messages to cakerface:
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from cakerface :
Learn how to spell! Did you even finish 2nd grade?
from cakerface :
Very funny... as if I didn't know it was you. I don't think so... I am not even close to being that ignorant. Idiot!
from sing4ever77 :
hello i was reading your diary befor you put it on private and was intrasted in still doing so. please add me. it is nice to know that others have the same problems with family and firends as I. Have a wonderful Day Thanks
from j0123 :
Your Family, Militay?
from whackjob :
Hey there, J--Long time, no talk! I know, I suck! I'm the one who hasn't updated in sooo long. I am thrilled to hear you're married, congrats! It sounds to me like you've really empowered yourself by moving out of Mom's place. I am glad you will have someone to share your wealth of love and Jonah with. Your problems with your mom sound familiar to me, and I almost fell out of my chair when I read your arm-picking habit. I do the exact same thing and really chastise myself for it afterward. I try not to do it, but sometimes I do, and I wonder if it is similar to the "cutters" I sometimes read about who cut themselves because then the pain they feel leaks out and they become numb, etc. Also, I have struggled with my weight since I was a kid. Lately I have been having trouble with bingeing. I snuck out to McDonalds on the way home the other night and bought 2 apple pies and a sundae and wolfed it all down in my car before coming inside, and dumped all the evidence in the trash bin outside. Any of this type of stuff sound familiar? Anyway, just send me a note when you can. My email is changed: [email protected] Love ya, Barb
from whackjob :
Hey J--I haven't written in my diary lately because I had the baby (Virginia Irene) 9/13! She is doing great..was 6 lbs 11 oz, and this past Monday was 7 lbs 1 oz. I call her my little oinker (she's breastfeeding like crazy). Will try to get onto my diary to type an entry soon, & hope you are doing well. --Barb
from whackjob :
Hola, okay I got replied to by the HELP people. They said you did lock your diary and for me to wait for you to give me the password. So, when you get a chance, let me know (if you're alright with me reading it, that is). Here's my e-mail address: [email protected]. PS: Baby's almost here! Due 9/20. --Barb
from whackjob :
hey there..was trying to access your journal but got this weird message: Authorization Required-This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required. Did you lock your journal in some way? I'm just confused. I'll tell them at the help area, too. --Barb
from whackjob :
OH MY GOSH. I thought I was the only one who's mom is a looney. She is the worst! She LOVES to stir up trouble in the family, especially when someone says something bad about another family member. I call her the "reporter." She calls me a million times a day to gossip about everyone. You can't tell her a thing! She complained to me yesterday because I had a tank top on in my house and hadn't shaved my underarms in 2 days. "Aren't you going to shave?" Yes, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm taking a shower later. "Well, you'd better. That does NOT look very nice." Blow me, Mom!!!
from whackjob :
Hi there...sounds like things have been going well for you for the most part. How great that you met someone that wonderful. SO AWFUL when parents get involved (my mom is the proverbial thorn in the side of our relationship). Sorry to hear that your parents aren't doing well. I loved your e-mail about wanting a little girl. Maybe Mr. Frog will change his view and Jonah will have a sibling one day. Mr. Frog has all the time in the world; it's we women who have to worry about fertility (but you have PLENTY of time given your young age). I can tell you're pretty serious, though. A woman doesn't let a man help w/ her finances unless she's serious. Your bathroom e-mail was hilarious. I was IN STITCHES. While I haven't done THAT, I've done other SERIOUS THINGS at work before (in closets, vacant offices, what-have-you). Of course this was before I was with Matt, and it was with a notorious bad boy who seemed to telepathically (ha ha) know every empty venue. But that's great. It's great to have those wild urges about someone...the "new" thing, ya know? Not that things can't be wonderful in a long-lasting relationship, but you know, you've got the cookie dough ice cream right now. After a few years with Mr. Frog, you'll have the whole grocery store to keep up with! Have fun and I'm so glad he told you he loved you. Love, Barb
from whackjob :
Hi there. Doing okay. Tired a lot of the time, so probably I need to increase my iron. I'm going to be GIGANTIC because my stomach is already way out there now and I'm 25 weeks. Yikes. Glad to hear you've lost some weight but be careful w/ that 1 meal a day...doesn't sound like much. But it's good to hear you're feeling good about yourself. How's your little one???
from whackjob :
Hola! I see you also haven't been on in awhile. I just updated. Your "shit and cologne" story was hilarious. Tonight at dinner my sister told this funny story about her 2-yr-old daughter Alonah and her 3-yr-old son Connor. They were at Chick-Fil-A and the kids were playing in the kids fun area (you know, tubes, balls, slides, that kind of thing) and they were up high in one of the tubes that led to a slide and suddenly Alonah had an "accident" in her pants. Jenny, my sis, said she was sitting downstairs eating her meal when she heard Alonah start crying from above, so she walked over to the bottom of the slide and all of a sudden this 1 poop-pebble comes rolling down the slide. Then pee comes streaming down the slide. Then Alonah comes flying down the slide, leaving another poop-pebble sticking to the slide about halfway down. Then Connor slides down the slide, and because he's got a sensitive nose, he smells the poop when he gets to the bottom and promptly vomits all over the place. My sister is staring at her daughter whose undies are full of crap, her vomiting sun, and the poop pebble sticking way up in the slide and the pee, going, what the hell do I do now? So she runs the kids into the bathroom, takes off all Alonah's clothes except her top, cleans Connor up, streaks back out there with a bunch of paper towels and attempts to climb up the urine-laced slide to the poop pebble. Don't know HOW she got through that one in one piece!!!! Thank goodness there were no other kids around!
from captivated- :
lmao Chatty Kathy?! Well maybe you can tell her what my first grade teacher used to say "Mouth's closed, brains on, ears opened" lol, I still remember that.
from captivated- :
Your diary is great, I've only read the last three entries, but I can already make that assumption that it's great heh two thumbs way up there.
from whackjob :
Hi! Thanks for the congrats. Things have just been really crazy. Full time class and working 30 hours a week and now this on top of it all! I do feel really fatigued. I have to climb these stairs every morning to get to work and I was just thinking, I'm not even out of the first trimester and already I'm winded coming up these...what's going to happen in a few months?!! Thanks for writing to me. I'll have to catch up on your diary, now! (PS: Did you watch Joe Millionaire. It's pathetic, but I found myself hopelessly addicted to it. Last night's finale episode was so long, it was exhausting to watch!) -Barb
from erincolette :
WOW! You wacky silly silly girl... Your soooo strange!!!;) I feel sorry for the people who are around you all the time, like your Coworkers!!!
from busy-milkman :
Getting and starting up a gold membership is quite daunting at first. I suggest searching the internet for diary templates. Start there. When you get used to it, you can modify it to your liking. Diaryland is a little quirky, so it takes some work. Don't be discouraged. If you need some tips, just email me at [email protected]
from justfragile :
thankyou very much! yes its hard work but ive got the daddys help too hes just always working but my mom helps a lot thank goodness.
from squirrelx :
My granny used to say that dreams about losin' teeth usually represent anxiety regardin' major life changes which are either takin' place or comin' in the immediate future. The key is to remember that whatever is lost as a result of change can be replaced with something equally good if not better. Regards, Xtine / Squirrel X
from whackjob :
No, I have no idea. That's a weird recurring dream. Maybe it has to do with your relationship with your that your reliance and concentration on him has slowly chipped away, and your own determination and maturity is slowly taking over? Could be! One of my professors always says that dreams are nothing more than a ton of totally unrelated images blasting all at once (your neurotransmitters fire off all night while you're sleeping), and that's why they seem so weird. For example, you could've had a passing thought about your fifth-grade gymnasium, might've eaten a donut for breakfast, and dropped the baby off at your in-laws. So, in your dream, you find yourself on a jungle gym in the middle of your in-laws' living room, surrounded by giant donuts! Weird, huh?? I think research is always being done about dreams, though. Considering how long we spend of our lives dreaming, I want to believe there's more than active neurotransmitters behind it, you know??!!
from whackjob :
"justfragile" just had her baby yesterday! i put a little note in her diary that she should talk to you about any concerns because you could undoubtedly help, fill her in on things, etc. i hope she will be okay...i think she will. she is extremely young, but when i read her diary, she seems mature and pensive for her age. i think she will realize who is most important in her life now, but things will be hard.
from whackjob :
happy christmas to you! i almost wrote x-mas, then i thought, isn't that clever, people writing x-mas. putting an "x" over the christ in christmas!!! yikes. i think reading one of your early diaries made me think of that..the one where only one of twenty kids mentioned jesus. i hope all is going okay with're so funny on your diary. i wish i wasn't so serious. i started a livejournal ( is 2wistful. i did it because my older sister has one and wanted us to be "linked." i'll still write here when i can, though. take care of yourself and hopefully in the not-too-distant future you'll be able to be on your own, undistracted by your parents. persevere and you can do it! --barb
from justfragile :
haha noo people that speak the truth are the smart oens
from whackjob :
A phlebotomist (I prob spelled wrong)takes people's blood for a living. You usually run into them when you have to get routine labwork done on yourself. They take the blood and spin it and send it off to labs for testing.
from whackjob :
Hi. Sorry for the long hiatus. Wow, can't believe the situation with your stalker! Thank goodness he's stopped calling so much. Now, the other guy, the one you really like but who seems to want to just be friends....boy, have I been through that a zillion times. It seemed like every time I genuinely was attracted to some guy and we'd spend time together, I'd be "one of the guys," or "one of my best friends." I did have relationships come out of some of them after being friends a long time, but in all cases but one (my husband) they turned out to be shitty, flingy relationships. The "don't tell anyone about this" type of relationships. Sordid, secretive, etc....then the friendships fell apart. Yikes! Be careful with that guy. If you cherish his friendship, keep it, but don't fall into a quick, convenient relationship later, unless you're willing to give all that up. Yes, I think relationships can stem from friendships, sometimes, but it has to be on both sides. What happened to me so often was that I was the one wanting to be more than friends, and they wanted to be just friends, but were willing to add sex. Be careful....-Barb
from justfragile :
oh wow i do feel so much for people and i cant do anything for them.. its sad to see little kids running around barefoot.. they have their problems and i have mine. i felt bad for that poor animal because it was being used and made fun of for some silly pictures with stupid tourists.. i eat meat but im making use of it im living off of that piece of steak but when an animal is being made fun of and spray painted that just hurts... but i cant do anything about it.
from whackjob :
hi...sorry has been so long since i've written.i finally put in an entry but you'll see that i've been all depressed about silly things. hopefully will come out of it soon. glad to hear you talked to "moe's ho" and got that stuff off your chest. also, jonah sounds like he was ADORABLE re: halloween....barb

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