messages to evelena72:
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from mugwhump :
Just a quick note to wish you well this holiday season. All the best for 2008. I miss reading you, I do hope you are well, and staying out of trouble. :-)
from mugwhump :
Even given the circumstances around you at this time, I hope that you will have a most excellent birthday. Make sure to treat yourself extra special. For me - 34 was fine and 35 was painful. Now I'm approaching 45 and I'm already getting stressed .... lol .... :-)
from mugwhump :
Oh my dear Evelena, my condolences on your loss. My mom just passed away on August 31st, so I completely understand what you're feeling right now. Huge Hugs - LJ
from mugwhump :
I'll take the vintage camaro. It's sporty and old - just like me :-)
from mugwhump :
I would have absolutely NO idea what to cook that would be cultural for me ... but your choices sound delicious!
from mugwhump :
YAY YOU!!!!!!!! Nice to see you update.
from mugwhump :
Does that gum really work? I was told it tastes not so good. Bravo to you for trying to quit. Not an easy task. You are a fighter - you will beat this one!
from mugwhump :
It sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of Hurricane's. So ... what's the draw to leaving in a hurricane proven area? And - is what you said good or bad? ++++ however, that said - I live in an earthquake zone, and you don't see me moving. But then again - we don't have earthquake season's.
from mugwhump :
You'll look divine!
from mugwhump :
That bouquet is F.BU.LUSS!!! I'm jealous. We only have two "Profession Administratives" in our office, and neither one of us was remembered. :-( . Enjoy your flowers girl - you earned them. :-)
from mugwhump :
The most important thing is - did you have fun??? :-)
from mugwhump :
Very cool. I hope this is a good adventure (they guy) for you. :-)
from mugwhump :
You Rock! You'll (and the rest of the crew) will do awesome!!
from mugwhump :
Break a leg, and while you at it - have a most excellent time this week leading into Friday. I wish I could be there to see it.
from baoshi :
Amen to that!! I'm a veggie and have been for 12 years, and I can't think of anything more horrendous than wearing animals! It's sick and wrong and inhumane, *hugs* gem xx
from mugwhump :
Consider this some good vibes being sent your way. Don't lose sight of your dreams - you are more than capable of attaining them.
from mugwhump :
Thank you for your encouraging note. I truly appreciated it. :-)
from amfts :
Congrats on your recent success!!!! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo
from mugwhump :
You've had a rough week, but I'm sure that all around - next week will be better. And I know this sounds cliche (but I'll say it anyway) The "perfect guy for you" is out there, and given half a chance - he will surface, and you'll know it.
from mugwhump :
I came out as Super Man. Now I'm depressed. Wonder Woman looks so much better in tights.
from baoshi :
Hahahaha! Yours were good :D *hugs* gem xx
from normaltoilet :
hehe, ketchup chips... ketchup flavored potato chips. big in canada and oh so yummy!
from mugwhump :
I like to knew look. Lovely deep red and roses. :-) Happy 2006 to you!
from baoshi :
Ooooh!! Sounds like a crazy night was had : ) *hugs* gem xx
from normaltoilet :
hope you feel better soon! NT
from baoshi :
I LOOVE that chair!! I wish I had an apartment to furnish so gorgeously : ) And thanks so much for the comment you left me, it was really sweet, *hugs* ♥ gem xx PS When I tried to leave a comment it said that you didn't have your comments feature turned on??? Thought you should know
from normaltoilet :
Glad you're back! i got you back on my list :) NT
from diablogem :
It is quite relaxing, and after a while it suddenly becomes 3-d - what a cool find! *hugs* gem xx
from normaltoilet :
OK, so I've been going back and reading your older entries... many similarities between us i think... but the thing that really struck me, was about your funeral monologue. I used to always say that you knew who your true friends were by who showed up at your funeral. Somehow people took this as morbid or ofensive, but to me it is like the final test, of who cares enough to be there. Anyway, just thought I'd share :) NT
from normaltoilet :
Yay! thanks for playing! NT
from normaltoilet :
It's a hard lesson to learn huh, I keep having to learn it over and over. *Hugs* NT
from diablogem :
What a gorgeous little girl! You must be thrilled that they're expecting again, congrats to them *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
Ooooh, I wondered what the new Willy Wonka would be like - the boyfriend and I were thinking that they shouldn't have messed with the original, but a couple of my frends think it looks great. Still think I'll have to see it though, even though I'm pretty sure I'll still prefer the magic of the old one *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
I used to work in insurance in England - everything here just collapses if there's a sneeze's worth of snow, so whatever experience I have here, I'm sure that you have to deal with about a billion times more than we EVER had to deal with! Hope the season goes well : ) *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
That was the CUTEST picture EVER!! Thanks hon, *hugs* gem xx PS. Hope the move goes well, and I hop you find a good home for your dogs : )
from diablogem :
Oh my god! He sounds incredible!! How exciting - I love a good romance : ) - keep us posted *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
So glad that your new job is going so well, gem xx
from diablogem :
Congrats on your job offer!! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
I really liked the poems, especially the second - I dabbled in it a few years back, but I was RUBBISH, just truly awful! *hugs* gem xx
from diablogem :
hello! Was just checking out some new diaries, and I think that yours is wicked - hope you don't mind, but I'm adding yours to my favourites, gem xx
from sabathine :

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