messages to drater182:
(click here to add new message):

from soft-parades :
hehe. cute layout. :]
from the-attic :
i just wanted you to know that i am now running "the attic" review site. for now, i am the only reviewer. i wanted to let every one on the pending list know what's going on. thank you for being so patient. i should have yours up soon (like in a few days) thanks, melanie
from review-world :
Your review is up at Review-Wolrd. You can find it here: Thanks.
from ashley-o :
Hey hun. Don't worry about it! I enjoyed figuring out stuff.. there is one thing you could help me with if you have time. How would I go about making that ugly scrollbar on the navigate box go away? I just can't get it gone.. yet it doesn't show up on the older page.. so I'm thinking it must have something to do with the position of the prev and next link. Anyways, I just really appreciate you making the background, and I completely understand that you have a life and were busy with things. That's why I went ahead and did all this. But thanks a lot, and I could never hate someone so nice! :P
from uclafan87 :
holy moley! your template is the coolest thing ive ever seen! woooooooooooooooooah~
from beth182star :
I think I know how you feel. I myself tend to sit at my window(Where ever) and think what if all this pain was gone. I found myself depressed and hopeless. I think my only advice that helped for me (not that you asked for my advice) is not dwelling on certain things. Sometimes you just have to keep your mind ocuppied. Well hope i have helped and I wish you good fortune.. :) Beth182star
from badcop :
Your review is up. Sorry it took so long to post, but it was emailed from the other reviewer, Heather, and I haven't checked my email for a few days. Take care! -Lauren
from plaidpride :
It won't let me sign in your guestbook right now so I'll just say it here. I might be able to go tomorrow. What time will y'all be up there?
from slipknot181 :
hey hey whats up, well you aint here and i redid my whole template except that crappy archive page. It took me the better part of an afternoon but i got my new page to where i want it. well talk to you later peace out yo
from mere4stock :
hey, your diary is awesome! you've got amazing taste in music, awesome templates, and your love of tom delonge makes it even better! keep up the good work!
from diaryreviews :
Hey! This is Alee from DiaryReviews. Your review is up. You have the chance to join our ring for people who scored over 90! Great Job.
from sid-5-string :
thanks for commenting on my song. um...yeah i guess your note made me feel a little better about not meeting the used even if i still wanna meet them badly. ah, well. have a nice day! =)
from ravenheart :
Thank you for joining my Nightmare Before Christmas ring, you are welcome!
from sid-5-string :
ooh, rad layout and awesome taste in music! i tried signing your GB but i don't think it likes me very much...maybe it's racist...heh anyway i'm in a note-leaving/GB signing kinda i suppose i shall go do more of that right now. have a kick ass day! =)

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