messages to drewbearsf:
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from flying-kiwi :
I'm really glad I stumbled on your journal. You're so funny, big and furry and while my man certainly wasn't that way when we met, it's where he's headed...I now have a whole new appreciation of him, thanks, really! :o)
from tmb :
Sorry about the new cocktail. But get back in that tub!
from loopyboi :
Soooo???? Did you run into Clay??? Enquiring minds want to know! :) ~ Jamie
from loopyboi :
Glad the job is safe. Was thinking good thoughts for ya. :)
from dbfeb :
I can not belive people leave things in your truck. I've never heard of such a thing in my entire life. How rude is that????
from thefeistyleo :
Just thought i'd say hi to a fellow gay diaryland member :)
from weatherking :
I should do that to my roommate's bed. And then her couch. Not that I dislike her or anything, but her bed is bigger than mine.
from roadiepig :
Your Santa Cruz beach boardwalk photo is one of the best photos I have seen in months! I honestly mean that- it really should be enlarged and hung on a wall of a museum somewhere!��.. (btw- I have Windows ME- the worm raging through the 'net doesn't have any bearing on my older system ;)
from bindyree :
Re: bootmelt on your chrome pipes -- Since it melted ON due to heat, won't it melt back OFF due to heat? How about trying a cigarette lighter and a paper towel? Touch the flame to the bootmelt, and immediately wipe. I once had a pair of nylons on a kitchen counter too close to a chromed toaster -- that's a long story -- but this worked for me after no amount of scrubbing did.
from loopyboi :
Brin is a friend of mine. I think your diary is great. I love bear men, so that didn't hurt! ;) Woof! IM me sometime... Brin has instructions on how to do so. ;) Elaborate diary, BTW. Check mine out sometime. :) Jamie (Yes - a guy)
from roadiepig :
First off- thanks for planting that image in my head. I will be thinking of anything else I canbesides that one, the next time I run into Jiggs on the roadways ;)....I guess I didn't think when I described the other softball teams players, but they do fit the discription of your fellow Bears. I'll try to post a few game photos in the near future- then you'll just have to decide for yourself......
from bindyree :
By the way, I shamelessly filched the link for the South Park Character Generator from your site. Thank you.:)
from tmb :
Wow, congratulations! That's an impressive bike. Must not be an actual photo of you on it, though, since the pig ears are not in evidence. ;-)
from ddrboy :
I am so lost.
from roadiepig :
Damn! For a minute there, I thought you were describing actual fishing in the Bay area. I guess the 'mon part should have clued me in ;)
from ddrboy :
Hey there! Sorry to hear about your spill. Hope your wrist gets better. Hugs!
from bindyree :
Hey, babycakes! -- ISTR reading your diary as well. Thanks for stopping in, and please come back soon.:)
from roadiepig :
Oh yeah- one more thing...the photo from 5-13 (of the hanging light)? It reminded me of the berries that grow on Yew trees all around here in Mohall ;)
from roadiepig :
Generic Canadians? Do they say "Eh?" a lot or something?...p.s.- if you stop by my 'journal', and wanna know what "elevator town" I wrote about tonight? That would be Macon, or, as we like to call it at work, "the town were you have to talk VERY SLOWLY so they can understand you ;)
from dialytip :
I am just spreading the word around about my diary dialytip. Now I know that it is suppose to be dailytip but have a laugh then come check it out. Everyday I am putting up great tips, poetry, and stories. If you would like to enter a story or poem or tip that you have email me. So stop what you are doing and come check it out. You might help someone out. :) Add me to your favorites so that you can enjoy everdays tip, poem or story.. :o)
from roadiepig :
Sorry- didn't make it to the all-town rummage sale, so we didn't see the house on Lockhart- We will make it there soon....and on the free speech issue(involving telemarketing and such) ...I remember a quote from a teacher, many years ago, that still rings true today- freedom of speech doesn't mean you have freedom to be heard. Nobody has to listen to what you have to say- they just can't tell you what you can say....doesn't that seem topical, with all that is happening in this country right now?.... (btw- I hope you kick pokeman's ass, since it means that much to you ;)
from benwolve :
Hey, love the diary, and the writer! I'll keep reading...
from roadiepig :
116 Lockhart , eh? I will have to look that location up today, if Lease and I make it to your old hometown's all-city rummage sale (expected high is 40�, with 25 mph winds out of the northwest. Great day to watch a baseball doubleheader, don't you think?)...if the games end early enough, we will head to the town sale.....
from roadiepig :
What kinda freak attacks an innocent motorcycle? They deserve to have fuel pump failure on whatever they drive for this stupid act! (hope that is all the damage you have...)
from ddrboy :
I'm so sorry about your bike, but like you said, you live in a wonderful neighborhood that when you are down, they lift you up. I just love the Castro, and I can't wait to go back!
from msleslie :
So then which was it, you or your clone who called me a "woman who used to act like a man"? The guilty party gets a big ol' husky hug for that. I don't think anyone has ever said it better. BTW, love the pics on your website. Yummy.------HTDB, MsL
from ddrboy :
I love the swirly things that guys get with wet fur. I'm getting turned on just thinking about it! Thanks!
from roadiepig :
Yeah, I'm guilty of commenting on Mohammad's appearance. I thought the whole 'woke up and drug out of bed in a dirty t-shirt' aspect of the photo was the funny part, though, not just his furryness (I had a note today from someone who said he looked more like Ron Jeremy than John Belushi ;)
from roadiepig :
Hey, I clicked on the link for your new air cleaner, and I noticed that will sell you a USED one , if you are willing to wait for one to become available. Can you imagine bying a USED AIR CLEANER? Who know what that unit has been through? Used books and cds? Fine. Any sanitation device? No way...(p.s.- love the shot of the dog. Was he driving the vehicle when you spotted him?)
from roadiepig :
Thanks for the "pimping", and the kind words...I guess I am settled into my life. Not always perfect, but that would be dull anyway....Oh yeah, one more thing- today's photo? Is that a building I should recognize from your town, and did you take (or edit) the photo into black and white, or was the lighting washed like that? Great geometric, great photo. I loaded a bunch of photos (including some black and white) on my Photgra page recently, if you haven't checked them out ;)
from weetabix :
The Silverback is not coming with. He doesn't like to travel and he knows that I will be going at 100 mph and be frustrated with his need for downtime, so he's staying home with the cat and the computer. Although, from what I read, he's your type so I should probably be glad.
from marywa :
It may make your day to know that I do taxes for a living, and I do a lot of day traders. I've never yet done one that made enough in the year to pay what I charged him for doing the tax return. They may be out there, but I haven't seen them.
from roadiepig :
Hey, I might not have ever said it before, but I do enjoy the photos you post next to your entry every day. The Sharpie drawing that was added a couple of days ago , I still can't figure out. I guess you shouldn't try to figure out street art, eh?
from ddrboy :
Yummy, you live in the Castro and you have no curtains. Hmm, I should go up to Frisco more often! Thanks!
from jump154 :
Thanks for the mention...and don't worry about the 'too much info' thing -- better to find out now that a person has a problem, rather than after you have moved in, then you may need to moce again. Remeber, if someone has an issue, that is THEIR problem, not yours. J
from ddrboy :
Hmm...bears at live journal...good reads, but d*land is easier. Keep it up in here, or move along, don't matter, I'll follow!
from jump154 :
Now i'm californians ridin' your bikes in the winter....not that I have one to ride in the summer here...but does nto stop me being Jealous!
from pepperanne :
oh how cool!!! I love your pictures. Have a happy new year mr.drewbearsf!
from roadiepig :
Hey, you turned on the 'Notes' feature! Nice tree, and it's nice to hear that a decree forces the city to continue the tradition (*wink*)...Interesting read about Joshus Norton- I can't say I had heard of him before, but he sound slike a great part of San Francisco's past (worth a quarter of a million dollars in 1853? In today's dollars, he would be worth what Barry Bonds makes in a year. That is rich!)... hope you have a great Christmas, in what ever way you spend it (hopefully, not at work?)....
from magpiesnest :
*paddle paddle paddle* Hey, fellow Bay Arean! Thanks for the link, and how 'bout this weather, huh? *paddle paddle paddle*

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