messages to angelicbeaut:
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from the-clan :
YANG: Now, I'm fully aware that you most likely no longer keep this diary, but I wanted to drop a note anyway. And here it is: I just tried to fill out your identity survey (really awesome work on it, seriously) but unfortunately, I was unable to. The D-Land system wouldn't let me. So I thought I'd stop by and tell you that yours was the most kick-ass survey I've ever come across. I shit you not. Ain't that right, bro? NINJA: Fo' realz, dawg. You da shit! YANG: Ok, we're done now.
from amunetkeket :
Al�!! I have a question..Who are you?...why you join me?..whatever..thnx for the way I�m Ana...Saludos!!
from amazinfuckup :
Your note made my day. I was reading through your diary, and I have to say, I think you are an interesting female as well ^^. I also wanted to say that reading about how you are studying psychology has motivated me to finish my own research so that some day, I can do the same.
from vacantlegend :
im not interesting :P i suck. hard.
from dempress :
Thank you so much for writing back. I am thrilled that you enjoyed the story. The Phoenix Bird in the story represented Earthangel31. you see, this diary is the only way left that I have to communicate with him. And truth be told I do go overboard with the Obsession about Earthangel as well as who he claims to be...Michael Landon reincarnate. You can tell by the way we talk to each other. that he has to be who he says he is...I mean how can a person seem to know so much about things all over the place? Anyways back to the short story. That was my first attempt at a short story with an actual ending that fit. That's why I "hoped I did this right," because i have always had troubles with endings in the past. I have reread it several times now and it just seems to fit perfectly with how I really felt yesterday. I really have no idea but I think someone helped me add that ending to it. The sequel will be written today. Be sure to check it out. This one talks about the Second in Command of Earthania, the best friend of DEmpress and how he came to be that way. This takes place after the unicorn finds enoug strenghth to go on.
from selfbiased :
turquoise? turquoise? hahah. i'll add you in the afternoon. it's late and i'm tired.
from candora :
beautiful name, intriguing diary, happy I visited :)

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