messages to glasslipper:
(click here to add new message):

from moodymess :
I just want you to know that I love you. You're one of my best friends, Esther, and you're an incredible one at that. I miss you a lot and think about you a lot. I can't WAIT to see you when you get home!!! <3 your Shamma
from moodymess :
Um....password please?!
from moodymess :
Just promise me something; as you go on a quest to find your true self (religion-wise) take NO advice! You'll regret it forever if you feel like you're doing something because someone else told you. Have it be completely personal. Tell other people to shut up, basically. ;) Merry Christmas, my love, I will talk to you sometime soon.
from moodymess :
Excuse me? Privatized diary that I am unaware of? WHAT THE FREAKING HELL, ESTHER!? ;) Only FOUR more days until HP!! Call me during Thanksgiving and we'll go have a fun time yelling at the movie screen because of the hotness. Love you, miss you. Send me the freaking link.
from moodymess :
I love my Esther more than she knows, She makes me happy just like rainbows. I don't know what I would do without her smile, Dammit, I haven't seen her in quite a while. She's amazing and smart and beautiful, too, Oh my dear Esther, do you have any freaking idea just how much I love you? ...Don't be sad. I'm here. ;)
from moodymess :
you disappeared from Facebook...where are you?!
from moodymess :
i'll take a pic of the shirt (me in it possibly? oooooohhh) and put it up on my community webshots (link is on facebook.) i'm just really lazy so it might take me a while. =)
from moodymess :
pword, please? madam?
from moodymess :
Omg, I'm digging the new template so much. My favorite is the one at the top; you look like my sister when she gets all angry and "growls" at me (yes, growls.) I miss you Esther, just thought you should know that.
from badmj :
I really like your diary!
from missdahling :
Hello...just browsing diaries and came across yours...wanted to say hi
from ladybadbug :
hi waz lookin @ diaryz and lukily i looked @ urs. it is really good seriously!
from eveliee :
i forgot the pw so i couldn't read. sorry about not being able to keep up hon. feel better!
from sillieshamma :
I love you. *wink*wink*
from loveparadox :
Well, I stumbled across your diary today Esther. I don't look at these things anymore. Anyways, the first thing I saw at the top of yours was the bottle of Pantene Pro-V. That brought a much needed smile to my face, for all the memories that it brings back. I hope all is well with you. ~Kristen
from lilieno02 :
esther, you are adorable. that simple.
from sillieshamma :
darlin, meredith's the one who locked her diary. i'm not going anywhere!
from jezimo :
ahh yes, i know how i feel, i get my hair done and then im like ahhhh and i dont know what to do, and i am like why the hell did i do that. im a random passer by, just thought id say hi.. wow that rhymed.. okay seriously i have too much time on my hands. rock on . later dayz
from calicocubed :
Thanks Esther! I'm still reading yours too. Don't worry about finals, just think how wonderful it will be when they are over.
from pastagirl :
Happy belated birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day!
from treewillow :
Happy Belated Birthday.
from cutie1083 :
Happy birthday!!!
from bluebonnet :
from damodred :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have an awesome day. :)
from seenuh :
happy birthday!
from glass-fairy :
Happy birthday and turkey day! :) ♥
from watty :
Happy birthday and Thanksgiving! I hope you have a great day celebrating and pigging out. Oops, that's my stomach speaking there. Best wishes to you always. =)
from dombilly :
Happy Birthday Esther!!
from mickey225 :
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!!
from elliorange :
♥ Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!
from twisted-mind :
Happy birthday! Hope your day is great!
from lilieno02 :
awww i'm sorry esther. i hope tomorrow is a better day for you. in fact, it is law. it will agains't the law for you to not have a good day tomorrow. you're going to wake up and feel glorious and refreshed, and run out to greet the day. OKAY? okay. night hun. Justin
from poetgrl224 :
psst Esther- nice commandments...
from geminisdream :
happy random note signing. tel
from soulfan24 :
Hey there! Found your site through the Labyrinth ring. Stop by and say hey anytime. You're more than welcome. ~Hannah
from lilieno02 :
wow, that story is good. seriously, i like it alot. it touches on some of the things that i think are most important to us as living, breathing, feeling entities. the battle between hope and depression, and how hope can be found in the most unlikely place. i really like it alot. Justin
from sealed :
esther~~ this is christina from church {not the senior~ the freshman!! ^^ the clarinet person. } i found yer xanga linked by some other church person.. i say diaryland is better than xanga... ^-^ {dude, the floating things on yer site are mad annoying! >_< ahh..}
from mrmalaprop :
Hey baby, I just realized that I haven't left you a note, and I think that it is a nice thing to do. So, I wanted to say goat martini, and if I ever went to Neverland, you'd be my happy thought Angel Princess.
from pryncessrice :
hehehehehehe *muah* i love you. and its ok that you jacked the html from me. b/c then you really changed and it and its not like that html is mine anyways. so. hm. i suppose this is more like an email eh? tata -with love RICE

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