangerspouse :
CHOCOLATE PEANUT POWDER?! I will never. be satisfied. again. Holy crapola, can life GET any better?? Hey listen, I hope your life does get better. At least on your birthday. Have some chocolate peanut powder with a candle on it. That should do the trick. Many, many more, kiddo :)
from jarofporter :
perhaps, if you used 'lie' instead, he'd understand? maybe he's a stickler for proper grammar, and not lying down out of spite!? ;-)
from nacht-katze :
Pixies! Yes!
from dangerspouse :
I, like Justin, liked Selena before she got fat. Now? Meh. You should write her and tell her to take up boxing. Once she rocks your body type (again), her music will sound better.
from dangerspouse :
Sorry you didn't win Blogger of the Year. I'll think of you every time I polish the statuette, though. Better luck next year.
from dangerspouse :
Herbs! Herbs AND spices! (Have room for a nutmeg tree?) Fields of purple crocuseses so you can spend hours per flower harvesting your own saffron! And...fewer tomatoes? Really? My Italian soul cringes. C'mon, cook those suckers down into killer ragu - flavored with the basil you're growing alongside them. It's kismet!
from dirtyboots :
I recommend snow peas. And thanks to you I just found out I can squeeze one glute at a time, so thanks for helping me learn about myself.
from dangerspouse :
Could you, um, post a vid of that glute workout? I wanna, uh, get my wife to try that...yeah....
from dirtyboots :
What is beer bread?
from nacht-katze :
Thanks for the advice! I have a handful of records, but the player wasn't mine so now all I do is stare at them longingly. I deeply regret passing up countless records because he already owned them... what a bummer. Time to rebuild, I guess. Also, yes to Toto. I'll just put this here... it always makes me chuckle.
from dirtyboots :
Hehehe. Bananarama has such questionable singing talents. Reminds me of mine. But they're so cool!
from nacht-katze :
Man, I know how you're feeling. Some things are only temporary; I've learned that as of late. You will thrive, though. You're meant to. Keep on keepin' on (and other vague, cliche words of encouragement).
from nacht-katze :
I feel like it's dark all the time, too.
from dangerspouse :
You sure they didn't mean the Anaheim Ducks professional hockey club, once dubbed "America's Team"? That's a common mistake to make.
from dangerspouse :
The puppy's roommate is full of shit...but only metaphorically. That old canard about colon coating has been going on for as long as, well, for as long as charlatans have been promoting procedures to get rid of it. For a price, of course. A quick check at the Science Based Medicine group's site finds, "... as a surgeon, I can tell you from simple experience operating on the colon that hardened feces do not accumulate on the walls of the colon as the colon cleansers claim. Any gastroenterologist who does a lot of colonoscopies could tell you that too. Even in disease states in which colon motility is impaired, we generally do not see the feces “caking” on the walls." So don't let #2 be your #1 concern any longer, young boxer. Sit pretty, and unconcerned.
from dangerspouse :
Congrats on doing well in the race! (Although you conveniently didn't mention HOW well. Vain? Secretly disappointed? Forgetful?) Sorry you had to witness the squirrel ISIS bloodbath. Boys will be boys though, and dogs will be dogs. And just like boys, you don't want to smell your dog's breath. Have more bacon.
from dangerspouse :
Hope your race went well today (Saturday)! And, uh, you had tampons.
from nacht-katze :
I don't like when people use "reveal" as a noun, either. Nonsense.
from dirtyboots :
I like your Arrow description. It reminds me of Sleepy Hollow, which is a procedural ghost police show. A guy has to wear an old fashioned jacket in the show because otherwise he cannot be identified as having time travelled from the past. I told Roland about your description of Arrow, because he's seen Arrow. He said your descrfiption was pretty accurate, but it's more complex than that. I don't really believe him.
from dangerspouse :
You fight over...mulch? Puts MY little imbroglio with wifey to shame. Well done. And yes: winter rye. With which you will then make spring whisky. Makes a great cocktail mixed with apple cider vinegar. Or so I've been told....
from dangerspouse :
That entry made me sad. Poor Mary. Poor Mary's dogs....
from dirtyboots :
It is a ghost town, isn't it? I like us guys who stuck around. It's nice. Sometimes I read very dead diaries.
from dangerspouse :
Y'know, apple cider vinegar is still going for like 60-cents per hogshead. Is this just an exercise in obstinance for you? (Is obstinance a word? Well I'm using it anyway. Obstinate I am.)
from nacht-katze :
I'm teaching, which is going well. Time is eluding me lately, though. Most of my free time is devoted to sleep so I'm not a complete grump. I'm starting to wonder when I'll stop feeling so overwhelmed.
from siva0 :
hey, i dont know when you left me the last note, "youre not the alone" , thanks; yea, my grammar and spelling is still really really bad, i just write really fast and my thoughts are faster than what i;m typing so it;s like....garbage place idea thoughts of America. barely a sentence. sometimes i get nervous when i;m writing; i;m just bellowing into a hollow vessel, crackling away, and yet i know, there;s a chance, in the cacophony of cathedrals, folded inside of velvet curtains there;s a special gleam past the chandelier, that had shown me love, music, eyes (polaroid), type writers, and, yes, the gleam itself. you. it;s not that i;m nervous, it;s like i;m aware, my cacophony is only so ugly, my cathedrals is only so profane. <3
from dirtyboots :
Aloe vera gel is good for frizzy hair. I get a biggish coin size, rub it all over my palms, then put on wet hair. It works on already frizzy dry hair too, but the hair can get a little stringy.
from dirtyboots :
Man, that student who led with that quote was a massive cheeseball. Pretty sure the valedictory speech I recently endured started very similarly. At any university/college based student speech, why not start with, "A wise man once said, 'When you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.'" Much more evocative. And you get two movies in there.
from jarofporter :
from dirtyboots :
No mineral updates? Geez.
from dirtyboots :
Mary sounds like a cool lady. All the best for the journey she has to go on.
from jarofporter :
veronica mars is a great show - they made a "reunion" movie fairly recently too! watch the series 1st though...
from dirtyboots :
the first guy who saw saturn's rings thought they were ears. true story.
from dirtyboots :
Wiktionary says it's hyphenated:
from jarofporter :
50 miles is god-damned amazing - "mad props" as the kids (used to?) say... ;-)
from a-d-w :
is that what you have to consider before a race? consult your puppy spirit guide for answers
from nacht-katze :
Yes to pickling radishes! Also, I enjoy your updates. That's all.
from dirtyboots :
The Rapture. Yes, write it!
from dirtyboots :
I'm very keen to hear the reviews of both those books. Hang in there.
from nacht-katze :
Nice! It's been a Stones week over here.
from dirtyboots :
Do you think you might have a Yardbirds week soon? I like to have a Yardbirds week near a The Who week or a Led Zep week.
from siva0 :
hey, i;m gonna delete my diaryland. it;s been like 15 years! anyways i just wanted to say bye. i think i still have your email address. i'll try and send you an email. Peace.
from dramathighs :
wow what huh? you left a note on my page decades past and now it appears you do ultras do? did we depart the same airship? what ultra are you suffering through? [email protected]...
from dirtyboots :
Finding planets/cool stars is great! I found Saturn once. I also keep finding the same globular cluster, every January.
from nacht-katze :
I'm not sure that calling him my boyfriend is accurate. At most, all I did was giggle at, and avoid, him. Ah, junior high.
from dangerspouse :
Owning a house is worth it on many levels, although being responsible for all the attendant costs can be...jarring. If you can swing it financially, your grown up self might wanna seriously consider it. (And you can legally shoot deer on your own property. I think. Mmmmm...venison....)
from nacht-katze :
Fifty miles... running? Man, I'm lazy.
from dangerspouse :
Some poor kid in Patagonia now has no underwear thanks to you.
from dirtyboots :
genius butt solution! mine is to wear gigantic underpants and pants. can't run, though. pants will descend.
from dangerspouse :
More snow, huh? Suddenly imminent death doesn't seem like it would be much of a disappointment. You doing to the doc's?
from nacht-katze :
A few years back, I had a double kidney infection for which I was hospitalized and IV'ed and the whole thing was just terrible. A whole lotta throwing up and uncomfortable feels. Best of luck with your kidneys!
from dangerspouse :
I thought girls put the seat down BEFORE they pee as hard as they can?
from jarofporter :
notes are back - YaY!
from nacht-katze :
Ahh, the library! Thanks for reminding me... I always seem to forget about the library when it comes to looking for things I can't find online.
from nacht-katze :
Can I find this said production on Netflix? If so, I'm there. Also, I do know that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy end up shacking up, and knowing this bit of information makes their interactions all the more interesting.
from a-d-w :
i long for a world where the opportunity to go to regular pearl jam concerts is a real thing. no code is my favourite too. thanks for the congrats
from linguafranca :
Get some tamales while you're there! And dry rub ribs. Be careful downtown, it's not the safest. Our friend works at the Orpheum and got mugged on her lunch break. I mean, we go down there, just be aware.
from jarofporter :
nice lionel ritchie quote... =)
from linguafranca :
Hah! No. Not Adolph! (Ernst, actually. So many Jewish Ernsts the claim that it is a Nazi name is laughable.)
from dangerspouse :
Wait - bike? What bike? What do you ride?
from dangerspouse :
You're right, it would be. Thanks for the return note :)
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from dangerspouse :
I've been having problems the last day or three logging into Diaryland as well, despite not having been hit up for rupees on the sly. So - satisfying as it would be to blame some curried cur in that far off clime - I think the two issues are unrelated.
from jarofporter :
given an alternate option, i would have entered your contest - having never been a 12yr old girl i didn't feel qualified to write from that perspective! congrats on the win though, i knew you could do it!! ;-)
from jarofporter :
from siva0 :
hey Kelsi, thanks for your note awhile back, i decided to unblock the site again. hit me up. : D sppooon
from jarofporter :
well, i read everything you post, and i don't think you sound like you're complaining at all. true to my nature, however, i have nothing worthwhile to say. or at least that's how it seems to me.
from jarofporter :
1) harold & maude's a great movie! 2) aus gestresst does mean "stressed out"!
from jarofporter :
every time i see hear "nothing, absolutely nothing!" i think of this UHF movie clip. (he says it at 1:25) :-P
from linguafranca :
That is a good idea! I thought of asking for the fruit, but decided they'd automatically say no. But bribery! With marmalade! It's brilliant! J will have to coach me on the specifics of the speech act, though. Otherwise I will just sound weird.
from a-d-w :
i think i love that puppy too
from jarofporter :
warm salt rinse - sounds like a canker sore.
from a-d-w :
you go to shows because shows are nice and worth the trouble
from a-d-w :
somehow everyone thinks i'm being sarcastic, but i'm not. really. this isn't sarcastic either. (and the spiral continues)
from a-d-w :
gosh, i think you're pretty neat
from jarofporter :
from jarofporter :
i miss my cats. hope you find one (or two) that seem to belong with you.
from jarofporter :
yeah, i shouldn't care, but i'm self-conscious enough. i get to where i can run a mile at once, i'll feel good enough to not care. besides, cool night air is beautiful for running/biking! as for your pain, i had an issue with guarding (tightness) in my upper back, started taking kava kava and/or valerian root, and it really relaxed my muscles - maybe that could help? also, i take ZMA (combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) the zinc & magnesium helps with sleep when you're doing really strenuous workouts. hope you feel better soon!
from jarofporter :
congrats on the accomplishment! 50 miles is amazing!
from jarofporter :
on the "conversation" topic, if you ever figure it out, clue me in, i have the same damn problem...
from jarofporter :
hey, was wandering through my friend's list for new reads, and ran across yours on lostasyou's list. hope you don't mind me adding you, i've found your entries piquing my interest...
from a-d-w :
i sure hope your mystery phonecaller isn't greenpeace, anyway. they so crafty and persistant.
from lostasyou :
Thanks for the comment, and the little boost, makes me feel better :)
from lostasyou :
I hate the Facebook timeline! I really hope we don't all get forced into using it, oh good grief. Everyone will be able to see how much of a loser emo freak I was (more so of one) ahaha.
from lostasyou :
Thanks for the add, going to read through yours a bit more when I have the time!
from linguafranca :
Trout Fishing In America?
from acornotravez :
I totally stole your idea to link your "comments" at the bottom to your "notes", it's brilliant. Good ideas are meant to be stolen. So how's it going with your hair? I washed mine a week or so ago and it totally fucked it up. Never again! Glad you are feeling better.
from toejam :
Ah! Ragbrai! I was all signed up and ready to do that one year (I even bought bike shoes!) but then I got strep throat the day before I was supposed to leave for Iowa and just generally chickened out I think. I kind of regret not having done it yet.
from justnick :
Your very own catch-phrase! Gawd, I am so jealous.
from melle-belle :
Find a male friend, promise cookies and beg if need be.
from toejam :
I still think you should come to Michigan to visit me.
from acornotravez :
I don't ever buy shampoo anymore, it's great. Ok, so yes I get it wet in the shower. I believe the warm water actually helps distribute the scalp's natural oils... I massage my head a bit. You'd think your hair wouldn't smell good, but it's fine. I have been considering growing out my hair, and I have very fine hair. One of the things that's deterred me from having long hair is that it's so fine, so it lays flat and doesn't do anything. I have found that by not washing my hair (even though it's short, yes) I've got so much more volume & body. I don't see why that phenomenon wouldn't translate to long(er) hair. Dude, I get compliments on my hair all the damn time, and I don't do *anything* to my hair. If you can get over the first 2 or 3 days of not washing it, as your natural oils get distributed properly, you'll be good. I would venture to say that washing your hair every day makes your scalp produce more oils than is necessary. I sound like a hippie! =]
from kelsi :
Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Thanks for the note, kid!
from acornotravez :
I'm leaving you a note!!! No woman no cry!
from melle-belle :
1. Turns out that nothing is wrong. I was inventing problems and trying to self-fulfill prophecies, but that's put to bed for now at least. 2. I want to go to grad school now. I know three where I want to apply and, perhaps more importantly, have ruled out about five. I'm staying in the area for a few reasons...
from melle-belle :
Well, it seems that plaid is the "in" thing this season. And I have seen numerous skirts, bermuda shorts and tanks/camis in plaid which I have found not unattractive, but are these full-on flannel shirts circa 1994?
from justnick :
You are a gas leak's ultimate dream
from melle-belle :
Plaid flannel shirts? It's too soon for the grunge look to come back. I've been waiting and waiting to like clothes again. I don't want to wear dresses that look like shirts or garbage bags and I don't want to wear leggings. And now, flannel. Good grief.
from justnick :
What I need, madam, is a freakin' vacation. Or maybe just some strong tea. Life has been pretty chaotic lately, and it was especially bad that week, so I was feeling like I was being pulled in a million different directions at once. Or like I was in the eye of an angry, angry word storm. Things seem to have calmed down some since, though. And I appreciate the concern, not that I made it at all possible to ignore me, what with the Caps Lock and all.
from melle-belle :
I am happy and I don't foresee any reason for unhappiness anytime soon. It's pretty boring.
from justnick :
from melle-belle :
The winter is dragging on this year, it seems. You didn't talk about the brown-eyed boy much, but he has a mystique all the same.
from justnick :
The thing that will kill you to thing that won't kill you ratio is far too high in Australia, and my prom date who ditched me halfway through the limo ride was an Aussie, and I still kinda hold a grudge. I'm on board for everything else you said, though.
from yelayna :
You know you can do this stuff you clever clogs :) And with that many opportunities, I reckon the fates are lining it up for you. Maybe not on the 15th though. I dare you. If you do at least one of these things, I'll do one of mine. How's that?!
from linguafranca :
If you do these things, afterward you could write a pulp novel about these events, and subtitle it with "She was done with linguistics. But linguistics wasn't done with her." (this last bit in italics). But seriously, that's exciting. Even if you decide not to do any of it, it's nice to be wanted.
from justnick :
Yeah, fair enough. Although in my sick head, that, I suppose, is ideally her job.
from justnick :
Is it me, or are notes pages hard to find when you don't have a freaking profile? Get your supergold back, woman! Anyhoo, Ask, and ye shall receive: My favorite factoid about the sloths, (who do kinda look a little cryptozoological, now that you mention it) is that their bodies are so well adapted to hanging upside-down that they remain hanging from the branches they die on until something knocks them off. Also, they are the only mammals besides my friend Luke that moss will grow on.
from linguafranca :
I hinted? I didn't think I'd hinted. Well, I'm home now, I'll go make the announcement....
from linguafranca :
My mother and I were just commenting that at a certain time in life, if you say you have news, everyone is able to guess it. It's never simply about the purchase of a new vase that fits a particular space in the living room just right. So you may well have guessed it, but nevertheless! I will wait, and leave you to stew in possibilities just a little longer.
from jujubee :
You can come hang out with me when you are in Seattle!
from mendingmandy :
Thank you so much!
from yelayna :
Our horoscope today: "The Sun illuminates your key planet, psychic Neptune, today and floods your consciousness with dreamlike images. If you recognize that your visions are direct communications from your subconscious mind now, you'll gain great insight about where to go next in your life. Don't worry, though, if the intuitive flashes don't mean anything; it may take time to understand them. And when you do, you'll know what to do." See, we are right...
from yelayna :
You are a genius. I am a Pisces. I might do that. I had such a bad night with one thing and another last night I can barely keep my eyes open at work today. Ergh. I might need to make a list first though, make sure I don't miss anything...
from theswordsman :
Hi. I accidentally found out your real name. My Mental Acuity formula must have kicked in or something. Anyway, I know you're concerned about stuff like that, so even though I'm harmless and got a lot on my mind and even if I wanted to could only stalk people within eight blocks of my house, I'm still going to quit reading you. Good luck with the race next week, and with the next chapter in your life. Godspeed. John
from linguafranca :
Congratulations on your successful defense!
from johnguinness :
from linguafranca :
You can get them if you act quick before they raise the postage rates in May. Only 2 per sheet of 20, but still! Ask for the Super Hero stamps.
from lissacakes :
A comment about the fates. What was May became March, but has now returned to May. There was also to be a mid-course correction in May. Obviously, this all has to do with me and my karma and the fates laughing eating marshmallows. Regardless, I'm happy for the extension and hope to hear nothing further of it for two months.
from johnguinness :
Thank you. It's not something I would have really looked for. Apparently it's a new guy coming in and making wholesale changes to turn the place around. he liked my temp background because he thought it meant I'd have "thick skin." It's like a seventeen minute commute, and maybe ten from the gym so it would be painless to go back to my pre-work workout. I kind of had my heart set on being broke and studying Spanish five hours a day. Take care. John
from johnguinness :
Happy birthday! John
from johnguinness :
Hey...(sorry, you're the only diarist that I read whose real first name I don't know, and I just can't fake it any longer). Congrats on the new pair of kicks. I've been reading a weekly blog at Runners World written by Kristin Armstrong. She's running a marathon next weekend. She's an interesting read. I thought I'd share. Take care. John
from epipie :
yes, yes. I do not doubt the magic of acupuncture. I really want to go, but not to some shoddy place. I hope they could make my face less puffy, too. I told my family I'm quitting and they're coming to grips with that.
from theswordsman :
Hey whatever your name really is. I've decided to abandon the whole internet scene. I just wanted to say goodbye, and thanks for all of the entertainment you've provided. Good luck with the writing - you've got the talent and skills, so I guess luck is all that's lacking. Cheers. John
from epipie :
Ha! Sorry. I meant to include you, of course. Even so, I am impressed by your uber stalking skillz. I, too, am a stalker extrodinare. I stalked you on myspace, and I stalk Tye's babymomma ALL THE TIME (so much so, that now MY friends are interested in her bizniz) But yeah, as for the Thoreau quote: it's hard to pick which drummer to listen to. Instant gratification or delayed? Right now I'm putting all my chips on the delayed one. But it makes me so unhappy. Although, I do felt like I was meant to teach. ehhhh.
from justnick :
One of these days, I'm going to earn a comment on your favourite diaries page
from toothbrush :
Is it 'I remember you' by Skid Row? And what's my prize?
from johnguinness :
Please please help me. I'm going through boxes of things that were put in storage eight years ago before I left for England, then lived in storage for four years until I got a crappy but roomy apartment. I found a piece of a styrofoam cup with info about a Pearl Jam song I loved but only heard once in my life. Someone told me ten years ago that it was on a compilation or something thats missing on the cup but ended with "Alive." There's also "Leave This Town" in quotation marks, and I think there was a lyric somewhere about the women in this town or the women in this place. Since I never claimed my musical prize from the Fiction Writing Contest for Best Guy With No Talent Writing About Sword Fighting And Crap, could you PLEASE identify the song for me? Thanks. John
from kelsi :
I do not go to Landmark Middle School.
from johnguinness :
First of all, DO you go to Landmark Middle School ??? Sorry, I saw the other note below. On the whole "it wasn't your time" thing, it might be for me if I had some major life goal that I wanted to achieve before I died, and this was a second chance to finish. I've got nothing. Then it comes down to who was involved in the conversation. If there's no afterlife, and it wasn't some kind of angel, or guide, or whatever, then it was just a waste of time on the part of the two sides of my brain. There's one sentence of conversation that got taken from my memory as things went from black to red,and that holds the key. If we pretend I was out of body or near death, and I had an escort to take me to Heaven or Hell, or to be reincarnated based on how I handled this life, then there would be no reason to send me back. If I was going to Hell, there would be no point in sending me back unless it was to give me a chance to redeem myself, but that would have to be done through acts involving others. If I had a free pass to Heaven, it would be extremely harsh to send me back to be fired and have people try to use me for insurance fraud. If I'd end up saving people from a burning building, or rescuing a busload of kids or something, then the little light bulb would go off above my head, and 'd say, "Okay. got it." But when I was in the car, and it was explained that it was going to get hit again, and roll over three times, I knew that it was all over, and I was okay with it. And that's the tough part to recover from. I was in a car skidding sideways up a highway, accepting life was over, and then thirty seconds later I was parked along the side of the road. That's the best answer I've got for you. I hope your weekend is going well. John P.S. Maybe you could delete this after you read it. Thanks.
from justnick :
Not A stalker, kelsi dear, THE stalker. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
from johnguinness : Or, of course, there's the $50,000 Fellowship. You owe me a beer if you get it.
from johnguinness :
Hi. I was just at and somehow ended up at looking for free money for grad school. I listed "writing" as one of my interests, and one of the places it lead me to was a $1500 award plus a contract for a novel for like ten to fourteen years old. I don't know the range that you're writing for, but free money and book deals are a good thing. thought I'd share. John
from epipie :
I met him online about 5-6 years ago. We'd talk online/on the phone for a bit, and then lose contact for months at a time. I used to write about him back in '02/03 as BTDLIMN. Almost went to visit Fall '02 but chickened out. This time I'm doing it for real.
from linguafranca :
1. I tried to leave a comment, but it just opened a new window and then did nothing. 2. What I was going to say was, OT! I don't know if you've seen this, but if not, you should: I don't even know OT that well, but it's still funny.
from lissacakes :
Oh, the chb saga. Please refer to lisscakes entry from 2/3/04 and maybe 2/24/04. He is mentioned many a time, but those are sufficient to explain. Oh, c-h-b. The idea of him still puts a quiver in my arrow. (It means coffeehouse boy.)
from grapeapple :
from raven72d :
You're something of a random discovery... But I do love your entries.
from johnguinness :
Thanks for the thoughts. After being a fan of yours for so long, it's still strange to see that you actually read me some times. Maybe some day you'll actually share your real first name. But it's cool that you know I'm alive. Good luck with your own fresh start. Take care. John
from johnguinness :
I've always enjoyed the parts where you're naked as well. Like the true part of your fiction contest entry where you opened up the blinds while topless. Good stuff, that. You're going to be fine, as soon as you make up your mind that that is what you want. Keep looking forward, with an occasional glance to your left for attacking vehicles (I learned that one the hard way). You're going to be fine. And complete.
from theswordsman :
Dear Anonymous. Free money is an excellent thing. And getting free money in exchange for an essay would make you a professional writer. You deserve every good break in the world, but you have to give the world a chance by mailing things in. I'll just toss out a general "fake it until you make it" bit of advice. Take care. John
from linguafranca :
Well, I know I just said this, but I'm sorry about your grandma.
from linguafranca :
I'm sorry about your grandma.
from toothbrush :
from toothbrush :
Surprise! It's me.
from theswordsman :
I'm rooting for you. Yes, everything will be okay.
from sunfuck :
the chicken is STILL living outside of its boundaries. she's someone one could easily look up to because though she's skinny, she's a survivor.
from theswordsman :
Congrats on the TA! That's most excellent. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
What you need is a good, old-fashioned fiction writing contest.
from theswordsman :
Hi Kelsi. You'll figure things out. If I win Powerball, I'll offer to be your long-distance patron for a couple of years as I travel the world helping waitresses and barmaids earn a living. How's Mabel Mains (I think that was her name?) been doing? Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Sorry, I was sober when I wrote that and can't be held responsible for my actions. Welcome. John
from theswordsman :
Okay, if it was anyone else I'd politely thank them for adding me as a buddy. But I've been worried about your self-esteem for a while, and if you've actually sunk to reading my diary you must be near rock bottom. Yes, I'm accusing you of slumming. If you ever need to talk to a non-stalking stranger who lives in a small Illinois near St. Louis, my MSN is [email protected]. If you wnat to know if I can be trusted, read the last hundred or so notes that people have left me. They're way more interesting than my diary anyway. I hope you have a great international weekend. Take care. John
from theswordsman :
So, when you figure out who you're going to be for the next stage of your life, will you tell us so I can have an Internet crush on her?
from lezbrarian :
hey luv. lol I joined ur pop ring. I'm from Michigan but live in California where my friends tease me everyday about pop.
from lissacakes :
No, but I read The Mermaid Chair and bleh, yuck. Bleh, again. I assume Secret Life of Bees is much, much better...
from lissacakes :
I'm such a dork: Feb. 10th or 17th. I may be there in six days... or thirteen... Yay! Yay! Yay! I want a super smart job and I want to be all smarty pants all day, yay!
from lissacakes :
I was drunk off Nabokov. By the time I got home, it was wearing off, so you only got the tail end. I'm usually not like that. I tell myself that if I have "real" jobs and stuff, I will have life experiences to write about. Bleh, whatever. At least I'm trying to read some great books.
from justnick :
which is to say, 'yes.' If'n you can get yourself to the airport? I'm there.
from justnick :
Yes, yes I can. Airport ain't got nuthin on me. Y'know? Or... right... yeah... no? Word? Nothing? At all? Aaah, fuck the lot of ya.
from lissacakes :
In regards to the landlord of dubious cuteness, I do in fact remember his being mentioned but I don't think the cute part was quite so blatant. Dark hair and rosy cheeks are great. What do you mean he probably won't even show up? Isn't he the one having the party? Or, were you talking about the cute boy on that one?
from kenziexxkiwi :
Hello! So, we're supposed to tell you when we join the pop ring where we are from? Well, I live in Ontario (Canada, of course.) But I was born in New Zealand. Everyone says pop here. About there, I have no clue. xx, Kenzie
from lissacakes :
Today is Monday, December 19th 2005. I've been reading, but not writing. I go through quiet spells. Us writers, we are a tempermental lot, no? Anyway, I want a beautiful boy. I want to feel, even if it's hard stuff. So, I've been just kind of ruminating on that. I see your cute boy is up to his old tricks, but sometimes counting on a person's inconsistency is a consistency, isn't it? So... I've been whoring around on myspace, I have to admit. And, well, it doesn't have my heart, but it's on the speed dial. I'm "melissima!" if you want to check me out.
from kelsi :
Today is Saturday, December 17, 2005.
from lissacakes :
Yes, yes. I often to go to... Paisley Violin, Lux and Mama Java's. See, they have appropriate silly names.
from lissacakes :
Oh, I'd love to go to concerts with you. And, I won't ditch you for a boyfriend. I'll do things alone with you, probably a few more things alone with him, and things with the both of you together. Starbucks is mostly for checking out cute (though often gay) boys anyway.
from justnick :
If that was sarcastic, I sneer at you. If it wasn't, then only if you come here.
from justnick :
No problem about the comment, I meant it. Oh, and yes about the intimidation thing! You're smart and frightenning because you know what an Eng is and I accidentally called you Canadian. OK, so maybe I'm a little off kilter today. Meh.
from lissacakes :
Confession: I've been trying to read your old entries to piece together your true identity, Regina. And I know about Narnia. The jig is up.
from lissacakes :
During the great diaryland debacle several months back, I lost all of my pictures. After several increasingly nasty notes to Andrew, if that is in fact his name, and zero replies, the diary came back, but the pictures never did. I now seem to have unlimited, free gold status on that diary. But who wants to spend thirty-fourty hours of their life re-scanning and re-uploading? So, in summation, I never mentioned it because it's been empty and I try to forget it cuz I loved it. Boo-hoo, poor me.
from epipie :
You'll come visit (to kick my ass)? Is that a promise? Thank you for the kind words. I know it's dumb. I went through this crap 4 years ago, and I always thought I had it beat. I'm hoping it'll end soon. I'm also just off birth control and having mild symptoms of a sinus infection, so that could make things worse.
from theophanu :
I just joined the pop ring. I'm not quite from Buffalo NY but that's where I learned English and got on the pop thing =)
from lissacakes :
Not liking him is more the excuse. I really, really have no cash. And I truthfully have $6 available on the credit card. I'm mulling over possibilities cash-wise. I wonder when he wants to go, hmmm... the more I think about it, the more likely I think that it's a group thing.
from yelayna :
Thank you for your note, it's really lovely to think people are thinking of us. All a bit calmer here today, there's this random "we're British so don't you think you'll beat us" attitude: Grr... attitude. It's like everyone is completely determined to get on with things and not give the terrorists the satisfaction of disrupting things. It's a kind of nice feeling of community and together-ness. This is a long note. Take care xxx
from angelammi :
Oh, haha. Thanks, I really love the ocean so I liked it as soon as I saw it. :p
from angelammi :
I joined "pop" and I'm from Ohio originally, but I live in Georgia now. It's mostly called "coke" here -- as in "what kind of coke do you want?" Crazy people :)
from jellehbelleh :
I'm totally bored off my ass so I'm going to annoy everyone by leaving long drawn out notes that have no educational content whatsoever. You are my third victim. Have a good holiday.
from lissacakes :
Oh, good Lord in heaven, guess who wrote me an email? Mhmmm. They suck. Anyway, do you have another roommate now, after Miss Crazy Pants? How did you find them? I know like no one single who is looking for a roommate!
from lissacakes :
I know! They suck! They are moronic! Why do I think about them at all?!? %#$%@#$%^@#$^@#$^!!!!!
from lissacakes :
1st, I am psychic and good news! you have good things in store. 2nd, argh, still no email, I must be a big, big person and let it go and just discontinue this, but will I... who knows. 3rd, he deserves to hang out with me, but live with me, marry me, bear my children... don't know about that. At least he is not fat and ugly. He is very adorable. At least.
from yelayna :
Well. I'm not sure what to say to that. If you had a stuffy nose before, you'll end up with one after you put honey up there, surely?! Or maybe that's just sticky... People really do this? I suppose it makes sense, pollen and things... but... *bit stunned*
from yelayna :
Why are you putting honey up your nose?! Am I just having a random day and not understanding... Or am I experiencing a cultural difference? Will you have toads on your head next?
from siva0 :
hi kelsi! Yea i still live at the same place. Do you?! i have something i want to send to you. it's not my story, my computer is really fucked up, :( . my e-mails the same too, you should let me know. :)
from lissacakes :
Yes! Yay! I must calm down!
from digitalroses :
i didn't see a link to notes on your page. i had to look at your profile and then get to notes from there. even if i don't agree with everything you say, i like your clean frankness. God bless.
from herdarlinsin :
Whoa, lol I don't know how that happened, all of those posts. My badd. I guess that's what I get to clicking on Backspace. Damn tempermental pc's. They're just like men going through a midlife crisis.
from herdarlinsin :
Your entry about people peeing and sighing about killed me. I've never laughed so hard. You're a riot.
from herdarlinsin :
Your entry about people peeing and sighing about killed me. I've never laughed so hard. You're a riot.
from herdarlinsin :
Your entry about people peeing and sighing about killed me. I've never laughed so hard. You're a riot.
from yelayna :
I love room with a view. I like the book, and I like the film, which is usually never true. I usually love the book and hate the films. I like books. I like the way they smell. Films don't have smells... And you know your temp/company thing? I used to say I�d worked for the company if I was there longer than a month :o)
from yelayna :
I got all confused by your comments so thought I would leave you a note. I have 2 things to say: 1) makes pop ups for you. might be handy, who knows. And 2) I've been trying to read Portrait of a Lady for about 8 years. All that describing gets a bit much after a while. I'm still waiting to finish it, so I can watch the film. *sigh* xxx
from lissacakes :
I do, don't I? I leave some novels sometimes, too. We seem to end up writing entries in each other's notes. Poor girl, I sent her an stalkerishly long letter this weekend, too.
from lissacakes :
As I was scrolling down your profile to the link to leave a note, I saw "The Strokes" and then "Napolean Dynamite." You are now my favorite person of the day. But what I came to say is that I've always felt pretty much the same way about New Orleans as you feel about Savannah, so I'm way excited.
from kelsi :
I could delete a thousand entries for you, Mr. Sworsdman, but then there would only be 12 entries left. And the loss of such fine literature would just break my heart, not to mention the world's heart. So no, sorry. And thanks for saying I'm interesting, but I'm not. Wait, I take that back, I ate chili today and my farts smell like broccoli and I just ate asparagus so my pee will soon be asparagal. Now that's interesting, indeed. (I will delete this note tomorrow, I bet.)
from swordsman7th :
Hey Kelsi, Could you please delete a couple of years worth of entries? I've started reading some of your archives because you're interesting and I don't want to miss anything, but I can't spare that much time or be obssessive. So, if you could just delete a thousand or so entries it would free up a lot of my time. Thanks. John
from kelsi :
Hey Mr. Swordsman, that's pretty darn good. Thank you! And I'm pretty sure that's a world record for fastest entry in an online contest. (I'm putting this in my notes because you don't have notes.)
from swordsman7th :
Hi Kelsi, I just finsished my ten minutes of fiction. It was hard, because I've never really done fiction. Anyway, it's at my JohnGuinness Diaryland site where no one will ever see it. Cheers. John
from yelayna :
OOOh! How exciting!!! I'd clamour at your door if I knew where it was, only in a non stalky way.... :o) You left yourself a message! xxx
from kelsi :
It's Sunday night, I feel like there's homework that I need to be doing or something.
from lissacakes :
It's okay. We can be civil.
from yelayna :
Lovely Kelsi... I have just shelled out for gold, and am not using it to it's full advantage. Want me to host your images? :o)
from yelayna :
Aah, that's sad. I had an image of you drinking pints of cider getting all cross eyed at your desk with the important legal things. I used to drink cider in summer. It's quite an English thing I think. Scrumpy is good too, like apple juice that makes you fall over. There's a great make that's made in Cornwall called "legless but smiling" :o) Still, your drink sounds nice. Like apple tea or something. I think we should all get more sleep. I'd like to have an institutionalised nap mid afternoon. I like napping. Instead I drink lots of rubbish coffee that I have to drink a bucketful to keep me awake. I'm rambling hugely in your notes. This could almost be an entry, it�s so long. :o) I sent a Fiona Apple thing through the web, as I thought a letter would take to long from here. I don't know who she is, but I think the principle is wrong. I'm going to stop now. Love xxx
from kelsi :
from kelsi :
It's January 23, and it's 2005. Today is Sunday.
from hamiltonian :
I love your journal... great design as well!
from yelayna :
They give you free alcohol at work during the day?!!! I wish they'd do that here.... I'd even start on the Cider again. Ive not drunk that since I was 16 :o) I work out what i can buy with my hours. for example, two hours work = CD in reduced rack. THree days=pair of boots from sale. There's a theme of where I buy my things...
from yelayna :
Lovely, lovely Kelsi. Thank you for leaving me a nice thoughtful note, aaaaages ago. In catching up with your diary for the bits I missed, I was most surprised at your change of life in the month that had passed: you had a Mr Pooh who had appeared from nowhere: and gone back to school and alls orts of odd things. then I realised I had just been dumb and read about a months worth of September 2002. No wonder it seemed odd. Happy New Year :o)
from anisettekiss :
I love Peter Sarrsgard TOOO!! Have you seen "Center of the Universe"?? (The title is something like that of not, exactly) VERY, very good. That's the movie that made me fall in love with him... *sigh*
from notasock :
I rather loathe long haired cats as well. Let us form a fellowship. (Or a guild, or an order, or any other mysterious sounding synonyms.) Or perhaps maybe I should just go to bed instead.
from stiddlefix :
It's easy: add one word for every two. However, I would recommend using this approach very sparingly, like, approximately never.
from no-map :
your banner asked me really nicely to come by and visit you.. it didnt even use any clever marketing ploy to lure me.. I like simplicity so Im following its orders... HI!! xxx
from kristintracy :
hey kels. can i call you kels? why the fuck am i asking when i'm already doing it? a question for the ages. anyhow, you are more than welcome for the link; i like to alert people to diaries i enjoy, you know, sharing and all that. i'm nice that way. have a happy thanksgiving! turkey! w00t! *AIRHORN*
from notasock :
I'm involved in regional Republican politics, and a large majority of us are quite young. I was kind of surprised myself. As for the president, aside from my relatives and everyone with a blog, I don't know anyone who didn't vote for him. But then, with the exception of Utah, I live in the reddest red state ever.
from notasock :
I am somewhat enamored with that highly magnificent Firefox button. That, and your banner, and the fact that you made me laugh, make you my new Favorite Person. (Even if you did vote for John Kerry.) Aren't you excited?
from dukkha-tanha :
Brilliant banner. And I love Wonder Woman! She was my hero as a kid! =)
from deathpilot :
Thank diaryland for banners! I clicked on the banner for your site and immediately started laughing at your entries. You are now on my favorites.
from kelsi :
And I tried to call your satellite, but baby you would not receive, oh no.
from lissacakes :
I so do that too with emails, especially regarding apartments and jobs. Enormous self doubt comes in and I hope they'll just think I died in a car wreck or something and that's why I didn't respond.
from phatgrrl :
The online ones Ive messed with have been lower than the real life tests. The one I took for Mensa ended up being my lowest real score, but that was because I had just come from a 6 hour long anatomy final and the fumes were getting to me.
from kilowatt :
In a random twist of fate, I discovered your dairy. Your writing style is delightful and very entertaining. I am in awe of your writing ability. I thank you for the opportunity to experience the literary feast of your journal.
from singing-punk :
thnx - im glad SOMEONE is reading my diary... lol. i didn't think anyone was. im glad u liked my poem, im trying to be a better writer so im glad to got the lonely drift.
from lissacakes :
God, I love that Stephen Crane poem on your profile and the one that goes something like: A man said to the universe, "Sir, I exist." "However," said the universe, "this has not created in me some sort of obligation." I think I'll make you a favorite, so I won't forget your name and not get to read more.
from candy-sorrow :
hi, i like you. & i just googled myself. & theres another me too. that really bothers me.
from enigma104 :
I came in on one of your banners, and your journal/diary/whatever is great. So I hope you dont mind if I add you to my list? alex
from yelayna :
Cool. I'd love to see them. I'd like to go to alaska to see them, or iceland. I've heard they're fantastic there. Only I'm quite afraid of flying... :oS I bet seeing them drunk must be surreal though, are they like shooting stars?
from epipie :
Thank you! I'm trying. Your support certainly helps a bit.
from shadoof :
sooooneeerrrr...rock on (-.-)__|,,|
from sunfuck :
i'm very glad thank you. that cat is cute as hell :((((999
from yelayna :
Bollard: Chiefly British - One of a series of posts preventing vehicles from entering an area. [Middle English, probably from bole, tree trunk.] So there you have it. It's a pole sticking out of the ground, made mostly of wrought Iron, or at least painted to look like that. There are lots of them in Wokingham. And I like to high kick over them when I am drunk. And your so ashamed that you made it private entry made me laugh so much that I completely failed to answer two calls on the switchboard I was working on because I couldn't stop laughing :o)
from muffindisco :
You crazy drunk.
from muffindisco :
That entry had the most hilarious title ever.
from yelayna :
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. My thoughts are with you *hug*
from parlance :
Ohhh, Pearl Jam.
from epipie :
No, no, my dear. You are WAY funner. The first time I read you, I thought: "What? Does this girl always kick back a bottle of Jose Cuervo each time before she writes?" And then proceeded to spread the word around to my friends, telling them how great you are. And that's no lip service.
from yelayna :
it's my birthday soon too :o) Yeay for birthdays....
from boogityx2 :
where were you going to see the pixies - winnipeg is sold out qwas it winnipeg ps I am drunk
from boogityx2 :
Not only are the Pixies touring, but they're coming right to my city. I'm totally going. I'm sure you care.
from toejam :
I've about had it with the fucking guestbook stupid ass thing. So I am signing in your notes because I just got mad at the fucking guestbook stupid ass thing for the last time. Anyway...OH MY GOD! I just bought TWO of those cool things that reach down and open and close to pick things up. My boss uses one to pick up cigaratte butts and he got sick of me stealing his to play with so he bought me own and then I wanted one for the other hand so now I have TWO. I take a shower with them, seriously, so I can pick up the soap when it falls without bending over and so I get a towel off the rack without putting my wet feet on the floor first. And, I play a lot with them, chase people around, pinch people and stuff. And they are scary too because they fold up and from a distance it looks like you are carrying a gun. People give me weird looks. You should SO get one, or two. I got mine at Lowes. They are the best. And. I don't know anything about downloading your diary but if you find out let me know because I would like to do that too.
from linguafranca :
Regarding you recent pissed off entry about people who talk about language: Yeah! That's right!
from violet311 :
no its not just you everything has gotten completely lame....
from anniewaits18 :
your diary rocks. I read a LOT of diaries and you held my interest enough for me to press the forward and back buttons. Now, I'm excited! whoo-hoo.
from candoor :
I know-know noone, but would so much like to.
from linguafranca :
Nice reduplication!
from californican :
YES! Get the supergold membership! Best $54 bucks I ever spent! I use my e-mail a lot. I know it's kinda hard to tell someone that your e-mail is from "diaryland," but being able to check it anywhere with Outlook rocks. Comments rock, too.
from no1sgirl :
Hi-I came here by way of your banner thay says 'Please come to my diary. Thank you.' I thought it was sweet and too the point. Not like all these others you see that are purely made to make you want to go to a diary instead of just asking. :) Nice job!
from verwardheid :
Just wanted to let you know you can get a comment system from HaloScan ( for you diary.
from kelsi :
from greenfinch :
& hearts ; ♥
from xfrauline :
soda machines are very dangerous
from emeraldblaze :
I came, I noted, I left.
from greenfinch :
i ♥ you!
from sacy :
from gumphood :
Okay...well...I think I got their first album back in 92' I totally have been in love with them ever since. And why don't you like Cell Phones?
from gumphood :
Oh drat you fixed it. I thought it was funny. Anyway I am personally in love with Pearl Jam. I never understood why they aren't like the biggest band around. They are just so good. Anyway, how has it come that you like them?
from dont-stop :
Your banner was irresistable. It sucked me into your diary and melted my brain.
from greenfinch :
would you like me any better/if i were eddie vedder?
from siva0 :
Hey! you know my e-mail right? wow a tape, for me? i feel like a christmas tree!
from dre2600 :
I like people who's diaries include loathing of the coldness that this country so abundantly provides.
from kelsi :
It is November 2003.
from fuckatruck :
the term 'pooh' is Used to express disdain or disbelief. if you think about it, the whole show is cast in a negative light. i mean, eeyore is always so depressed, christopher robin is always crying (at least in my memory of the show he is) and pooh is always hungry. what could be more depressing than that?
from fuckatruck :
thank you very much for your comment on the song, kelsi. i will let the others know how you feel... :D
from fuckatruck :
if you ever need any help with tables, let me know. thanks for the compliment and thanks for the thanks.
from yelayna :
ah, i feel better now reading your notes... your guestbook's mad! but what i was going to say was, ahem, <br> *looking down from the 6ft 2ins place in heels* But you're so small! In both ways! (I feel better now I've said it...)
from toejam :
I am totally pissed at your guestbook right now and you'll have to excuse me while I say FUCK YOU to your guestbook. FUCK YOU! It won't let me sign, I tried three times and it kept telling me I couldn't sign again that quickly. UGH. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for signing my book today. You totally made me feel better for some reason. Maybe because you are my kindred pancake sister or something. I am indeed okay, fine, lovely...just having a day where I am mad at the world. So thanks for signing today, and for all the other days you've're the best.
from justnick :
'I own no Radiohead albums.' That alone makes me want to read the rest. I thoroughly enjoyed the book-club entry. I suppose no Canadian Pearl Jam fan can be anything but spectacular. Oh, and the 'Eng' comment was random conjecture, damn you.
from fuckatruck :
liking 'hot naked coyote shit sex' means i'm a pervert? fuck! p.s. - you can eat my entries all by yourself and it's cool by me. well, i'm off to cowgary now. later, 'bater!
from fuckatruck :
thanks for the thanks and the good luck. i will try to 'rock out' as much as possible tomorrow in cowtown - yeeehaww! you're computer and it's present situation sounds like it sucks big donkey dong. that's too bad. i remember the days of dialup. thankfully, i don't think i will have to ever see those days again... (not to rub any salt in your wounds or anything). the online dating thing - hmm... i don't know what i am 'trying' right now. all i know is there are females out there - good looking ones at that - that i could benefit having the company of. i just am lost at how to meet them...
from emperorincxt :
hi. i visited your diary. it is very nice. your banner is polite and simple. i like that. :)
from brieekinzz01 :
awesome diary!=)
from iluverica :
Did you know you pickle watermelon rind?
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I just added a review for two Modest Mouse shows I saw last week and thought maybe you'd be interested. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here too, including the Violent Femmes. Check it out, thanks!
from fuckatruck :
nothing crazy about austarlia.... if you're a criminal. haha j/k ;) i envy you.
from fuckatruck :
ouch. i'm not crazy :p you're the one going to aus, not me...
from fuckatruck :
tampon entry = hot. the half a guy you spoke of (in reference to one and half of your readers are male) = me. big box of big tampons = fun times.
from fuckatruck :
you keep referring to them... what about them? :-P
from fuckatruck :
what about my nuts?
from fuckatruck :
so, if you got lost on my second last note, here it is without the html: underwear + poopieness = what i live for now, i would have to side with you, although i have heard the other side of the coin as well. i have never myself worn a thong, but (and i do mean butt) i can only imagine that it would be uncomfortable. yet, so many people have said to me (yes, i've had this conversation many a time...) that once you get used to it you love it and won't ever go back to 'panties'. i, on the other hand, love a nice full pair of panties (not on me, but on someone of the other sex). it's nice to see a great ass in panties and it leaves little to the imagination if she's wearing a thong (little to the imagination = boring). thinking about it a bit, next girlfriend i have, i'm going to wear her panties at least once. and then a thong. and then i will know for sure which one is better. i'll keep you posted.
from fuckatruck :
you wanna know what's not cool? inserting html into a long note and then finding out it that the notes cannot contain html. where's the fuckin' sign, diaryland?
from fuckatruck :
<b>underwear</b> + <b>poopieness</b> = <font color="red"><b>what i live for<b></font color> <br> <br> now, i would have to side with you, although i have heard the other side of the coin as well. i have never myself worn a thong, but (and i do mean <u>butt</u>) i can only imagine that it would be uncomfortable. yet, so many people have said to me (yes, i've had this conversation many a time...) that once you get used to it you love it and won't ever go back to 'panties'. i, on the other hand, love a nice full pair of panties (not on me, but on someone of the other sex). it's nice to see a great ass in panties and it leaves little to the imagination if she's wearing a thong (little to the imagination = boring). <br> <br> thinking about it a bit, next girlfriend i have, i'm going to wear her panties at least once. and then a thong. and then i will know for sure which one is better. <br> <br> <br> i'll keep you posted.
from fuckatruck :
analogies on life are my specialty. but what baffles me is what is so wrong with thong underwear?
from crazypsycho9 :
ok either the cat you have on your profile is named kelsi or your name is kelsi, but whatever cuz i you stole my name. you're only the second person who i know that spells their name with only an i at the end.
from fuckatruck :
you should come to the show. it will be worth the hitch hiking that you'd have to do to get there.
from fuckatruck :
lightning-speed note-leaving is all i'm about. you're pretty quick on the draw yourself... this is like the showdown at the o k corral (minuses the horses and the guns)
from fuckatruck :
thanks for the note (again). i will definately have fun at warped! :D
from a-iphigenia :
It seems, ever since I started moving, I am only finding journals of fellow-movers. As I sit here surrounded by stacks of useful objects burried in useless things I must get ride of I can't help but extend my deepest sympathy to you. My computer is the last thing standing, I pack it up in two days.
from fuckatruck :
the last band i played in i sang and played guitar. in my current band i mainly just play guitar. i do some backup vocals too, but not a whole lot.
from fuckatruck :
excpet = except.
from fuckatruck :
i'm always on. excpet when i am off. i love the pee entry, by the way...
from fuckatruck :
hello kelsi. i like your diary too.
from aliveguy :
I had the chance to move into a great place for dirt cheap. As a result I didn't go. I just hope I get to see them before they don't tour anymore. Maybe next year...
from introibo :
i really love your banner. and consequently, your journal. :D
from spritopias :
I agree completely.
from toothbrush :
I was just re-reading old notes and I have said some variation on "Your secret is safe with me" three times before this one so now that's four. I'm serious! I'm not just spouting clich�s for kicks! I won't tell! In fact, I'm sorry that I flaunted! Bad me! No more flaunting!
from toothbrush :
Kelsi! Of course your secret is safe with me! I may know your deep dark secret and I may even relish the fact that I am so priveledged to know your deep dark secret but I wouldn't dare share this secret with anyone else! That would render me powerless. Your secret is safe with me!
from siva0 :
holdens just a crazy bastard.::regards on stuff::: over exposer -bad. half assed fakers praised by millions -bad. pearl jam -good. new and old pearl jam -good and gooder. modest mouse -good. less listeners than there sould be for sleater-kinney -damn shame. mtv-should be shoot. rolling stone magizine - should be shoot. kelsi you damn thinker;;;peace out, drive fast,spoon
from toothbrush :
I looooooooooooooove Dr. Pepper!
from and :
DUDE. I LOVE OWLS! Owsl and ostriches. ADORE them. The only reason I watch Harry Potter: owls delivering mail! I love them horribly. And all birds, but mostly owls.
from oipunkgrunge :**/...feel free to share that link in your ring if you'd now it has been accesed too many times but there are still some songs to listen to..enjoy.
from aliveguy :
Well it's me again. As you can probably figure out I'm having ticket problems again. I talked to a surprising helpful lady at ticketmaster who told me Pearl Jam arn't using them. While I'm proud of the band for sticking by there guns, this makes getting tickets hard as all hell. Do you know where I can buy tickets for Vancouver? Once again I'll love you forever for any help you can give. -Peace.
from aliveguy :
Hi again. Um, I'm getting a little paranoid. I havn't seen any listing for Vancouver tickets, and I'm not sure if that's because they're not on sale, or, because I'm just an idiot and havn't been looking in the right places. Any help you can be would be overly appreciated and blown out of proportion. - Peace.
from oipunkgrunge :
more news...opening acts are already announced..there'll be 4 bands splitting the opening dates..first there'll be the cool chicks from sleater-kinney!!!,then the cool emo kids from sparta!!!,then the guys from idlewild and finally the old school punk rockers buzzcocks!!!...the 2 MSG dates openers are tba hm i wonder who they'll be..prolly audioslave or queens of the stone age are welcome :op
from oipunkgrunge :
hey you..just wanted to share some news as usual to a follow jam head...Much Music USA is gonna have a PJ special on ferbruary 2nd where tehy are gonna show all the riot act videos..ya know the ones the shot at chop suey? they'll show i am mine,save you,love captain..,and 1/2 full plus some interviews i belive im not sure ,and i dunno the time yet but stay alert for it...did you pre-order your pj tickets for the tour yet? i mailed my request yesteday :0)
from aliveguy :
Hi there. I'm a member of you Pearl Jam ring, and I'm trying to catch them in Vancouver on the 30th. I was hoping you could tell me how to get tickets. I don't know if they're using ticketmaster or not. Just hoping another jammer could help. Peace.
from pinkpunkster :
You rock cos you have a ring for people that say 'pop' rather than soda or whatever. I'm from Albany, NY but have been living in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area for the past year and a half. Anywhos, you have good taste in music and stuff. ttyl
from toothbrush :
Hey! Ok, it's me again and yes, I wrote that diary entry just for you! Actually, all of the pictures that i would have sent you were featured in it so I'd have nothing to send you except really high-res pictures of my cat and her ugly pink ball! Anyhoo, can you explain to me more about how to toilet-train my cat? I remember you offering advice before and I have been meaning to take you up on it! If you want to email me, go with toothbrush at sympatico dot ca - ok? Thanks, Kelsi!
from toothbrush :
Hey Kelsi! I think Dolores may have just signed your guestmap. That cat is getting smarter and smarter these days. Do you want me to email you a bunch of crazy pictures I took of the crazy cat with a digital camera that I borrowed? They're pretty cute, I must say. Is [email protected] a good address?
from oipunkgrunge :
look at the exclusive PJ pics i posted :o)
from oipunkgrunge :
look at the interview i posted in my diary :o) maybe you could write an entry and put alink to my diary's interview so all the "jam heads"c an check it out heheb<3
from fallsfromyou :
Yay for Kels<i>i</i>'s! .....thats all.
from oipunkgrunge :
PJ made a video for i am mine..u can get it at u think u could send me the mp3 of eddie singing with bruce that song my hometown? i love bruce as well and im from jersey so having that song would mean a lot to me ..let me know
from oipunkgrunge :
i never knew there was a PJ ring in this diaryland shit...please i wanna join and i wanna have the code to put it in my diary :o) please let me know as soon as you can okies? thanks...
from toothbrush :
Hey Kelsi! Do you remember the days when one could leave HTML-encrusted notes for other diaryland users? I do! Anyhoo, thanks for the tip on car flooding. I'm not sure if it was that, but apparently the boy got his car fixed this morning. He said he just had to flick a switch or something. I didn't ask him to elaborate. Anyhoo, I am glad you are back! I missed you.
from toothbrush :
Kelsi! There is a new Colin Firth movie. Actually, it's The Importance of Being Ernest. How excited are we? Oh, very!
from jujubee :
Yo lady, You need to come to my side of the hood (I'm closer to that university across town) and learn you some proper like escape mechanisms. Coz the net can be really cool if you don't think about it.
from toothbrush :
Copy and paste this URL for a cheesey-ass MIDI version of the Wonder Woman theme song:
(I would link you, but I can never makes link work in notes.)
P.S. Yes, it was a mathematically pleasing day! But now it's over. (At least in this time zone, it is.)
from kelsi :
from kelsi :
from mel839 :
another day for you and me in paradise
from kelsi :
Today is almost December 11, 2001.
from toothbrush :
Kelsi! You have me beat because I have never EVER written thank you letters to the people who donated money for my scholarships. I am so terrible. I meant to do it the first couple of times because I figured it would be the polite and correct thing to do... and then I got lazy. And then I just never bothered because OH WELL. No use in starting now.

My karma is going to kick my ass one day.
from toothbrush :
I joined your pop diaryring! (It's in my "food/beverage" rings, if you want to check.) And I am from Canada, although I suspect you already knew that.

What happened to the picture of the badass cat giving me the finger in your layout?
from kelsi :
Today is Wednesday, October 31, 2001.
from toothbrush :
Yaaaaaaaay! Fear not; your secret will be safe with me.
from toothbrush :
Yeah, I understood the part about anonymity and how freptology was really a code word for something else. But damnit! I just want to know what it is. I won't tell anyone, I promise!
from toothbrush :
Kelsi. I have been reading your diary backwards (I am on July 7 as of right now) and I am dying dyyyyyyying to know what freptology is. Enquiring minds need to know! Email me or something if it's that top secret.
from toothbrush :
And oh my goodness! I love Colin Firth! Did you notice that he played a Mr. Darcy in both Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones' diary? He is the only reason why I enjoyed both of those so damned much. Aaaaaaaah, Colin Firth.
from kelsi :
Today is Saturday, September 29, 2001.
from neenster :
P.S. AOL truly does suck donkey ass. Not to mention blue whale dong.
from neenster :
thank you for adding a picture to the Pearl Jam diaryring. YOU ROCK!!!!

back to kelsi's profile
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