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I'm from the south but live in Seattle. Being southern makes me feel sort of foreign up here, who'd have thought.

I feel as though I'm an atheist part of the time and the rest of it I feel like God is real and that he is with me. This tension affects me all the time. Also, I think the word "pants" is hilarious. "Wiener" too!

My favorite diaries:

mousemilk profile - diary
comments: british wit, why do i love it so much?
porktornado profile - diary
comments: holy lord this guy is hysterical
gingeryette profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
cardiogirl profile - diary
comments: this may be premature but i think i've found my doppelganger!
quietguy profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Too lovely in every sense of the word. Brilliant boys.
comments: Again, lovely and married. (Being married seems to make bands better, who'd have thought?) A little smug, but hey.
Tennis Pro
comments: Wry, obscenely talented, so cute. From Seattle.
United State of Electronica
comments: Another Seattle band - has the second best live show ever on earth.
Dandy Warhols
comments: Sex on a stick (or CD).

My favorite movies:

Me Without You
comments: Gorgeous depiction of girls screwing each other over. I especially like the clothes and music (as it is set in early 80's London).
Waiting For Guffman, Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, Made, Harold and Maude
comments: But of course
Bottle Rocket
comments: Made for anyone sick of being asked water-sports questions.
Rear Window
comments: Again with the costumes...Grace Kelly...would that I were born in the fifties! Or at least have all the clothes and furniture made then.
comments: Now you bring something nice to wear.

My favorite authors:

Sarah Vowell
comments: A girl from the sticks (Texas/Oklahoma/Arkansas), like me. I wish we could hang out.
David Drury
comments: Read his story in "2003 Best American Non-Required Reading,"it will make you believe in God.
Aimee Bender
comments: Insane! Brilliant. Blurs gender lines.
Cintra Wilson, Lorrie Moore, Sherwood Anderson
David Sedaris, Roald Dahl, C.S. Lewis

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last updated: 2007-08-11 11:04:27
this user's total entries: 551
user since: 2003-11-17

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