messages to argentum:
(click here to add new message):
from catsoul : |
4.25.2024. hi there. I wanted to let you know that I have started reading your words. Peace within yourself. =^..^= |
from tenderpoison : |
You're it. I would love to talk to you sometime. Maybe dally into the real world a bit, you know? Nothing drastic. I can respect caution surrounding worlds colliding, so it's nothing but an open-ended invitation. If you're inclined, feel free to send a message to nosioprednet on the most popular service starting with a G and rhymes with... nail. Kale. Sail. Whale. Or wail. :) |
from raven72d : |
Just found your diary. Very fine, thoughtful entries. I will be reading along. |
from tenderpoison : |
Hello and happy very belated birthday! <3 I hope you're doing well. |
from tenderpoison : |
To quote a nintendo game: Be brave (but not too brave) |
from poetinthesky : |
Yes. That marriage was already dead from years back. This 'issue' just sparked the motions... set them in motion. |
from tenderpoison : |
I was thinking about you and decided to check in, only to see that you updated three hours ago. Weird that a psychic connection would be on a 3 hour time delay, but I think we have solid proof. You start writing about our findings - I'll look for a publisher and sign to the highest bidder! |
from tenderpoison : |
Happy birthday! ❤️ |
from tenderpoison : |
Thinking of you. |
from college-kid : |
Judging by the frequency with which you update, I'm unsure if this will actually reach you. However, I will say this: You are not a doormat. I have been and continue to endure a similar situation. It's extremely difficult to walk away from someone with any type of psychological conditions. I think some day I will have the strength to walk away, and I hope you do as well. There has to be a line drawn. There has to be a point when you tell yourself the way you're being treated is unacceptable and that you deserve better. Just from reading your last entry, I think you deserve better. You seem like a good person. Surround yourself with positive people as best you can. Regardless of your decision, pursue happiness. |
from tenderpoison : |
Merry Christmas! (Who doesn't update now, mo-fo?) (That's a reference to a very old message you left in my notes, fyi.) |
from tenderpoison : |
I spent some time clicking through your old entries. I laughed, I cried, I threw stuff. <3 |
from tenderpoison : |
I'm beyond delighted to see your note. I thought of you on our recent road trip to see my in-laws as we drove through the city where we met you way back when. I'm inclined to say that I trust life is treating you well, but the reality is that I trust you'll kick life in the face if it isn't. |
from tenderpoison : |
It's pretty easy to remember about when your birthday is since ours are pretty close together, and yours is still in my calendar too. So happy birthday to you, I hope they just get better and better. |
from tenderpoison : |
It makes me happy to see your name in red. |
from pougue : |
Hey. Noticed you're still here, like me. But how can we leave this site? It's been so many years and there's no way to collect it all and leave, without a gold membership. Huh. |
from tenderpoison : |
"Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay" by Mira Kirshenbaum recalls a story of a woman who was outside gardening when her husband asked her if she wanted a sandwich, or maybe he asked her to make him one, I don't know. The immediate response in her mind was that she wanted to throw something at him or hit him with a shovel or whatever, and that's when she knew she wanted a divorce. It's been a long time since I read it. The point is, at least according to Mira Kirshenbaum, that people who get a divorce or otherwise end significant relationships know when it's time. My mom said the same thing. I guess she'd considered that running over my father would be alright if not for the consequences. Apparently it hits you in the face like a shovel. Or maybe it hits you like a shovel to his face. Anyway, I have a perpetual fondness for you that seems to go beyond nostalgia, regardless of how our friendship unfolded or how long it's been. Inconsequential or not, I still visit because of, well, perpetual fondness. I'm not convinced that hoping helps, but I always hope you're happy. If hoping does help you should be all right. |
from direwulf : |
Hearing from people who have lost a parent, and what they have to say, is always more meaningful to me than that awkward look I get from people when I share a little too much. Thanks! |
from blacksheet : |
The way I've been providing the info: My email is sent directly to my phone. If you leave your email address in my notes, I'll send you a password and delete your note immediately. |
from pathofruwen : |
It is . . . it really is. |
from blacksheet : |
I'm laughing about the car portion of your entry. I've had a few cars and they have only broken down in the worst of places. :) |
from brokenbong : |
wow, it has been AGES since ive been here. glad to know you're still alive and kickin'. hows things? |
from kelly : |
I was thinking of you the other day! But now that I'm finally logged in here, all ready to leave you a message, I can't remember why it was you came to mind. |
from auj : |
haha thanks!! |
from opaldragon : |
I haven't logged onto diaryland in ages and I just got to your last entry. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you are well. |
from auj : |
haha. Nice solution. |
from starlight42 : |
That's funny, I was just thinking about you a half hour ago and wondering how you were and then I got on here and got your note! I'm so sorry I didn't see your birthday! Usually Myspace sends reminders. :( Glad it was a nice mellow one, those are nice once in awhile. That's funny about Audrey's email, I might be a little embarassed too if it was me, but then again I'm a nice, shy polish girl. :) |
from fruitbat20 : |
happy birthday. i like your diary design. and don't worry, nobody remembers my birthday either. probably because it's bastille day. stupid france stealing all my glory! |
from opaldragon : |
I read your most recent entry. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad to hear that you had such a good relationship with him. Here's some positive energy your way. Hope life is treating you well. |
from auj : |
send me your email address to my email address: [email protected] and I'll send you a link to an online gallery I'm a part of. That's the best I can do. I like to leave Diaryland clear of images for the most part. It's kind of a sancutuary in that respect. How's it going anyways? Sorry about your dad. |
from auj : |
yeah, I know. ... I was just reminded about what Jared Diamond wrote about animals that could be domesticated vs. all the other animals. In order for any animal to be domesticatable it had to have all of the necessary qualities. Any one missing quality made the domestication a failure before it could even start. So out of 148 big wild herbivorous mammals, only 14 passed the test. I've just got to figure out what all those neccessary traits are and then I'll stop trying to domesticate the lion and cheetah and realise that horse or maybe bactrian camel can get me accross the desert in one piece and a dog can be a very affectionate and appreciative companion. Not that I'm looking to domesticate men at all, it's just that most aren't gonna work out right off the bat and others will be amazing. Not to mention, I'm very young...bla bla..anyway, Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it alot. I was about to say that you deserve a girl who says "I love you". But we deserve whatever it is that we choose, right? Hope that doesn't seem too harsh. PS I think you're my only reader at this point. why're you in the hospital? |
from sundaygirl : |
then you have never had the ecstastic pleasure of tasting this particular $20 burger. it's a plate filled with heaven. |
from auj : |
True story too. |
from plopphizz : |
So, I see you have some Beatnik authors in your book list. What is your honest opinion on "Naked Lunch"? The book and the film if you have seen it. -- Plops. |
from sundaygirl : |
i'd be so suicidal. |
from janna182 : |
Aw, Argie (can I call you Argie?), I'm glad a random google search linked us. Your entries are grrrreat! |
from brokenbong : |
so where's my myspace add, butthead? ;-P |
from tenderpoison : |
Yo, you. Dunno if you're into Facebook at all, nor do I remember if you were a regular/regular enough chatter on Diaryland chat to give a damn, but there's a Diaryland Chat group on Facebook. Look it up and request an invite if you're interested. It's interesting to see if people are as screwed up as they make themselves out to be on dland! |
from sundaygirl : |
and a happy new year, argentum! |
from brokenbong : |
holy crap! i don't know your email, so i shall leave my myspace here. now, do i leave you the interesting one or the boring one.. hehe. it's: |
from janna182 : |
Also, I don't think I congratulated you on your engagement. Congratulations! It's wonderful news. |
from hibiscus101 : |
right back atcha! |
from opaldragon : |
Thanks very much. Hope your holiday season goes well! |
from starlight42 : |
Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you have a great day with your loved ones. :) |
from discodave : |
Thank you kindly, my good man. Sorry I haven't exactly been a regular here. Well, at all, as it happens but I am over on lj, for my sins. Merry christmas to you and yours. Dxx |
from janna182 : |
Merry Christmas, Mr. Silver! (that's my best subbie impression ;) |
from auj : |
Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too! |
from kelly : |
Happy Holidays, yo. |
from sundaygirl : |
it's actually working out quite well, thankyouverymuch. |
from hibiscus101 : |
thank you! i know, I've been sick more times in the last year than I have since my first year at college. bah! |
from sundaygirl : |
and beak. |
from auj : |
I dropped off the face of Diaryland for a while, but being back I was happy to read your blog again. Kudos for sticking to it so diligently. Your writing style is marvelous reading. |
from sundaygirl : |
ha! no. |
from janna182 : |
Maybe it's just a clue to figure out what caused google to link us together? :) I love that song sooo much. I sang it at karaoke a while back. Thanks for the note. |
from hibiscus101 : |
ha! |
from kelly : |
I mean this in a weird, non-creepy way but I was totally wondering what you were up to all last night after I schleped around d*land a bit. |
from hibiscus101 : |
i know! i'm working to slowly bring it back. |
from brokenbong : |
hahahaha. one of my myspace "friends" was all about "talk like a pirate day", too. glad to see you're still around! i never check diaryland anymore, but hi! |
from sixweasels : |
That was awesome. I absolutely love "Hunting My Wild Sweet." And thanks for the Cheeseburger commentary too. Knowing that this assmaster who has found his way into my life is at least somewhat entertaining to others lets me look at his idiocy sometimes and say "what could I write about that?" rather than "I'm quitting, I'm quitting now." |
from janna182 : |
Look, I'm a stalker, too! I think I'm more worried about the sexual harassment part (if we start pointing fingers with this stuff, it's going to get ugly, quick) than whether or not we're going to end up dating. I'm pretty sure there's no way that's going to happen. And anyway, the office didn't used to be, but it's getting big enough that we can avoid each other easily. |
from janna182 : |
Haha, I don't think I've ever heard that word before. It's pretty good, though. Also, I'm starting to think it's just an O (for OCD). |
from janna182 : |
HAHA... I dj-ed last night and someone requested Frank Zappa's Valley Girl, wherein a "valley girl" actually says that. I thought it was hysterical. |
from sixweasels : |
As I was reading the Chris Walken piece, I was totally seeing you as Christian Slater and Audrey as Patricia Arquette. One too many times of watching True Romance, I guess! |
from sixweasels : |
You mean you don't want a Playstation for your birthday? Seriously, that's one of the best wishes I've heard in a long while. |
from seven-point5 : |
You know, when I picture the dancing of people I find adorable, they are usual dancing like a member of the Peanuts gang. It's very true. |
from hibiscus101 : |
thank you. i appreciate that. i'm trying! :) |
from janna182 : |
I agree with you completely that my behavior and my claims seem to be rather different things. There is a lot more going on here than you know. I haven't figured out how much stuff I'm going to try to analyze here, though. Thanks for the message! |
from sixweasels : |
That was powerful, even though I can assure you that ferrety weasely things do not fold your underwear or ask to do your hair. |
from edgarfrog : |
I think my diary can be found by doing a google search for "Small children having sex with donkeys" as well. Sweet! Too bad you found my diary after I retired. |
from starlight42 : |
You know, I've seen that porn you're talking about, not British though. Been a long time, but didnt' know there was a name for it! Interesting. |
from hibiscus101 : |
from sixweasels : |
That's one of the most blunt and honest blogs/journals/whatever I've read on the VA Tech shootings. You're right, and sadly, little if anything will change. |
from plopphizz : |
Hmmm...well, you are clearly brilliant. Like the shiny side of a herpes sore that emerges off a whore's upper lip...that kind of brilliance. No, more like the rainbow gleam of a bum pissing into a puddle in a gas station brilliance. Screw it...your work is good. Talk to me at [email protected]. |
from plopphizz : |
"Never Party With Strippers" is like some Techno-Beatnik Thingie. And I use the term "Thingie" in the most scientific way possible. I noticed you didn't use the word "nonetheless" in the rap, but I did want to point out that you can carry out using "nonetheless" in regular conversation if you yell each syllable of the word at the top of your lungs, between pregnant pauses. Actually, you can use this technique with any word or phrase and no one will interrupt you, fearing that you may, at any moment spring forward and bite off a piece of their face. -- Ploppy. |
from starlight42 : |
PS That is funny you remember my cats name! :) |
from starlight42 : |
Will u be able to update your blog from jail? |
from hibiscus101 : |
i like the music, it's nice touch but it'd be better if it was a tad bit lower(the music). |
from hibiscus101 : |
those things are ridiculously hard.excelant to throw at people though |
from hibiscus101 : |
hmm..that's some good advice. my teacher has to be completly bored b/c every single person that has posted actual answers to questions is regarding the goddesses completly wrong, and shes correcting them every time. you think someone would catch on, but whatever. thanks! |
from starlight42 : |
I got a kick out of drug of choice. You know I love em' JW's! |
from hibiscus101 : |
awww no one swallows? so sad.;) |
from starlight42 : |
New design!! I like it. Dave liked One Way Street. was ok. DJ, he had no reaction. Except drool. |
from sixweasels : |
Thanks. I think siblings are designed to support the entire field of psychotherapy : ). I've been listening to your audios here and love them. I'll send a little more detailed feedback sometime soon, when I'm not all stuck at work and stuff. In the meantime, they also publish audio on the site where I've been getting some stuff out there and earning a bit, so if you're interested in details let me know! |
from hibiscus101 : |
ha! that was great. it's true. oral sex should go both ways. she's a tease, well sort of. poor guy. no head for you. |
from hibiscus101 : |
omg! notes! ha! i was just thrilled that jump around was on your playlist. im a dork and i love that song. |
from starlight42 : |
OK,I LOVE the Two Americas!! I really really like and agree on your perspective |
from starlight42 : |
Damn it! I'm not the first one. :( Isn't that playlist awesome?! You don't want to know how many hours I spent creating it and then editing it...I'm actually making a second one. I might switch it around occasionally, but it's even cool to just listen to on the computer, little easier than making mix cds. Ok, gonna listen to your poems now. |
from shaded-lily : |
Thank you for cluing me in to the existence of that playlist-making site. I lost a mortal hour of my life last night to making my own playlist. |
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