messages to desideroso:
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from coltpixy :
**HUGS** I wish I could be there to help ya'll out, because I hate not being able to help. Try and take it easy sweetie.
from lunchladies :
Please come visit us sometime :) The Lunch Ladies of Mordor
from coltpixy :
Thank you sweetie! I like my hair more now as well. Oh and I forgot to tell you, Chopstick *is* a Ty BeanieBabie, and he is current, so he is available.
from coltpixy :
Thanks for the sweet note you left me, and Conga-Rats on the new apartment! *hugs* Take care of yourself.
from coltpixy :
Yay! Notes links works! Yay! Well any ways, sunburn aside, it sounds like you two had a really good trip! *HUGS* Can't wait to hear *read* more of what has been going on with you.
from coltpixy :
Who are you calling a grownup?? Oh and btw hun, your notes link doesn't seem to work on the diary page. Oh and when am I going to get an update about the trip? and the wedding? and YOU yourself? Always think about you and wonder how things are going for you. *HUGS*
from coltpixy :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! your gift is going to be a little late (duh since I haven't mailed it yet) but I will get it to you! Have a great weekend. *HUGS*
from coltpixy :
Hey hun ... it is perfectly alright for you to be upset about this, yes someone did you a favor, but still it is *your* vacation. And you need to be where *you* will be happy. I hope you two have a wonderful time!
from htmlclinic :
Sorry for the delay, but the script you wanted for the colour-changing background is up at Hope this helps! =)
from coltpixy :
*HUGS* it's okay hun that you don't have anything to say, but I do start to worry about you. Hope all is well with you. *hugs*
from ivyadict :
youre welcome! thanks for having a panic disorder ring! haha :)
from coltpixy :
I completely agree about the wannabe "punks" No and I call it 'punk-by-the-book' the way they dress. She now has a way to tell the "real" punks from the wannabes, she asks them a series of questions about different bands and if they know the answers then she knows that it's not just a fashion tend for them.
from izzardgrrrl :
No, more like 5'1", no glasses but still goofy-cute. I must find him again... hoping he finds me first cos that would mean he's looking for me just as much. EEEEEEEEE!
from upworlder :
'3 Libras' by A Perfct Circle is my favorite song of all time. I listen to it on repeat constantly. In fact, I had it on when I got your note. Just amazing lyrics and I can never resist a song heavy on the strings.
from upworlder :
The quote at the end of my 1/1/04 entry is from the song 'Sometimes I still feel the bruise' by Trembling Blue Stars. This is the second time I've quoted from that song on my diary. About 80% of my quotes come from indy or obscure music. Multiple quotes have come from the lyrics of Matt Nathanson (A LOT from him), Sun Kil Moon, Ben Harper, Aqualung, Damien Rice, Ed Harcourt, and some more mainstream stuff by Dashboard Confessional and NIN.
from ancasta :
i got a 10-gallon tank. it's a really good size, because you can get a few smaller fish and it's really easy to take care of. so far i haven't had any problems with it. good luck if you do get a tank!
from upworlder :
I'm okay. Guess I just needed to vent a little.
from ancasta :
noo, it's ricky we don't like. travis is the b/f who im really happy with and who's never treated me badly. ^__^
from ancasta :
awwww! you got a ring! lucky... *hugs and lots of good wishes*
from coltpixy :
*HUGS* Trust me I know all about the crappy family shit, been there, done it. BUT I have to say YAY about the ring ... a little side note, hubby gave me my ring at XMas 19 years ago. Wishing you all the best in the coming year.
from pushpull :
did you really get engaged? that's wonderful! congrats!
from upworlder :
I'm so jealous that you got Colossus. I got Marrow for my last birthday and I'm hoping to get Domino for Christmas. I have a feeling I'll end up having to buy her for myself.
from coltpixy :
I completely agree that it was the BEST one of the 3 films. I cannot wait to see it again, No and I and a friend of hers are going again on Monday. "fool of a Took"
from pushpull :
thank you ~*
from coltpixy :
Where are you? Miss your entries, but miss you more!
from coltpixy :
***********HUGS********** I am so happy to hear (read) that you and your mum talked and that you finally found your Holiday sprit. Take care of yourself.
from coltpixy :
***HUGS*** I am so sorry to hear about your GGMa, but as we talked about yesterday, it is better for her in a way. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
from coltpixy :
Oh hun ... it's good to see you posting again, I've been worried sick about you. *HUGS* I am so sorry to hear about your GGMa *HUGS again*
from coltpixy :
*HUGS* The things that you are dealing with sound so much like what I amn going through as well, so I know how hard it is for you. BUT I know you can make it through this, that you are strong enough, that your love is strong enough. *HUGS*
from upworlder :
Thanks for the encouragement. Every little bit helps.
from pushpull :
ya know, you could always go as those annoying tourists. have you seen those costumes? they're inflatable, with hawaiian shirts, bermuda shorts, and straw hats. you probably get enough of them in Fla, though. last year, Mark and i went as Homer and Marge Simpson.
from pushpull :
it's not so much that Mark treats him badly, he just doesn't always take notice of him. he doesn't realize how much of an influence he has on him and how much of an impact his participation will have. i think the conversation we had really put the knowledge into his head that both i and the child need him there and acting as a family.
from ancasta :
hey you... finally got around to replying to your comment. i really have no idea why the trip costs so much, besides airfare and foodage. but, you know, i don't pay attention to anything. and i don't know what im going to do, prolly set up a pay-pal account. ^__^
from coltpixy :
Loved the survey, and thanks for the link to the other one ... great *another* new diary to read.
from izzardgrrrl :
thanks much!
from upworlder :
I love the new design. It's been a while since I got to talk to you so I thought I'd just take a minute to say "Hi!" How are the kitties doing?
from pushpull :
oof...I have had several tickets, too many. Once I got two in the same month! That was a bad month, I'll tell you. I love that Slurm banner, though, it didn't get all that much attention. But thanx for noticing!
from arletterocks :
I think your mondo melon is incredibly alluring. So there.
from pushpull :
thanks for adding me to your buddies list. i loved the graphic on your site. i'll have to download the correct font, though. how did you find me??
from coltpixy :
**HUGS** I completely understand how you feel and why you feel this way. I have some of the same issues with any and all higher powers. *HUGS*
from upworlder :
You must see 'Secretary' ASAP!
from coltpixy :
just me ... saying hi. *hugs* thank you for sharing your life with me.

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