messages to glorybox75:
(click here to add new message):

from dagger67 :
Hello. I was just starting up, and ran across your diary - I, too, have had some strange relationship situations. I also noticed we have some shared interests. Sorry to see you are moving to a new diary!
from no-yes-maybe :
Hey I hope things are alright with you, I just stumbled onto your diary...and I really liked it.
from geminigirlie :
Hey girlie.. I haven't been online in a while.. Thanks for your note.. So where you from all that good stuff.. maybe we can chat sometime.
from gay-n-out :
Ok. I will recode it as soon as I have a chance. Is there any extra links or anything you want me to put in? any special colors for links? any certain type of text decoration? like my links are underline-overline? Let me know email me at : [email protected]
from gay-n-out :
If you would like, I can recode the html so that all you have to do is copy and paste it in the template editors. or I could log in and install it of for you. its up to you.
from gay-n-out :
do you use aol instant messenger/aim? is so my screename is guyinterrupted79
from gay-n-out :
Hey its Richard. I just checked my notes. I am glad you like my diary. I change my layout constantly, So I am no longer using the "Mommie Dearest" Layout. I do have the HTML for it and the older page to go with it. If you would like to use it, let me know. I would be more than happy to give you the HTML. I can host the images too if you need. Richard
from mouser919 :
i'm breathing if it doesn't seem like it. paxil, eh? my sister's friend is on that. but ARGH it makes my mind so neutral so conformed i hate it!!! lol email me [email protected]
from mouser919 :
hey...what's bloggin? lol i have no idea who left that message, cuz it's wasn't me...haha how strange! i did leave you one though, and have more fun in really can be entertaining. have you tried staple-shooting matches??
from janelleleo :
Well I try to be dedicated, sometimes it's hard though. I guess people don't like her as much as I do but that's cool with me. Your gay to z entry is hilarious! I too love Popbitch.
from mouser919 :
i liked that gay to z thing. very funny, made me laugh in a good way :)

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