messages to ember-days:
(click here to add new message):

from sadgreeneye :
Hey Nicole, I heard about your mother. I'm so sorry. I really don't know what to say; I can't really make it better. I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you, and I really hope that you're doing alright. I don't have a password for your diary, so I'm hoping that you still write in it. If you have the inclination, let me know if you're doing ok. Take care Nicole. --Joshua
from sadgreeneye :
So, I'm totally being ignored, huh? heh.. So, what happened with the poetry thing with Tiff? TELL ME!!!! I'm dying of curiosity, if you hadn't noticed. Anyway, I hope you're doing good. You go to more damn concerts than anyone.....ever. Luv ya! bye --Joshua
from yellow-hair :
Isn't Misery is a Butterfly an amazing record. I love Magic Mountain. Its like the indie Hotel California. Did you know Kazu had her face stepped on by a horse? Pretty fucked up, eh?
from sadgreeneye :
Hey, any news from London?
from sleepystorm :
hahaha. your top 8 list of things to do in 2004 is funny nicole. haha. buy a new black shirt! yeah, that one is getting a bit raggedy, yo. heres to 7 inches.
from sadgreeneye :
Holy crap Batman!! We got like 2 feet of snow here in Boston! Everything is buried. I changed my voicemail message just for you so now it's nice and quiet. So, what's the plan? any updates? Let me know. peace-out --Joshua
from shadowbren :
Your latest entry made me laugh so I'm adding you to my links, hope ya don't mind.
from yellow-hair :
Its all good. I've been a little preoccupied myself. go ahead and send it to oklahoma. I plan on sending yr tape by the end of the week.xoxo-Chase(r)
from yellow-hair :
OK, I completed your mixtape. I titled it "39 songs for your disguise." My E-mail address is [email protected]. Send me that address of yours so I can send it off in your direction.
from yellow-hair :
I would love you forever if you did that! I'll make you a mix tape. Is that kool with you?xoxo-Chase(r)
from yellow-hair :
you lucky duck! Im so sad that I didn't get to see her. Did she play anything off Dyed in the Wool? Did she play Flask Welder? Is she releasing a new album anytime soon?
from sadgreeneye :
Yeah, that was a little graphic with the whole nipple thing. HAHA It was funny, though. Ya, and STOP saying that every entry "sucks." You wouldn't do that if you were writing in a private paper journal; so I don't want to see it here. This is for YOU, not for the people that are reading it. Alright? :) Love ya, Have a good day. --Joshua
from yellow-hair :
I hate it when I cut my tits shaving. Did you tear a piece of tissue off and cover the wound?
from yellow-hair :
If all goes as planned I will be in attendance for both shows.
from sadgreeneye :
from yellow-hair :
Thanx 4 adding me as one of your favorite diaries. I hope the Johnny situation plays out successfully. Will you be attending the Shannon Wright show? If so, you might just see me there. I'll probably be wearing my black Sonic Youth t-shirt with Kim on the front. Fight the Power! Luv, Chase(r)
from sadgreeneye :
What are you doin, crazy? How have you been? I read your diary, and laughed a little bit when I pictured you sitting in a room talking to Vladimir in his cocky, russian accent. I can't believe Noah kicked you out of the car. What an ass. How far did you have to walk to get home?? Anyway, you spend way to much time thinking about Chris you wierdo. Why aren't you in LA yet? Me moving to Boston was supposed to be inspiration for you to get off your ass! :) Awwww, you know I love you anyway. Anyway, rock-on Spons!! Keep you dreams alive(and to yourself, preferably)
from orange-cloud :
hey thanks! you rock so much! i love your diary...
from venustiano20 :
Thanks for the Audioslave pics. I went to the Austin show the night before Dallas. It was a mesmerizing experience for me because Cornell is the ultimate.I saw the Badmotorfinger and Euphoria morning tours but this best i've seen Chris. At one point, he was 3 or 4 feet in front of me, which was one of those "now, I can die a happy guy" things. I know that it seems that I'm obsessed but I'm just a huge fan and extremely musically driven. I sing for a band and Chris is my biggest vocal influence, (my second, is Layne). The pics you took, brought me back to a few nights ago, when I witnessed greatness on stage. That goes for all Audioslave members. When I looked at the pics, I also clicked to read about some other things you had to say and not to be nosey, but you have some interesting things to say. I understand your need to be associated with music. I have that same undying need to be saturated with art and creativity. It's fucking strange but that's how it is. I never read other people's shit but you've made a lot of sense and you should do whatever it takes to put yourself in the middle of the only thing that really makes sense to you... music. Play guitar everyday, start jamming with musicians, surround yourself with that environment. I haven't seen the payoff, but i'm definitely starting to see the benefits. It's good that that you're tired of cubicles and don't want to do pointless shit, that seems like a deadend. Oh yea, techno sucks my ass. Hope you get that chance play or promote or both. Didn't mean to freak you out with this long message but you actually kind of inspired me to do an online journal. I think it's gonna help me to vent and increase my creativity. If you ever feel the need, drop a reply. Duke

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