Here is a list of science-girl's favourite diary entries by other members:
Ode to Katie and Bubba by ursamajor comment:   What a lovely ode to one of my favorite things in the world! PUPPIES! Stone Before the Erosion by luvabeans comment:   Beautiful. When he was a world away she made a typewriter from yellow dandelions and she wrote him a story that had no ending. by sundry comment:   Beautiful and passionate writings about what a woman does when her man is "a world away." culture clash by mcearstix comment:   There's a picture of her with a MONKEY in Honduras! What could be better than a monkey??? Some are silver, and some are gold. by idiot-milk comment:   This is FREAKING HILARIOUS! Nights like these by shewhowalks comment:   Gave me goosebumps... nothing this beautiful (could ever last) by sleepystorm comment:   She writes so beautifully... morning, three by sleepystorm comment:   Absolutely beautiful, and familiar sounding. Hitting the snooze button for all humanity by smoog comment:   I SO agree with this entry!!! Old C.S. by sirenslave comment:   Beautiful poetry... Masque of Angels by bornearly comment:   This poem gave me goosebumps... Cleanliness is next to Mouseliness by weetabix comment:   FREAKING hilarious! Sex Sells by mattferrara comment:   He is so totally RIGHT... Old Age by i-girl comment:   This entry perfectly describes my thoughts on aging, and it's just beautifully written... Your Reality is Showing by i-girl comment:   This girl is awesome. Great use of sarcasm (which I greatly admire), and not afraid to use swear words in all their glorious forms. Besides, her observations of reality t.v. are so true...
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science-girl has 1 entries listed by aloka as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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