sing blue silver

Out on the tar planes the glides are moving all looking for a new place to drive

You sit beside me so newly charming sweating dew drops glisten freshen your side

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined

And the droning engines throb in time with your beating heart

Way down the lane away living for another day

The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze

Swim seagull in the sky towards that hollow western isle

My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined

And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined

And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

Sing blue silver

And watching lovers part I feel you smiling

What glass splinters lie so deep in your mind

To tear out from your eyes with a thought to stiffin brooding lies

And I'll only watch you leave me further behind

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined

And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind the front of your dress all shadowy lined

And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

Sing blue silver, sing sing blue silver

More of this kind of camoflauge more than just color and shape

My favorite diaries:

gia-carangi profile - diary
comments: lol
bantenhut profile - diary

My favorite music:

aphex twin
manu chao
comments: EPIC!
elliot smith
comments: because, secretly i am emo

My favorite movies:

The United States of Leland
comments: what a weird movie
What Dreams May Come
comments: I'm such a girl...I love to cry when I watch this movie
A Kiss Before Dying
comments: The old version, not the new version...i love everything about this movie.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
comments: elizabeth taylor is so beautiful
my man godfrey
comments: a great movie

My favorite authors:

Pablo Neruda
Chuck Palahniuk
Marco Vassi

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last updated: 2024-09-29 00:42:33
this user's total entries: 530
user since: 2006-05-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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