messages to forrestino:
(click here to add new message):

from hinkadaloboo :
you think hes sleep-ing... "could be" i meen he does sleep right "well yeah, hes no robot" ........................................ .................. .. . ............ .. well may-bee he left town "that is a poss-a-bill-a-tee" .......................................... ................................ .. ....... .........................................................................................where is he
from hinkadaloboo :
you got to like p.b.r that shit is water that gets you drunk and my god can i drink a-lot of those .......and that is good 4 you see you can make a gi-nor-mous beer peir-a-mid.oh yeah
from gallyshome :
Oh, awesome! Glad to hear Dan Rather appears again! <3
from hinkadaloboo :
sorry a-bout that freak pow-where of a note,i sa-pose i should have men-chin-ind that i have spell-row-sis.... yeah, it sucks but what can a man do
from gallyshome :
Dang, I'm not going to be able to get that image until it decides to show up again so I can download it and upload it to another server. So, I'm going to have to wait until it shows up. The 1ASPHost that I have it uploaded to right now is terrible and unreliable. It used to be really good but lately it's gotten bad. So, I'll get back to you later.
from gallyshome :
I'm going to put Dan on a new server, okay? LOL. I'm going to leave another note in a few minutes w/ instructions on what to do.
from calico-jack :
well forrestino, you are too kind i am sure. but thank you muchly. and you are exceedingly comedic... i mean literally LMFAO!! so again, my gratitude is directed at you! good times! drink up!
from gallyshome :
That is some weird shiite. Ask him who he is!
from gallyshome :
Yeah, phew. I don't know what to say besides, MAN I was a bored kid last night.
from hinkadaloboo :
golly-g forrestino you have the best diary i have read "well be-sides mine" I KID...anywho the story is that i was have-in fun with that search thing-e and i found you.FLCL super cool chee!,and you should make a st-at-chew of tom and my god yes dead alive the mom at the end... man if i could own-lee spell grew-some right
from gallyshome :
It's alright, when I get back from Gulf Shores I'll fo' sho' do it, homie. Hahah, we're going to be packing and getting crap together today because we're staying for a week but when I get back and unpacked I'll be more than happy to get that stuff up and running for you. :)
from gallyshome :
WHAT! Are you serious?!! I'm coming to Portland! Oh, what I would GIIIVVE to see Chris Carraba in concert.
from gallyshome :
YES! Oregon Trail is the shiz! I always DIE though and it SUCKS!!!
from gallyshome :
Dance Dance Revolution..I was completely owned by that game when I played it in the mall. My mom was like, "LET'S GO!!!"
from gallyshome :
When I find a DDR layout, I'll be permanently fixed to that layout. I'm not even joking. LOL.
from gallyshome :
Yes, I realize we're floating in space. LOL...Flaming Lips is the friggin shizzle bo dizzle. haha.
from gallyshome :
Hey Modest Mouse kicks the biggest ass!!!
from gallyshome :
Yeah, I went on a friend frenzy. Hahah!
from gallyshome :
Sucks about the work situation. Keep your chin up though!
from gallyshome :
I know, I'm like OCD or something. lol.
from pirategirl :
Good point. I know, however, if I'm feeling drunk and suicidal, I know there's a hotel in Portland that has a low death rate.
from pirategirl :
Drunks are floppy, though. Like rag dolls. That's why they survive drunk driving accidents you know. That and the black magic that's in booze.
from gallyshome :
LOL, Love the pick-up line thing at the top of your diary!
from gallyshome :
That's what it is for me. I suppose it's an emotionally helping way of releasing negative feelings. And it helps; it really does.
from gallyshome :
THANKS! :):):)
from gallyshome :
How the hell have you been!?!! I read that entry you told me to by the way!! It was very interesting..HAHA! I haven't been checking my notes because Diaryland just DECIDED to stop sending me notifications so I've had no idea. I just decided to check my notes just now and I had about six unread from you! Anyway, I like that short story that you put in your diary! It was good!
from pirategirl :
I'm such an asshole. Why aren't you in my favorites? Jerk pirate of the stupid seas. I'd offer one of my beers as a gift of apology, but I'm going to drink it. I'm sure you understand.
from gallyshome :
:) Yeah...Everyone needs their helping of Comedy Central for each day.
from gallyshome :
Awww! I'm sorry hear about your 13 hour shifts!!
from gallyshome :
Yeah, they gave me some. The surgery was probably the most painful thing I think I've ever been through. It was on my butt...LOL. But I'm fine now I suppose. My butt hurts a tad.
from gallyshome : hurts. But I suppose I'll live. Haha.
from gallyshome :
Yep that's an axe!!! lol...Everybody loved it.
from gallyshome :
Seriously?? Sweet!! I'm going to see it Friday!!! LOL!
from gallyshome :
Ahh..I haven't seen the original but I want to! And guess what, I didn't get to see Dawn of the Dead because the theater's policy was that an adult had to go into the theater with me because I'm not of age. Grrrr. And my mom didn't want to see it so I ended up seeing Secret Window a second time. Which wasn't that big of a deal because it's a good movie!!
from gallyshome :
Alright, thanks for telling me, I'm gonna try to fix that stupid's not very smart. ahah.
from gallyshome :
No....I'm sorry!! I just dig my milk, yo. LOL
from gallyshome :
Yay! I'm glad you like the new layout! Anyway, the Herbaliser is this dude that makes like hip hop instrumentals. They're really good!! You should download some, dawg! LOL..
from gallyshome :
Ehh..I think it's red. That's the color I like most. I dunno; my dad's getting it so it depends. I don't really care what color it is though..haha.
from gallyshome :
Ahh it's a Squier Strat Affinity. Are they any good?
from gallyshome :
Awww!! I hope you get your job!!
from gallyshome :
Yay! I'm glad you understood it. You kinda have to know Shanna to really understand it but just by reading it I suppose you can get an idea. LOL...Now I just hope she doesn't get on and find it..Eee!
from gallyshome :
Haha..some people call her Bondsy. She's got all sorts of names...haha..."Satan's Little Helper" is her favorite. Her class is quite interesting to me. But, anyway, ORBIT KICKS ASS!!
from gallyshome :
Alrighty, I've added you.
from gallyshome :
haha you crack me, hotmail can be a bitch sometimes...i know what you mean...:D
from gallyshome :
LOL! Yes, I was asking what your LJ name was. heehee...If you don't have one, then I could mail every entry to you because the livejournal is friends only (LiveJournal user friends). But I would be happy to email every entry to you so I could let you in on the action?? the way, It's all my sappy emo crap. LOL.
from forrestino :
Soooooooooo....Were you asking me what my live journal name is? Or am I a complete idiot? I don't know. I would love to check out you live journal if you don't mind. But if you don't want me to, I completely respect that. Just let a drunken homeboy know, sistah!
from gallyshome :
I really wouldn't mind, but if you don't want me to, I won't. By the way, your friend Yojimbo sounds pretty cool!
from gallyshome :
yeah, my LJ is going to have all my little thoughts that i have here and there...i don't do that with my frontpage! i'm pretty knowledgeable of it but i can't guarantee
from twobdesign :
lol....Here's a bit of help. Click on "Change your template" and click on any of the first two links..(either the one that changes the index.html or the older.html..doesn't matter) and when the page appears scroll down and look at the stuff below the box with html in it. They've got a lot of little codes that help out. Check it out! :)
from gallyshome :
I think it's because I didn't add a code in for the html of the extra boxes, so when you enter information in, it doesn't know where to place them because there's no code in there for it. Like if I don't add a %%date%% tag in, and you type in the date when you go to add an entry, the date won't show up because the html won't know where to place due to the absence of the %%date%% Get all that?
from gallyshome :
Field'a Whatta? Sorry..I'm not *smacks forehead*
from gallyshome :
"Holy Fucking A Batman!" LOL!
from gallyshome :
Oh crap!!! Sorry about that! Thanks for correcting feel like an idiot. But I'm happy you got the layout going, it looks good!
from gallyshome :
Oh crap!!! Sorry about that! Thanks for correcting feel like an idiot. But I'm happy you got the layout going, it looks good!
from gallyshome :
Haha, I'm finished with the layout!! Here's the instructions: 1. Click "Change your template" on the left. 2. Click "Click here to change how each of your entry pages look." 3. Enter in this code: <html> <head> <title>your title here</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#807f80"> <center> <font face="Verdana"><BR> <H1></H1> <img src=""><br> <B><a href="%%prev%%"><<<</a> or <a href="%%next%%">>>></a><BR></B> <b>%%short_description%%</b> <marquee behavior=scroll direction="right">I'll drink to that.</marquee><BR> &&date&& - %%time%%<BR> %%entry%%<BR> <a href="">Host</a> || <a href="">Newest</a> || <a href="%%prev%%">Older</a> || <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact Me</a> </body> </html> 4. Click "change". 5. Click on the right "change your template" again. 6. Click "click here to change how your older.html archive page looks. 7. Enter the code again. Click "change"! 8. Go look around, any problems just tell me!
from gallyshome :
Sorry the Dan Rather site has taken so long...I've been freaking busy lately. *siiigh* You probably know how that is...At least I hope you do because I feel bad for not getting anything computer-related done lately. But I PROMISE I will start on your Dan Rather site either tonight or on Saturday when I get back from a friend's.
from gallyshome :
Check this link out and tell me if anything shows up----> And by the way, I'm in the process of working on your site!
from gallyshome :
Yes, I believe that picture is the ticket, thank you for showing me that.
from gallyshome :
Gees, do you know how hard it is to find a large picture of Dan Rather sitting at his desk. You'd think SOMEONE would have one. Oh well, I'll keep looking. Wish me luck! <3<3<3
from gallyshome :
LOL, I see where you're going with the layout drawing. That's totally doable! :)
from twobdesign :
Hey, this is Helen. I just got the messages. I finally learned that I blocked Diaryland from telling me I had new Sure! I'd be glad to help you along your journey to a new layout! What do ya have in mind?
from gallyshome :
That Zelda shirt you were talking about; I was about to buy that at Hot Topic..heeehee! :D:D:D
from gallyshome :
I hope your Christmas went well!!! YES I THINK I KNOW THE VIDEO YOU'RE SPEAKING OF!!!
from gallyshome :
Sorry about the delayed replies!!! My computer was not wanting to give me an internet connection for two days, but now I have one..thank Allah. Merry Christmas to you too!!
from pirategirl :
Merry Christmas to you too, mate.
from pirategirl :
Thanks for adding me. I think it's love at first drink. XO
from gallyshome :
Shit! In my last message where I put "about", I meant "above". lol.
from gallyshome :
Yep...That's easy and I'll be glad to help. Sorry this is slow getting to you. Okay, you know were you put in your little scrolling thing that says "I'll drink to that."? That's kind of in the area where I'm assuming you want the title of your entries to show up. So here it is. Right about your scrolling marquee, put in this code: <BR> <CENTER> <B>%%short_description%%</B></center> <BR> See, the "%%short_description" thing is the code that basically tells the site that the title of the entry goes right there. Have fun! Any questions, just leave a note.
from gallyshome :
Ahhh I will :)...Name is Alan Forrestino, right?
from gallyshome :
lol...A lunch detention is where you miss lunch and eat in your solitary space that you're provided. Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me. lol....I'll have to ask her about you. Even after that little escapade (er escipade..ahh! however you spell it)
from gallyshome :
ahh..I dunno. I'll tweak with it this afternoon. that's the exact url... I've gotta go get ready to go to hell (otherwise, commonly known as *school*)..:)
from gallyshome :
Yeah...the site wasn't working for awhile...a bit of code was screwed up but I fixed it later that night. It should be working now! :)
from gallyshome :
Here's the HTML for the 'message ticker' *laughs*: <marquee behavior=scroll direction="left">Your message here</marquee>
from gallyshome :
ha..I'm always typing in stuff like that on Yahoo. Just too see what will come up. :)
from gallyshome :
lol..It was in mine earlier!! LOL...Yeah I'll get you the HTML for the 'message ticker' as you called it :P
from gallyshome :
haha!! Yeah I don't think she saw the humor in the mispronounciation.
from gallyshome :
She's actually a pretty cool person. She's not dry at all; she makes class interesting. That's what I like about her.
from gallyshome :
Really?! She's my teacher now. Hmm..I'm just trying to think if we're thinking about the same person. She's 35 now (she told and has really short hair, kind of on the chubby side. Thanks for the compliment on the layout :)...I love the White Stripes..they hip to da groove!! lol..
from gallyshome :
I'll check your M.O.A.Q. out. :) And, NO! I've played too much Mario Kart 64 in my day for someone to beat me!!'s like my soul game...:D
from gallyshome :
I believe it's called Chobbits. I get it in a wittle while so I'm reawwwy happy!!!!! :)
from gallyshome :
Yes, I probably will say that. :)
from forrestino :
Bow down to the All-Mighty Forrestino!!! For I have obtained the coveted MS2000!! Bwa, ha, ha, ha...
from gallyshome :
Ahh. The ROM extravaganza is going quite well. I'm just uploading files for the time being. Then I shall start to get the site organized to be shown for all the little net-babies out there. lol...
from gallyshome :
Oh gees. You know there are. Let us see. We've got the rednecks who play the same rap song in their vehicle every day after school. We've got the punk rock rednecks. They are all into the Simple Plan/Good Charlotte/Blink 182 scene, and some others that are in the process of forming but I just haven't noticed it yet. So basically all in all, yes, the rednecks do outnumber us. The sane people.
from gallyshome :
It's funny that you ask. Yes, the Pigg is still teaching..which makes me laugh. I have Birdsong..I don't know if he was presently teaching when you attended but I don't really like him as a teacher, bless his heart. What you've told of Mr. Pigg is quite similar to what others have told me about him. They've told me he's so dry but yet, he makes it funny in the process. I'd personally love to have him to see for myself.
from gallyshome :
Oh boy. ROMs. I cannot express my love for these things.
from gallyshome :
Sorry I'm so late to getting to you. The internet wasn't wanting to tote me around last But speaking of Calloway High, Mr. Dill is still here. Amazingly :). The high school is being revamped right now also. So if you were to come back, I think they only thing you'd partially recognize is the gymnasium...haha.
from gallyshome :
Ahh...Murray? The same shit town it always was and ever will be. *sigh* I don't exactly attend the university..I'm still in crappy high school. But all in's still a crap town. lol...Soo..How are you and what might your name be?

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