messages to film-grrl:
(click here to add new message):

from sick--boy :
hi you. :) gimme your email and i'll be more than happy to make things happen. good to hear from you, ash. <3
from aidan-cage :
Miss you. Found your page randomly. Had forgotten the name. Found it. Miss you. Drinks through December? New Years?
from sick--boy :
Hey, film-grrl. It's me, orgasmicstud. ;-)
from aidan-cage :
Jamie? I figured it was her, but I don't know. I would rather be in TO right now. I could wash dishes there and have friends to crash with too... If I were a surfer, I would have mroe reason, but I am just being pushed by the same waves that carried me across the country. I have accommodations for a month, but I am thinkng of coming back earlier than I was planning... we will have to see things from the end of this month. PEACE
from aidan-cage :
I had to get a new guestbook, because mine was not working. Yours doesn't seem to work too...I guess I can always just leave notes here. I updated my archives page using your code from my index. I want your 'ok' for it, so let me know what you think. I like how it ties the two together more. PEACE - Tristan
from sonja-kari :
mmm you write deliriously well. I'm so much like you. I'm Canadian too but I live in Manhattan now... or I wish I found your journal sooner.
from sick--boy :
Hey, film-grrl. I just wanted to drop by and say hello, see how you're doing, all that jazz... & btw, there's 2 dashes (--) between sick and boy... So you might wanna fix that on your fave diary list... (sick--boy)... heh. Hope you're OK. Still reading, all these yrs later.. =)
from evelena72 :
Hey girl...add this to your diary as an entry... BTW, your diary kicks ass! I love reading it!
from black-bunny :
"Chachi needs a jello style bootfucking so violent it would be heard all across the great nation of Canada." Oh my gawd, I love you. Seriously, funniest thing I've read all night...
from hollow-eyes :
I am assuming you have never suffered with anorexia for otherwise you would understand my mere statements. Sure we don't like to eat and it is abnormal, but why must we be treated differently because of it. We can't help it and we can't help ourselves. All we need is people to stop labelling, condemning and arguing with us and our points for up until we are treated like everyone else we will never be happy and never wish to rid ourselves of our problem cause this is the only fucking control we have.
from alternamnky :
i'm guessing you've already tried loging in. so i'm think you should try again at a weird time of day. maybe it was just an over flow of anglefire users...if that still doesnt work i'm afraid you might have to open a new account and start again. i'm not really sure what to tell you. if you can hunt down the code to the webshell page of it's self then you can get right to the this making any sence to you at all?? heehee...i'll look at it on monday and see what i can do for you! later days
from alternamnky :
i found a layout you might like. i dont know if you would want it..but i'd like you to note that i'm always thinking of you! lol..jk. later days
from alternamnky :
lol a helmet?..i would never run over you..besides i'd give you drives places. it'd be like driving ms.daisy...except your not old...and i'm not Morgan Freeman.
from usedglitter :
love you ...we like alot of the same stuff ,,,much love
from kingbastard :
Hello again. Remember me and amazing diary here at Diaryland? Remember when I used to post shit up here all time? And remember when yesterday you thought, "Where is that delightful KingBastard?" I'll tell you where he is... on his own goddamned web-site, ya filthy animal! Go and read my stuff. I broke the surly chains of Diaryland and am kicking the internets ass. Enjoy my shit!
from lolasavage :
You have fantastic taste, great interests, and a rather grand diary. Drop me a note.
from kingbastard :
There are no Indie film because I didnt see any this year. If I had, and if they were good, I would have included them in the list. I like good movies, wheater idie or big-budget. The goodness doesnt come from the money involved. Rushmore didnt cost 40 million to make but it was still amazing. Same with Trainspotting to name a few. I like films so much, i dont go to the movies often because I can't handle all the shit thats out there. Anyway, if I'm not careful, this note will be as long as an entry. Keep reading my shit. See ya.
from kingbastard :
Read my shit. I guarantee you'll like it.
from fleur-harry :
hello! i'll add your diary to my favorites! hope we can be great friends! hope you can mail me on the address in my name: fleur-harry thanks! joie
from orgasmicstud :
Hey there, Ash. Thanks for leaving me the kindly of advice to beat the living fuck out of my loser "best" friend. You're like my daily crack fix - I read you all the time. You seem real cool. Maybe we should chat sometime. Take care =) --Pale0range3
from plastic8tree :
taste lady you have it.
from shane123 :
I miss you. [email protected]
from stopbreathin :
swerve on.
from gnarlydude :
hey check your email. i wrote you about your diary entry today!

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