messages to bantenhut:
(click here to add new message):

from whystinger :
I just dropped by to read a bit. I haven't been on D'land much the last few years.
from browndamask :
I’m trying to break myself of this very habit. There’s nothing wrong with consulting the opinions of others, but I need to learn to trust my voice and intuition.
from ernst :
Astrology as algorithm? Kind of a fun concept, actually...
from christ666 :
I'm with you on mediocre kissing, it can be really hard to look past, but I'm not gonna lie, I love bowling as a date lol
from dangerspouse :
I did!! (I guess I should write about it, huh?) BTW, it was really nice to see a positive feel entry from you (5/11). So many of your recent stories have be quite dolorous, and I worried for you. I hope this keeps up :)
from jimbostaxi :
Hey, dropped in to say hi!:) I saw your latest entry and my opinion is nobody wants to be someone's second choice. If I'm not someone's first choice then I would rather be alone.
from swordfern :
Hah, the 'no soap' point made me laugh out loud. It seems like it's not really about the soap. But maybe it IS about the soap? Soap. Great entry, thanks for sharing your stories.
from dangerspouse :
No SOAP?! Jebus H. E. Coli Christ. And you've met TWO guys without it? WTH?? That absolutely blows my mind. I'm by no means a germaphobe, but my god, if he ever makes you a sandwich 5 minutes after coming out of the bathroom....
from raven72d :
I do love the entries.
from papotheclown :
Hey, thanks for the shout out! And God damn, you were not wrong about the hotness. Happy for you. And because my name starts with an R, it helps with my vicarious daydreams.
from papotheclown :
I really love reading of your recent adventures with the doctor. I am a bit jealous and definitely living vicariously. I hope the good times keep happening for you.
from whystinger :
email me at whystinger"at" for the keys.
from whystinger :
Interesting entry for sure, or shall i say interesting several recent entries.
from papotheclown :
I love the idea of a cuddling site. I am glad to hear it was a positive experience
from dangerspouse :
Ouch! Was it something I said...?
from dangerspouse :
Games that can pause any time, save anywhere. Yes! YES! Soulmate....
from whystinger :
I am not a fan of Toyota Prius. They aren't that slow, just most Prius drivers don't merge quickly, trying to be mega-milers. I'm not a Toyota fan either... they were very boring vehicles until about a year ago when they stepped up their styling. Toyota's quality is slipping a bit too. I agree that a bed is important for a good night's sleep. Get better sleep and a better job will come. Interesting diary - you seem to be able to convey a lot of info with few words. I need to work on that
from lust- :
The character in the book sounds interesting. What's the title?
from lust- :
I still keep read your words! I think going for therapy is very important. I hope you're able to find happiness. Sending all the good vibes!
from dirtyboots :
Period sex is good, except for when it's done at a holiday cabin and you wreck the sheets. So I've been told.
from ikissgrls :
Hello. I havent looked at my buddy list since probably high school. I dont recall who you are, but you mentioned in your description that you enjoy the occasional hello, so here I am. Hello. Who ever you are, I hope you are well and still writing. My name is Vicky.
from dangerspouse :
I remember being taught years ago that a lot of these shortened nicknames, both male and female, harken back several hundred years when it was common for people to produce slang by changing the first letter of many words. So, famously, "Rick" was the initial informal of the full name "Richard", and swapping the "R" for a "D" is why the informal of Richard is now Dick. Same with William: the informal "Will" swapped the "W" for a "B"...and there you are, Bill :) Hey, speaking of being motivated, are you ever motivated to play that clarinet (was it the bass clarinet?) any more? I vaguely remember you mentioning it a while back as an old love of yours. Good luck with the gig. I hope it pays something at least - or maybe even leads to some new contacts :)
from lust- :
Several people have told me that I come across as being very confident. My advice: fake it 'til you make it.
from dangerspouse :
You're not heartless. It's a marketing scheme. And a shameful one.
from dangerspouse :
If you don't do what they want you to do, you're "stubborn". If you cave in, you're a "team player". Don't be a team player if you know you're right.
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, BAD FUCKIN' ASS BITCH, YO! That's you! You can do this!!! (I'm glad the new roomie seems nice. That's one stress no one needs. Best of luck to you there, babe. Really.)
from lust- :
What are the plans for LA? Will R be moving with you? Also, do you have email/Facebook? May be a tad easier to chat there, if you're OK with that. I'm loving that you're keeping up with the updates!
from darktruth :
Always love catching up on your posts!
from loveherwell :
your notes are always so kind and make me smile - i hope you're doing well!
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Making as many jokes as I can got me this job. (But never any free lemonade, dammit.)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, free lemonade! I'm jealous. And if you need any new jokes, you know who to ask. (Um...pointing at me, here. Duh.)
from dangerspouse :
Hang in there Improvisor Girl (your new Superhero name). I have faith in you :)
from lust- :
Thank you! Always nice to know I have support when it comes to fucking the system. Haha.
from dangerspouse :
I'm very sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. I hope you are well.
from dangerspouse :
BTW, you shouldn't insult dogs like that.
from dangerspouse :
Wow. I never would have guessed that "SEX" was "the obvious". D'oh - it all makes sense now!
from jimbostaxi :
i guess with those freshly painted sex googles you never noticed , now those goggles are off and all those little idiosyncrasies seem like deal breakers but in reality they were probably always there.
from darktruth :
i love your resolutions! i also want to move and get a dog this year.
from darktruth :
i changed my password back to the old one. so if you still have that one, it's that!
from darktruth :
diaryland is still real! can you even believe it? i've been keeping a diaryland journal since i was 14. now i'm 30. this is nuts. anyway, just popping in to say hi. if you still have my password, get ready for some weird shit.
from lust- :
You're a good person. I hope the inspirational quotes shed positivity and light to you and those around you.
from papotheclown :
I also remember the spelling but thinking about how there are four letters, a Z, and then another four letters. Niet Z Sche. That's my helpful hint for the day.
from dangerspouse :
I miss my corgis. They could fit a LOT of Cheerios in their mouth - almost as much as me. (Is that ZFrank doing the narration?) Well done, CreativeGirl!
from lust- :
Haha. Congratulations aren't necessary when it comes to male suitors. It seems like a chore sometimes, y'know? Yeah, I'm going to take my time with the one who's 16 years my elder. He claims he's a Daddy and I'm not sure if DD/lg dynamics are for me, especially 'cause I'm so used to being independent. Not surprising that you're an INFJ/INFP. There seem to be quite a few INF_ or IN_ _ on here. It's a diary site for introverts!
from bantenhut :
Also, you're an INFJ! How awesome! I'm either INFJ or INFP, I'm not really sure. Congrats on all of your suitors! :) They seem great. Watch out for a 16 year age difference, it may seem greater later on down the line. It's neat though, that you came home feeling energized after talking to him, instead of the opposite. For an introvert, that's saying something. Cheers!
from lust- :
I hope you're able to create again soon. Sending good vibes for inspiration & ingenuity!
from papotheclown :
It's a single family unit. It really looks just like a normal house for the most part. He didn't build it. He was looking for land to build one when he found a guy looking to sell his finished house. It's really a pretty awesome place.
from dangerspouse :
D'oh! So close!!
from dangerspouse :
We sometimes called her "Gloria the Liquid Cat" too. I swear to god, the cat had the properties of a water balloon. When you picked her up she sometimes didn't even bother to wake up. She just kept snoozing even if you twirled her over your head or carried her on your shoulders during a pogo stick session. If you put her down anywhere she stayed in whatever awkward postition she landed, purring happily. She was the most content animal I've ever seen. (I once fucked her with a Q-Tip, btw. True story.)
from dangerspouse :
Cake is served on its side because THAT'S THE RULE. It's a cold, cruel world of desserts out there. Get used to it, chickie.
from dangerspouse :
I think you should go all Veronica Lake.
from jimbostaxi :
If sally hates PBJ you secretly hate sally ,,, and wonder why she's weird :0)
from jimbostaxi :
A new environment a new lease on life ,,, I wish him luck .. to leave everyone and everything you ever known to get a break you have to admire his tenacity,,,just throwing that out there I know that there are other factors but I wish I had his chutzpah :0)
from loveherwell :
I'm on my third year! I married Elliot but next time If I play again, I wanna marry Harvey!
from dangerspouse :
You poor thing. I feel for you :(
from loveherwell :
stardew Valley is the absolute best!!!
from dangerspouse :
Whew. Ok. 1. The wee ones already know what it means. They have the internet from in utero now. 2. Yes, watch it. Join us. 3. Who you callin' "round", shamer? *sob* 4. See? 5. That sounds like awful advice. So I'll take it. 6. Plus, I wouldn't mind bangin' the one. 19. (19?) Yeah, four. I hated them so much it's a wonder I didn't turn gay. It's a good thing they had hot friends. 20. Skinner's technique became known as "Operant Conditioning", a phrase you might be more familiar with. It was an advancement on "Classical Conditioning" which preceded it. They're the basis of all modern psychology theories regarding reward reinforcing behaviors - ie., "learning". If you ever need to train a pet, operant conditioning is da bomb. Seriously. You should watch a vid or two of what Skinner could get pigeons to do. If it weren't deemed a PR liability, NASA almost sent up their initial rocket ships into space piloted by pigeons because they could be trained that exactly. 21. I understand what you're saying, and respect your opinion. But my slut wife doesn't. Vive la difference, I guess. 63. Stop obsessing about that shitheel professor or you're going to sabotage your future. If you can't get over something like this, a career in a profession notorious for vicious, harsh criticism is going to be hell on you. I'm telling you as a guy in radio who regularly gets excoriated by his audience AND employers (and we all do): develop a rhinoceros hide, or get out. You are going to be judged, and judged harshly, every single gig you sign on to. Learn to say "fuck 'em, they suck" or die. In all honesty, after almost 3 decades making my living full time in the media, that may be the best advice I could give to anyone thinking of making a go of it themselves. Accept that there are people who are irrational, who will hate you no matter what, and just move on. Otherwise find a job in a cubicle. (Flipside: there will always be people who love you no matter what. They make it worthwhile. Not to mention the personal satisfaction.) Stay tuned for the next installment of The NeverEnding Note.....
from jimbostaxi :
A cheerful rebel rides a motorcycle with smiley face tee shirt, a Cheerful rebel beats you up and then tells you to have a nice day, a cheerful rebel gives you one sheet of toilet paper when your out in the next stall and then flushes the rest of the roll down the toilet bowl :0)
from dangerspouse :
Ok, now to answer your latest batch of inquiries. *deep breath*....1. My arm smells. Try wrapping your arm in an Ace bandage for 6 weeks, no shower, no air, 24/7. You'll see what I mean. People will wonder why you're carrying around an open container of egg salad when you walk by them. 2. Believe everything! It's more fun that way. 3. "Just the Tips" is hilarious! I'm now hooked. Thanks for giving me yet another excuse to sit and grow fat(ter). I hope they come back with more soon.... 4. I have 4 sisters. Or "enemies", as they used to be known. I'm the only boy. 5. No, I don't think that is true. I will say that growing up surrounded by strong women, including a progressive and brilliantly funny role model of a mother, has made me an absolute, adamant, lifelong, feminist. I reject any notion of Male Superiority, except perhaps in average upper body strength. However, this does not diminish my own masculinity, as there is still the little matter of testosterone production. Which in all reality is no little matter at all. I may not act cretinous towards women, or think they're not my equal, but biology still exists. And remember, I also had a dad. His input in the role model department taught me motorcycle racing, boxing, stoicism, being a gentleman, etc. So perhaps I'm in touch with my "feminine side" as you intimated, but no one knowing me would label me "feminine". 6. "Vicarious Learning" refers to learning by watching others learn a task, rather than through doing the operation yourself. As part of my Masters work I set a pigeon in a box, one wall of which was a 2-way mirror. On the other side of the mirror was another pigeon in a box. THAT pigeon we taught to peck at colored lights using Operant Conditioning, the actual purpose of which was to see if the other pigeon would learn the task just by watching. Then, when it had, we had it watch as the trained pigeon stopped getting rewarded for pecking the lights, and lost behavior ("extinguished behavior"). All classic Skinnerian technique, but with the twist of learning through watching, rather than getting rewarded directly for behavior. Hope that answers it! Til next time, that is :)
from dangerspouse :
I like that ATB cityscapes video! I recognize most of the NYC shots. (A little trivia: the highway footage at 1:20 is the Long Island Expressway in Queens near Junction Blvd., and the cloverleaf intersection a minute or so later is the same highway a couple hundred yards to the east at the entrance/exit to the Grand Central Parkway. Took 20 years of being a NYC traffic reporter to know that, bitch!) Hey, try this: pull up that video and mute the sound. In another tab, pull up Abba's "I Am The City". Watch the video with the Abba soundtrack under it. Similar beat and production, but with lyrics that always reminded me of the Big Apple vibe. (BTW, having worked in and around the City most of my life, I can tell you that the constant barrage of people, sound, concrete, light, etc., can become oppressive after a while. I love still working in that kind of environment, and visiting in my off hours, but retreating to my bucolic rural home after work every day is a tonic I find I really need sometimes. But that's just me.)
from dangerspouse :
Oh my god, I LOOOOVE The Katering Show! (And you now, just for knowing about them) Those episodes are so fucking spot on, skewering the lunacies of popular food culture these days. I binged the entire 2nd season when it was released on YouTube recently, and absolutely laffed my ass off. Yes! I lone you, man... (And this Experimental Psychologist has no opinion of Enneagrams. Ask me about something I'm familiar with, like vicarious learning and extinctions of behaviors in pigeons.) :)
from lust- :
Being called a pro is such an amazing compliment! It is definitely well deserved.
from dangerspouse :
No worries checking your notes every Halley's Comet. That's just part of your Personality Profile, I guess ;) But more to the point: I spent a laborious 45 minutes hunting-and-pecking that brilliant, witty previous note and...nothing? You didn't even like the motorboat imagery? WHAT GIRL DOESN'T LIKE MOTORBOAT REFERENCES? I feel like I've been unfriended *sob*. On the other hand, that was a very constructive suggestion regarding my enforced solitude. Unfortunately though, because I'm hooked up to a machine that constantly circulates ice water to a bladder-sleeve under my cast, I can't venture more than a few feet in any direction (save for brief bathroom breaks and food). So if there's buried treasure between my recliner and the Playstation, it's mine! Otherwise, swinging the metal detector (*not a euphemism fir once*) is gonna have to wait for a bit. :)
from dangerspouse :
Good lord! What, do you only check your Notes once every 4 months? Some of those references are so old...oh never mind. Quicker to jut dive right in and answer them. So. 1. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR BRAS?! And does R ever get whiplash from motorboating them all? I know I would. Every. Fucking. Night. 2. Chilly doesn't begin to describe Buffalo. Neither does chili. Which is why it's weird that the main component if Buffalo Wings is chili. Coincidence? I think not. 3. Yes you do. The director's cut, without the cartoonish narration and the alternate ending. Plus, there's a topless chick wearing a clear plastic rain suit. She's a robot though, and she gets shot to shit. But still...boobies! 4. I did go places with my experimental psych degree. Into radio. Which should answer your question. (To be serious: a great, fascinating field of study. But like any field that is primarily comprised of research, you either need to land a position at a university and teach, or spend 90% of your waking hours trying to get research funding. In retrospect, I should have gone into clinical psych.) 5. FUCK yeah is right, beyotch! Woot! Woot! for you! 6. It was, but it was also endearing. At least I think it was. Honestly, I don't fucking remember. Let's try to respond to our notes in a more timely manner in the future, shall we? Thanks hun. 7. To qoute MTV's original tag line: "Too much is never enough." Brevity is for the weak. Keep them epics comin'. And finally (*whew*): SHE'S acrobatic. My fat ass ain't got nuthin' on that nimble little minx. But I love her anyway, god help me.... :)
from dangerspouse :
Jeff Bezos is a chick??
from papotheclown :
I've tried Meetup once or twice and should probably give it a go again. Right now, I feel like giving up on the whole enterprise. Maybe I'll just become an old hermetic sage living on a mountain somewhere. Thank you for the kind words. They were very encouraging.
from papotheclown :
Yeah, we chatted about it. Turns out we don't live very far from each other. It's a totally weird and small world, Diaryland.
from dangerspouse :
That wasn't a dream. Sorry.
from jimbostaxi :
Buffalo? Bring and extra liver with your mittens and scarf all they do is drink between snowstorms
from dangerspouse :
Buffalo? How are you at tunneling through snow? Seven months a year?
from yellow-ninja :
I came here to say the same thing as lust-! That's the issue I have with summer - it's hard to be a workaholic at nannying. I need the unmanageable load of teaching 180 kids.
from lust- :
"I'm a workaholic with no meaningful job." That resonates with me. I hope you find creativity wherever it may be! I need to work on the same thing for myself. Have a great day!
from dangerspouse :
Awww. 4am sucks, when it's not your normal wake up hour. (For 10 bonus points, what movie had the line: "It's a shame she won't live. But then again, who does?") Hang in there, babe.
from lust- :
Thank you. I'm still not even sure if I'm doing the right thing, but in time I know it'll make sense. Better to let go now than keep holding on and postponing the inevitable.
from dangerspouse :
OMG - you have ten titties?! No wonder R stays with you!
from yellow-ninja :
Getting out on the cheap for me means cutting back on other stuff (if it wasn't for my book hoarding, I would live a pretty minimalist existence) and doing things outside of the house that are cheap/free. I hit up the library a lot, run outside 20 hours a week, do free festivals, and camp instead of staying in hotels pretty often when I travel. It's not ideal, but not bad either. Why would R think being a flight attendant is demeaning? The travel benefits alone have to make up for a ton!
from dangerspouse :
My god, you are absolutely BRILLIANT at writing pep talk entries! Way to go girl! Keep it up, you make us so proud!!
from loveherwell :
I completely understand your last post. Being so unhappy where you are and what you're doing and who you're with - it's so hard to piece them apart. And I am the same - I don't know if I'm with someone I want to marry. It's a difficult decision all around.
from dangerspouse :
My god, I have to respond to your Icelandic Epic of a note AND pen a congratulatory note of my own that more or less approximates sincerity? GAHHH! I'm only one (hunky, godlike) man! But...ok. I can do this. *deep, sorry about the halitosis* 1. THANKS FOR THE ROCKIN' DOUBLE BARRELED NOTES AT MY PLACE! You rock. Again! 2. I fully embrace your "Pumpkinseed Fish" theory as fact, with the caveat that Pumpkinseed Fish do not, in fact, taste like pumpkin seeds. Don't ask me (or my wife) how I know. There was bloodletting. 3. 8-tracks are the ONLY way to listen to Japanese polka. Word, bitch. 4. Thanks for the vibes. I'm sure they'll help me transform that last muthafookin' deer into the venison roast it so richly deserves to be. 5. Social science lessons at 4:30 in the morning as soon as I arrive at work are most assuredly not appreciated - or retained. But I'll make an exception this time. 6. I have a masters in experimental psychology, yet I *still* ate that stupid Pumpkinseed Fish knowing full well it wasn't actually made of pumpkin seeds. What is wrong with me? 7. I guess I should finally get around to congratulating you on your MASSIVE FUCKING 'WE DIDN'T THINK SHE COULD DO IT' ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Yay! Now get out there and break under the weight of your equally massive crushing student loan! 8. You'll have no trouble doing that because you're now an accomplished professional in a career that offers much, much greater financial remunerations than a degree in something like, say, experimental psychology. Again, don't ask me how I know *sob*. 9. Fin
from yellow-ninja :
No worries at all about not getting back right away! Congrats on your graduation! I hope you got to feel your good-bye in some way (this English teacher appreciates the Caulfield reference!). I've added you to the list! As for my diary, would you mind sending an email for username/pword? My addy is s_corndog at
from lust- :
Congrats and good luck on Graduation Day!
from papotheclown :
Congratulations on your graduation!
from jimbostaxi :
Passed the road test now the real scary part of my life starts starting a new job! I went on the other interview it went well they actually pay more than the company I trained with damn shame they didn't call me sooner. Thanks for the note :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Passed the road test now the real scary part of my life starts starting a new job! I went on the other interview it went well they actually pay more than the company I trained with damn shame they didn't call me sooner. Thanks for the note :0)
from dangerspouse :
Um....and sorry if I ever called you "babe" in these notes. It's one of my de facto terms for anyone I talk to, male or female. A media thing, I think. Anyway, I'll try to remember to strike that one from my vocabulary when I visit here from now on, ok babe? Ah, shit....
from dangerspouse :
Hey hey, thanks for checking in on me! Sorry I was gone so long - on the DL for a hit (explained in latest overly drawn out and TLDR entry). Seriously, I appreciate the concern :)
from jimbostaxi :
Nothing wrong with standing up for your self if you feel someone was objectifying( I think that's the right word) you right? I have used "Hun" and have been read the freaking riot act.
from papotheclown :
Her name is Michelle and she lives in Harker Heights. It would be incredibly surprising if you knew her, but super cool at the same time. I miss Texas and would enjoy visiting. And though I am internet friends with a few D-landers, I am not sure I have met any in person either. It could be fun!
from yellow-ninja :
Hi there! I just dropped in your diary and loved your latest entry with the introvert/extrovert experiment. I bet you did feel elated afterwards! I'm a classic introvert myself and felt a wave a nervousness just thinking about having to add to a discussion without waiting on others, so kudos to making it through successfully! Would you mind if I added you to my buddy list?
from papotheclown :
I think I am going to create an online dating account just so that I can use that line! And my Texas lady is also from the Austin area. If I ever head down that way, I would be willing to give you a high five or something similar. Like a handshake, maybe.
from jimbostaxi :
YOU ARE THE AWESOME ONE ! :o) you can express your thoughts and feelings on your page, Me I'm complaining about someone who I thought was my friend on a social media site ugh. He's doing well,,,alive and kicking,,,,thanks to me,,I'm happy for him lesson learned :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Do I sit here all day and watch people make fools of themselves you ask? Yes, I do! you have a problem with that? Yeah, we are by the water too I get assholes like that all the time. I fucking diffuse situations all the time but you know what? Sometimes aggressive people like that need a good dose of fuck you.
from lust- :
Hey, we're all different. At least you're out there, learning and are aware of different views and opinions while still keeping somewhat of an open-mind. Basically, you're not a dick. Well done! Thanks for the compliment. People often tell me that I'm brave, but I don't see it as that. A lot of the things I do are things that I feel inside of me that I need to do. Either that, or I'll go completely mental. It's all steps that I've taken to remain somewhat sane. If that makes sense. It looks like bravery to others, but for me, it's a conscious effort to be true to myself. Anyway, I appreciate your notes. I, too, read your diary whenever you update. I really hope you spoke about things with R and didn't let the anger consume you. Communication is healthy. Scary sometimes, but very needed. You're in my thoughts. Take care!xo
from jimbostaxi :
Tell him you know get it off your chest instead of letting the anger consume you
from jimbostaxi :
This whole thing with them has had my stomache in knots, ive been kind of quiet on the whole thing. I think it's a good idea to talk with her and show her im on her side no matter what she decides. Thank you very much for the note :0)
from lust- :
Dating is weird. I think it all comes down to preferences, really. It may even be a kinky thing for an older male to date a younger female. The whole Daddy/LittleGirl thing. Some young women actually want an older man to feel protected, cared for and nurtured and it goes the same for mature men seeking out young women. I think we all just want to be wanted, y'know? I guess it only becomes a 'bad' thing when the more mature one in the relationship is doing it just for fun, or to play the field and have some sort of trophy on their arm. If true feelings are involved and everything is consensual, then there's no harm. Maybe that's me being too open minded, though.
from dirtyboots :
I watched the countouring video you linked me. Awesome! Nice to meet you.
from jimbostaxi :
What story did the free internship editor assign you? Just curious I'm up and I figured we could kick this story idea around :0)
from dangerspouse :
Duck Dynasty?? No wonder he's depressed....
from dangerspouse :
Of course I enjoyed it. It's attention, isn't it?
from dangerspouse :
LOL!! What, did you just binge read like 4 of my entries? What a great note! All inclusive! Thanks for that, kiddo :) (And yes, my wife is awesome. You want her?)
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
1. Yes, the Puppy Bowl is the shit. Which I think I counted instances of twice in this year's hotly contested squee-fest. (Lost money on my fantasy picks, though.) 2. Yes, Anonin Scalia is shit. Was. And you didn't even choose the worst of his effluent utterings, although it was certainly very typical. 3. They're called "baby steps" because when girls like you take them, all the guys be like "Whoa, baby!!" So smile smugly inside while you take them, knowing you already won the game :)
from dangerspouse :
Uh oh. Cleverbot is better at my job than I am. Time to welcome my new algorithm overlord....
from dangerspouse :
It's 7:31 here. WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS BEHIND?! C'mon - you never heard of the Puppy Bowl? It's more of an American tradition than random school shootings! (Er, make that "vigorous expressions of one's 2nd Amendment rights.) I didn't make any of that up, it's a real thing! Puppies on a tiny football field run around like mad and every time one of them drags a stuffed toy over the goal line they get 7 points. There's a human ref who sometimes calls fouls for things like peeing on the field (thank god they didn't draft me - I'd be suspended for the season after one game), inappropriate butt sniffing (ditto) and stuff like that. There's a massive kitten half time show every year, with streamers and music, and yes: HAMSTERS PILOTING A BLIMP OVERHEAD FILMING ALL THE ACTION! And they wear tiny pilot hats sometimes! The cheerleaders seem to change species every year. Last year it was chicks, but I've seen other cutesy critters as well. The real excitement comes when a rottweiler pup tries to eat one of them, but that doesn't really happen to often. Usually they're just grievously injured. It's all good. So...what the hell are you doing up this early? (And thanks for putting in a good word for me with Hanah. I'll toss you one too if we ever meet, out of sheer gratitude. You're welcome.)
from dangerspouse :
mmmmmm....cooooookies. Er...what was the rest of the entry about?
from dangerspouse :
BWAHAHAHA! I *must* have been thinking of water purification, because it should have been "Awkwafina". Sheee-it. White boy can't type. Lol. Cool that you got to meet Hanah! Did you tell her there's a fat middle aged guy in NJ who wants to bang her, by any chance? I hope so. I'd hate for her to miss out on a chance like that. Ooo! Ooo! You gonna watch the Puppy Bowl tomorrow? Fuck those steroidal NFL mutants. I wanna see hamsters in a blimp filming puppies fighting over stuffed toys! with REAL CHICKS as cheerleaders! Go Team Corgi!!
from dangerspouse :
I heart Hannah Hart too!! Did you see her when she showed up on "My Drunk Kitchen"? What a hoot! I think she was a guest on Aquafina's channel too a little while back, but I'm not positive (and too lazy to check). And I think your insight about how we know when we're at our best is spot on. We constantly have experiences, and they constantly change us - or at least change our outlook. "Best", being a subjective term, is really irrelevant in light of that. You're always gaining (or losing qualities), shifting perspectives, changing goals. There's no static point where you're "best", because the next day when something happens and you learn from it or are changed by it, that previous amalgamation which made you your "best" may no longer apply. I think, rather, as long as you bathe regularly and are nice to puppies, no one can criticize you. And that's about the best thing there is. PUPPIES! :)
from papotheclown :
I have been doing talk therapy for like a year and a half or so. It's helped me frame things better and understand myself a little more. I have this rare genetic disease that causes constant pain(which always gets worse in the winter), so that time of the year can be tough for me. I try to get enough sleep, but I work seven days a week and have a lot on my plate, so I don't think the rest I get is ever sufficient. Austin is one of my favorite places in the world. Say hello to it for me.
from dangerspouse :
AAUGH! Too many questions! My brain!!! Lol. I'm at work AND hung over from my birthday Scotch-a-thon. I'll try to give a considered answer when I'm home, and stop puking :)
from dangerspouse :
Ok, on to more cheery subjects. My penis! Thanks for the great note regarding it, and other, subjects dear to my heart. And my wife. Who is indeed a very great character. And the main cause of my needing neutral grain spirit infusions on a more or less regular basis. Just another thing to thank her for :) You rock AND roll, kiddo!
from dangerspouse :
I never say anything in all seriousness, but I'm making an exception for you because I like you, and because I know advice about deeply personal issues from a complete stranger on the internet is always welcome. So. IN ALL SERIOUSNESS (the all caps means it's serious): do not have a kid before your life goals are met. You'll only be bitter when they're never reached because a baby is a time, attention, and resource black hole that will never, ever, evereverever let you concentrate on your own needs again. Ever. Learn from your mom's experience. There's an awful lot to be said for genetic propensities, you know. Do not let someone who wants a child pressure you into having one if you yourself aren't 100% sold on it. Do not have a child if you think your potential rearing partner comes with red flags attached. You think motherhood is a time sink? Try doing it alone, which is what you could be if your suspicions prove true and he dumps you. ESPECIALLY don't let him pressure you before he puts a ring on it. I'm not saying any of this to be a killjoy or dissuade you from eventually spawning. It's just that now that I'm a bit older (than your BF even *sigh*) I can look around, and back, and see where wrong decisions about this very thing have absolutely, and almost without exception, ruined the lives of many people I've known over the years. The ones that took sober assessment of their situation and made dispassionate decisions based on that were happy years down the road. The ones that didn't, weren't. And I'll just add this at the end: neither were their kid(s). Think with your head, not with your pussy, before going down this road. You're potentially taking someone along with you. Don't make the trip miserable for them too. Good luck :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, I'm sorry I didn't reply to your great notes sooner. But I, y'know, suck. It's a guy thing. I have no delusions. Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah: thanks for the great notes! Ok, in order. 1. My dad is a hoot and a half, and good for some entries, you're right. In fact, I already have penned some of his adventures in the past. The accordion festival nuttiness, the cow-peeing-on-the-lady fiasco, etc. etc. etc. He's my hero. 2. Yes, in order to maintain our FCC broadcast license, all radio announcers are give a ration of neutral grain spirits upon arriving at work every day, and that ration must be consumed in the presence of the general manager before going on the air. 3. We don't have Fairpoint up here in Cow Country, USA, but if we did I probably would have kept them as our cable company just because I like you so much. 6. I'm sorry your record player broke. "Man was born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward." (Book of Job, which, like the rest of the Bible, is pure fiction. But a good source of apt quotes at times like this.) 7. Thanks! I love my cheesy little ring. Bling! Medium pimpin', yo. 8. No, I didn't know there is a DS group on FB. Probably because I'm not on FB. Don't accept the status quo! Er...I, mean I'm too lazy/busy/apathetic/scared of being tracked to join. Take your pick. But it's nice to know that YOU are enjoying it :) 8. There is no 8. WHY IS THERE NO 8?! 9. Lata back atcha, chickie.
from dangerspouse :
You're right, that is a great quote. Perfect for a selfie pretending to be a painting, in fact :)
from lust- :
Oh, hey there, random internet stranger. My name's Dez. Thanks for your input. It's nice to get more perspective on things. I think the fact that I'm worried about being selfish says a lot. Probably won't head too far down that road. It helps that I have people in my life to help if my head ever goes too far up my ass. Hope you're having a good day! I look forward to reading more of your entries.
from papotheclown :
Ah, cheers. And a late happy new year to you and yours! It's always nice when a stranger thinks you're cute, so thank you. You are like a superhero of flattery.
from dangerspouse :
Whao, sorry I didn't get back to you in a more timely manner! There was a problem posting bail, and...well anyway, I'm back. Things are fine in my world, thanks! Not that I would admit otherwise, being a Manly Man of course. God, you chicks have it so easy. Anyway, yeah, fine. Lotsa booze, lotsa smootchin'. Usually in that order. How 'bout you? Leap yet?
from jimbostaxi :
Mc Bantenhut rocks the house y'all? :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Im so lazy I should post a recent pic of Bella she's huge that pic of her was taken when my daughter "K" first got her :0) thanks for the notes. The call to the hotline did help I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. The way we were brought up was deal with the hand your dealt end of story now I see that was very wrong.
from jimbostaxi :
Oh and I love Almost Famous I've watched it a zillion times I think,,, maybe more :9) I'm going to check out wristcutterd it looks interesting :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Most of the times The people in my dreams are unknown to me I see them but don't know them I'm alone searching, lost , tired and scared. The ones I do have with people I know usually are people I haven't thought about or seen in years. Maybe your dream was triggered by someone in your life who reminds you of dad? Anyone come buy a burger who reminds you of him ?
from loveherwell :
I LOVED YOUR NOTE SO MUCH. thank you!! you're a sweetheart. i've read your diary randomly several times, so i hope you don't mind if i start reading regularly :)
from whystinger :
Sure. Send me an email and I will send you the keys. I will be out of town and may not get to email for a while. I can be slack like that at times. whystinger "at" yahoo
from whystinger :
I stumbled on your diary today. Cool, hope I find my way back. Problems with a college prof? Some are real assholes. You will challenge some and make some eat their words. Others are not worth your time or effort. I agree with Danger, don't dwell on death. I forgot the other stuff, wait, I remember. I have been on Dland for a long time and locked due to some personal info. We do share a few Dland friends including Jimbo, Danger and Vxxn to name a few. I too miss those that have moved on or no longer write.
from dangerspouse :
Stop thinking about death! You'll be experiencing it soon enough. FWIW, I think ALL women are tough and resilient a hell - as much or even moreso as men. It's just that our stupid male-centric society teaches little girls that they're littel *ladies*, and that's it. The girl is doomed. Anyway, I phrase I remembered that may or may not ring true with you but always gave me the balls to go for it despite the odds: "Leap, and the net will appear." Some athlete said it. His father said it to him when he was waffling about taking the plunge. Leap, kid. It's worse regretting you didn't, later.
from dangerspouse :
Oooo! I got to read your note twice! You posted it here on purpose, didn't you, you egomaniac. Well played! And "Girls und Panzer" is Japanese. You can watch it here: if you'd like. Watch them in order, and click the word description of each episode - the one over the word "Guest" - not the thumbnail. Otherwise it will tell you you have to be a member. You have to watch the guest version (duh), which has commercials (wait, you're in the business so I can use the word "spots"!). Enjoy :)
from jimbostaxi :
Hi, when I think of movies in theme parks I always think of one of those Final Destination movies :0) or that episode of Outer Limits where the spaceship actually took off to take everyone to have a second chance.
from bantenhut :
I think you're right, there is totally a corn stalk or two in Iowa. Over the top is where it's at! I just wrote a scene wherein the dancer gets a full scholarship to Julliard, a medal from the governor, and engaged - all in the span of one page! ...It's a dream scene. But anyway, OTT! Over the top! And yes, I need to check out more Girls Und Panzer. (Is it German or Japanese or Chinese?)
from dangerspouse :
I vaguely recall hearing that there's a corn stalk or two in Iowa. I think if I were to write a play centered there I'd have one character called "The Colonel", another dress only in silk, another with big - or more than two! - ears, a stalker, etc. Because it's me I'd go over the top to the point where it wouldn't be funny at all, of course. But a classy and educated broad like yourself could probably avoid that pitfall if you chose to go down that yellow or white path.
from dangerspouse :
HA! I knew it. You wanna do me now, dontcha. Yeah, I don't blame ya. I do too. Lol...thanks for the ROCKIN' note, babe. Seriously, that warmed the heart of my cockles. But YOU GOTTA WATCH MORE THAN JUST A FEW MINUTES OF GuP TO GET THE FULL EFFECT! It's girl power goodness alright, but you gotta wade past the obligatory "setting the stage" cuteness crap of the first episode. Once they go to Battle Mode, it's game on, ladies! God, I'm such a loser.... ;)
from dangerspouse :
C'mon, snap out of it, girl! Dump the game playing dullard - he's obviously a psychic anchor dragging you down with his listless lifestyle and obliviousness to your needs! Go to class! Punch that professor in the face (and claim he came on to you when they haul you to court - it'll work, trust me)! Get a corgi puppie - NO ONE can be sad with a corgi! Drink better wine! Watch "Girls und Panzer"! TWICE! Take control of your life NOW while you still can affect change, before you're tied to a mortgage and diapers and a feckless, drab existence that you wouldn't wish on your most hated bill collector. Come ON, you are so worth it! Don't accept inertia!!! (Oh, and don't accept unsolicited advice from strangers on the internet who leave too many exclamation points in the notes section of your online diary. Don't be stupid.) :)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, congrats on the new gig! Damn, I've gotta start hanging out in girls bathrooms (again)....
from dangerspouse :
Every year on the anniversary of the procedure I send a "THANK YOU!!" card to Dr. Vasectomy. My wife signs it too. Yeah, that ticking clock gets loud. But if you have the strength to ignore it you'll have a much richer life. Because my experience is universal, of course ;)
from dangerspouse :
Did you just say people on Facebook have real friends? I'm I thought you said people on Facebook have real friends.
from dangerspouse :
Oh wow, I just found out you'd unlocked. Welcome back! I got so used to not being able to read you that I took you off my Buddy List. Will rectify that now. Good to read you weren't evicted, btw. I'd have had to drive down there and gotten you out, and I *hate* crosstown traffic.
from mallorysana :
If you want to read my diary just leave me your email in my notes and I will send you the information to access ;)
from mallorysana :
I think it is brave to follow your what your heart and mind tell you to. So often we back down on our own convictions, I think evaluating your TA like you mentioned was a positive step, it will not only benefit her in the long run, you will benefit as well, I've always felt strong about not having regrets.
from bassclargrrl :
I feel you. It better fucking amount to something.
from spiralish :
Yes, I was wondering if maybe I should drop everything into lower case ;)
from spiralish :
Thank you for your note. Diary user/pass actually hidden in plain sight on my profile. Done that way to foil robots (hopefully). Note again if you get stuck :)
from spiralish :
130219_35 is a beautiful entry
from spiralish :
I enjoyed the entry 130902_14.html. I could relate to many parts of it. I like the way you write. I applaud you for being able to understand what your dreams are telling you (mine are a mad mix of everything and most of it is just "noise", I'm sure). (I tried to leave a comment but got an error message.)
from loveherwell :
from newschick :
aw thanks. are you still in ATX?
from dangerspouse :
A very good question. The reason I don't put on a 5 minute long song is that I don't actually play ANY songs. I'm a network announcer. My cohorts and I are news anchors and various other types of non-music on-air personalities who are on numerous stations every day (I'm on 9). I'm thinking of just keeping a case of Depends in my studio at this point :)
from newschick :
it is?!?!?! i hadn't a clue. a ledgetank is a south dublin term for 'legend'. (it's a compliment.) lol. i guess the irish lingo remains in my vocab.
from dangerspouse :
Wait - there are strippers who guarantee they'll look good?? I'm taking my wife to all the wrong places! (Hey, thanks for the note at my place. Yeah, my "Comments" feature bit the dust too. When I set it up, it was offered free - not just to SuperGold wealthy people. Now I'm too lazy and ignorant to remove it. Welcome to the club!) :)
from dangerspouse :
BTW, did you know your "Comments" section doesn't work? Mine doesn't either. It's kismet!
from dangerspouse :
I'm not sad OR lonely. Maybe because I have a corgi. They seem to be a universal panacea. Anyway, don't worry about karma and keeping score and such. In the end, randomness always wins. If you obsess about it you'll just drive yourself to distraction and forget to actually live. Good luck!
from newschick :
i KNEW you'd be back. :) i never deleted your username, because i knew you'd remember us. :) howdy and hope to read more soon.
from vxxen :
ahaha thanks..i think
from gia-carangi :
If you're ever in NY please tell me! We can drink mini bottles of wine on the Staten Island Ferry =)I haven't mentioned my boyfriend because there hasn't been any recent drama lol. I'm glad to hear from you again, how have you been?
from erari :
auw thanks :) hehe. idve added more but then the internet was acting up. glad you like them. x
from errantnights :
We decided to leave this (tuesday) morning, and I say good riddance! I never got a facebook message, so you must've sent to the wrong person -- you can search me by 'mattbossthei' and find me straight away -- halfway pointless now that I'm gone but we can still be friends
from errantnights :
Hey! We went down to 6th street last night for what is apparently the cheap night? Me and my friend are stuck here with no place to stay, but hopefully everything will work out. :(
from errantnights :
I'm going to austin.. I think my time there has been pretty well planned out by the person I am going to see, but I would love ideas for things to do anyways! I leave tomorrow and will get there friday night
from sundaygirl :
No, it's all Photoshop trickery. I would love to buy a Lomo or a Holga but since money's tight, I just fake it with filters and other photoshop magic.
from gia-carangi :
An hour is a long time for a panic attack, they have been getting longer ever since I started applying to graduate schools and thinking about the future. If it gets too bad I take my anti anxiety meds. Usually I can become detached. I detach my mind from my body and just look at my surroundings. I pretend that I have to remember what I'm looking at for a painting.
from sunfuck :
hey thanks! i'll follow your advice and take it as a compliment, as i may be a little in love with him, too
from cloverstar :
i totally felt the same way about UT at the end. and no, i'll probably never use my journalism degree either. that's why i added my english degree. journalism felt so useless to me, but like you, i had to finish it. just get out of there and do something else w/ your life. it's fine to do that! but your mom is right on one level...having a degree CAN get you a better-paid job. no matter what you major in. so you do have that option for when you grad. love and luck, me
from gia-carangi :
you are welcome to use my daft punk wedding song for your someday wedding too =)
from cloverstar :
sad...i haven't seen ANY of those people. SO depressing!!!! the only people i saw at UT were for the eating doctor, dietician and therapist. i had my own crew of outpatient psychiatrists, more serious doctors and more serious dieticians as well hahaha. so if you ever get an eating disorder, or end up at shoal creek, then maybe we'll share some of the same peeps! hahaha yeaaaaaaa being crazy!
from cloverstar :
im a nosy bitch, but i saw on chalkstain's notes that you're seeing a therapist. are you seeing a UT one or an austin one? are you seeing a shrink? haha i just want to know who you're seeing cuz i saw about 600 of them in austin :)
from beesbitmyass :
hellooo.. So this is probably waaaaay late, but I just checked and saw your note. My ego thanks you.
from sunfuck :
thanks to you for making it known!
from chalkstain :
it's sad to think that people change shapes and are there forever but, forever doesn't and can't ever mean forever. i remember hearing once that people use people for their own personal gain. in a way it's true i suppose, not to be selfish or malicious in any way. i've no doubt that i love my friends as they are, but also i have no doubt that if i grew up elsewhere, i'd've made my best friends there too. sorry for the delay in replying, i thought i already had. hope you're well.
from outwalking :
Hi, it's "dannyzuko", this is now my new username. =)
from newschick : new diary is unlocked...i am now enjoy!
from gia-carangi :
i like your recent post, i am impressed at your interview. It also relates to the majority of the diaries on this site =)
from bantenhut :
hehehe. sometimes i take those mini bottles and pour them into my camelbak. :) bad jane! i am so jealous! the staten island ferry! oh well, i'll live there someday. hopefully sooner rather than later. and nice intro to your latest post--the apollo thing was unique, i thought. tchao!
from gia-carangi :
LOL. A literal boat--the Staten Island Ferry. I'm probably going to waste my money buying minibottles of wine, but they're also perfect for the movies. I don't want to block anyone's line of vision with my chugging.
from for-you-only :
I love that quote. We're prisoners of our own minds. Totally true. I replied you in my latest entry. :)
from gia-carangi :
LOL hopefully last night was her last. I told her that I can't open the door for her at 1 am. What a relief! =)
from americansin :
hey thanks for adding me as a friend by they way. Your diary is pretty nice just to let you know. I'll add you and we should keep in touch!
from gia-carangi :
LOL. I was hoping that the registrar would cancel the class and give me my money back. I feel bad for the only guy in the class.
from erari :
i think so too! :D looove it!
from nerimon :
lol, yeah it is me - I should make it clear that I started this blog in 2003 as a way to archive my life. YouTube came after. I don't like how suddenly it became popular for YouTubers to have blogs, it just annoyed me xD But yeah, thanks for stopping by! ^_^
from darktruth :
Oh, April Fools! Hahaha. No babytown for me. Babies are crying, screaming leprechauns. Never. Never, never.
from zoela :
i'm the crazy one. dada for previous, and nouveau for next...but don't say i didn't warn you...
from iluvnumba1 :
found your journal off the main page. love your writing. madd fun to read. I know my journal is locked, so just so yano I'm not some weirdo I'm 17, about to graduate from high school and very into taco bell and funky hats. aim = sweetobsessions8 if you're ever completely bored or something.
from darktruth :
jah, my username is "dark" and my password is "truth." very original. i can't figure out how to delete notes though. i'm tryin.
from darktruth :
HEY. I stopped writing in my diary, but then I started again, and I unlocked it, but then I unlocked it again, because I realized it's the only place where I'm ever HONEST, so if you want the password, it's new, because I couldn't remember what the old one was. Plus, I reckon I'd need one for yours, too, if'n I wanted to read it. Let me know what you think. If you even want to read mine, which is all about how horrible I am. B.
from sundaygirl :
well thank you kindly, ladyfriend. and welcome to *house of sunday*. feb 2001 - may 2004 ... rough times ahead!! buckle up!
from sundaygirl :
well thank you kindly, ladyfriend. and welcome to *house of sunday*. feb 2001 - may 2004 ... rough times ahead!! buckle up!
from darktruth :
Not sure I'm back for good, but I'm writing in it a little bit, I guess. I'm permanent at
from bitterwineuk :
thanks for adding me to your list, I'm so glad someone appreciated that band member line. Hahaha. Sums up life in general. Take care sweetie! x
from kahmiel :
I locked my diary, if you still want to read it email me at [email protected] and ill give you a password.
from basal :
no more of this?
from basal :
kids and summer. freedom and immaturity.
from darktruth :
this is getting to be alittle ridiculous, dont you think? not being able to post for like aw eek? well, im also pretty drunk, so im pissed more than usual about it. okay. have a good night. yours forever, brett
from darktruth :
Huzzah, for you mentioned me in your post. It's good to get all the horrible things you've done out in the open. Or for me, the locked-open.
from basal :
in one four day weekend. spread out over four days it's not too much?
from basal :
that's the count from washington state. i only started counting once i got to number six and was like "i want to see how many girls i can kiss this weekend!"
from darktruth :
I got your CD today! Thank you so much.
from basal :
I am not a fan of having to click "stop" on the music thing everytime I go to your page. Just saying. No problems with the entries, just the inconvenience. Man, I feel like a horrible person for this note. I should not click "done!"
from darktruth :
Right now some of my favorites are: Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five, Rufus Wainwright, The Dandy Warhols, Cursive, Bright Eyes, The Killers, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rilo Kiley, Ryan Adams, Scissor Sisters, and Tom Waits. I like all kinds of music, really.
from daath :
I do, thank you.
from daath :
It is yum.
from newschick :
hey! it was good to see you today! look for me on thursday and we can sit together...i'll be by the door haha. peace!
from elgan :
Chat is back up and running, in case you were wanting to know. The rest of us look forward to seeing you there again.
from amazinfuckup :
He's not native american, and yeah, that's the only thing.
from for-you-only :
That quote at the top of your profile is funny. It makes me wonder if I'm a bad girl or a good girl. I don't really believe in things being so black and white though. Anyway, you probably, as a virgin, don't have any idea what you really want from a man yet. It's funny how real relationships can mature a person. Each relationship I've gone through has changed me, and the longer and the more serious made HUGE changes. I forget I'm seventeen sometimes. Wow. I just went out on a whole tanget there. What I mean to say is, thanks for taking my survey you innocent little virgin you!!! ~Phoenix
from basal :
oh noes. Can you please delete my note before this one? Thank you! Oh and thanks for calling on thanksgiving. I'm sorry I didn't answer, I was swinging. You have bad luck in timing.
from basal :
for some reason diaryland doesn't like e-mailing me ever. nobody has called me, and nobody wants any of my cookies. i am sad about that. i remember when my mom found my diary, and i had to be all "Mom, it's FICTION, god!"
from basal :
awesome. and then i come on here and you've added a password? how crazy.
from daath :
Word with the up to thee. Thank you for the add. I promise the thing actually does update. Honest.
from amazinfuckup :
Hee, the Ever Present Musician isa friend of mine, I've known him for over seven years now. He was my first best friend and the only one that's been around this whole time. The boy is this nice fellow from high school and--aw to hell with it, IM me and I'll tell you anything you want to know. :D
from bassclargrrl :
Merci! I'm just surprised that you're still up this late. Go to bed!! :P
from basal :
i inadvertently made a dirty joke
from bassclargrrl :
It is a nice change, isn't it? :D This staying up 24+ hours stuff is for the birds, though. I want my bed!
from bassclargrrl :
Yes yes. An Army pilot, actually. And my brother and I live in the basement of our house -- so reception sucks. Whenever I call, he goes outside. Muhahaha. I feel so evil.
from jonathan :
Thanks for listing me as a favourite. After various struggles I am returning though I fear my head, and my diary are in such a muddle it will soon do my head in.
from uglydove :
hey there. twas fun talking to you a few nights ago. sadly, the chat is doing its sporadic i'm-going-to-shut-down-when-you-least-expect-it rant. tsk tsk on andrew. anyway, i finally read your profile and really enjoyed the mataphor. good work. hope all is well. dove.
from ann-frank :
havent had a problem getting a hold of andrew lately, but some times in the past it did take awhile. but I still (heart) dland!
from tailbonelust :
I wrote the embarrassing emo letter! I was in a yucky mood.
from doing-it :
try waiting tables or being a bartender someday - I promise you'll get MUCH worse things said to you. :) eventually, you kind of learn a line for what you'll accept as harmless fun (and hey, sometimes putting up with them will get you a big tip) and what you won't accept and consider actual harrassment.
from amazinfuckup :
You got it. Lately I've taken to shoplifting. Not the best of habits, but I guess it beats heroin, right? And, thanks :D
from bassclargrrl :
The waterfall and the fish were actually inside the hotel we stayed at. No feeding of the fishies allowed, unfortunately. :( But they were cool! I have soooo many pictures of water, waterfalls, fish, and flowers. It's kinda cool.
from camera-girl :
Thanks for the comment on my photoes :-) Have a great day and a great summer. My summer is good so far! Hope yours are too.
from protoplast :
I need to design a new page layout. I really hoped someone would do it for me. I'll get on it in the next couple of weeks and make it more interactive. Thanks for the kick in the pants.
from bassclargrrl :
*hug* It'll be okay.
from schmegegge22 :
You rock! Amelie and Something Corperate. And I thought no one had really heard of those... But then again I'm in the middle of nowhere where people don't listen or watch stuff like that. Awesome!
from bassclargrrl :
I always miss them when I travel. It's so strange. They're too young to really realize or understand it.
from buppie :
I really like the way that you write. It's like you have an old soul
from bassclargrrl :
Yes, it's ten kinds of screwed up. The logic is that I can do it remotely and email it in. However, I lack motivation for most of this. Meh. Final program in by Monday evening/Tues morning and French in by Friday. Right now I just want to sleep.
from bassclargrrl :
It's other soldiers that are being stupid. I was trying to make travel arrangements today and yesterday -- lack of sleep + someone who isn't doing their job = bad thing. Although, Army = STOOPID is currently written on the workroom door here. // I'll be doing admin work, and I leave for reclass school this weekend. (I'm a bandsmen, not a personnel person yet) I'm trying to finish all of my academic finals, which is a nightmare, to say the least. // I'll be emailing, writing letters, blogging, and all sorts of stuff while I'm there for 11 months -- the total deployment is longer. I'm holding off on those sorts of announcements until I get back from reclass school. I'll take addresses, I'll write, but I'm too busy to deal with that stuff now. :P
from bassclargrrl :
Kuwait, and I volunteered to go. I'm just stressing because there's so much to do before I go. Excited, but stressed. And life isn't helping much. :( (Thanks for the hug, though!)
from bassclargrrl :
Yes. New glasses = geeky love.
from bassclargrrl :
Yeah, I really liked it too. I'm trying not to stress about it - I know it won't do any good - but the more I think about it, the more I freak out. It's a vicious cycle.
from bassclargrrl :
from basal :
I have read yours. And my older page is - I just don't link to it because i'm lazy
from basal :
from amazinfuckup :
I never got to actually give him the letter. When I went to talk to the counselors the next day they dropped the whole issue of me explaining to him what had happened and why I was upset, and sort of hinted at the fact that they'd spoken to him already and he just doesn't like me. Oh well. And yes, I have read Catcher in the Rye, but didn't see the similarity until you pointed it out, haha.
from uncoolduck :
I'm just guesstimating, but I'd say I've read about 3% of your diary. "Fireworksing my pup"= creating small, colorful explosions which are painful to canine ears.
from uncoolduck :
You're welcome for filling out your French Kiss survey. Whilst doing it, I imagined that you were Cl�mence Po�sy ;-)
from dashes01 :
hey haven`t heard from u in a while and u havent replyed from my last note.
from amazinfuckup :
No, it's what he said, and what I thought when he said it.
from bluperspex :
mmm. you're lucky to have any sort of relationship with your mom - without trying to sound disrespectful... my mother's crazy as a coot. seriously. wouldn't go near her with a 10 foot pole. sigh. haha.
from penmaster :
yeah, i've heard of that movie. you're right, i should check it out sometime. but when it comes to movies, at least the ones that are already out on video or on TV, i'm slow to catch up with them for some reason. take my netflix DVDs for instance --- i've had my current videos for, like, 2 months now. with the monthly rental fee, i could've probably owned them by now. hahaha...i used to be so bad before the unlimited rental pricing. i used to rack up so many late fees hahaha...that's why i had to give up borrowing DVDs from the library. anyway, i rambled just now, as i usually do. =P
from buppie :
the song on there now is called Ballerina by Leonna Naess. This version is actually a revamped one that Tori Amos produced, but the original is awesome too.
from dashes01 :
sorry i`m confused i left the note for me that i ment to leave for you.well anyway.what did i write about ruben?and why awww?
from dashes01 :
i don`t remember what i wrote but who do i foregive?
from dashes01 :
haven`t heard from you in a while were have you been????
from dashes01 :
i feel bad cause all we talk about is can i help you?
from dashes01 :
read my diary from my first entry and tell me if my life sucks.
from dashes01 :
did you read my new entry?
from dashes01 :
you`ve got it all mixed up.
from dashes01 :
haven`t heard from you. were are are you?
from dashes01 :
hi bantenhut just seeing new diarys.and i liked yours.
from buppie :
hey thanks for the note! The music is by Jazzanova and it's called "Another New Day"

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