messages to cardiogirl:
(click here to add new message):

from mskindasorta :
I can't get into your other journal for some reason but just wanted to let you know I have locked up my diary. If you want the password email me at [email protected] :) hugs girlie
from bornearly :
Okay. I'm on the HaloScan website now but their links to "more info" don't seem to be working at the moment. Thanks for the referral though and I'll try back later. I hate not being able to find a post-it, too.
from bornearly :
That's astute, and I think so not merely because I agree with you. But I do agree, and that might be why I feel more like actually talking to him. I don't want to offend him or barge into his life in an unwelcome way -- though my gut says I wouldn't be unwelcome anyway. I would hope for it to be amicable all around, relaxing in that way that your shoulders relax when it finally starts to warm up in Spring and you didn't realize how hunched you were all Winter. I can probably say what I have to say whether he wants to get together or not, and it'll be like a cleansing ritual. In fact I might just approach it that way, in my new, secretive-life manner.
from webmiss :
I think you need to upgrade yourself from a D list blogger to a B list blogger my dear. You have had a LOT of extra comments lately. How exciting. I also wanted to say congrats on making some money off your blog!! That's fantastic!
from chaosdaily :
stop a chocolate craving?? why????
from janedoe0 :
:) Loved the comment and glad you loved my entry. LOL And I laughed so hard when I read your sentence with the swear word - very cool!
from janedoe0 :
German? That is so cool and yes that word is correct. :) Maybe I will do a post of curse words LOL That would be so funny!
from janedoe0 :
Hahahaha! I LOVED that. :) I'll post what I said in my next entry. But you did get half of I said right, well you got right what you said only left some out - How did you do that by the way? LOL Yeah. I feel bad doing a post on what happened but this is a place to share isn't it?? Thanks again. HUGS
from bornearly :
CG, many thanks for the suggestions for running songs. I'll check them out next time I get that iTunes urge... which will be soon. Also looking forward to visiting your diary.
from azzweepay :
Hopefully the upgrade in shoes and socks is going to help me with the toenails. Even if it does, I'm going to have black nails for a long time. You actually going to try to run with that new brace?
from janedoe0 :
I am such a dope. I saw that you were replying to every comment but I never thought to look back and see the replies on mine. Errrr. I just went through them all :)
from dinosaurorgy :
Actually, that doesn't sound too bad. I've heard from other people that Google's ads are generally slow to generate cash. The one lady I'd asked for advice on the subject told me she'd earned $4 from them in the last year.. so you're doing better than she was :P
from dinosaurorgy :
I wonder, have you made any money off your ads yet? I'm starting to get the feeling it might be a few years before I start seeing any money out of this.
from webmiss :
LOL I dreamed about you last night. We were cruising the libraries to find a copy of V@nce's book. So umm, thanks for that! :-)
from rebeckajane :
I guess through my little girl eyes they looked huge, in actual fact they probably were not all that big. When you're terrified things always look worse lol . Have a great day :)
from philipa :
Thank you! It works now! :)
from philipa :
I tried to put in the comments, but they effed up my template. :( The same ones kept showing up on each page. That's why I had to start over with this one. I'm sorry. I'm just kind of a retard when it comes to HTML.
from webmiss :
wasn't sure if you came across this in your googling of V@nce and his femme bot pseudonyms:
from philipa :
I just want a man who knows he is a man. Nothing creeps me out more than man looking like a woman and vice versa. I blame Rupaul. :)
from yarnsmith :
Hi there. Thanks for the comment about the wedding we went to. I never thought about the name Demelza Mok as being the name of a protector but you're right, it would be a good one. Our Demelza is a tiny little Chinese girl ...thus the last name Mok. I think she would get a kick out of her name being used for a protector of other identities in a multiple personality being. By the way, you are a good writer and I love the way you link to your other posts. Your blog is fun to read.
from janedoe0 :
Hahaha!!! Well, when halloween comes around again, you'll just have to take tons of pictures of all the decorations so I can see! :)
from pippisto :
Hi, cardiogirl! I'm 27, and my mother read Pippi Longstockings to me when I was a kid. I think I was the last generation to partake in the Pippi mania. Actually, if you want to get a quizzical look from a kid nowadays, mention the Smurfs, as I did around my nephew the other day. And you're *not* old. From your writing, I can tell you're marvelously acute and funny. Only when you start to get cantankerous and speaking in gibberish will I accuse you of being old! :) Cheers.
from webmiss :
No, no. I love the long answers. They give me a little more insight into the woman behind the mask :-). It's funny but I was afraid to out myself as a catholic. I didn't want to seem like I was just saying it to jump on the bandwagon IYKWIM? Especially since it's not just you, there's Lisele and Yankeechick as well. Anyway, my point in saying that is I have always had questions and doubts about my religion, as has my brother. The exception is that I have sought my answers and stayed with Catholicism, but my brother has not. I think he's currently taking an online buddhism course. That might be old information though. I think that in a way it's good for us to challenge our religious beliefs. Afterall, don't you think your faith is a little bit stronger once you've figured out your answer and decided that being Catholic is still the right choice?
from webmiss :
re: Do people call me Candy? Umm not if I can help it. I do have a friend from grade school who insists on calling me that. Also thanks for commenting on my template. Wordpress has this cool new feature where you can preview a template before activating it. I was playing around the other night but wasn't sure if I'd liked the new one or not. But the compliments make me think it's a keeper, for the meantime anyway. Oh and I have an unanswered question from a comment I left you. When you posted about your anniversary, I was inquiring whether your husband had been raised Catholic or if he converted after he got serious with you?
from pippisto :
Haha, you are too funny. I added the comments. :) Please don't "buzz off," because I'm so glad I found you and I like getting your notes! Oh, and I loved your 'cheap as a monkey' entry (I'm notoriously cheap as well) and the one about how you met your husband. Actually, the last one may inspire me to hang out near the trash room with a tin of cookies, trying to lure myself a man. I thought the whole getting to his heart through his stomach thing was bs, but maybe there's something to it. Cheers.
from pippisto :
Wow, thank you! I think you're hilarious as well. Haha, I felt like a stalker myself, going through your archives in the lurk. I just love your diary. How could a failed anorexic resist your layout? Cheers!
from webmiss :
I'm not sure about the extra skin. He never mentioned that part. I did some searching online and found where she was part of a support community for people facing gastric bypass surgery. It was wild seeing pictures as she lost 50lbs, 130lbs, etc. I am curious to ask Jeff, since I myself am a "thick" girl, if Wendy is happier since her body transformation.
from chaosdaily :
no you werent doing anything wrong. about once a month my comment page goes down, not sure why. try again tomorrow! heh!
from diary--user :
You make me laugh. That brightened my day. No, not dad, day. LOL
from dulligirl :
Thanks for the tag! By the way, yes, Def Leppard still has their one-armed drummer. That's what I like about that band. They didn't abandon him and he's got a lot of courage to continue doing what he loves despite that handicap.
from webmiss :
Hey, I can't get to Lisele's diary any longer. Wanted to see if you could. Perhaps I said something to upset her. You need a converse mood icon. Take a picture of your feet in each of the colors you own and make a little thumbnail of it. You could post it at the top of your blog page so we'd all know what kind of mood you were in when you wrote!!
from tuff517 :
Polka dot Converse would be very cute. On the spider subject, I turn a blind eye to spiderwebs myself, because it's easy to. For some reason I have this belief that if I have a spider in my house it will eat all the other bugs. Or me.
from chaosdaily :
yes, it was me going through your diary and adding you to my list....
from janedoe0 :
I'm glad I could help! :)
from janedoe0 :
<a href="javascript:HaloScan('%%page_name%%');" target="_self"><script type="text/javascript">postCount('%%page_name%%');</script></a> | <a href="javascript:HaloScanTB('%%page_name%%');" target="_self"><script type="text/javascript">postCountTB('%%page_name%%'); </script></a> Okay, this is EXACTLY how my code looks. (You have to take out the DOUBLEPERSENT and put in %%)It may be a problem in you haloscan settings aswell. (So if your code is correct, go look at the settings) Let me know if this works and if it doesn't I'll help you with the settings.
from rebeckajane :
Hi girlie, I've been catching up on you tonight. Way to go with the cars! Thanks for some giggles :)
from webmiss :
Hey thanks for leaving me an offline comment on meebo, that was cool! I'm glad I'm not annoying you with all my questions. I guess that's just my way of showing that I'm interested in what you're talking about. OH forgot to tell you someone surfed through my blog by searching for "Future Felons of America". I thought that was funny. Do you think it might have been their mom??
from diary--user :
No, there wasn't a change, not that I could tell. She seemed happy to me even before she got the medication. See, I thought that she would have gone the therapy route, as well, because, well, I did, and I think that you shouldn't just medicate. I think that she wouldn't want to burden us with something like this, but, no offense to my mom, she's never really been a self-less person. I know that we differ, but probably just the fact that she chose to medicate instead of therapy, or both, really shocked me.
from janedoe0 :
Hey thanks for your note, but it turns out that the comment wasn't for me. *SIGH OF RELIEF* good thing I said in my diary entry that I wasn't sure that it was for me. Then I'd have felt more stupid than I already do!DOH. BTW Did you get the hang of the diary ring page? If I somehow didn't explain properly, I'd be glad to help you??
from janedoe0 :
Okay. First thing you do is go to your diary ring directory (from a-z) and each one should give you a description of what they represent when you click on the diary ring name. It's sort of like a 'group' that has certian statements or opinions that you agree with. When you have decided which you want to join, it should give you a link to click that says. 'click here' to join. Once you do that, you'll be redirected to a page that gives you the code of the ring (something like %%diaryring-cardiogirl%%) that you can either 1. Put into your template that will put up a little banner. Or 2. (what I did) Paste the code into a 'new entry'. Then give that page a name(you did do a 100 things about me page so you should know how to do that). Like 'cast'. Once you do that, put the page name into your template and when people click on that link, it will redirect them to that specific page that displays your 'rings'. I hope this makes sense??? :)
from diary--user :
Thank you for the note and the mention! I would people watch, but there aren't that many people around, so I just gossip.
from janedoe0 :
I LOOOOOVE people watching. Like when I'm at a coffee shop at the mall. I'd sit there and look at everyone that passes. Look at their clothes, hairstyles, etc... There's this one guy who works at a music store at the local mall and he has a HUGE afro. I can't help but think how clean his hair is! And I'm pretty low maintenance too. Jeans and flops/sneakers and I'm good to go!
from janedoe0 :
Hi CG! Yes, english is my second language. I wrote an entry about in a few days back, I don't know if you read it? I do sometimes forget what some things are called. Like I couldn't remember what a rear view mirror was.*looks sheepish* Luckily I was chatting to planet-maxx at the time and he helped me. And my love of reading helps as well! lol But thank you kind lady for the compliment on my layout! :)
from janedoe0 :
Hi there! How was your weekend? I hate Mondays at work. I'd rather read diaries! :) I love that you are so positive! And you are right, that IS all that counts!
from diary--user :
Hi! Thanks for the note! I HATE people who just write enough for you to want more, without ever explaining. I am glad that you like to write a lot, like me. I sometimes wonder if people find my entries too long to sit through all of words. If I can read all of an entry, others can too! I want to add you to my favorites, I hope that's okay. I'm striving for a hundred before I go to college, maybe even a hundred and 30 or so. Wish me luck!
from janedoe0 :
Hi. It was 'Working Class Hero'. Very cool! Have a good weekend.
from janedoe0 :
Hi there. Thank you for your notes, I appreciate it. And I want to compliment you on your diary, it always leaves me with something to think about, or laugh about. On your recent entry: J and I are like day and night. But we have worked for this long, so there must be something there right? :) Anyway, thanks for the add to your favourites.
from janedoe0 :
FINALLY! Someone who understands! I want to cry everytime I go shopping for pants. Then I see tiny girls with short bitty legs, with their jeans dragging on the ground and I want to bawl!They don't know how lucky they are! Loving your entries and you can count eighteen!
from tuff517 :
Hi! Thanks for leaving me a comment because I enjoyed reading your entries - I started with the Little River Band one about "Happy Anniversary". I like you!
from ivyparker :
I know a lot of people who trace stuff at school. They tell me thats the only way to learn to draw. Don't know if that's true, but hey it goes on a lot more than you think. Still a very nice graphic. Pig Latin, you know, I never really caught on.
from dulligirl :
I love that comparison. Me as Gidget?! Hee. Sometimes I do feel like I've been sheltered. And I feel like I'm the only sober person in the room as it just about was true last night. Drunk and high people are funny.
from janedoe0 :
Funny that you left me note, as I was busy reading through all of your entries, I also read the '100 things about me' page. I'm still busy with 2006's entries, and I am enjoying it so far! As for the question you asked, go to the 'change your template' option on your left hand side. Then on the option 'change how each of your entries pages looks' Right at the top after the <html> and <head?> part it should say something like <title>blah blah blah</title>. In the blah part it should say cardiogirl or whatever, just take that out, put in what you want and voila!! You could do the same on the 'older entries' page, but it's not really necessary, the older one's will change after a day or so if you don't do it on the 'older' page.
from janedoe0 :
*smiles wide* When I read what you write, it feels like I'm sitting next to you and you're telling me this wonderfull story. You have a great gift in expressing and explaining it all. It's honestly a pleasure to have you on my list of fav's. *hugs*
from miame :
I pray for my brother-in-law the same way. I like your version best!
from janedoe0 :
Oh, and p.s. I am the middle-child and he is the first born. His younger sister is the more serious one. Weird, I know. :)
from janedoe0 :
And here I was trying to sound all growed up! lol. Yeah spot on, I'm 20(and a half) he's 21. *smiles* Thanks for the note, I appreciate it! Now I have to pop over to your space and have look see about...:)
from makotoxjunko :
Hello, I just like to came here and say hello. (^_^)
from miame :
Hi there! I hope you found your way into my world. Let me know if you didn't get the email. Have an awesome day!!
from dulligirl :
It's what we call institutional orders, like schools and libraries. But I'd love it if a customer wanted to just buy $1000 worth of stuff from me. That would make things easier!
from webmiss :
Yippee it looks like it finally posted. I'll write some more about CG hopefully Tuesday night, there's been quite a bit of chatting going on between the two of us at work! Stay tuned.
from webmiss :
Hey cardiogirl, thanks for the note. I have been trying for two nights to post about what happened with my brother but I can not get it to upload. When it says finished now click here to see new entry, I click that and get an error that says this diary does not exist. Interestingly enough these errors have coincided with the end of my Gold membership. Sorry for faking you out. I've even checked my archives to see if the post is there, but no it's off in cyber no mans land.
from dulligirl :
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. This is why I love the internet. All the support I can get from people I've never met. Anne Frank was right "I believe people really are good at heart". :-)
from dulligirl :
The employee really didn't have a leg to stand on since I had him reading on the CCTV. He knew he'd done wrong. I hate confrontations too but in this case it was something that he couldn't even deny.
from rebeckajane :
Thanks so much for the good wishes xo
from dinosaurorgy :
from simplify :
hi there. i'm not sure when you left the note for me, but my comments seem to be working okay now. sometimes haloscan has a hiccup and they don't show up.
from dulligirl :
I think you could be right about that safety mechanism. It's definitely something to think about. I really do love hanging with him but I have to remind myself that he doesn't want anything more than to be "my best friend" as he said yesterday. I think I might be trying too hard because I really need the physical contact now. By the way, I've gotten my gold membership updated now.
from webmiss :
I'm glad you liked the cubicle video. The original one I saw had a blue screen with the words to the song printed on it. When I searched for it on YouTube, I found the version I posted. I think the little actor really adds something to the song. It's catchy. I've been reading your entries the last couple of days but really couldn't think of anything to post to you. I just wanted to tell you to keep your chin up in your fight for weight loss. I have more than my fair share to loose so if it helps, you can claim my pounds lost as your own :-) I share your eczema woes as well. It was horrible when I was a child, but has mostly subsided. I've scratched till I drew blood and left scars. I've found diaper rash cream to be an effective anti-itch remedy.
from webmiss :
I love your style of writing. Your diary is always food for thought.
from thedetails :
Thanks for the comment. During the week the kids have it easier when it comes to chores because their main responsibility is homework. They have to maintain clean rooms and tidy up after themselves (like hanging up their coats, putting away their backpacks & lunchpails as well as setting and clearing the table at dinner) if the homework is on the light side they help with the dishes after dinner, and they do help with the laundry on those days. As for the question of allowance, Hubby and I are in the same boat as you guys. They get money when they need it, but in exchange for helping around the house? Now way. My parents did that and it got to the point that my brothers and I wouldn't help around the house unless their was a payout attached. When I look back at what a snotty bunch of kids we were I'm surprised my parents didn't clobber us and leave us in some empty field somewhere.
from lollygrass :
ahh i know what it is - i need to renew my supergold membership. thanks!!
from haloaskew :
Weight gain from ice keeeeems? I'm sure. I just care not to think about it. *La la la* I think I've actually lost a few pounds since coming here, with all the running around we do. I'm so flattered I'm your Halo book club! I don't know which book I'll be starting next. But I'll tell you a book you should read if you haven't already: "Talk Before Sleep" by Elizabeth Berg. "Beach Music" by Pat Conroy is fantastic as well. Other books off the top of my head: The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel, "Travels" by Michael Crichton (also check out "The Great Train Robbery" and "Airframe"), Mark Salzman's "Iron & Silk" and "Growing Up Absurd in Surburbia," and "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. And have you read "Memoirs of a Geisha" yet? Fabulous!
from alliprincess :
thank you!!! seems simple enough! you'd think I woulda been able to figure it out after all these years! but even i'm even more impressed that somebody actually read my blog!!
from haloaskew :
Hey sweets! Mom thanks you for the knitting-a- sweater-on-commission offer, but she says she's not sure if she's going to start doing sweaters or not. Also, the complexity may be out of her league. I haven't looked up a fisherman sweater pattern, but it would probably be a big leap for a beginner, if you decide to start learning. But I encourage you to! I've learned so much in just the past few weeks. You might want to check out the Wendy Knits site. She answers questions from readers and would probably be able to get you in touch with an expert sweater knitter! (She herself might even work on commission -- not sure). The website is - Good luck!
from rebeckajane :
Sounds great, I just have to think of who would be the lead male role in the movie ;o)
from haloaskew :
Thanks for the comment! I know, Dad's little outbursts can be entertaining (especially in hindsight). Ooohh - so "Hot Lights, Cold Steel" was good, eh? Excellent! I still need to read it. And as far as "The Devil Wears Prada," yep, it was a book, then a movie (I heard the movie sucked, but Meryl Streep's performance was Oscar-nominated. I might rent it from Netflix at some point). I did enjoy the book. Lots of fun, very funny! I wish I had read it when I worked at the horse farm. I can totally relate, having worked for a wealthy "famous" person who has a small army to take care of every conceivable task!
from smedindy :
Oh, man. I don't have it, and I'm on the road right now until late next week. But I checked and the CD is in print (or available used for $6.99) BUT that song isn't on any anthologies. So, I'm probably not a help. Sigh...
from haloaskew : was the middle child. If my older brother ever took up knitting (HA ha ha), he would definitely keep ripping out rows and starting over (he's such a perfectionist). Oh, by the way, when I went on that Earthwatch expedition to work with chimps, an older woman in our group asked if I was the first born. The question took me by surprise. "No, why?" I asked. She replied, "You seem to be a very take charge kind of person" (and some other words that nicely implied "bossy"). It was very strange, but I really did come out of my shell and become a bit of a leader. When there was downtime between sessions and the other folks started vegging out or procrastinating, I would get everyone back on track with data entry, double-checking our work, making copies for our next session, etc. Not mean-like, but nudging, like "Hey, why don't we finish up our group project?" or I'd pass out work to be double-checked from the inbox and say "Who wants to help me with this?" It was interesting and empowering to see how our my personality transformed! I'd also been categorized as a "reluctant leader" in a leadership training seminar once at work, and the expedition really seemed to show that. Funny thing is, even if some of those gals in my group thought I was pushy, the research team was blown away we were done with all our group project and our data entry 2 days earlier than the 32 expeditions before us! (The last few days were set aside specifically for catching up). So we had lots of free time to relax at the end. And I know I had a lot to do with that! :)
from boxx9000 :
I ♥ your little fat bee weight counter. I want one!
from boxx9000 :
Hi (again) DEATH? Sheesh. so depressing. I did make a diary entry for you, tho. hehehehehe.
from thetinyone :
Little Fishy Ernest is still fighting, he may be ok if he starts eating properly but for now he's about the same, 50/50. I know what you mean about trying hard to make things funny for your readers as well as giving yourself a chance to rant/dump... but if we just wanted to rant we'd probably do it privately! We love to be loved :op xxxx
from hollisterman :
I like your diary, it's a good read ;)
from boxx9000 :
Hi Cardiogirl! I left an entry over at my place re: WHY I am an atheist.
from kmlovesdn :
Thank you for your note. It's nice to know I'm not alone!
from jessicatate :
hey, thanks for reading, most of the time I'm posting to myself ! BTW I just turned 38, it was hard enough dont add a year please!!! LOL I like your idea of "acceptance" I'm workin on alot of that these days it seems, and am planning to use your words in an arguement I plan to have tomorrow! I love awittykitty, she cracks me up and makes me think. Have you read kungfukitten? she is an absolute riot! have a great one and Happy Birthday to you also!!
from jodileebee :
Diva cup: totally worth it! I just wrote more in my diary if you want to take a peek! :-)
from smedindy :
You have a MySpace???
from boxx9000 :
email me at [email protected] AND I'll send you my password.
from boxx9000 :
I like your diary template with the crayons.
from quietguy :
That you for your good wishes, but unfortunately the 'date' has been canceled because of the weather. QG.
from bingoguy :
The swearing boxes was something I stole from another journal I read. I thought it was neat to do so I figured out how he did it and then started doing it myself.
from smedindy :
Wabash College is in Crawfordsville - nowhere close to Wabash, IN and not that close to the river. Yeah, it's confusing...but those guys in 1832...they named it how they did, ya know??
from rebeckajane :
I can always count on you for a giggle! thank you xo
from smedindy :
Hey, email me with the address to send you the booty!
from t85225 :
hey... followed your link from a comment you left at KFK's place, read and loved 'Running out of Time' enough to comment on that... and mucked it all up by double posting... sorry!!!
from rebeckajane :
Hi girlie, I'm sorry I've been very slack in responding. It's wonderful having a twin, he's the best and we are very close. Often growing up we would buy the same present for our mum but be in different places when we did. He's adorable and sweet and funny. When tragedies have struck in my life he's been the first on my doorstep and always has a hug available. I don't see him as much as I'd like to and although I have six brothers he's definatly up there on the "favourite uncle" list with my boys. I'll be posting a pic of him soon with the boys. Have a wonderful Christmas. :)
from cardiogirl :
Yes, that was my glitch. It's fixed now.
from ss200800 :
Hey Cardiogirl, I tried clicking on the Pubic Hair entry but nothing pops up. I am dying to know what the pubic hair deal is. Anyway, I hope its not my computer and just a glich in this website.
from ss200800 :
How do you do it???? Your entries are so funny and amusing. Wish I could write more but I'm a working girl. Keep up the good work!
from bettyalready :
haha, that's a great entry. I haven't seen that episode, but I can see my 12 year old doing the same thing.
from rebeckajane :
Funny to read this after my most recent entry. I find it very hard to find a guy interested in me that's my age and that's what I want, someone my age or close to it. I think looking older when overweight doesn't always apply to everyone,I've known quite a few people when overweight looked younger than they did once losing weight, I think alot of it has to do with genes too. I know when I was alot bigger I looked alot younger, my sis and I used to joke it was the whole pudgy face thing. Hope you've had a great weekend, it's almost the end of sunday night here and it's gone far to quick. Enjoy the rest of yours :)
from smedindy :
Hey! Thanks for the add!!!
from rebeckajane :
from rebeckajane :
You know how you were talking about getting in the car and having to readust rear view mirror? did you mean in the mornings? becuase after I fractured parts of my spine years ago I was told that you are actually taller in the morning because the padding between vertebra is squashed during the day and after a sleep it's back to its normal size. Anyhow, hi and have a wonderful weekend :)
from quietguy :
That isn't something I've thought of. Thank you for the suggestion. I like the crayons on your diary page by the way. Best wishes, Q.G.
from rebeckajane :
If you click on the countdown on my page it takes you to the site it came from. I have not really gone into the exact places I am going overseas yet as I'm not 100 percent sure of how my trip is going to pan out, but I will be writing about it soon after the new year. Good luck with your results..hugs from across the puddle. :)
from lollygrass :
Well jiminy christmas, I accidentally deleted your email so now I don't have your address, could you pls send me an email again so I can reply to it? :)
from rebeckajane :
My 9 year old figured out the tooth fairy wasn't real this year. He was kind of on to it last year but I managed to somehow prove him wrong. This year he figured it out and realised it was me, my 17 year old son told him that I was infact the tooth fairy and that couldn't he tell the reason I looked so tired all the time was because I was flying off all over the world every night when he was asleep to leave money for toothless kids. I wasn't sure if I should be offended or flattered lol. I like the new layout :)
from lollygrass :
oh crap! i sent it to the address you gave me (or i think i did). well, my addrss is drurydrury@comcast so let's see if yours works? :)
from lollygrass :
oh no, i'm not freaked out! did you get my email from a couple days ago?
from mnlady1962 :
Thanks for leaving me a note about my layout. Actually, I don't have a gold membership. I got the template for my diary on one of the TONS of free diaryland template sites. Just google for free diaryland templates and you will find lots of sites to choose from.
from quietguy :
Thank you so very much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Just so you are aware I have grown to acceptance in recent months that some things are just not meant to be. I hope my diary doesn't bore you too much, but thank you in advance for your readership. Sincerely, Q.G.
from theturtle :
I hadn't ever planned on having to date again, so I tended to approach it like any other unplanned task, like fixing the furnace or welding an implement on the tractor. Figure out how to do it, do it until the desired results are obtained, then stop. Right now I've been on "stop" for about six months since meeting Suzanne, but I have multiple lifetimes' worth of dating stories. And yes, it got both easier and more boring the more I did it. Eventually it ended up as if there were these dozens of women trying out for a small part in a bad play nobody would go see.
from theturtle :
Yeah, I used to. I later figured out that between my separation four years ago and now, I've probably had somewhere around 160-170 first dates. Of those, less than a dozen turned into any kind of relationship.
from lollygrass :
I am really identifying with you the more I read your blog, especially with the struggles with God and coming to terms with being angry with him. Are you by any chance a CS Lewis fan?
from lollygrass :
I thought the same thing about Kirstie Alley's weight loss number discrepancy. What was that line o' fabric between her top and bikini bottom anyway? I too was relieved my thighs are about half the size of hers. She's so beautiful though. How old are your kids? Mine are almost 5 and almost 2. On the subject of Steve Burns, my husband's band opened for him once and almost all of Steve's fans at the show were morbidly obese women.
from lollygrass :
OMG I just read your post for today. Holy, that is heavy! I'm in therapy too...I suppose you inferred that from reading my's really hard but really great, hopefully it will help me learn how not to repeat what my parents did!
from lollygrass :
Lolly is my daughter's nickname and the 'grass is from my favorite band Supergrass, but after I created the name I realized it looks like I smoke a lot of weed, which I don't, promise. Anyway, I ended up hating the wet/dry floor cleaner thing and threw it away! I'm jealous that you like yours! I was going to be cardiogirl tonight and run around Green Lake but then I put the kids to bed early and just put on my jammies and now there's no chance of cardio in my near future... :) Are you on myspace?
from lollygrass :
I too love Pulp Fiction fiercely but completely hate the Bruce Willis girlfriend and all their interactions!!
from cardiogirl :
I don't remember the last time I ironed anything. I just throw it back in the dryer on high for 10 minutes and it comes out wrinkle-free :)
from rebeckajane :
I don't mind doing laundry, even with 3 boys, it's ironing I absolutely cannont stand. I'd rather be on my knee's scrubbing my tiles with a toothbrush than ironing. Well maybe not, but I'm sure that gives an idea of how much I dislike ironing. ;o)
from rebeckajane :
Hi :) I just noticed you added me (sorry)..I've been reading some of your entries tonight and will be back to read some more this week (and add you)..I've enjoyed reading you and had a few good giggles. Have a great day. Becka
from lady-crystal :
Hi from England! I just wanted to leave a note to say I find your diary fascinating! You write entertainingly and you have a skill I certainly don't have - you can find something to say about pretty much anything. Keep it up, please! I love being nosy and having these privileged peeps into other peoples lives and without paying for it too!! Guess I must be as cheap as a monkey? Love, Crystal. xxx

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