messages to ferg:
(click here to add new message):

from missmaygone :
Are you still in Iowa City? You should call me so we can hang out (Though I doubt this will happen, it makes me feel better to leave you this note...)
from mroutt :
Where were you?
from lordyuric :
dude, i don't have internet on my 'puter. i'll call you sometime soon.
from wpjtmf :
Chad, use the force.
from expertloser :
You know, Its comments like that that make you an asshole sometimes. Its good to know that even when people drop things like studying for finals to hang out with you on your birthday that you manage to still have a crappy time. Its good to know that when your friends drive a really long distance to see you on your birthday because your upset that they said they didnt think they could make it, that your still ungrateful. Its good to know that even though your lonely all the time, it takes a miracle most of the time for you to answer your phone or call back within a week or so if ever. Its good to know that no matter where you go and live, your never happy no matter who's around. Its good to know that friends of yours are actually worried about you and wish that you would find something to be happy about and God forbid stick with it. Its good to know that even though I'm writing these terrible things to you that for the most part the rest of us agree with, I still can call you probably one of the best friends I've ever had. So damnit, be happy with what you do have which happens to be probably more then you realize.
from lrowley :
I emailed you @ teeboi5.
from lrowley :
Whaaaaaaaat? I'm gunna call you cuz wez gotta talk.
from a2vakker :
Chad, you need to come see me or I will come kidnap you. Thats a promise.
from lordyuric :
man, no one forgot you. we still love you, you're just hard to get ahold of.
from lrowley :
My number is 233-5698. I'd really like to go to Iowa City over spring break but I don't have a ride so far. If you're planning on coming up here, definately call me and maybe I can go back with you. My cousin lives down there too. I'd like to see her also over break.
from lrowley :
I was just in IOwa City yesterday. I'm going to start going down there more often. I miss you too.
from lrowley :
Hey bub. How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. I received my exceptance letter from Iowa today. You should stick around Iowa City so we can all see eachother more often. Anyways, Good Luck with finding a better job.
from fanaticfemme :
postal service rules.
from fanaticfemme :
ahh. i saw her too @ CF and she was fucken awesome. that is one gorgeous rockin woman. you weren't in CF were you?
from ozziebean :
hey honey. hope you had a good time at the christmas party - it was awesome seeing you again. if ya feel like it, give me a call or leave me a note with yer number (mine's 818.288.2545) so we can chill and stuff. moving on, the number for one and-e groomez (which, i believe 1) you wanted and 2) i forgot to get to you) is 277.2023 - and is his home number. hope that helps. mwahhhh
from missmaygone :
Chad...will you be my friend again?
from a2vakker :
Hey chad, I miss you, you need to come visit me! Do you still work at sears?lol, call me-319-240-1296!
from expertloser :
hey, my number is 234-2090. Ask for me
from mroutt :
All day at work I thought about this note you are about to read. I sang songs in my head and put together my choices, so now it is your turn. ONly one answer per question and please give song title and and band name. Reply in my notes, or on your diary. 1 Favorite song ever: 2 Favorite Love Song: 3 Favorite Angry song: 4 Favorite song to make love to: 5 Favorite Happy Song: 6 Favorite Sad Song: 7 Favorite Song That Fits You Personally: 8 Favorite Kiss Song (Tony is the only one able to use Rock and roll all night, so you better thing of another song): 9 Favorite Aerosmith Song: 10 Favorite Band: 11 Favorite Music Style: 12 Favorite Boy Band Song: 13 Favorite Opening Song to a cd: 14 Favorite Closing Song to a cd: 15 Favorite Song to relax to:
from chullapa :
I haven't forgoten Leave me a note with a number I can get ahold of you at...and I will make arrangments to get you some money
from expertloser :
chad: 234-2090 ~adam
from a2vakker :
Chad, we come visit you and you are not home!! Its not fair, you better come see me!
from expertloser :
Chad, I miss you. If your ever in town give me a call. Also, send me your address so i can visit you sometime.
from fallen9angel :
chad please take my real name off your profile page
from gojirashei :
Hey Chad-- Justin and I are playing at the Vibe this Friday (the 18th) at 8 PM, so if you're free you should come check some of it out. Okay, that's all! I gotta go!!
from fanaticfemme :
yeah you are fucking sweet =)
from cheerio-star :
i'm forced to lock my diary - the password is truth
from expertloser :
happy birthday chad!!
from foambats :
PUNK! I wanted to come to the 2nd Annual Birthday Bash, Ive never missed one yet. But nooo, you have to have it on the same night as prom. PBBTHHH on you ;)
from fallen9angel :
It is only through destruction, that we can be resurrected.
from wpjtmf :
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, what the fuck are you talking about? You aren't old. Admit it, you just beat the crap out of your body. Just like the rest of us cool people.
from a2vakker :
Chad, I was so happy to get a message from you. I haven't talked to you in so long I thought you'd fallen off the planet. We need to hang. IM me next time you are on! ~Abbie~
from wpjtmf :
Hey sorry I didn't get back to you the other night, I was in bed. I have Tues. through Fri. off every week so if you want to chill those are the days. Wrock on.
from devosmock :
your cock, my mouth, lots of sucky sucky... w3rd d4wg
from ferg :
same as this :) veggie tales ruuuuuules
from foambats :
hey, whats your live journal name? Just wondering. Always remember your Veggietales!
from foambats :
hey, whats your live journal name? Just wondering. Always remember your Veggietales!
from lrowley :
About the IM thing; I've never used it. I could though;).
from fragile-hope :
hey thanks for the note, it made me smile. take care. xo
from ferg :
haha, awww. I Know, I just think its interesting :)
from smallgren :
shutup foo, we luv ya
from cheerio-star :
Happy Valentine's Day!
from lrowley :
<3I choo choo choose you<3. Lisa
from a2vakker :
Chad, you seem pretty damn kewl. If you ever need to talk, you are more than welcome to chat with me. I think we have a lot in common. ~Abbie~
from smallgren :
I don't think you're silly, and maybe Chadling isn't such a good term to use. You is good man. Me likey yo butt. Seriously though, you gotta grow some self-esteem man! If I can do it, I Know you can, too. Just take a big step back and look at things, everything, really, really fucking hard. I'm positive you will see that you work well in the scheme of things, and some shit would be worse, somehow, without you.
from missmaygone :
You should leave Iowa unless you have a good reason to stay. If nothing special is happening for you, then you should leave. I'm not trying to get rid of you but I want you to be happy. :)
from smallgren :
*beep* Greetings from #28. How are you to day? muaha, thanks man. Remember that time I hit you in the teeth with the chair at Perkins? See, I always knew Perkins sucked. Sorry about that, again. I think the same exact thing is going to happen to you. I think there's a lot of attributes you have you could really run with if you would take the time to develop and hone them. You're the talented Chadling, I think, anyway. :) take care my friend, and bee happee
from gotmedown :
you are blessed. {{bless}}{{bless}}
from gotmedown :
i've got a rilo kiley ring, you wanna join it? i'd be happy. hop.
from ugogrrl :
So chad, you seem to think I am Mike? Whatever.
from ferg :
Sorry guys, diary will be passworded for a while....I need to weed out the idiots. And I just feel like having it be shut off for a while. My livejournal is still open though..
from cheerio-star :
CHAD!!! Is it just me or why is there a password required?!?!? :)
from cheerio-star :
i luv you chad
from doedogg :
yo this is spoon... I GOT your ass....
from wpjtmf :
Sorry dude, been a bit out of it as of late. 961-0765 is the numero, see your mega-British ass soon.
from cheerio-star :
Chad Chad Chad. . . I know how it feels to loose everyone, and I know you haven't. You should call me and I'll make you smile. . . somehow (evil giggle) :):):) Keaghan
from koonass :
Chad, I really wish you would read into anarchy a little better before you decide you hate it so vehimently. People once wrote treatises as strong willed as yours about why democracy can't work, or why the sun must revolve around the Earth. You must separate what you know for sure from what you've been taught by a self-promoting capitalist culure (one that fails its people in many instances, I might add). Non-authoritarian societies do exist, they have existed as long as humans have, and they are as plausible as the idea that humans can think for themselves. Even those who would choose bad things for others are still people that consider the consequences of their actions. Laws often rob us of the true consequences of our actions. OUr actions that we choose for ourselves are those that have no legal implication. We do not choose only bad things for ourselves and others where we have no legal restraint from doing so. I agree with you that protests are bullshit, but I think you fail to see that many self-described anarchists (which is a label I now choose not to brand myself with) seek a completely peaceful path. They recognize that those who stand in the way of their idea are people, and where people stand reason sets fires great than any bullect could ever hope to.
from wpjtmf :
Chad I just want you to know that other people, like myself, suffer from the same chick disease. It's like we missed the fucking day of school when they explained how flirting works. That's how I always express it anyway.
from que-suerte : still seems weird to me that we haven't really "talked" for more than 6 months...or maybe i just need to face facts and let go?
from lordyuricsux :
Lord Yuric claims my work as his. Do not listen to this. That and many more lies from Lord Yuric can be found on my diary.
from wpjtmf :
Your bruise, it is big. Almost as big as Smallz's cock.
from que-suerte :
its now [email protected]. sorry.
from wpjtmf :
You are a Chad.
from que-suerte :
its been too long since i've said hello.
from que-suerte :
here, have a cinnamon pop tart.
from que-suerte :
hydrogen and oxygen.
from que-suerte :
ice cubes are made from water.
from que-suerte :
hey look chadwick! another note!
from peggasaurus :
"ignorance is bliss"... that theory doesn't really work with cops. found that out the hard way (j/k).
from savesyourmom :
hey look a note.

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