messages to emmalola:
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from persephonee :
lola, i've been missing you. come visit me anytime.
from greschya :
Did they askwhat your Indian Name was? A woman from the NA studies program at school did a whole thing on that very topic: the token visit from a Real Live Indian just before Thanksgiving, and the Indian Name thing stood out because she always answered "Barbara." (or whatever, I forget, but it's a very anglo post-war name) And don't feel like your lording over me at least, because I pop in to your ofoto every few weeks to see just how big (BIG!) the Mahko is. :D
from hulabelly :
The wooley adelgid??? Are you kidding me?? The guy who used to share an office with me but just quit was studying the wooley adelgid! The wooley adelgid brings pain and suffering wherever it goes. Run away. Run awaaaaay! I oince attended a talk about the wooley adelgid. It gave me heartburn.
from persephonee :
from what i gathered watching my older and youngest sisters, it clearly starts out hurting like the dickens, but then at some point that must turn around. because by the end i'd come upon one of them nursing all sprawled out with this completely blissed out look on her face. it looked like drugs. really good drugs. my little sister was so sad when her little boy decided to wean himself that she cried! of course then there's my middle sister, who finds it so painful to nurse (and gets so many infections) that she can barely stick it out for 8 weeks. hoping the turnaround comes for you soon -- and if it doesn't, hoping you don't feel pressured to keep going past your body's limits.
from persephonee :
thank you so much for all the letters and support, emily. i will try to write back as soon as the steam stops coming out of my ears.
from savasana :
I hope you go into labor tonight, to relieve your uncomfortable-ness, and because tomorrow's my birthday and that would be cool!
from moonshine76 :
[gasp] it's locked!
from savasana :
Hee! I am in no way laughing at your pain, but your entry today made me smile :)
from junior-sweet :
Thanks for the note emmalola - it's nice to know you are still checking out my journal even if I'm not in the ring anymore! You're a great moderator (my rant was never about your skills as a moderator - you rock) and it's great that you're still engaged with writing even when your life is so busy. It's been wonderful to keep up with all your exciting developments!
from savasana :
Much congratulations on the grant! That is really something. :)
from juana :
hey lady, thanks for the drug tip! I will look into those. It's been a good 15 years since I went to a doctor about a migraine... the best they had then was Caffergot, which was essentially Excedrin. Anyway, I appreciate the input. xo
from persephonee :
hee! i saw your "dig" before i got your note - I was cheering for YOU. hmmm, obscure 90's CDs? how obscure are we talking?
from i-roboctopus :
Weeee! Oh the joy of hearing the heartbeat. Take a tape recorder next time. :)
from persephonee :
i'm so sorry, lola. i hope your friend hears good news.
from persephonee :
i just saw you on! hee hee! i'm waving, but you probably can't see me. :)
from persephonee :
i just saw you on! hee hee! i'm waving, but you probably can't see me. :)
from greschya :
Okay, after some research, it would be almost EXACTLY the same distance for each of us, and EXACTLY the same price, if you took the bus, of which there seems to be a luxury version (like I love), and youcould probably get the student discount, too, which would save you 5 bucks, but you also have the train option (which I do not.) My schedule would be arriving at 11:45 and leaving at 6:15. Plenty of time for lunch and jibba-jabba.
from schmance :
Yay, Lola! A real nurse, in your white shoes no less! That's great.
from i-roboctopus :
Holy f*ck Lola, that is awful! I haven't had to deal with murder, but definatley with death many times over. you are right, mourning takes a lifetime. Big hug to you. And happy anniversary to you as well.
from i-roboctopus :
I think there are quite a lot of us thinking about that issue. Hmm.
from i-roboctopus :
Okay, now I totally have AC/DC stuck in my head!
from lulutrix :
Hey you. Thank you for the note. It made me feel really good! xo
from greschya :
Happy Anniversary! Also, there's a picture at today of the "seminole indian war dance." (It's on the front page, no login required.) Funny, did the seminoles have a lot of handguns? take care --
from briddy-b :
E-mail me at [email protected] and I'll send you a pw. XOXO Brids
from briddy-b :
hey, do you know a charlieann? She left me a note asking for a password, but I don't know how to get back to her. She has you listed as a favorite, so I thought maybe you know... Thanks! XOXO Brids
from obb :
oh miss lola! I hope things feel sunnier for you soon.
from i-roboctopus :
Okay, you've got to add a new entry! Every time I go to your page and see that it's still "continuity" I have to quickly go to another page before I start tearing up. Reminds me too much of when my grandmother died. But good on you for pursuing important work that's scary enough to turn most people away.
from obb :
ah, someone quite close to me is maybe quite sick and maybe not. now for several months of tests to rule out everything else. bleah! so far no one knows anything for sure and so we are trying not to worry. with limited success, heh. but I don't really want to go in to it on me diary since people they know read it and it's not my news and there isn't any news and oh you know. thank you for your kind note miss lola.
from obb :
she ain't kidding about the not eating enough business! when I was running while on WW, I lost the most weight while I was eating my maximum points every day. WW barely provides enough nutrition every day even with the maximum - and the activity points hoohaw doesn't give you back as many points as you have expended. you starve yourself and your body is just going to be all "panic! ack! must store fat!" seriously, try eating all your points AND all your activity points.
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from lulutrix :
okay, so what's really funny is that just as Amelia is you to a T, and the name is a derivative of your real name, or vice versa... DUN DUN DUN! Joan is me to a T ('specially that "damn you fine", ha ha!) and the name is a derivative of Juana, or vice versa. OOOOOO!!! Spoookyyyyyy!
from lulutrix :
Oh. Oh, Lola. What a beautiful, amazing story you've written today. I am in awe of you. xo
from emmalola :

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