messages to courtney-d-h:
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from lili-may :
hi courtney-d-h i like the way you put your diary entry.
from psallite :
Gosh the Boo looks so grown up in the first pic definetly got something on his mind
from ealdthryth :
Congratulations on the Golden Dolphin! Well-deserved.
from rosine :
One trick I learned from cross-country trips is to stop at each rest stop and let the kids scamper for 10 minutes.(Or eat at a McDs that has a playground). Yeah, it's not our "normal" travel, but it really helped cut down on squirms and squalls. Glad to hear the weekend was so nice! And well-come to the Dolphins...
from pirate-cat :
try NiCE cough drops. not as much sugar as the Luden's and they work just as well
from pirate-cat :
pleurisy is an inflamation of the lining of the lungs (the pluera). it's generally in the lining between the lungs and the chest wall iteslf (as opposed to the lining that's right up against the organ itself). it sucks. hope you feel better soon.
from giuliana :
Try Hancock Fabrics for the buckram. It's in the bin with the interfacing type stuff. I've never found it at Jo-Ann's.
from muirgheal :
I've said it before and Ill say it again, That Boo is the cutest!!
from rosine :
Heh. I mentioned to my husband that new knobs for my stove/oven would be *fabulous* in my Christmas stocking. I can't bring myself to spend the money for them yet I'd love to be ble to read all the numbers. I can't count how many times I started off to buy them and then balked at the price for something so easy to produce!
from psallite :
Really wish I could make 15th cent night unfortunetly with all the choir rehearsals I have missed in the last month I don't dare miss another just yet.Hopefully in Jan.
from pirate-cat :
and there are a bunch of different kinds of lawyers. teh ones on TV and in movies are generally the courtroom kind...
from elsworthy :
Well, if you want the low-down on what it's like to be a lawyer, you can always corner Bob, who'll be happy to tell you all about it. His specialty? Law of the Jungle. :P
from belfebe :
So where is Connor's Abuela from? :-D
from kyrre :
Ceiling fans are fairly easy and come with instructions. Have replaced several myself. Just remember to turn off the electricity. Turgeis is not the most mechanically inclined and if he can, Conner can.
from oddny :
I don't know Sir Bryce that well, but I do know Duke Ragnarr fairly well, and I know that he would be touched to read your words. He is very serious about the fact that no fighter should ever fight for just him/herself... that they are honoring their consort or their barony/kingdom whenever they take the field. That you felt honored would make him feel very good! :) Chivalry Brothers... grin... I like it...
from muirgheal :
Yea . .looks like you had the same reaction to the music thing as I did. You expected to see the music YOU listened to on it. I graduated in 1992, great year for music but you wouldnt know it from the list. But I have never listened to top 40 radio. But honestly, I had NO Idea that LnR had had a top hit or that the Cure had had 2. (Its Friday Im in Love was on my list) Me thinks you and I have very similar tastes in Music.
from oddny :
any time you want to learn sprang, I'm up for it! :) I'm hoping to be at Crusades, so if you're available, maybe we can meet up then, and do some string-work.
from thornbury :
Spring horses - BAD. Remind me to show you the scar I got from mine when I was a kid. I got a trip to the ER and stitches and everything. And I probably wasn't much older than your little one...
from redswanne :
Don't know if it helps, but all parents go through that stage. It's worst with the first, and gets milder with each child that comes along. I used to swear my first daughter was going to lose a limb, my second daughter would end up in the hospital (she was the natural born gymnist), My son would look like an abused child from all the bruises, and with my last daughter, I just hope she doesn't put her brother in the hospital *lol*.. So far.. so good (*knocking rapidly on wood*), only a couple minor bumps and bruises, and all told, only one trip to Urgent Care for the eldest and the youngest... Now, to worry about all that sleep you're losing :)
from luciaantony :
try Aveeno's colloidal oatmeal wash in the really helped me with the itchiness I had when I was pregnant. Hope you feel better, honey.
from psallite :
You poor thing I hope you feel better soon . Although I have been lucky enough not to have shingles(knock on wood) I have seen more then my share of cases so I know what you are going through. And yes I have seen it in several people who were no where near thier 60s . I had to laugh over the "contagion issue" That is what happens when HR tries to play "employee health" without a degree . Feel beter soon!!!
from psallite :
I like the poetry .It certtainly sums the weather up pretty well. Here is to cool spells
from roland :
Guess Chef Connor needs to start ponying up...8)
from alienor :
Yates (the BIG grey) seems to have adjusted just fine to his new name; he ignores Yates, Robert E. Lee (rescued name), Robert, Lee, Robbie, Mr. Man, and Big Kitty equally. He was 2 when I got him, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Hope your head feels better soon! I'm on day 3 of my headache, and hating every minute. :-(
from pirate-cat :
the zoo is always a good one to take kids to...
from elsworthy :
I think you've punished yourself more than enough - and no-one else would, anyway. You were right there, nothing happened. If mothers were to be punished for all the accidental things that happen, we'd never get any work done. You really did nothing you should feel bad about. The spider bite probably isn't a brown recluse - some people are more allergic to spider venom than others, and all spiders are venomous. People forget that sometimes - it's more likely you got bitten by a startled grass spider.
from psallite :
Hi Courtney Hope you are feeling better,missed you at the party yesterday. And no one better throw rotten eggs at you (and don't throw them at yourself either ) I know it is scary when it happens but you were right there keeping close attention (which is obvious since you were right there to pick him up).Feel better soon!
from keltoi :
relax, you did the right thing and dealt with it well. I use to teach swimming, and babies take to it better than you might expect. That you had got him past a fear before it had time to develop is a big plus. Kids up through about 30 months (2 1/2 or so) have an easier time learning to swim because of "natural memory". Your alright Calender Girl.
from belfebe :
Hey Courtney, check the Tinkle Looms and Inklings at the Spanish Peacock. They start at $15 and it is a good way to get a newbie started. If they like it, they can always get a bigger one. Here is the link:
from elsworthy :
Dude! Unless you're protege'd to someone, put down the volunteer list and back away slowly. To help others, you must first take care of yourself (viz. flight instructions to put your *own* oxygen mask on before helping someone else with theirs). Anyone who doesn't understand that you need family and you time doesn't need your help, they want a slave.
from giuliana :
Not to contradict Melissent, but knitting as we know it *is* period, and earlier than late Elizabethan. There are extant knitted Islamic socks from the 11th/12th century, knitted pouches and purses from the 14th century, knitted gloves from the 15th/16th century. I've got A History of Handknitting by Richard Rutt if you'd like to take a look at it sometime. =) Lots of pics of knitted items from SCA period.
from melissent :
Re: fiber arts. Start with embroidery. The knitting that we know nowadays isn't really period except for maaaybe late Elizabethan. The Vikings did have knit-looking garments, but those are actually nalbinding. Mistress Isabel could point you at someone knowledgeable about that if she doesn't know how to do it herself.
from shalandara :
Hi Courtney! That was me, complimenting you after court. I understand about the heat getting to you. :)
from azpapillion :
Keep up the happy demeneur... :) It will help and after this reign, we will relax and take time for ourselves... :)
from giuliana :
I am also not a big fan of the Pennsic heat. I find that pouring out the ice melt from the cooler into a small tub and soaking the feet helps tremendously on a nasty-hot day. You're doing a lot of things these days and it's easy to get burned out. Don't forget to take a small break every now and then and do something fun for yourself! =)
from pirate-cat :
just just have to get through those 3 events, and then coronation. btw, did the linen i ordered come in? i'll give you a check at challenge this weekend.
from elsworthy :
It. NEVER. Ends... :)
from pirate-cat :
are you buying white linen, or colored? cause i need some colored stuff, and would love to in on the order with you
from giuliana :
Chocolate probably helps your headaches because of the caffeine. Hope you feel better soon! (from another fair-skinned, red-faced person)
from luciaantony :
No need to worry about the far we're doing fine. THanks for thinking of us, though!
from elsworthy :
*wince* And I thought *I* was accident-prone. Hope everyone is okay, and your ankle heals quickly.
from belfebe :
Hey there. Glad that you are okay. That must have been unsettling to say the least. As for Cingulair, I hear you. I had to drop something like $270 a few weeks ago just to do the transfer from old AT&T to Cingulair, add a line for Marcellus, and acquire new phones as the old AT&T would not function under Cingulair. The math on paying the penalty fee and going to another company was worse. And Cingulair doesn't give you many breaks when you are coming from AT&T. Sigh.
from pirate-cat :
that works for me. i need colors anyway...
from belfebe :
Hey! You look terrific in Viking garb! It is definitely you! :-D
from pirate-cat :
are you going to make an order from any time soon? i need some stuff, but i dont' want ot order on my own..
from pirate-cat :
don't stress so much about the reign. from personal experience (now) i know that neither you, nor they, will be 'on' all the time. tehre is down time in there. granted, it is usually only behind closed doors, and every set of royals is different, but there will be down time, when you can all just be yourselves again. good to hear bloodbath was such a success.
from pirate-cat :
actaully, i prefer milk chocolate. good luck with bloodbath. let me know how it goes!
from belfebe :
Hey there! Insanity is our middle name, and chocolate is an acceptable bribe. Particularly dark chocolate. With almonds ;-)
from pirate-cat : take my meds properly, I would actually need to re-fill my scrip, which is on the agenda for today. I'm just really horrible about taking meds on time....I always forget cause I get side-tracked. As for bribes...well, I know chocolate works for Bel!
from giuliana :
If you want to play with mosaics some more, come over to my house. I've got all kinds of stuff to play with! I'd love to see the one you made some time.
from pirate-cat :
Glad you all are feeling better...For the record, if you're already nauseus, I always found that Gatorade made me worse...too much sugar. The Grape flavored Pedialyte is much better tasting than any of the others, and works really well as a frozen popsicle...It's too cold to taste it much...
from melissent :
No, you're not the worst mother. I just have a thing about feet and socks and used shoes. Don't mind me and my neuroses.
from pirate-cat :
Electroencephalography is the observation of your brain waves via electrodes attached to your head. Very nifty stuff. Electromyography is the study of your muscle movement via the same way. Basically, it seems to me, that the docs think that you are either havign some strange brain activity, or your muscles are overly tight, and causing the headaches...Just a thought
from pirate-cat :
jsut to slip into healthcare-mode for a second, you really should take the antibiotics as prescribed. if you drag it out, nasty things tend to happen. like not all the bacteria dying, so the ones that live are now resistant ot the meds. just a word of advice...
from pirate-cat :
jsut to slip into healthcare-mode for a second, you really should take the antibiotics as prescribed. if you drag it out, nasty things tend to happen. like not all the bacteria dying, so the ones that live are now resistant ot the meds. just a word of advice...
from redswanne :
Oh My! He is soooo cute! Wish I weren't in the midst of another window.. I want to make the "Hobbit" and "Elf-Maid" some new garb... They've totally grown out of everything I have ever made them.... and then some *lol* BTW... I tried the whole "Kids at Pennsic", 4 years ago. Needless to say, my two go either to camp grandparent, in GA or someone comes to stay with them.. Until they are old enough, NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!
from elsworthy :
Keep it, and enjoy. :)
from belfebe :
Hey Courtney, don't feel bad about not taking The Boo to Pennsic. You are not being a bad mom, on the contrary. Pennsic is a lot of fun, but it is also hard work and harsh conditions. It can be tough on adults, the more so on children. No comfort, not the most sanitary conditions, and the weather can be brutal. We enjoy it because we like it, and we are there because we choose to. The babies don't choose it. So enjoy your time at Pennsic with the thought that you are being the best mom ever. :-)
from pirate-cat :
message sent. i put your email addy (the one on the ponte alto website) so tehy can contact you directly.
from pirate-cat :
i can remember numerous bloodbath tourneys that did not have a CiC. However, if you want, I can put out a message on teh atlantian chirurgeons list and try to get you someone.
from redswanne :
Courtney, Thank you so much for your kind words. It certainly has been a journey of heart. As far as commissions go, perhaps something can be worked out... *smile* Your book of hours is lovely. You are blessed indeed. Alianor
from melissent :
Every honeymoon should include cannibal chickens! :)
from belfebe :
Hey Courtney! Great news that you got a babysitter for 12th Night. I have always said that a good babysitter is the pillar of marital bliss! Looking forward to see you there!
from dameanne :
He is just beautiful...and yes, you are blessed.

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