messages to conclusions:
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from janna182 :
Even if you never update again, I'm adding you as a favorite. I went through all of your diary in the past week or so. Granted, you don't write novellas as I do (or used to do), this still says a lot about you. Also: Amelie is an inspired movie.
from elateddream :
Actually, the line is extremely thin, so by the time you realize you've crossed it. You're too late.
from yudhistira :
I stumbled upon your banner, and I'm glad I did. You're going in my favorites.
from gone-skyward :
Good to see someone else has a forum for Random Thoughts. What a waste it would be if we did not write them down. Keep writing about things British, I may be over there in a year and would like to hear the ramblings of one currently ensconced in the European Lifestyle.
from caetera :
I always smell the person I want quite intensely on me. Happily, the person I want is the person I'm with. I always assumed it was only me who could smell the lingering remains of meetings so undeniably. I am glad this is untrue.
from ghanima :
Thank you. You seem succinct, in a zen sort of way. What lies behind the conservation of words?
from lost-faerie :
Keen Diary. Labyrinth is awesome. Toodles.
from carlilly :
i like your banner, and your layout. good taste, eh?
from foursixths :
from lillyth :
heh. i enjoy your writing. sounds the way i think most times. too bad i don't write this way. i'd probably have less "friends." either way. just wanted to let you know.
from lillyth :
heh. i enjoy your writing. sounds the way i think most times. too bad i don't write this way. i'd probably have less "friends." either way. just wanted to let you know.
from fenja :
Wonderful. Really. Thank you very much for sharing yourself with me.
from wiccankitten :
your writing is inspiring, i wish i had such talent. if you write a book i will look for it everyday. i only read one entry so far and it was so good i must add you to my list of favorite diaries! ^_^
from liminalbeing :
I wasn't thinking that you'd look at that. I guess it would have been smarter to just make the link and leave it blank. Ok, I changed it. I'm a feminist, that would have bothered me, if I were you, too. I like most of your taste in books. Last night, unrelatedly, I was thinking about how the beginning of Don Delillo's Underworld is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read.
from aesthesia :
just wanted to let you know that i've been reading you for a while. i am always interested by your conclusions. i think you are a wise girl with a good head on your shoulders. rock on with your bad self! ;D
from mindspin :
re: vocabulary entry || the greatest enemy of any of our truths may be the rest of our truths. you write wisely. xo, take care
from raisintoes :
I had not realized this setting (?) of mine was turned on. I am excedingly pleased that it was. I often wonder not so much how others exist, but how I do, and how it is that I do not become more stabbed.
from girl101 :
you & yr writings are beautiful. of writings book and mothers... i see, i see. x&o.
from socksw-toes :
smiles are contagious. infect someone today. :)

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