messages to cats77:
(click here to add new message):

from barenaked500 :
Drowning Ruth - okay...I didn't even finish reading it and that rarely ever happens with me and books. I just couldn't get into it!! This was the second time I picked it up too. When I finally get through it I'll let you know what I think. :)
from megl42 :
Welcome to the Queer Eye ring, cheers queers!
from barenaked500 :
Drowning Ruth is okay...I'm not too far into it so I can't really tell yet. I'll let you know when I'm done.
from barenaked500 :
I'll be in Sarasota and WILL be sunny! Have fun!
from barenaked500 :
How funny that you're going to Florida next week! I'll be there from Friday to Tuesday! I hope its suuuuunny! :) Safe trip!
from taliana1 :
thanks for the note. I LOVE Cowboy Mouth--they definitely put on a great concert. Just recently purchased all their cd's and they rock :)
from apiscesgirl :
thank you for your note. it made me feel better on a totally dismal day. at least now you know why i haven't felt up to writing. :P i love you and will email you soon. i owe you a ton. :O
from ugotsoul :
thanks for filling out my little survey! :)
from soulepiphany :
Another person to list Cowboy mouth as a favorite band? I'm amazed! :) ~sara
from apiscesgirl :
hey... you're right.. i've been sending you "kristen write in diaryland today" vibes. :) its your fault. you're the one that got ME started!!!
from ciaramyst :
from ugotsoul :
thanks for filling out my little survey... great answer: "fumbling towards ecstasy"... good choice... oh yes... and great diary... I'll be by again. :)
from dernhelm :
hey. I'm in your Quidditch ring, and I wanted to ask that you please don't kick me out; I'm locking my diary this summer, but only until the end of August! It's not a permanent thing!
from arcalae :
Harry Potter books are the best(except for LoTR)
from shutupyoda :
Hey! Me again! I joined the Dear X one but haven't had the time to write anything yet... Typical!!!!
from shutupyoda :
Kristen, do you know of any writing collabs that don't require a diaryland page, or is that the point? I want to write stuff but don't want it asociated with me... should i just make a new diaryland page or something?
from cutelilfish :
hee hee you rock... am I allowed to tag you back... or has a mad game broken out???
from cutelilfish :
ah-ha! you challenged the message leaving and so I shall :) not sure what to say, but hi! I hope you had a good evening... I miss diaryland at mellon. night!
from cutelilfish :
ah-ha! you challenged the message leaving and so I shall :) not sure what to say, but hi! I hope you had a good evening... I miss diaryland at mellon. night!
from cats77 :
why does no one leave me a message in this?
from cutelilfish :
I think it's a guestbook, but only for fellow diaryland peoples :) yay I have a note. and now you do too! yipeeeeeeeee!

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