messages to ababystory:
(click here to add new message):

from boogiebeep :
Its good to hear from you, and Im glad that everything is going okay :O) Keep us updated please!
from frogmom :
your little girl sounds to be doing great! My 20 month old daughter didnt even walk til 16 months! LOL
from say-good-bi :
I havent heard anything from you in such a long while. I hope everything is ok with you,drop me a note or email or something will ya?
from say-good-bi :
its about time you updated woman!!! I was beginning to wonder about you. now all ya gotta do is send me an updated pic of that precious angel the only pic of her I have is when she was 6 months old!!!
from mommymartin :
Happy Belated birthday baby Sarah!!!!
from say-good-bi :
hey girl..happy birthday to sarah!!! today as you know is also my daughters bday,shes 18. also my niece had her baby boy this morning!wow all friday the 13th bdays!! I see you dont update much anymore but let me know if you want a pw.
from serendipityv :
My prayers are also with you, your Aunt and your Uncle. I'm so sorry.
from silveringrid :
my thoughts and prayers are with you...
from say-good-bi :
ohhhhhh Im so sorry kristy.My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family. of course.I told my good friend about your uncle and she has added his name to her prayer circle.I'm sure he had a direct flight to heaven hon,and I'm glad his suffering is over now and he is at peace.
from lingers :
I emailed you again, but I don't know if you received it. And I moved emails yet again, because too many people weren't receiving my letters. [email protected] xoxo, love.
from flashingkoi :
I'm proud of you! You seem to be doing well. That last entry was really sweet.
from fan4 :
I came across this diary today, and like it. Your entries keep my attention on them.
from serendipityv :
Beautiful entry about your daughter, I actually teared up reading it! O-kay, the family bed. To keep the girls from falling out of bed has been easy for me. As babies, it's easy because they don't roll a lot. As they got older I'd put pillows on one side and I'd be on the otherside. My 3 1/2 yr old has fallen twice. In her sleep one time she didn't even realize it and the other time she cried for a minute or two and went back to bed. Now that she's older, she just seems to know where the edge is, but I'm sure she'll fall out more, it's just something kids do. She didn't sleep through the night until she was almost two and off the bottle. At one she only got up once a night for a bottle. At two she stopped all together. My 6 month old gets up once a night. I try and feed her solid food plus a bottle before bed and she'll sleep until morning when I do that IF she goes to bed later. When she goes to bed around 7PM then of course it doesn't work. (She goes to bed between 7 and 8 almost every night.) So if you can move back your baby's bed time, and get the tummy full, I think that will help with sleeping through the night. If you are really worried about falling out of bed, invest in a bed rail. It'd be worth it to calm your nerves. Good luck and let me know how it goes!!
from beautifulmes :
Aww! Great entry to your daughter! Exactly how I feel about mine! And me being able to witness all the "firsts" really stinks for her dad b/c he hasn't. So oh well, you're making such a wonderful mother!
from say-good-bi :
awww what a beautiful entry Kristy.I loved chatting the other night with you.we should do it more often.I'm glad if I can ba of help to you,and even if not Im glad to be just a friend to listen when you need a pair of ears,or a shoulder.things will work out.
from angeljenn420 :
i just read your entries and my friend just had a baby. shes 19 as well. she had a baby boy. im his god mother and she is goin thru everything you did. and shes having a hard time. but im helping her out as much as i can and everything. and i think she will be alright. and i hope everything is good for you too. her fiencee is still trying to be a teenager, hanging out with his friends and such. leaving her with the baby all the time. he discusts me. its like his life hasnt even changed tho it has cuz hes got a son now. but its like he doesnt even care. i spent the week with them last week and he wasnt around much. it was me and her taking care of the baby. now mind you hes only 2 months old and still up half the night. but i took care of him thru the night becuz she has to work at 5 am so i was helping her out. becuz she takes care of him all night and then wakes up at 5 am and its rough on her. but newayz, you have a great journal and i cant wait to read more on ur little girl. :) good luck. ~Jenn~
from serendipityv :
It's easy for me to have both my girls (3 1/2 and 6 months) sleep with me because I'm a single Mom. I love the family bed!! The only drawback is getting the girls to sleep in their own beds. My 3 1/2 will sleep in her bed, but my 6 month old doesn't sleep in her crib for more than a couple of hours. I love having the girls with me for now. If it ever changes though, it'll be tough to get them sleeping on their own.
from bambee :
i use to be a BIG fan of the family bed, but it has a huge drawback. my oldest just turned 7 and it has been rough getting him back into his own bed, he still gets up in the middle of the night and tries to get into bed with me. if i had to do it all over again i wouldnt! i would also be interested in the newsletter.
from lingers :
Seeing that comment in my guestbook made my day. I emailed you a long time ago, via dland email but it was simply bounced and lost in cyberspace. I'm so glad you're still wanting to let me be a part of your life. &, dear friend, you'll be hearing from me very soon! xo.
from say-good-bi :
oh btw...I would be happy to host a pic of sarah for you if you want to post one...or if you want send me one I will post it and you can link me. whatever.K?lemme know.
from say-good-bi :
YESSSS Im interested!!!!ohh Im glad you got the post card..just wanted you to know i think of you often!ummmm it dont believe in the family bed thing...I know alot of people do and I dont want to trigger hate mail but its just not my thing ya know?bot my babies always had their own crib and always slept on there own,babies need to learn how to sooth themselves and I believe it creates an emotionally healthier child that adjusts better when not able to have mom or dad.but its just my opinion,and based on what Ive learned and seen over my 38 years of
from redshoegirl :
Hey Kristy, I would love to get e-mails about you and Sarah, I would love to see how big she is! I know Robbi, who has a diary is a co sleep fan, also I think there's a diary called the APmamas who are all about that sort of stuff xxx
from gnwbec :
hey you. *big hugs* i would be very interested in any form of hearing/seeing more of sarah, but you know that, i'm sure. and, two years since you and joshy started going out? for real? good lord. it's ... no, that should be an entry in my diary. head over to my diary for that one *g* email me if you don't have the password, but i think you still do? love you lots, and sarah also. *hugs and kisses* to you both.
from boogiebeep :
I am not a great believe in co sleeping, I believe a child needs to learn to be independant a few nights here and there is okay, but not all the time a child gets all the love and burturing during the day so they are not missing out, I also believe that 'mommy and daddy need some time togehter' as a couple with baby...just my opinion and that is how it will be when my baby arrives Id be interested in your newsletter thingy :O)
from mynormal :
Hi! I let Amory sleep with me whenever she wants. It's been more than usual lately, but you kind of have to know the situation. =/ ANyway, if there's anything I can help with, let me know!
from say-good-bi :
hey your mail Im sending you out a post card today!
from say-good-bi :
hey girl.its been a loooooooooooong time since you updated.I hope things are going well for you.I think about you very often,and wonder how you are.drop me a note or something.
from tara10573 :
The picture is adorable and I thought it was cute that you called her Sarah Bearah - I was called Tara Bearah as a child :-)
from say-good-bi :
just too cute!but kristy dear....when am i gonna see what you look like?you can always mail me a pic if ya dont wanna post it ya son just graduated too!woo hoo for the grads!
from eppybway :
Hi. I just found your diary and I've been reading through it...and wow, you take so much crap, what with your parents and Josh's parents and all. I've only just read your entries but I think you are so amazingly strong to take it all. God bless you and your little Sarah! She is sooo adorable, so precious. I will be praying that things get easier for you. You sound like such an amazing person and even more amazing for keeping your head on straight through all the crap you take.
from october891 :
I just found your diary through a link and spent the last hour or so reading it. Your daughter is so adorable! October
from froggler :
She is a CUTIE!!! I love the pic that she has the pink outfit on in. My oldest made the same face and I couldn't get enough of pictures of it. SOOO adorable!!! :o)
from marlen816 :
Happy Random Guestbook Signing Week! I couldn't find your guestbook link so I signed here! Your daughter is beautiful and I LOVE your layout. Suzy Zoo is the bomb! This is the 1st time I read one of your entires and I do not know the story behind your baby and not graduating, but I think that you have done an awesome thing, having your daughter and just like you said - you will graduate - it will just be a bit delayed!
from flashingkoi :
she is the cutest baby! thanks for putting up all those pictures! yes, cetaphil is the only cleanser I use on my face, it doesn't dry you out like other soaps. good stuff.
from silveringrid :
she is so beautiful
from why-i-love :
She is quite the little cutie, I love that first picture of her! and cetaphil is wonderful stuff, it's the only kind of soap or lotion I can use on my skin without it getting severely irritated, having sensitive skin can be quite a pain in the behind
from star-heart :
Can I just repeat what everyone else has said here and say how cute your daughter is? You are SO lucky!
from byfirstlight :
Awww, beautiful!!!
from redshoegirl :
She is beautiful!! What lovely big eyes!! Glad you're feeling better too xx
from momma3 :
It's great to see an update! She is SO PRECIOUS! :)
from say-good-bi :
hope ya dont mind but your adorable child has made an appearence in my todays
from say-good-bi :
heyyyyyyyyy.omgggggggggg she is WAY TOO CUTE!!!I like where shes sitting at the puter...there should be a caption above her head that says...come on mama update dammit!lmaooooo.
from babicharmz :
You have one adorable baby girl! Glad to see you updated.
from bytemee :
girl Im gettin worried about updates in a month.I hope all is ok.
from lilsquirt18 :
Your daughter is so cute!
from bytemee :
hey girl..I hope you had a nice mothers day!
from mommymartin :
Happy Mothers day!!!!! hope you have a great day!!!
from angel1828 :
*hugs* she is precious. Say hi next time you're online. Or call me sometime. LOL!! *hugs*
from blushingcece :
she is absolutly gorgeous! Congrats!
from kitkat81 :
I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I was allergic to Ivory soap when I was an infant, even though it was what my mom had been given at the hospital. She eventually used diaper wipes.
from byfirstlight :
Oh! She is beautiful! Look at those big blue eyes!
from lingers :
love, i emailed [email protected] and received a "message not delivered" email in reply. email me when you get a chance, yes?? [email protected] should suffice. :) xo, darle.
from bytemee :
omggggggggggggg shes soooooooooo cute!!!!thats ok girl...just send me another pic!lol....ummm you should take a digital of you josh and her and email it to me!(make sure its jpeg)talk to you soon.
from momma3 :
She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm so excited to read about your precious baby! HUGS!
from lingers :
oh she's so precious.... !!!!! i feel as if i've missed so much in your life. but i'm just glad to see you're happy and getting along well and that she's healthy. xo. judi-
from monkeymia :
she is sooo beautiful!! as for the soap, try burt' bees buttermilk baby soap. we use it on liam, and he has skin problems but it doesnt irritate him.
from bytemee :
I been missing you are things?
from momma03 :
wow! Your baby is so adorable! :-)
from bytemee :
hey there...I was wondering what been happening...I saw you on msn a few times but you didnt reply.glad to hear everything is fine.yes they do grow fast....savor every moment!!!
from mommymartin :
sweetie i am so glad to hear she is doing so good! they get big fast dont they?
from say-good-bi :
hey sweetie...she may have a hard time sleeping on her own because the area is too open and large,she doesnt feel secure like in a tight place like your arms.try wrapping a small blanket snugly around her from the waist down....the snuggness simulates being in the mommys womb or arms.give it a try!(((hugs)))send me a pic!!
from ababystory :
The time I would spend with pictures I would not send I watched you go from left to right I follow you all night across my blinds I'm making my peace making it with distance maybe that's a big mistake you know I'm thinking of you I miss you You'll change your mind come monday and turn your back on me take your steps away with hesitance take your steps away from me. I see it around me, I see it in everything. I could be so much more than this. I said my goodbye's this is my sundown. I'm gonna be so much more than this. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. No one cares. I need you to show me the way from crazy. I wanna be so much more than this. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. No one cares. (When this began) I had nothing to say And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me (I was confused) And I let it all out to find That I�m not the only person with these things in mind (Inside of me) But all that they can see the words revealed Is the only real thing that I�ve got left to feel (Nothing to lose) Just stuck, hollow and alone And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own And I�ve got nothing to say I can�t believe I didn�t fall right down on my face (I was confused) Looking everywhere only to find That it�s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind (So what am I) What do I have but negativity �Cause I can�t justify the way, everyone is looking at me (Nothing to lose) Nothing to gain, hollow and alone And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own
from ababystory :
The time I would spend with pictures I would not send I watched you go from left to right I follow you all night across my blinds I'm making my peace making it with distance maybe that's a big mistake you know I'm thinking of you I miss you You'll change your mind come monday and turn your back on me take your steps away with hesitance take your steps away from me. I see it around me, I see it in everything. I could be so much more than this. I said my goodbye's this is my sundown. I'm gonna be so much more than this. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. No one cares. I need you to show me the way from crazy. I wanna be so much more than this. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. With one hand high, you'll show them your progress. You'll take your time, but no one cares. No one cares. (When this began) I had nothing to say And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me (I was confused) And I let it all out to find That I�m not the only person with these things in mind (Inside of me) But all that they can see the words revealed Is the only real thing that I�ve got left to feel (Nothing to lose) Just stuck, hollow and alone And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own And I�ve got nothing to say I can�t believe I didn�t fall right down on my face (I was confused) Looking everywhere only to find That it�s not the way I had imagined it all in my mind (So what am I) What do I have but negativity �Cause I can�t justify the way, everyone is looking at me (Nothing to lose) Nothing to gain, hollow and alone And the fault is my own, and the fault is my own
from the-wraith :
Hey im not sure if i have left you a note before, but i thought i would again just to say that i have added you to my list of favs and i thought i would also say i hope sarah gets better soon and im sure you are making a great mum :) Keep smiling and big hugs
from ababystory :
Hi, this is Joshy, just dropping by to say that I love you, even though you might not get to see this for a bit, im sure you will eventually, Im going to be leaving to come over your house very shortly where i will shower you with hugs and kisses, and i will take Zee MunchKin and you will sleep for a bit if you want, and then, i will shower you with more love. Because i love you with all my hy heart, never change. You are perfect in my eyes. ~Joshy
from serendipityv :
I'm also very happy to hear she's doing wonderful!! You sound so happy and proud of her. Yeah for you!
from bytemee :
heyyyy.glad to hear shes doing great!I can't wait to see her in her little pooh outfit I sent !!don't forget to mail me a pic soon!
from bytemee :
ty kristy.I appreciate your kind words.((hugs to you and sarah)))
from onacloud :
Kristy, I was thinking about you a couple of weeks ago, and thought I'd check up on your diary to see how you've been over the last year or so, because I really had no idea. What a surprise it was to find out you were a mother! I remember back when you were just fifteen, still with Mike, and I remember how much you helped me when I was nothing but a lost little girl trying to find her place in the world. Three years ago, that's so hard to believe. The baby is gorgeous and your writing is still incredible. You're amazing, Kristy. You really are. xo
from bytemee :
hey sweetie,just stopped in to check on you and that precious angel.I emailed you and didnt get a reply.hope your well.
from orangina21 :
hey, hang in there. we're all rooting for you. I don't know why men are so stupid sometimes...
from star-heart :
I've been meaning to stop by for a while. Congratulations on the baby. That's a really nice name. Hope you feel happier soon
from barenaked500 :
Sorry to hear things aren't the greatest right now. I'm sure they will get better. :) Cheer up.
from bytemee :
smile...I emailed ya!!oh yeah flippie had her baby too...yesterday!!
from me-me-meee :
I went through a lot of the feelings you're going through when my daughter was born. My in-laws treated me like crap with no good reason. My mom always told everyone about "her kid" referring to MY kid, and my dad.. well, he was one of those, like your dad, too. On top of that, I felt as if the only thing her dad was helping me with was money and that wasn't doing much good, although he lived in the same house.. and last but not least, I felt left out. When I was pregnant, everyone would ooh and ahh over me and ask me questions and shower me with attention. After the baby, I felt really left out. All I became was a 17 year old drop out, going on 18, that wasn't married and was saddled with a baby. I did get looked down on some when I was pregnant but it was even worse after she was born. By the third kid, I just realized people were assholes. I was 22 and married by then and one of the nurses in the NICU treated me like total crap until she found out I was a lot older than I look and I had supposed money. Don't blame yourself for the way they are, hon. If they're stupid enough to be that closed minded, they aren't worth your stress. As for Josh, men don't know what to do around new babies because, for so many years, the women have just taken over and not let them do anything, and I'm sure his mother was even worse about it so it only makes his examples as to how to act for being a daddy worse. Hang in there. It will get better.
from kitkat81 :
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! Hey, did I mention that.. I LOVE YOU?! ;-) *hugs* *kisses*
from intermission :
kristy, the baby is beautiful. just wanted to let you know that.
from cl0udieee :
hey just wanna let u know that the baby's adorable. came across your site when i visited imnotblind. you rock girl. :)
from me-me-meee :
Sarah is absolutely adorable (and I think newborns look like frogs so that's a HUGE compliment)!!!! Congratulations, and your sadness at this point is normal, but if it doesn't go away, there's no shame in asking for something for depression at your 6 week appt with your ob/gyn.
from kitkat81 :
hey sweetie pie. don't you dare let any of them give you shit, you hear me? i may have to come over there and kick some ass. as for josh's parents.. i honestly wouldn't trust them either. you have every right to be paranoid. just be careful with the PPD, it can be a real bitch. :-\ i love you honey. *hugs*
from serendipityv :
Be careful of postpartum depression, it effects many woman after birth. You sound like you could have it. If it keeps up please talk to your doctor! Good luck!!
from sullen-grrrl :
Hello there, I don't know if I have ever "introduced" myself to you or not.. but I have been reading your diary for awhile. Let me tell you a little about me before I get started.. My name is Stephanie, I'm 22 and I live in Michigan. I have 3 little girls. My oldest daughter, Ashia, was born on my 17th birthday. She is now 5 1/2, her sister Kayleigh is almost 3, and the baby, Savannah is 7 months. I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. The only exception was that I was at the time, a single mom. I know how hard it is to go from a teenager to a mom..its very, very difficult. Especially if you are trying to go to school at the same time. I had a very hard time with it, I'm not going to lie. My firstborn had colic which kept me up for hours at night, so I was functioning on very little sleep. Things will get easier though. It takes some time getting used to it all. It does sound like you have a bit of post partum depression though, which is very normal- I have had it myself and almost every woman I know who has children has experience it at one time or another. It is essential that you speak with your ob/gyn about this so that they can properly treat you for it. They usually put you on anti depressants for a little bit. It helped me immensely. It is important that you don't ignore your sad feelings though- you do not have to live like this! As I said, it is a very, very common thing. Please contact your doctor as soon as possible. If you need any advice or just want to talk sometime, feel free to email me. I'm also occasionally signed on to AIM as stefani189. Also, Your daughter is absolutely adorable. I love the name that you picked out for her. Best of luck to you and your family.. and hang in there! You can do this!
from bytemee :
sounds like your dad needs an attitude adjustment..hmmmmm.want me to kick his ass?lol.hang in there.
from bytemee :
hon the post partum period will pass...its alot to handle all at once and your young as well as all the extra bullshit in your house you dont need.ugh.everything will fall into will.((((((((hugs to you and sarah)))))))
from mommymartin :
hey sweetie i know what the crying thing is like if you still wanna cry at everything come next week call the dr. i didnt and ended up with a bad bad case of the baby blues. my son is 2 and i still have them because i didnt go to the dr for it and i cry and friggin commercials. with your mans parents just ignore them and dont be afraid to stick up. remember this is your baby! and good for you for not wanting sarah around your dadi dont blame you! being a new mommy is stressfull but it gets somewhat easier i promise. just keep your head held high and remember what a wonderful daughter you have and what a wonderful mommy you are and just how special life is. *smile* soon the dark clouds will pass and may all your days be filled with rainbows and sunshine.
from bytemee :
hello...this is the precious angel popping in to see how mommyhood is going?talk to you soon!
from rosepedal :
from themama :
Congratulations, she is just beautiful!
from the-wraith :
Hey! Just thought i would say congrats just like everyone else seems to be doing. Just thought i would also say that i have read everyone of your diary entrys and ill be adding you to my favs. Im sure you'll be a great mum, good luck to you. Ill be back :)
from kitkat81 :
*sniffle* she's GOREGEOUS!! *hugs you* love you sweetie.
from serendipityv :
Congratulations girl!! What a wonderful birth story, I'm soooo happy for you. :)
from machogirl7 :
she's so cute! Congratulations!
from gwensworld :
Kristy, OMG! 2 years ago we were bitching about boys and giggling about hanson, and now you're a mommy. i just cried when i read your birthstory, shes so beautiful, and she has my name. I love you sweetie, congratulations.
from monkeymia :
Oh! Welcome to Sarah! I love her name, and she's beautiful. Congrats, Mommy! (Btw, this is mias-liam.. this is my other account.)
from byfirstlight :
Oh! Congratulations! She's so teeny tiny and beautiful!!! I remember when Isabella was teeny tiny...*sniff*
from mommymartin :
HUGE CONGRATS!!!!! they grow up so fast!!! she is soo beautiful!!!!!!it took for ever for it to sink in that james was MY BABY lol. there are times now when hes playing or something and ill look at him and its like WOW that little 2 year old is part of me. lol a word of advice lol sleep when she does LOL!!!!!
from momma3 :
CONGRATULATIONS to you and Josh! She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Awww..I'm so ready to have another baby now. :) HUGS!!!
from babicharmz :
congratulations. She is beautiful:)
from bytemee :
omggggggggggg...congratssss YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY my daughters bday is the 13th as well.shes absolutely adorable!!!!!!!love to you all hope to talk with you soon.
from liebstar :
Congrats!!!Your little girl is such a cutie! God bless the three of you. Hugs, Liebstar
from wilyred :
Oh my goodness, Congratulations! Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Most babies do not look that cute so soon after being born. I am so happy for you. -Lisa
from finallyme76 :
I am so happy for you and josh! congrats and i wish you the best of luck!
from littlemummy :
CONGRATS!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Welcome little Sarah!
from bytemee :
hey sweetie...major computer probs I been away for abit but Im back.....ill be watching.ooohhhh tell me she was born on the
from bytwilight :
I'm dying for an update! DYING.
from me-me-meee :
I bet you're a proud mommy by now. Congratulations. I'll be checking back to see how it all turned out. Don't you just wish you could get to the internet in the hospital? I know I sure did. hehe
from themama :
I'm hoping you are holding your sweet baby in your arms now!!!
from momma3 :
HOW EXCITING!! I hope your labor and delivery go very smooth and please let us know how you and the baby are as soon as you are up to it! I can't wait!!! : ) HUGS!
from serendipityv :
Good luck girl!! Can't wait to read your birth story either.
from gnwbec :
good luck babe. if my calculations are right she should be on her way now :) am thinking of you. love and hugs for you and your gorge one.
from shorty106 :
good luck. i hope your labor goes as well as mine did....can't wait to read your birth story
from wifemotherme :
OMgosh I am so excited!!! Good luck hun and I will keep you in my prayers!!!!! Dont forget about us all waiting here to find out how you are - update as soon as you can and if that is more than a week from now, we will all understand (for the Love of God dont make me wait a whole week LOL)
from prplxtacy :
Good Luck Kristy!
from littlemummy :
I cannot wait! I'll anxiously await the birth story!
from babicharmz :
Yay! can't wait until you have him/her! I'll be waiting patiently here until you do. Congrats!
from star-heart :
Good Luck! Hope you get on ok with the baby, I'm sure you will
from wifemotherme :
I have forwarded the email I sent to your yahoo accont. I hate diaryland mail. I also forwared you a note meant for "babystory" LOL sorry about that - ignore that one - should be clear which one is for you though LOL. I do hope to hear back from you.
from serendipityv :
You have EVERY right to feel the way you do. It doesn't matter if you are a teenager or not. You know what's best for you and your baby and you should have the right to take care of yourself and your child the way you want too. I know it's going to be hard but I hope you find the strength to stand up for yourself and do things the way you want. Once you are in the hospital try to talk to a nurse in private about how you feel about your over-controling parents and see if the nurses can help run interference for you. I'm keeping you in my prayers and sending you lots and lots of positive vibes!!
from bytwilight :
Obviously, your mom is unaware of the fact that if you tell the nurses beforehand that ONLY Josh is allowed in the room, they WILL LISTEN. They have to, legally, because you're an adult. Do you have access to a printer? If so, go to this website: and fill out the birth plan, take it to your next appointment (or the hospital, whichever comes first) and give it to the doctor or nurse. A birth plan is legally binding, and they have to follow it. So if you say nobody but the daddy in the room, they have NO choice but to comply.
from shorty106 : my diary hun, it doesn't get better when the baby gets here about the grandparents telling you how to reat your baby. BUT trust me when that baby is born you will feel like you know exactly what she needs....your parents are used to how they raised you. things have changed. you need to stand up to your mom even though it may make her mad...this baby and her father are what are important now. by the way i put socks on Stasia at night. babys don't have the extra layer of fat like we do to keep them warm so a good rule of thumb is to dress them in one more layer than what you would wear to be comfy. hope this helps, but do what you feel is right, you have those feelings for a reason maybe i should take my own advice...LOL
from faerie-swirl :
gah, i congratulated you on having yr baby and she hasn't come yet. oh my. kristie i hope you're doing okay. don't worry about your mother too much, this is your child and she needs to understand that. just stand your ground. <33 you lots.
from wifemotherme :
Bless your heart! We have way to much in common. Cept my family is crazier than yours HEHEH. I hope you got that LONG ass email I sent saturday. Take care and keep your focse on you and the baby - the rest can take care of themselves. PS - you know you have ever right in the world to ingore all stupid advice - just sing the lalalalal song in your head until they are done.
from bytemee :
hey there...yup Im still watching for the BIG news.your brother gets no sympathy from husband and brother were together one night and were victims of a drunk driver..they are both ok now coulda been a sensless tragedy.driving is a privledge,not a right...blah blah...anyway you dad is not teaching your bro how to be responsible!anyway..hugs to you!!!
from wifemotherme :
I am keeping my fingers crossed that no update means you are holding your baby right now.
from bytemee :
awwwww.I know youre sick of hearing me say it but...hang in there!and do not listen to ignorant people!!!I dont know why the doc doesnt just put you in and induce you....ughhhhhh.dont worry she WILL come
from finallyme76 :
hey sweetie, i talked to my mom and her gf about their experiences with birth. with me and my sister, my mom didn't have any pain that hinted she was in labor. the pain came when we were coming out ( i didn't know how else to explain that ). my moms friend had to have her water broke with her first kid. so stay strong and to hell with what everyone else is thinking or sayin to you or about you. i hope she comes soon!
from byfirstlight :
does no updates mean baby's here?????
from wifemotherme :
That is just about the cutest layout I have ever seen! I am sending you good labor vibs!
from liebstar :
This is a cuuute layout!Bytwylight is really good, hehe. Hope your pains mean that your babygirl is coming..Peace, Claudia
from serendipityv :
I love the new layout too! Hang in there girl, the baby will be here soon.....:)
from byfirstlight :
Oh, thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you like the template! (Vitriol is my design site.) I feel your pain on being overdue. I had to be induced. My daughter Isabella was born 9 days after her duedate, and even then she didn't want to come out! After 24 hours of being on labor inducing drugs, my doctor ended up breaking my water to get me into labor. THAT was less than pleasant, let me tell you. Especially because he did it without warning. I'm crossing my fingers for you that those weird pains are the beginning of labor so you don't have to wait any longer!
from bytemee :
darn it...I wrote that last message before I checked my notes and saw yours.yes it is common for a baby that stays in the womb for 2 weeks or longer can suffer from problems with marconium ingestion..thats when a baby has a bowel movement in the womb and ingests it,that is common when a baby is in there too long.
from bytemee :
heyyyyyy I love the new layout.WOOO if only that child of yours would get
from lizachaneen :
Hi I just wanted to say hi... Good luck with everything... Childbirth is the most exciting, most memorable, most wonderful experience a woman can have. I'm so excited for you! I have my birth story posted on my diary... Under "Regarding Liza" in my archives... In case you're interested... I'm rooting for you!
from liebstar :
Be strong, the preg is almost over..Think about the nine months before! Good luck! About the free templates you can check or or Peace, Claudia
from bytemee :
you've been on my mind hon...I was wondering if the doc planned to induce you...I think its a good idea.they seldom wait for 2 weeks.dont worry.did ya get your present yet?
from momma3 :
I hope you have a very easy, smooth labor and delivery, hon! And I hope she is born soon! HUGS! <I used to be soccermom3>
from faerie-swirl :
Holy cow Kristie, congrats darling! You're a momma now! I adore you so much and only wish I'd been here more for your during all of your pregnancy. Your love baby was born in the month of love and lovers and roses and beauty. I'm sure she's the most precious thing alive. I'm happy for you darling. (I'm an aunt!! ;) If you need me for anything, anything at all, just email me, [email protected]. now get some rest. love you much.
from kitkat81 :
*hugs* due dates suck. I think it might be a good thing that she's a daddy's girl already.. it means that DADDY can deal with all the crappy stuff ;-) email me when you get a chance sweetpea, let me know what's going on. love you!
from bytemee :
Im still checking in for girls are always daddys bro always said my niece was a princess and whatever she wanted she would get...then she turned 3 and hes always calling my sis in law to deal with her...lmaoooo!!now shes 4 and she tells my bro"daddy just deal with it!"lmaoooo.
from bytemee :
hang in wont be long now.
from xalliamx :
I understand how you feel. Amory was born a week after my (original) due date and that was only because I was induced. It's hard to wait it out, but hang in there!
from bytemee :
Im sorry dont know how excited i was for you last night after we chatted.I quickly updated my diary.oh was a practice run for ya.Im thinking about you.
from me-me-meee :
Sounds like this is it. Good luck!! If you have your baby, it'll share its birthday with my brother and my friend's grandpa.
from bytemee :
you have every right to be pissy.its the hormones girl!and if they dont like it now...just wait till youre in labor when you want to kill everyone who comes near you!Im keeping you in my daily thoughts.just try and relax.I hate that "mans mentality"thing about picking up after themselves...I tell my hub..hey Im doing laundry today and he knows that if it aint in the hamper it dont get washed!period!lol.
from babicharmz :
my midwives told me women averagely have their babies between 40-41 weeks..
from bytemee : sis in law was alittle over a week late...her friend told her about this self accupressure thing.if you can sit knees bent at sides feet together, take your thumbs and apply pressure to bothinner ankles,right above the ankle bone.give 3 steady pressure holds then lift and this in intervals of 10 lasting about 5 minutes then lay on your left side for 15 minutes.this can be repeated.I know it sounds ridiculous but 7 hours after she did this her contractions started and she went to th hosp.her daughter was born 7 hours
from bytemee :
sweetie,its not uncommon to retain some fluid,dont worry.Its also common for first babies to go past thier due date some....Im sure you have nothing to worry about.did you email me your address???I didnt get anything,I have a present for you!!
from gnwbec :
hey babe. hope all goes well for you and your little angel. not the doggy one, the other one :) am thinking of you and joshy and s. best of luck for the birth and the future. *hugs and love and kisses for all*
from baybedawl04 :
I remember that feeling! I was so anxious by the time I hit 38 weeks, I wanted her OUT OUT OUT! I was crying so much because it HURT TO BE PREGNANT! She's 16 months old now and I *MISS* it, so enjoy it a few more days before it'll be over, and she'll be turning 1.. and then 2.. ahhhh.. :) Come read my diary if you'd like.
from serendipityv :
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next 6 days either go by REALLY, REALLY fast or she comes now!! Take care.
from shorty106 :
i must tell you i laughed when i read this nty...if i had kept a diary through my pregnancy it would have said the exact same things. i can offer a lite bit of comfort though,i was dialated to 1 cm for a month and theone day i felt like crap all dy then i went to bed thn at 1:30 am my water broke. when i got to the hospital i was only 2 cm... anyway 11hrs after my water broke i was holding my precious little girl in my arms... whati am meaning to get across to you is you can still go into labor at anytime even though you are only 1 cm... also it made me mad when my Mother in law told me i couldn't go into labor yet, she as well as my man wanteda january thoughts on that..screw that! i wa ready for it to just be over GOOD LUCK!
from bytemee :
heyyyyyyy i have something for youuuuuu!!!email me your address so I can send it,its for the babyyyyyyyyy!!
from sillers :
Wow, I remember starting to read your diary a long time ago when you were just about halfway done. Looking forward to the birth story!
from bytemee :
omgggggg kristy thank you sooo means so much to me.Im lucky to have friends like you that care.ty.
from shorty106 :
hi you do know m but i read your diary and found it intresting. i just had my baby girl 3.5 wks ago. hang in there gets a little better. but i can tell you that the backaches remain. and as for burstig into tears at the drop of a used to that i am still going through the baby blues and i will let you know that part gets much much worse! if you need another person to talk to e mail me [email protected]. be strong and hang in there!
from serendipityv :
Wow!! You are so close, that's awesome! I'll be sending you lots of postive vibes your way for an easy delivery. Good luck! Can't wait to read your birth story. :)
from bytemee :
wooooo hoooo its almost time!I feel like I been talking to you forever...and I think about how your doing all the time...even my hub said one hows your friend kristy doing?lol.did you get my email?I mailed you my adress for a pic of the baby...I cant wait!
from corista4 :
Hey... I found your diary and I wanted to say that I know all to well what you are going through. I became prego with my 1st baby when I was 18... it does get better, and when you feel their slimy little head for the first time, it makes everything worth it. I recommend this message board: And if you want to read my diary (I don't use this one) it's: Take care and God bless~ Stephanie
from gnwbec :
hey babe. haven't seen you in a while, so thought i'd let you know i'm thinking of you and wish you all the best. hang in there - in a month from now you'll have a brand new gorgeous little person in your life. love you xx
from serendipityv :
Hang in there girl!! :)
from gwensworld : little girls going to be a mommy soon. i know you're not naming the baby after me, per se, but i still feel so special that we're sharing a name. i love you hunny. always the best, Sarah
from mias-liam :
Labor isn't that bad. Well, maybe it is.. but you can handle it. I've been looking for an update from you for ages. Good luck! You'll do fine. The fact that you worry so much shows that you care about doing well.
from finallyme76 :
hey, I have been reading your diary for awhile. I wish you and your boyfriend the best of luck with the baby and your future.
from bytemee :
ahhh glad for the update and soooo happy to chat with you today...yup the time is almost here....then you will be a mommy!!!!yay!!!
from bytemee :
hey sweetie...just as I saw you on msn and tried to im popped off....Im worried about you.are you ok?please drop me a note soon.
from bytemee :
hmmmmmm...Im worried about you....I know its close to "sarah"time.....drop me a I know youre ok.happy new year.
from kitkat81 :
[27 Dec 02] Hey sweetie.. uh, email me soon, okay? I know it's still the holiday season, but it's almost baby time, so I'm getting nervous. Just let me know that y'all are okay hehe :-) Love you lots and lots and bunches! - Kat
from pregornot :
I read your entry about craving non-food items. Your body craves what it needs, and a lot of time pregnant women aren't getting all the nutrients they need. That's why sometimes they crave sirt, soil, paper, etc. I think it has something to do with protiends and starches...but I could be wrong. It could just be the wacked hormones! Take care, sam
from bytemee :
awwww your welcome,thats what friends are for..and afterall I was in your shoes many years ago when I was your I know.
from bytemee :
hi sweetie...believe life didnt turn out the way I had invisioned it 18 my first babys dad wasnt even around,didnt want anything to do with me anymore or the baby..hes never even met him,that baby is 18 now.josh loves you,hes around,hes working,and trying to plan a future...a future with you.I know right now you feel lonely,its normal,and it wont be that way all the time.a girl Ive known for years,she had her baby at 16,it took her forever to get thru HS but she did get through took her longer,because she had to plan around a baby...but guess what,she graduated with honors as well as got her degree in physchology,she was it can be done.oh and did I mention she had NO help from the father?girlie hang in there...our lives dont always turn out the way we invisioned but they always turn out,and the priorities are always the ones we hold in our hearts.drop me a note...I miss you.
from crazystar01 :
I've been reading u'r diary 4 awhile now and felt that now was the time I should leave u a note. I have absolutely NO idea what u'r going thru, but I admire u so much. What inspired me 2 write tho, was how u wrote about the perfect life u had envisioned 4 u'rself and then the reality u were living. Now, that, I can relate 2! I'm not a "Bible Thumper", but I do believe that God or fate or whatever u believe in, has a plan 4 u. Of course, it's not always the plan we want! But if we were able 2 live exactly the lives that we would be boring and predictable. The beauty of life is that there r surprises around every corner, it's never predictable. I wish u the best of luck thru-out the rest of u'r pregnancy and then the birth. I'm keeping u, Josh, u'r baby, and u'r families in my prayers. *HUGZ*
from bytemee :
sweetie,this is all normal...I know you love your mom....go to her,tell her what youre feeling and hug are NOT unimportant AT ALL!!!!((((((((hugs))))))))))
from bytemee :
hi sweetie,dont worry....when your water breaks sometimes its a trickling like your peeing,and sometimes its a gush.when you go into labor you will feel like you have persistant menstral cramps could be in front or back or both when they start just start to t ake notice it may stop and start again,or stop all together....sometimes your water wont break before labor....dont worry,you will have pleanty of time to get to hosp!
from bytemee :
sweetie girl....theres nothing wrong with wic...its a nutritional program...and trust me its a good thing...I got it for both my pregnancies and til each of the kids were 5yrs does help out a whole lot.and that was wrong....they shouldnt be talking like that in front of a small child so that she would repeat things like that.I dont blame you.Im here if you wanna talk.your dad will soften,when he sees that baby if not before,I gotta feeliong when you go into labor he'll break down...a daddy has such high hopes for their little girls and its probably just not what he had invisioned for you so young.thats all.hang in there,better days are ahead.
from machogirl7 :
Hi there, I just started reading your diary today, and it is wonderful! You seem like such an amazing person. I give you *snaps* for not having an abortion. I'll keep reading, and you keep up the great writing!
from bytemee :
what do ya mean no one emails you????DAHLINGGGGGGGGG.....I send you emails!I'm eating a mcdonalds fruit and yougurt parfait....Id rather eat a big chocolate brownie...but Im trying to be good.blahhhh
from kitkat81 :
Hey honey. Non-food items, eh? hehe, yeah, Kenda craved Pennies. She sucked on pennies all the time. It was really gross. I guess she liked the copper or something. The doctor said it was very normal. This time around, she likes gasoline.. I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, though :-p hehe. But yeah, she's my walking change wallet lmao. Love ya sweetie. <3
from piehole :
Per your previous entry (11-11)... Want to talk about quick to anger?? When I was 8 months pregnant, I became a raging maniac... Just go ask the woman who had to see me jump over the back seat of a car to flip her the bird and hurl insults at her. Because YOU KNOW she had no business walking in a crosswalk in front of MY car! GRR! ... I think I might've told her I was going to kill her too. Sweet, isn't it?
from monkeymia :
my midwives always said to tell them right away if i was craving a non-food item because it's almost always a vitamin or mineral deficiancy.
from soccermom3 :
I had a friend that craved laundry detergent. It's not some freakish thing. You may want to let your doctor know because you could be lacking in something. (hugs)
from serendipityv :
I've heard of many woman craving non food items during pregnancy. In fact, my Aunt told me just the other day she craved dirt. It's normal. I craved pine-sol with my first pregnancy. Don't worry, you aren't crazy! :)
from gwensworld :
hey baby! did i tell u i got a new diary? anyways, you should email me your address because i have a present or 2 for you. and the baby. i love you! always, Sarah ([email protected])
from bytemee :
you definately should let your doctor know about it.
from bytemee :
hiiiiiiiii,yes Ive heard of this,but no I havent had first hand expierence with this...someone I knew wanted to eat dirt..lmao its true.
from happychild4 :
im not pregnent, but i am a teen, and to tell you the truth, i look up to you. i could never imagion going through what you are going through and haveing to deal with. Im sure you are a lot of peoples hero. I have always been the kind of person that loves reading pregnent teen books, i love reading about the stuggle and the love. but what i always find, is that the ending of every book, is a happy one. just stick in there, your baby will love you for all you have to go through. im here to listen. thank you for sharing your story with me.
from unwant-ed :
This isn't my diary account, but I read your diary and you are being VERY hypocritical. I am a Christian and I was really offened. I know this is your diary and you can say whatever you want. But stop being a hypocrite and remember God loves you and your child.
from bytemee :
"cute little beagle?"not quite...hes a lazy tub of shit!lmao.......this damn dog wont even bark...unless you leave him alone then he barks his fool head off...Im not have to put the leash on him and drag and beg him to go out.....nothing like my dogs I had growing couldnt even say the word out near had to spell it but event hat was short lived!
from bytemee :
lmao....funny but soo true!yes I know those dogs!those farts oughta fix those bible erase my notes after so can use my guestbook though.
from bytemee :
lmao...I'm sorry Im still lmao at "bible thumpers"hehehehehehehe!!!
from xalliamx :
Hey - I'm sorry you feel that way about Christians and going to church. I promise that not all are like that because I was an unwed pregnant girl (now I'm just a single mom) and I AM a Christian. I don't think anyone at my church looked down upon me. It's the places where people go to appear holier than thou that aren't cool. I wish you could come to my church sometime because I think you'd like it. If you ever wanna talk about it, just drop me a note. =)
from bytemee :
sorry I left such a long ass know me by now,when I got sumpin to say I say it!lmao.(((hugs))))
from bytemee :
hi girlie...listen,its the people who go to church THEN preach to others that are the hyprocrites.God does not judge,and if you dont go to church,it doesnt mean you dont believe or pray.god is everywhere and therefore hears everyone.I am a catholic and I wasn't raised in the church by chose to raise my kids in the church.its a matter of personal choice,and its up to you what you chose for your children.(and not all catholic churches are alike either,depending on your town,city,community,etc.)
from serendipityv :
Oh yeah....just call me an emotional rollarcoaster. It's all a part of the hormones and the pregnancy. One minute I'm so happy I could fly, the next I'm so pissed off I could hit someone or something. Good luck!
from anamlabodis :
Yep. That totally happens to me. I have friends to whom it didn't happen, and I want to tell them to take a hike. Because I cry easier, and I certainly get pissed/defensive WAY easier than before! Agh. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it, but I believe people when they point it out. At least we have an excuse, right? :)
from bytemee :
emotions are a big part of pregnancy....actual biological and hormonal changes in your body trigger these"emotional ups and downs"it's very normal,so don't may cry,you may scream,curse...and you may even want to hit the person standing closest to you for no apparent totally understand.its the pregnancy roller coaster the ride lasts for at least 9 mos possibly a few weeks after birth.(((hugs)))
from qtpyangel :
Girl I totally understand what you are goin through
from bytemee : "older" page is fixed!who did that???thanks girlie!!!(((hugs)))
from bytemee :
I was thinking.."shes probably thinking she's been married almost as long as I been alive!"its wierd...I've spent the most time living with my husband,I've been with him my whole adult life...since I was 16 I was out on my own...then with him at 19!
from dearleesa :
hi,I like your diary.I'm a friend of bytemee.sounds like your almost ready for the baby!good luck!
from bytemee :
giggles????are you laughing at me?lmaooooooo...I can't believe its been 17 yrs!
from themama :
Wow that sounds like a great lot of stuff for the baby! Happy anniversary :) I still can't believe its so soon to my baby, i'm 31 weeks this weekend and i can not WAIT.
from sillers :
You're Welcome.
from bytemee :
wow,thats really cool that you got so much for the baby,congrats on the anniversary.mine is tomorrow....17 years.wooooo hooooo!!!
from sillers :
Happy One Year Anniversary. Thats all I wanted to tell you.
from lingers :
Hey you, happy one year. I miss you. I'm trying to work on something for you, though i've all but given up on the pregnant pic for your layout. Lots has been happening eh? We've lost touch. I got this journal. I'm seeing Tori Amos in concert today. She starts her tour here. How lucky am I? I miss you.
from bytemee :
glad you updated...nothing bugs me more than a bratty kid making a bunch of unecesary noise in the morning,or a mom that can't teach her child basic courtesy!sorry youre upset with all the shower plans...again its a control issue with all of them,try to just enjoy the day and let them do it want me to kick you sis in laws ass for ya?just let me know.k?lmao.
from kinkykiara :
hi, ive jus started reading da diary and wud luv 4 ya 2 get in contact at [email protected]. is this ur 1st child ur havin? i had my 1st one @ 16! 4out we mite hav som shit in common!
from bytemee :
how are you?where are you? I hope everything is ok,haven't heard from you in quite me or leave me a note.((((hugs))))
from bytemee : are not worthless!youre just not feeling well!take is easy and rest,sleep and bedrest is the best thing,isn't that a coinsidence?Im making a HUGE pot of homemade chicken soup right whole house smells sooooo good,and right now my house is full...Ill fill you in another time.leave me a message once in awhile.......sheeshhhhhhh,I never know youre here!lol.
from soccermom3 :
You are lucky that ppl are just noticing your tummy. I was HUGE when I was 6 months pregnant. ((HUGS))
from bytemee :
hey...make some noise on my notes page when your on girlie...I still want help wif my notes page pweeze.
from kitkat81 :
hey honey. i just thought i'd stop by and leave you some love ;-) you know i love you more than cute UPS guys. things have gone down the shitter over my way.. but i'm still here whenever you need me ;-) i love my kristy, i love my joshy, i love my kristy's belly ;-) kenda has a belly, too now.. so don't feel bad. at least you don't already have a 3 year old kid who decides to run in every 30 minutes and yell 'mommy! you gots a fat beddie!' hehe :-) love you sweet pea. email me. - Kat
from bytemee :
sorry to bug you you ever consider taking a GED?it so much less stressful and doesnt take up so much time,you can do it with or without a prep might want to check it out.
from bytemee : will be the 3 of you from now on,but it is also important that the 2 of you still spend alone time together,it may not be a night out on the town,but maybe a video while baby sleeps or mom or other relative can watch the baby while you 2 go grab a bite somewhere,or even a will not be jealous,you will be amazed when you see josh with the baby that the 2 of you created together.((hugs girl)))
from bytemee :
hi.about my olders page...are you talking about the fact that the list like ends in june or whatever?yeah,I could never fix it because Im a computer dumbass(_?_).I would love help.
from bytemee :
sweetie girl,you know I care.I am always here somewhere,lol.oh and fill me in,I didnt know you had another diary?talk to you soon.((hugs))
from fallsapart :
i love you. & you & your love baby and your love boy will be ok.
from madamefromag :
I'm 8 months pregnant and I still get people telling me that they can't tell I'm pregnant. But every time I go to the Dr. They measure the fundal height and it is right on and I've gained weight so I'm not too worried, just annoyed at people's comments.
from bytemee :
dont worry,my niece just had her 2nd baby in aug,she didnt even tell us she was pregnant till 2 months before she delivered.she had no problems with her pregnancy and delivered a 7lb 9oz boy,I wondered myself where he was hiding all those dont worry.he or she will make its presence known,you will be sitting there looking down one day and see this lump move form one side to the other,I know it seems impossible,but believe me thier is plenty of room in your womb for the baby to grow.(((hugs)))
from themama :
I didnt have much of a belly my first or second pregnancy. I got rude comments about how far along I was by strangers because of that. Does your dr (midwife??) measure your fundal height? Even when I looked tiny mine wasn't far enough off for concern.
from sillers :
One morning you're gonna wake up, look down and you're gonna have an enormous baby belly and you're gonna ask yourself "Where in the fuck did THAT come from!?!" Then you're gonna grin and pat your belly, thinking happy baby thoughts to yourself. You just wait and see..
from bytemee :
I havent heard from you in didnt respond to my email a few weeks back...I hope youre ok.
from soccermom3 :
ps. this WAS crazeemomof3..sorries about that. i got a new diary mainly because i sent for my password for my notify list and still haven't gotten it in over a week. oh well.. (hugs)
from soccermom3 :
I just wanted to stop in and see how you were doing. I hope you are feeling great!
from starrryeyed :
Hey I was searching diaryland and I came across your diary and I found it very interesting. I read all of your entries and I think it's great that you're in love with the baby and you're committed to her and you wouldn't give her up, good luck to you!
from sillers :
Just wanted to add.. I have nearly every messenger program so if you have one and ever want to chat, let me know and Ill toss you the addresses, names, etc.
from sillers :
I found your diary through bytemee's. I just.. I had my first child when I was barely 16. I didnt think I could do it alone, I knew I had to give my shild up after his birth.. I told myself every day that this was the only option. I was still a kid myself, there was no way I could take care of a baby! You know what though? I did. I delivered him and looked into his eyes.. his head full of thick dark brown hair.. The minute I held him to my heart we were bonded and I loved him with every ounce of anything I had in my entire body and my entire soul. We were meant to be together, he came to me to change my life for the better and thats exactly what he did. He changed me from my bad ways of hanging out on the town, smoking cigarettes and drinking alchy. He turned me into a responsible young woman. A woman who's life turned around that day. Im not going to tell you it was easy. Its probably the hardest thing in life that I've ever had to tackle.. especially when his brother fell into my life when I was only 18. Its a hard decision to make before the baby is born, exceept those little kicks from within that remind you "Im here, momma.. and I love you." But when that little baby 'girl' is born.. and you look into her eyes.. You have no idea what you will see in them.. until you look. And there, in the eyes of that minutes old newborn you will see something so simple.. Your whole entire world, right there in those baby blue eyes. Enjoy your pregnancy, enjoy your time with that little soul... cherish the moments you have, cherish the kicks.. talk to her and tell her that you love her, she is a part of you. But, should you decide that you cant raise her yourself, you will have had the times you did.. the times that she grew in your womb. She needs that just as much as you do. Im here for you if you ever need to talk or have any questions or anything. I know you dont know me, but I have been in your shoes before. I know how it feels. I know how it hurts. I have 2 very smart little boys now, both of them are in school and thriving. They're beautiful and I wouldnt change my life for the world. Good luck, sweetheart. ([email protected])
from crazeemomof3 :
Hey Sweetie! Hang in there! I know what you are going through. My family treated me the same way until my baby was born. People talked about to me awful and I was deeply depressed during my pregnancy. I felt like nobody liked me. I hope and pray that when your baby is born and everyone sees your beautiful child that they will treat you better. Your feelings about your baby may also change the first time you hold her. Lots of hugs and if you need to talk..I'm always around.
from bytemee :
your body is going through major hormonal changes right now and you are not responsible for your emotions,but this is just temporary and things will soon fall into place I promise you.Turn to josh and the two of you talk,about your fears your worries your whatever,its the two of you and baby that makes YOUR family.I know your family all think they know whats best and sometimes they do,but all the interference usually causes more harm then good,and resentment starts.It will not be this way forever.keep your chin up,when you hold your baby in your arms for that very first time,it will all be worth it.I am here if you ever want or need to talk.
from kittiesrcute :
Hey- don't know if you still do your diary, but a diary by the name of If you want to read it. She had her first kid at 17 and is now having her third. She married the father and they are very happy.
from bytemee :
just checking in to see how things are going.I hope everything is ok.are you thinking of girl names yet?
from themama :
congrats on your "maybe" girl :)
from bytemee :
glad youre a girl...YAY!
from bytemee :
sounds like the week I had!Im glad youre hanging in to you soon.
from bi-n-proud :
Hi, I found your diary through another diary. I wanted to tell you I know what you're feeling. In 1996, I was 17 and had my first baby. Now, 3 kids, and 2 miscarriages later, I'm going to be a surrogate mother for someone else. I made it, and now everyone feels stupid for saying my Brittany was a mistake. Don't feel ashamed. Treat this as God's way of moving you into a different path in life. Its not an accident, its a surprise. Accidents are things we do and regret. Surprises are things we didn't expect, but will cherish forever. Email me any time. My info is in my diary.
from skylar711 :
Hello, I stumbled upon your diary today and I just wanted to tell you to stay encouraged. I am not a mother but I have a younger sister who had a baby at age 17. When I first found out she was pregnant I was devastated because I knew that her life would change forever. After being an emotional wreck for 2 days, I put my emotions back in check and became my sister's biggest supporter. Now two years later, I cannot imagine life without my niece. My sister finished her senior year of HS and she is now starting her third year of college and she just recently moved out on her own. I said all that to say that life is what you make it and you cannot let other people tell you otherwise. It sounds like your family is concerned, which is expected. However, remain encouraged. With new life comes hope. I'm sure it is a lonely time, I believe by way of this diary you will be able to seek out women who have been where you are now and can offer words of support. I will add you to my favorites � I love baby stories.
from bytemee :
sorry to hear about the accident,my husband and brother were in a similar accident,they were rammed from behind by a drunk driver.being tired is to be expected...just take each day as it comes.(((hugs)))
from bytemee :
Hi,you havent updated in awhile.I hope everything is ok.Ive been thinking about me.ok?
from opiatic :
Your diary is so eloquent and well-written. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. It's a difficult situation, but you'll pick what's best for you in the end. Oh yeah, the the website is for girls who got pregnant in their teens. The stories are good, and you might find some more support.
from crazeemomof3 :
Hi! I just wanted to leave you a note and let you know that you are not alone. Email me anytime! I had many of the same thoughts going through my head as you do. Hugs to you!
from piecesoftool :
good luck in having the baby i hope you have a very healthy baby! and after the first yr or so it will be a sinch!
from bytemee :
hi its me again...the pain in the ass.....I just read your entry for sound like a typical first time mom to be,nevermind your age,it doesnt matter.there is not 1 emotion youre having that all of us havent had while pregnant.babies dont come with manuals,we all learn as we go!Just take each new day as it comes.
from bytemee :
that dream you had about a miscarriage just represents the bond you already have with your baby,emotionally you ARE attatched and do not want to give it up.and by the way,if you email me I PROMISE I will answer you,dont worry you are not alone.
from bytemee :
Im so sad reading your diary...listen to me,babies are a blessing no matter what the circumstances,things will be hard yes,and you will make some sacrifices,but the reward outweighs all of that.please email me I would love to talk to you about this,do you have msn messenger?well email me and well take it from there.
from bytemee :
I know too well what youre going through.although it was a long time ago,I have been in your me if you name is addy is:[email protected] also have a website if you want to look.
from injectstars :
I was just reading your diary and if you ever need to talk to someone im me... injectstars or thingsthatfall. I wouldn't know what your going through, but i'll listen to you whiny:)
from monkeymia :
I got pregnant with my first baby when I was sixteen. I'm 20.5 now and on number three. Oh, and I update six days a week. Heh.
from littlemummy :
Wow. I feel for you. I started having kids early, but I wasn't that young really. 22. But I can understand where you're coming from. If you check out my profile you'll find a couple of diaries of people who had their kids in their teens. Maybe that could help you. In the meantime, I have you bookmarked and will read all your entries later tonight. ((HUGS))
from juggalette85 :
I just wanted to say hi. You're so incredibly brave for deciding not to abort the baby. The decision on whether or not to keep it must be tearing you apart. Just a word of advice, (not like you really want anymore, not like that's really stopping me, sorry!) be really careful when deciding to get an amniocentesis because the risk of miscarriage increases dramatically, I'm sure you know that, but in case you didn't. Anyway, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, feel free to give me a hollar. Good luck, ohhh and try saltines or soda crackers for the morning sickness. Much luv, Christianna

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