messages to castalia:
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from nadnuk :
oooh, congrats on the new job! And new house! big changes in store for everyone it seems.
from whtlunalycan :
just surfing randomly around and found your diary thought i'd say hi. cats in heat are never fun hope she gets out of it soon ~Luna
from nadnuk :
I know, it's just so hard to spend a couple hundred bucks on a phone...though I do use my palm every day, and my phone quite a bit more, and have come to depend on almost becomes easier to stomach.
from nadnuk :
go for it...every geek or nerd, or just plain jane out there has a total right to show the people who lived for high school that life beyond it is what it's all about. plus, tall brunettes who wear glasses should rule the world...
from baoshi :
Happy New Year!! *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
Oh god! Tell me about the "It's only a few" syndrome that all bosses seem to have!! I have to copy and paste 500 questions and answers to another place!!!! What is with bosses - hope you managed to get them all done (without going mad - that's the key, haha!!) *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
Happy Birthday!! yay for 23 - it's a good year (I can say that now I'm 24, lol!) *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love finding signs like that - they really make my day : ) *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
Oh crikey, hon! That sounds like an ordeal - running over a rabbit is bad enough, but a humungous deer? You poor thing! I hope you're OK now? Anyway, enjoy the cookies, *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
Happy Thanksgiving - have a great day (I know we don't celebrate it over here, but I feel it's only common courtesy : )!) *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
Oh God! What a nightmare! Can't believe your bos filed a COMPLAINT against you without speaking to you first!! That's HORRENDOUS - and it's not like you didn't come in for weeks, you took 15 (gasp!!!!) minutes off?? Does that mean everyone else that left early got a complaint against them too?? Gah! I think the worst thing about work is it sometimes can seem like the playground all over again. Sorry that it seems so shitty still - I hope that it starts to get better and soon! **hugs** gem xx
from baoshi :
It's that great male/female divide!! When I was living with 3 guys I became like their mothers, just constantly tidying up and trying to get them to move the stuff that they seemed to think should "live where it lands" - It's serioulsy annoying, and they never understand the concept of "homeliness" either - I really think that they could've lived with a matress and that#s it, the only decoration being piles of FHMs and beer cans!! Anyway, I'm really sorry to hear about that horrible news - I can't imagine what it must be like for your friend, *hugs* gem xx
from baoshi :
I really hope that they're found soon - it's really disturbing when you hear stuff like that about people who you ACTUALLY know, it really puts stuff in perspective, *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Wow! A real live ghost sighting!! Lucky you!! *hugs* gem xx
from nadnuk :
the cake was quite nice, if you have The Joy of Cooking, the recipe is on page 675, it's called a Genoise, and I added a dash of the following with the flour: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cocoa powder. The glaze was just preserves melted with cream cheese and whipped with whipping cream. If you need or would like the full recipe, note me.
from diablogem :
Sure - the keys are: username: boyslike ;password: boobies : ) *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
I SO agree with you about the exercise thing! I don't know what it is, but no-one else notices the changes but yourself - my arms look all soft and forlorn (can arms look forlorn, haha?) and lets not get started on the rest of me - I used to work out at least 3 or 4 times a week during my hectic uni schedule, now I'm doing nothing!! Weird - I suppose work and motivation breeds work and motivation, *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
So sorry that you're not loving the new job and I hope it gets better soon, *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Massive congratulations on the new job!! Yay you!! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
That was fun! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Yay! Thanks for playing! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
No way!!! However, my brother was always like that - whenever I cooked a spaghetti bolognese or a lasagne with vegetarian mince (which most people could never knowingly tell the difference) we would always tell him that it was turkey mince, but he knew every single time when we were lying to him, haha! Oh well - actually my brother was "allergic" to veggies for ages too, but he'll now quite happily eat things like carrots, brocolli, sweetcorn, salad stuff, potatoes etc etc. My mum used to finely chop onions and peppers and carrots into things like bolognese - by the time they've taken one bite they usually don't realise there are veggies there because they're covered by the taste of meat and tomato sauce. Anyway, hope you find a good solution (sorry for waffling!), *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
haha! Nice one - I'm sure he'll love it. I've accidentally-on-purpose fed Tone some spicy food before, but he wasn't too pleased! However, a cunning plan like this couldn't fail! Good luck and enjoy your dinner *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Sorry you didn't get the job - I have to agree with you about the annoyingness of the situation, though - they should have told you MUCH earlier! Hope the rest of the job search goes well! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Oh god that's awful! I temped for a pet insurance company once and I heard so many horrendous stories of where people have actually SPED UP AND AIMED for dogs and cats on the road - what sort of sickos do that?! Hope the dog is ok though, *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Massive congratulations on your graduation tommorrow!! And it's so true what you say about university - there are good points and bad points, it's never really what you expected it would be, there are some times you sit down and think, "Is THIS what uni is all about?!", a really bittersweet experience. And I think it changes us beyond belief - well done for finally getting there, *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Well done on getting the second interview - that's SUCH good news for you!! And thanks so much for the 4.0 grade average/pickle explanation, lol! : ) *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
lol - I never really used to cook until I met Tone, now it's homemade EVERYTHING hahaha! I just really love it now, although our kitchen here is way too small at the moment, so I can't really get stuck in to anything until we move - your recipes sound delicious! gem xx
from diablogem :
Yay for the last lesson!! I SO understand what you're feeling, and masses of luck for the finals and the last couple of papers! *hugs* gem xx PS. Our computer lab usually smells like sweaty students (yes, ewwwww!), so think yourself lucky, lol!
from diablogem :
Keep up with the work, and good luck with the interview *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
An interview!! Excellent news!! Good luck! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
You should in no way feel bad about this - you took her in during her time of need, and she proceeds to tell you what's wrong with YOUR life (when there is nothing wrong with it)?! That's no friend, that's a very foolish person who needs to seriously re-assess her life! I say well done for taking her in, that shows that you are a good friend, but well done for kicking her out (as mean as it feels)! She needs to realise that the problem lies with her, and not with you or anyone else around her, and the only way she'll start to realise this is by realising that no-one is there to bail her out anymore. Hopefully one day she'll sort herself out and hopefully the next time you hear from her it will be an apology. Don't feel bad for kicking her out and feeling like you do about her, she needs a kick up the arse! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
That sounds DELCIOUS! I love asparagus too : ) gem xx
from diablogem :
Oh god, honey! I can't even imagine how you felt, but I am so glad that you're getting better *hugs* gem xx
from nadnuk :
hi, thought I'd let you know my diary's username and roommate blabbed to her friends, including T's girlfriend, about me having a blog and what my handle username and password are now 'guest'
from diablogem :
Notes and papers all over the floor and manic typing on the compter? Hmm, sounds familiar, lol!! Congrats for getting them all done! gem xx
from diablogem :
Wow - sounds like a manic few weeks! Bless your boyfriend for suprising you - what a sweetheart! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Hey, hope everything works out *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Masses of luck with the job-hunt! I know how you feel - I'll be doing the same thing in March *hugs of luck*, gem xx
from diablogem :
Thanks for you support : ) gem xx
from raven72d :
Is it Castalia for the land where the Glass Bead Game is played?
from diablogem :
Well done on finishing your seminar paper!! : ) gem xx
from diablogem :
Thank you for the explanation of a corndog, lol! gem xx
from diablogem :
I'm really, really sorry to hear about your aunt, big **hugs**, but I think you're right when you say they're up there waiting for you. And hang in there with the paper - I'm desperately trying to learn a totally new programming language for my dissertation without much luck, and I have a 1500 word paper due in Monday. Assume lots of screaming into my pillow, keep strong! gem xx
from diablogem :
Just wanted to say that I hope you're feeling better - I'm just about to start my final year at uni and am just totally panicking about the amount of work I'll have to do, so hang in there! I completely understand! gem xx
from carinolaffz :
hey..i added u 2 my favorites..i like ur layouts, its real cute
from deedee2 :
just browsin the GB diaries- enjoyed reading!! :)
from cornnugget :
That's some toilet! You do your thinking there? That might explain the inability to concentrate! Liked your diary.
from co5girl :
Thought I'd visit some fellow Green Bay diaries; love the toilet!
from danbnl :
just wanted to say you seem really interesting.........and u dont know me.
from tal67ss :
hey castalia- i was browsing and i saw your name. It stood out because my name is Talia. Please write back!

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