messages to angel2327:
(click here to add new message):

from thinwishes :
I'm back on DLand too! Need support... big time.
from frisky69 :
Hey! I'm new at this, so bear with me. I just joined Diaryland, I havn't had the oppertunity to talk to anyone yet. I have some entries and I would gladly appreciate it if i could have your input. I hope to hear from you soon!
from gabbyevs :
hi there ive just joined and noticed your diary ring-im a mad robbie fan myself so look forward to chatting
from pleasediana :
i've moved xredbracelet
from miklusz2 :
Please, visit my website and leave the note. I've started to prepare the English version, and I'm waiting for you opinion and suggestions!
from krugerpak007 :
Thanks for the melatonin tip. Great to hear you are feeling good. Take care. Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
I came across your diary and it's like I am reading about myself...Take care, and I will be waiting for your updates..Kathy
from thintowin :
I hope you are feeling better now. Looks like you have your diet on track. I promise I will stay healthy, I figure this thing can't go on forever so I better enjoy it while it does. :)
from thintowin :
Hi sweets! Where you at now? :)
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the edsufferer diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from celby :
c'�tait n� was necessary. ;-)
from killandra :
I'm praying for you.
from just-fine :
I was just browsing through your diary :o) I really love ur layout! Takecare hun, Claire xox <3
from jennstarr :
Wow. Great Diary!! Chow, Jenn
from killandra :
awesome pic of you and hubby! Wow, lots of diarylanders getting married this year! P.S. Paying to get a license and going to school to become a real estate agent is a JOB. Learn how to be a real estate INVESTOR. You can learn at your own pace and figure out how to make passive income rather than earned. :)
from shrty16 :
hiya i just saw yur j and wanted 2 say that we have 2 things in common 1.i'm gettin married 2 name's angel 2 kool huh? well see ya later!
from wrongwayjane :
hey, stumbled on your journal by way of someone elses favorites list. Congrats on the steady weight loss (hope the wedding dress still fits?) nice tile, by the way, a great tribute...I had a hard time listening to people complain about"all the 9/11 sentimentality", and even though I am Canadian, I mourned right beside you. Will check in with you later, JANE
from killandra :
Welcome. Yeah, I noticed you mentioned it was a fellow american you were ranting at. But I wanted to take the opportunity to say that as a Canadian I am with you and your people tomorrow as you remember.
from killandra :
Lis, there are Canadians who feel just as emotional about tomorrow as you and other American's do. It did not happen on our soil, but many Canadians have American friends and family. Our firefighters joined yours at ground zero, as did some of our doctors, and who knows who else. We feel your pain, and we mourn with you on this day of remembrance.
from killandra :
Congrats on planning your wedding. Just a tip. Give a business card for mannatech to everyone you give money to when you're planning your wedding. Your wedding is a great chance to network to find good people for your business, and to find customers.
from killandra :
*hugs* Lis, I'm with you. If you need me, please just ask. I have felt like you have, and I came through it, and if I can help you in any way, please let me.
from hungry-hippo :
Also, I know you are on Zoloft, but maybe you need more, or a different kind of antidepressant. Please see your doc. Everything else seems manageable when depression is kept at bay. And hey, I'm thinner than ever now that I'm on the correct antidepressants because I can focus on ana without those annoying depressed binges I used to get. :) Please email me if you need to chat: [email protected]
from hungry-hippo :
PLEASE MAKE IT TO YOUR DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT. I, too, was where you are. I went so far as to "practice" killing myself. Depression was too much, life was too slow, my facial muscles couldn't smile, I could only lay there and waste space and oxygen and hate myself and feel guilty for telling people I did. I went on antidepressants and now I am doing better. Please, tell someone about your suicidal thoughts! It can be fixed. You are not worthless, although it is worthless to tell you that. I hate medication and I was always totally against it, but my doctor made me realize that being depressed and trying to deal on your own is like being nearsighted and trying to read things far away without glasses. Depression is a biochemical imbalance easily remedied. Please make it. Please.
from serendipityv :
It saddens me greatly to read your latest entry. I'm trying to understand your pain. Your diary really inspired me and I know you would be missed, you couldn't just erase the impact you've made on us. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and I hope you find what you are looking for, before it's too late.
from djelighoti :
I have been a hair's breadth away from suicide on more than one occasion. I applaud your methodical planning. Here's what kept me from doing it, and I mean this in all seriousness. What if you succeed in killing yourself, right? And you pass on to the next life or whatever and NOTHING HAS CHANGED, NOT ONE SINGLE BIT??? And you know you succeeded, and you know that all your family and friends and loved ones miss you because it worked, but still nothing has changed. You don't feel any different, the world is the same world. It was the one thought that kept me from doing it. Because what if it's different enough to suck forever, instead of just maybe possibly getting better, and you will never know that. Don't know. Just what made me not do it.
from killandra :
*hugs* Saw your last entry. If you need to vent to someone, please feel free to do so to my inbox.
from killandra :
*hugs* Lis, come join us on our field trip today, maybe you can meet some people who would really like to buy some mannatech product!
from killandra :
*hugs* Alyssa, I hope you're okay, and things work out. Email me or IM me if you ever want to bitch and complain. Your friend, Andrea
from okay-hay-bee :
Hello! I love your hermit story! It's like a little fairy tale! Even better than Sleeping Beauty! : ) Anyways, just wanted to say I liked it!
from shining-star :
just wanted to tell you that your story was really nice.
from killandra :
I'm listening.
from killandra :
Hey there Alissa, was just reading your latest energy. It takes time to make money over the internet, but it happens. :) I'm beginning to see the fruits of my labour, and I know it can only grow from here. If there's anything I can do to help you, just contact me. :) You're in my thoughts. Warmly, Andrea
from djelighoti :
Angel - wondered if you've thought of some sort of detox. Maybe a juice fast or something like it to get all the sludge out... then again, maybe you've been eating well enough for some time that it's difficult for your body to process heavier foods: cheese, fried stuff, processed stuff... I don't know. I hope you feel better.
from serendipityv :
Is all o-kay with you? You haven't updated in a long time. Hope to see you back soon!
from djelighoti :
last I checked there are loans available specifically for women looking to start a business. I only know of them in Maine though so I would start with just checking with a local bank and asking if they know anything. Maybe the local Headstart chapter might know something about it too?
from okay-hay-bee :
Thanks! Your advice really helped alot! Thanks alot! : )
from okay-hay-bee :
Hello again! I just have one question! If you go to my diary and click on the green spot where the entry is then it leave a line like you could type there! That doesn't happen to your's or thintowin's or even anadoll's! When you click on those it just lets you scroll down with arrows! Do you know what might be wrong with mine! Thanks!
from djelighoti :
It's going to be okay. I promise. It's okay to be lost sometimes. I like to think it's part of the process. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up yet either. I fyou like to sing I say do it whenever you can.
from djelighoti :
Hi angel - hey, no need for the thanks - you ARE one of my favorites. Singing - I do it wherever I can, local community theater mostly. My in-laws are all musical-type people so I have found their connections to be very useful. I have also checked out a lot of the loal Village Voice-y kinds of papers to look for auditions and whatnot. And of course there's the ubiquitous karaoke - it's fun to go to one sometimes and wow them as though it was an accident. hee hee.
from serendipityv :
I really love your diary. Congrats on the engagement and the weight loss! I'm hoping to lose weight also, you give me inspiration. Take care!
from itrymybest :
hey, thanks so much for adding me to your favorite diaries list! i'll be checking out your diary as soon as i get a chance (after i finish all the reading for my oral exams). thanks again, i'm really flattered.
from okay-hay-bee :
Hello, thanks for the note! thintowin told me that you helped her with her HTML and I went to you diary to check it out! It's really good! But I fixed my diary already! And I like the way it looks now! Check it out if you want! And thanks again for the note!
from thicktothin :
Hey there! It's been a while. Sorry I don't leave notes often but I do check in every time you update. You seem to be having a rough time. Everything causing anxiety all at once. This, too, shall pass! And if I may ask, why the hurry to get married? = ) On the (tiny bit of) good news front, I made a Kashi addict out of my mother. She is borderline Type 2 diabetic, so let's hope it helps her eat better! One meal a day is something, right? Take care of yourself (do more yoga, maybe). Me.
from starkissed :
Hi, lovely diary. I was looking through the diaryring directory and saw your kashi ring. I was being cool the other day and was reading Woman's World and they had a big thing on that so I had my mom buy some. What's so great about this stuff anyway? Just curious.
from fishheads :
Send someone fishheads or flowers
from thicktothin :
Congratulations on the engagement! I just found your diary and enjoyed reading. I went through similar life changes within the past year: engagement, marriage, quitting suckass job, moving cities blah blah! Enjoy the happiness, savour every moment. And good luck also on the weightloss, you've done great! bye for now! thicktothin
from thinwishes :
Smirnoff Ice (245 cals) Also you might like HUGS! D
from teana :
I just read the engagement story. Wow, congratulations! You're so lucky! Just don't forget to breathe. Tea
from teana :
Hey, Just wanted to say thanks for your message. I'm going to the doctor today, so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I'll get some answers. I'm thinking that mono would be nice compared to depression or something like that :). -Tea (oh, and I'm still reading your diary, so I'll get back once I've got a better feel for it)
from ahiddenplace :
I saw your diary linked on someone else's page. so I checked it out and liked it. I am ahiddenplace.
from fresca-girl :
Thanks for the message. It is nice to know that there are more people out there that feel the same way about the attention seeking teenie boppers. Take care and thanks for directing me to your diary. Good job.
from erica2175 :
you're already an angel! but anyway, welcome to the angels diaryring. =)
from nivlem :
you are awesome. Let me elaborate you are one of the three people that I have come in contact with that recognizes that there was an album before Stunt. Oh by the way this is related to the fact that I did a search for the bare naked ladies and your profile came up.

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