messages to goldenboy:
(click here to add new message):

from zania :
Of course I do! How ya been?
from zania :
Hope things are going well just wanted to drop you a note :)
from zania :
Hun believe at this moment we are going thru the same shit except my boyfriend is completely self-absorbed. He makes it very clear that am the last thing he thinks about since everything he is going thru is much more important. Its hell to give all that you can and not get even a little bit back. Anytime I can help I will even if we have never met. :) Just hang in there.
from zania :
hey! Dont give up on yourself hun. Those others in your who arent giving you the support you need are fools. If YOU know you are doing what you need to do dont let all that other stuff bring you down. I would call but the phone is off for now. I honestly know what you're going thru and wish I could be a better friend. Just hang in there
from ajem16 :
Hey Its April and I wish I could give you this in person but a note is the most I can do *hug* dont be so hard on yourself
from zania :
I hope this get better for you at work. But while you get things at work squatred away enjoy your wife and your babies :)
from zania :
Hey you! I hope things will get better for you and your wife. Maybe ya'll need to find a way to spend time together just you and her:)but dont worry you will figure out a way.
from wong-k :
thanks! i don't really like the word "emo" but i know what you're trying to say. i think once you reach a certain level of feeling or you've experienced a lot that has caused feelings to surface, you become in tune with them, & it's easy to portray/explain it because it's real & you understand it. although my diary may seem sad to most, it brings great happiness to me on the contrary. & it's not as bad it sounds; it's just how i feel at that certain point & time; analogies of how i feel, if you will. congrats on your baby girl!
from ajem16 :
Your baby is so cute I get a kick out of her loving some john mayer... this April by the way I'm just under an old diary name I used to have... hope you and the family are doing well
from missym :
hey, thanks for the comment! who knows how long that has been there. but i really appreciate it. Congrats on being a dad! isnt that the most amazing thing in the world. it is so good to hear from you. email me..... -Mel
from zania :
ok I now know you had the baby so congrats I'm so happy for you and still email me anyway!!
from zania :
hey how are you? Have you had the baby yet? Well not you specifically but your wife? I hope everything has been going well email me so I will know whats going on with you.... just in case you dont have the email its [email protected]
from damik :
The big problem with my diary is I never really to credit for the pain I cause you. We were both responsible for the demise of our relationship. I think we both learned a lot and are better for it despite the loss. I know you make a good husband and will be a wonderful father. <br> Danie<br> P.S. I don't know if Miah told you, I lost my phone and with it your number.
from zania :
wow! thats all I can say about that... I'm usre everything will turn out for the best inthe long run for you don't let the stress get to you too much
from techrat :
it was so nice to hear from you! i still keep up with your diary and everything...i just never have much to say. i have a new email address, though...don't remember if i ever gave it to you. [email protected] i'm not on messenger often at the moment, on account of having no internet at home, but i am on sometimes.
from zania :
MIKE!! I'm glad things are way better in Jackson Hole. We gotta fin a time to chat again so we can catch up.... ttyl
from lighthouse8 :
I'm so glad to hear things are going so good for you, it's about time!! Keep up the good work Mike *does the happy dance* woo hoo, Mikey is happy!! *hugs*
from damik :
Tried to send you an email to say hi, but didn't hear back from you, glad things are going well in your new job. Sorry I missed you when you were on messenger.
from lighthouse8 :
You sound so happy and I'm so happy for you! It's about time things start going your way. You are such a nice guy and you deserve this happiness. yay for Mikey! *hugs*
from zania :
Congrats on the new job!! *Hugs* I hope it's better in the other town then i that one
from lighthouse8 :
*hugs* feel better Mikey and less crabby! How was your trip? Congrats on the new job, I'm so happy for you!! What's going on with Taco...and why are there troubles already? *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
Hey Mikey - I hope you had a wonderful birthday and a great trip! Are you back home? I can't wait to hear all the details!! *hugs* birthday boy
from lighthouse8 :
I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation and have tons of fun! Be happy Mike you deserve it! Have a GREAT birthday with your family! *hugs* Thanks for the early birthday wishes too!
from techrat :
congratulations and stuff! i'm so glad you're happy. ^^
from lighthouse8 :
It made my heart happy to hear you say YOU were happy. It's about time you had some joy in your life. I'm very excited for you and I hope things work out. I would love to hear details of the big night/question. *hugs* Yay for you!!!
from missym :
Congrats on the you know what!! good luck with "the question" hope all is well in WY.
from lighthouse8 :
Your new friend sounds great and you sound so happy now. This is a good thing Mike - happiness is really a good thing! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
I've always wished for your happiness, and if it's martini that makes you happy - more power to you. I hope you are happy Mike you sure deserve it. *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
Is there a corporate office where you can lodge a complaint about what's happening in the store? If not and you do loose your job - YOU go to the department of labor and file a suit for hours worked but not paid. There are laws about worked hours even for salaried employees. Don't let them get away with fucking you like that, I'm serious. The best part about the DOL is that you don't have to get an attorney - the DOL will go after the company for you. *hugs* Hang in there sweetman.
from lighthouse8 :
Mike, the only advice I can give you is to follow your heart. Martini is not part of your heart if you are still questioning yourself and your feelings. Also, knowing how you feel about drug use � she is still using, that in itself is such a huge show of disrespect for your feelings and for you personally. That is so wrong. It is her choice, but if she chooses drugs over you and your feelings than she isn�t choosing you at all. I truly hope the New Year will bring you the happiness you�re looking for and that you make choices that makes you heart happy, you sure deserve some happiness Mike � you are such a sweet guy! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
I'm sorry to see you've locked your diary Mike, I miss reading you. If you wouldn't mind, could you please send me a password to get back in...if you're allowing anyone in that is. *hugs* I hope you're ok Mike.
from zania :
Well I'm happy you have Kris in your life hun. You need some one there for you apart from martini and well I have my fingers crossed for you. Hey I'm going ot have some time off in the middle of January so I iwll have to call you and see whats up ok
from lighthouse8 :
It's not low self esteem sweetman, it's because you're not happy. Low self esteem might play a part in it, but it truly stems from your unhappiness. You need to like who you are and what you are...and you need to believe that you deserve happiness and don't settle for anything less. That might mean you may be alone for a while, but in the end it will be worth it. *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
Awwww, sweetie, you're too hard on yourself! It's not you, it's just the way the world is...full of RUDE people! *hugs*
from zania :
You are way too hard on yourself hun......*hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
yay Mikey, I'm glad things are getting better at the store. People will warm up to you pretty soon, you're still the outsider that moved into their territory. You're too sweet to go through life alone, no worries Sweetie! *hugs* Have a beer for me tonight!
from zania :
Don't waste another mintue then hun.... find a way to break free of what you think is holding you down. Make sure you want to be free then do it becuz if your not you might be missin what's right in your face
from lighthouse8 :
Hi Mikey, glad to hear you're still alive. If you truly feel that you have to settle with what you have because "it's as good as it gets", then you truly need to start looking for someone who will share your life, dreams and love...someone who will make you the happiest man on the earth. Don't settle just because it's comfortable right now...don't ruin your life with the emotional rollercoaster life Martini seems to be dragging you on. It's your time to shine Mike, it's your time to be happy. *hugs*
from zania :
*hugs* don't give up hun just becuz your in a bad stint now does not mean love is done with just got to hang in there
from techrat :
hollywood may have skewed our perception of love, but that is not all there is. you deserve more and i wish you could be happy.
from lighthouse8 :
That is a great attitude! YOU will survive this and anything that comes along! Good for you! How are things with you and the little woman??
from lighthouse8 :
Hey Mikey...glad to see you're alive! Hope all is going well with you!! *hugs*
from zania :
WRITE ME!!! I need to know your new cell so we can chat=)
from missym :
Holy Crap... 5 years ago!! OMG.. how time flys. I hope that Wy is treating you well... =D
from lighthouse8 :
I must have a mental block where Wyoming is concerned....geez, I don't know why I keep talking about Utah when you're not there anymore. Forgive me? lol, I'm having a blonde moment!! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
I'm so happy that you and martini are getting along FINALLY! That sucks you don't like Utah...but the extra money is a good thing! Keep up with the ideas for the store, next thing you'll be the store manager! *hugs*
from zania :
LOL looks like Wyoming is just exactly how I thought it would be hehe Sorry I did not get to get back to you about the concert and unfortunately I missed him here in SA. I'm glad you and Martina are doing good though=) As for me nothing changed just working and sleeping I will write you a better letter later so check your email and tell your gf I said hi
from zania :
OMG thats soo cool heheh I'm sorry I missed your call the other day I promise to call you back when I can and I'm glad you got promoted!! Tell martina I said hi
from lighthouse8 :
Oh Mike, I'm so happy for you! Good for YOU! That is fantastic news!! I can't wait to hear more! *hugs* Good luck with the move!!
from lighthouse8 :
Hey Boy, how about an update so we know how you're doing!!! *hugs*
from missym :
just stopping in to say HI!!!
from lighthouse8 :
Good luck AND feel better soon! *hugs*
from techrat :
yeah, that's a shame about your intestines falling out...i hope the surgery goes well! have fun sitting on your ass. that is pretty much all i ever do.
from lighthouse8 :
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! *hugs*
from zania :
Sometimes hun you think too much *hugs* but I can see why you would have the thougts you have just hang in there
from lighthouse8 :
Sorry to hear that�s happening to you. The constant roller coaster of emotions is so unhealthy. It�s time for YOU to take care of YOU. When is it your turn to be happy?? *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
I know exactly what you mean. The fact that you acknowledge the unhappiness means you are NOT fucked up...just be patient, things will get brighter and some day your princess will come. *hugs* don't give up!
from lighthouse8 :
Thank YOU! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
You locked me out :-( Please let me come in again.
from lighthouse8 :
You are jealous with good reason, and you do deserve a perfect relationship which you will have when you find the perfect one. Don't give up on yourself, and don't settle. IF you think Martina is THE one, then talk to her and get your hurt out. If she can't handle it, then you'll know... *hugs*
from zania :
Hun you are not screwed up you just really need to find a way to talk out how you feel with your girl. thats the only way that some of this will be allevated
from zania :
*hugs* vent all you need too
from lighthouse8 :
This is the perfect place to vent, and I'm here to read every word you write! Vent away if it makes you feel better! *hugs* Hang in there, something good is bound to happen, right?!? AND we might even be on line at the same time one day this year! :-)
from lighthouse8 :
I know exactly how you feel and it is very normal to have those mixed feelings. When someone breaks a trust, it's the hardest thing to earn back. But honestly, if you did give her the opportunity to go out without you and she behaved, then all would be good. If she did what you fear, then isn't it better to know up front that there is no trust/faith in the relationship before many years go by and you find yourself a bitter old man? Just a thought. I hope work isn't too harsh on you New Year's Eve, and I hope you can make up some of that lost sleep soon! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
Merry Christmas Mike! *hugs*
from lighthouse8 :
I'm glad to hear your life is going well, and I hope you don't mind that I left you a few notes. :-) I'm glad you updated too, I've been worried about you.
from techrat :
oooh, an update! and you're doing well, even! this makes me happy. ^_^
from zania :
What the crap! *hugs* You are not the jerk and well you knew some of this would happen just let her go hun you need to go your own way
from lighthouse8 :
YOU are not a jerk. Just don�t let Martina fuck with your head anymore! {hugs}
from spoken4me :
hi this is jenny i think your hot !!!!!!
from spoken4me :
hi this is jenny i think your hot !!!!!!
from techrat :
awww. sorry to hear about the breakup. you deserve better! you're such a great guy.
from sexy-shortie :
hey i was trin to chat to you the other day...and u totally ignored me!!-ShOrTiE
from lighthouse8 :
Yikes! Sounds like you�re much better off without her anyway! Lies is NO way to start a relationship, even if it�s just friends.
from lighthouse8 :
Keep that positive attitude! She blew it, she screwed up, and she is the one that lost a real �prince�! :o)
from zania :
ouch!! but that was good hun
from lighthouse8 :
I like it! And your diary. Very real. Keep up the good writing!
from zania :
yes you are you just have to find the right motivation for yourself=)
from sexy-shortie :
hey u seem like a great guy...real deep.... alot of wat u have said in your real....umm...(i dont want to say deep again)....meaningful? how old r u....coz i did kno teenage guys could actually form their emotions into words...and explain how their feeling so well. well thats all for now.....ive probably freaked u out....-ShOrTiE
from zania :
cool by sept. 3rd we'll have now each other 3 yrs wow
from zania :
*more hugs* I like to hug alot hehe or so i have noticed by the notes i leave you hehe
from prevalent :
i have been liking green lately and you have some good greens here
from zania :
pobrecito hehe *hugs* I'm sure you won't be lonely for long hehe
from zania :
aww I feel soo loved hehe I will make it a point to call you this weekend as soon as I can
from zania :
*hugs* good to see you are doing alright hun. Take care of the shoulder
from zania :
LOL you better hadn't have forgotten about me *hugs* and hey put the splint back on silly it's supposed to help and I don't want ya hurting yourself
from zania :
hehe yes you so deserve but yeah Febuary would not be the best time to ride around on a bike in Utah *hugs*
from zania :
*hugs* you are right hun we have to get our heads out of our asses and move forward which I'm proud to say you seem to be doing hehe
from zania :
YAAAAAAAAAAY *hugs* I know everything will work out....just don't forget about lil ol me in TX ok :)
from techrat :
ooooh, punk. though there are those (like me) who believe blink 182 are more pop than punk. but it's all good. broadening one's musical horizons is always commendable.
from techrat :
why, thank you for the birthday wishes. and seeing as how you were in that "coma" and all, i spose i can look past the fact that it was late. but just this once. if it happens again next year, it's curtains for you, mister. no, not really. i just like using that phrase. curtains. heh.
from techrat :
hiya, mike! sorry i don't really leave notes that often...i'm just a regular neglectarino. and i SWEAR i will get on msn messenger and chat with you one of these days. i just...need to stop being so lazy.
from misspenylane :
Hey, I've been trying to figure out if you're mad at me or something. Did I say something the last tme we talked? I don't remember. I'm thinking maybe I did since you haven't returned my email or IMed me or anything. Well, I've been reading your diary and, well, you're great. I miss talking to you, email me [email protected], or AIM:BannanaBrie I hope you hear from you soon, Love Ya Babe - Brie
from zania :
I'm sorry hun you are feeling down....I know thats kind of an under statement but I am here for you I will be online or you can email me ok you can even call me if you still have my number *hugs*
from zania :
I hope things get better with the Heather girl
from zania :
There is nothing wrong with being a slut at least you getting'em some from it is my personal saying but I mean I can understand since ya'll were together it would not feel that way
from zania :
MIKE!! I'm so glad to see you back although I am sorry to here about what happened we need to chat soon I will try and be online tonight so we can
from misspenylane :
Hey! It's Brianna, remember me! From California! I've missed you so much, and you're old AIM is no longer. My new AIM:BannanaBrie IM ME!
from babycupcake :
hey handsome! Long time no talk. Both our faults I'm so sure! So when you gonna call a girl up and talk? HUH!? Don't worry...I'll forgive you if you've lost the number yet to you soon *hugs* love me
from zania :
*hugs* Poor thing you did have a shitty day.......hope it gets better take care of the ankle damnit =)
from zania :
MIKE MIKE MIKE!! *runs to email you*
from techrat :
mike! you updated! this is all so very exciting.
from zania :
MIKE!! You better email me I have not heard from you in forever=) I'm happy you got a new comp
from zania :
Hey you!! I hope your doing ok=)
from nine-stars :
Well hot damn look who finally updates! How the hell are you man? I've missed reading your crazy ass entries. You were very missed here.Well I'll be talking to you "Soooooon" (ghettofy that last part). ight'. peace. :)
from zania :
Don't you dare worry about writing me hun just do it when ever you can.................sorry I was not online I was at work=)
from zania :
MIKE!!! Write ME
from techrat :
hey-a new entry! how very exciting. and i'm sure you're plenty attractive. if i was in the area, i'd be sure to stop by. heh.
from zania :
hehe you are so cute you know that don't ya=) I miss ya hope you get another day off so we can chat it has been way too long
from jennnnnn :
I was a golden boy virgin til' ur 200th,..just happened to pop by, and enjoyed myself.
from jennnnnn :
hey - happy 200th entry.
from forgotten0ne :
hey handsome! long time no talk! Not as long as it had been, but too long thats for sure. Hope you're not working yourself too hard. Write me an email or something when you get the chance. Kay *hugs and kisses* love ya babe
from zania :
*hugs* Hey you I was going to call you but I remember you saying you were working alot so I did not know when you would be home and I hope to hear from you when you can write hun=)
from missym :
hey... what has been going on..... i have heard from you in a while... for some reason you chaged the password on the diary so i cant get in.. or i am a retard and cant get the one that you gave me to work.... how are things... good i hope... work.. hopefully it has not killed you... how are you and dannie.... ill drop a line to you soon.. in some way... remember keep smiling... =)
from texasimport :
okie... well the only reason I am leaving you a message is this, I clicked on my stats page, and then for some reason, your passowrd screen showed up.... wacky, huh? I have no idea why except that maybe dland is possessed... and that is a distinct possiblity.. anyhow.. I can't read cause it's locked, but you are welcome to.. lol.. take care.. mandylynn
from forgotten0ne :
hey sweetcheeks! u owe me an email and some love! and yes...i do know you read the locked diary of mine. why else would i give you your own special password?
from zania :
HIIIII!!! *hugs*
from missym :
hey, just dropping in to say HI
from lovelyleo :
Hey thanks for caring.
from zania :
from zania :
Thank you for the what you said in my GB I needed it=)
from shuck :
from elusivegurl :
oi boy ..unlock ur diary and stop being a sookiebum ;oP
from forgotten0ne :
hey honey bunny! i ain't talked to u in ages. maybe cuz i haven't been on aim. more then likely. oh well. u better be catching up on ur sleep mister!! *hugs* love ya. christina
from babycupcake :
hey hun!! We just keep missing each other don't we? damn fate! lol anyways what movie u watchin? i'm...sittin on my ass eating mint chocolate chip ice cream!! *licks lips* yum yum!! haha. Ah well, I guess I'll talk to u the next time we catch each other. make sure ur getting ur sleep and being a good boy! u know i'm bein a perfect angel over here!! *evil grin* love ya sweets
from petrichor :
Its locked. Help! [email protected]
from entity- :
Mate, the altered syntax wasn't just a gimmick. While there are multiple I's in entity, they don't get used.
from elusivegurl :
and btw..fries are from macdonalds..if you want chips as in fish and chips..u chips..hmm we are all strange huh?
from elusivegurl :
ruffels? wow havent seen them on the shelf in years..but yeah..i would have no hesitation putting them in the sure when i was a kid my bros and sis's and i used to stick them in icecream! ;oP
from bluestars :
Love is a pain and pain is love. I am sorry about you and your girl. I've been in the same boat so many times. An you would think, going through it so many times, you'll be numb to the pain, but you don't. Only advice I could give that worked for me was/is, take it slow. Take this time to get your life straight, think of what you need and don't need in your life. You are going to be in pain for a good while, but you will be ok. Don't give up, afterall, it's like on Forrest Gump, "Momma always said, life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know whatcha gonna get!". Heh, I wish you luck! Laters!-Ally
from zania :
hey hun I missed talking to you so I'm gonna write you=)
from blackcat14 :
potatoe chips in the fridge? well it's definently not a good thing :) but i'm hungry. i'm gonna go eat some right now.
from seegn :
Mike, I am very sorry things are not going well in your life. I feel like I am a friend who has let you down and if possible I would like to plan some time where we could do something together like racketball or basketball or whatever... Let me know if I can help you out with anything, I am ashamed that I have not been very receptive to what is going on in your life. Keep your chin up, I think you are a great person. --Jeff ( you know, the guy from Smith's)
from zania :
your welcome hun
from spencersmom :
It's not your job to rescue her...she needs to rescue herself :-)
from missym :
hey ;)
from lil-kender :
Hello Mike :) Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it, and thanks for taking the time to read my boring lil diary. My writings are still immature, and are basically about my baby brother who recently passed away... But you're taking jujitsu, and that is very cools :) I used to do Taekwondo, and some of my friends did kendo, but it didn't last very long. So I hope you'll stick to your martial art class way longer than us!
from lil-kender :
Hello. I usually shy away from people, but I think I ought to tell you that I enjoy reading your diary. And I hope things will turn out good for both you and Damik.
from missym :
if you are talking about an email you sent to my hotmail account... no i did not get it..... that was closed a while ago and i have not opened it up again.....
from missym :
what note.... ?
from bluestars :
You seem to be a very nice guy. Very down to earth with a little edge. I also like your diary. Feel free to stop by mine anytime you like. Laters! -Bluestars
from bluestars :
You seem to be a very nice guy. Very down to earth with a little edge. I also like your diary. Feel free to stop by mine anytime you like. Laters! -Bluestars
from zania :
you are soo cute
from lonlyinlove :
hey you..awww at your note ..ty..made me smile..and as for the bro sis thing..tsk tsk lol..u know if we were really bro and sis id be reallllly worried about you..but as we rnt then its cool ;) hope your doing
from bekind :
hey there!! keep writing, I will keep "listening"....;-)
from jmixtape :
Clicked on your banner,Pretty cool diary.Kind of like me but you have a girlfriend. James
from zania :
Hi you=)
from misspenylane :
I was also lead here by the banner. I just wanted to tell you that I admire your self-control and your openess. You seem like a really cool guy. There aren't many of them out're special I guess. Well, anyway, stick in there sweetie. If you ever need to talk to someone just IM me. K? k - Brie (AIM: Angelbrie6)
from elizbeth :
was lead to your diary by your phenomenally effective banner...i was actually hoping to find some Harlequin Romances!! no, really, i was, i thought they would be really relaxing and entertaining... imagine my surprise to find a boy who is obviously very confused and in love but hurting...i'm glad you can get it all out of your system through writing, because obviously there are worse ways you could be venting your frustrations. i wish i could be that candid in my diary...then again, who says i can't?... keep your chin up, everything will work out for you PS i live in Canada and we too only have two seasons: we get winter, winter, winter, and construction (i.e. summer...the only time they fix up our roads is during the summer... nevermind, its a canadian joke)
from chaotic-mind :
wait. what? you hvae TWO WHOLE SEASONS?? man, that's like...insane! in Hawai'i he only have one. it's spring all the damn time. making it very hard to adjust to mainland seasons. ;P good diary, btw. well written. whatever. Run AWAY! me
from missym :
from pinkrazor :
i could really beat up someone who said "i'm not hanging out with you ebcaise i have better people to hang with." that is just so... un-friendly and un-compassionate towards your feelings. i don't even know i feel anger towards the people who have said that to you. ugh ugh ugh. hopefully it WILL get better for you man..=)
from lonlyinlove :
aww thnx for wanting to protect me ;) the reason my man isnt here is because he lives in new zealand and im in australia :( ..but hes moving here in a couple of months..yayyy! cya lil bro tc..stalk me anytime btw
from orlisgrl :
i'd just like to say, that i admire your very openness in your diary...and if anyone says "omg, what the fuck are you writing?"-type of shit...ah, whatever...;) well, i hope you have lots of luck with danie, i've only read, a few of your entries; you sound like a wonderful person. and, i can't remember how i got to your page...ok, well, later! love, yeojin
from purplmittens :
love that banner! Hey it's an attention diary!
from kurtsslut :
dont be so hard on urself.its natural to be attracted to other people than the one u love.i should know with my ex i was thinking about other people all the time! dont worry and make the most of what u have with Danie!
from lonlyinlove :
i think that's excellent what you and danie are doing..good luck :)
from lonlyinlove :
it's becks..but shhhh dont tell anyone..spesh anyone in ;o) ...and im eeeeek 31!!..sigh...thanks for the hugs..ditto..and btw..just read ur last entry..dont write only to please others or out of fear of judgement..this is ur diary..which means ur thoughts etc belong in here..and if people dont like that then they dont have to read it do they?.. damn sex 3 times? so not fair.. ;o) huggggs lil bro
from zania :
hey you what up? I hope to see you online tonight and thanks for the B-day love hehe
from lonlyinlove :
are us aussie gurls that hard to understand? lol jk...i was referring to your entry putting yourself down again and knowing what you can do to make it right for you and ur other words..didnt want to lecture u again ;o).. ill be sounding like your mother and not ur big sis..and im way to young to be ur mum.. ;o) take care
from lonlyinlove :
im not gonna say a word..cos you know wht it is i would say ;) take care lil bro :)
from missym :
no i do not hate you... why would i........ i am sorry you feel the way that you do..... i get like that some time... if you don't like the way things are going.... change them... ( i know, i know, it is easier said then done ) you need to put your mind to it..... you have to make the changes for you.... to make you feel better... it does not matter what other people say..... hey and always remember, even if it is hard, to keep smiling ...... =)
from lonlyinlove :
oops sorry...olive is the elderly woman across the road from me :)
from lonlyinlove :
awww thnx..that was really sweet...made me smile..its comments like that i look back on..on the days when everything in my life drags me down..and make me feel just that little bit better...ty :o)
from me-the-star :
hey your diary is so awsome and you are really into this diary thing .. you can visit mine now and tell me what you think of it ...
from zania :
Hi!! I have not seen you online or heard from ya=) So I just wanted to leave a message say hi and say I'm off tomorrow if you want to chat and stuff=)
from missym :
i am sorry i did not call you back... your number was in my received calls list in my phone... then my other friends called and made it disapeare... (how ever you spell that) give me a call and leave a message.... i promise this time i will save it.... =)
from missym :
thanks.... things are a little better now... i just think that i need to get away for about a week.... that would do me some good..
from lonlyinlove :
hia, you remembered me ? cool ;)..glad your doing okies..same ol same ol for me too...and yeah i know those days tht nothing makes you feel better...i see you have added me to your favs..guess i should do the same huh ;)..think ill call you my lil bro.. *giggle*
from zania :
hey hun don't be too hard on yourself=)
from missym :
02/06- hey we are going to theclub tonight... you and danie should show up.... it would be fun.... if you go in the bar danie can hang out with me and my girls... it woud be fun... give me a call and i will let you know when we are going. and we could meet there.. if you 2 are interested...
from zania :
Hiii where are ya?? I think I had seen you onlin but you aren't there anymore=(
from missym :
02/04.. i am so glad you came to your sences on this whole flirting thing... i dont want anything bad to happen between you and danie... keep smiling =)
from petrichor :
Good luck, by the way.
from petrichor :
Personally, I don't think people in relationships stop feeling attracted to other people altogether. Attraction for most people isn't something you can switch off and on. What you do about it is a whole different matter.
from missym :
1/30... hey what is up... how are things... sorry i have not called you in.. i have been out... busy.. you know me.... guess what.. amy and i move out tomrrow... =) so excited..... when we get settled in and have time to sit.. you and dannie need to come over and watche movies with us.... that would be awsome.... tell dannie i said whats up.... hey remember keep smiling... =)
from missym :
01/02 - hey, sorry I did not talk long to you when you called.. I had company over and I was watching a movie..... so did you and dannie do? one of these nights soon.... we will have to hang out..... I am goin gto be busy here in the nest few weeks.. I have drama friends that need me..... but dinner some night would be fun.... I also think that you guys should join us dancing some time.... really.... grab a few friends and come down... you will have to let me know..... wed and sat are the best nights.... I will call ya some time soon.. when I can get a min and breathe.... hey remember, you too need to keep smiling... =)
from missym :
how was your guys christmas? good I hope... mine was kind of sucky... like I knew it would be.... it was ok..... what did you guys get.... so the boy thing is looking up for me at this moment.. I am not trying to get my hopes up... I might just set myself up to get hurt again.... I am just letting thing flow..... hey,m just remeber, keep smiling =)
from missym :
what kind of car does your brother drive... ?
from missym :
congrats on the new job.... I hope this go well for you.... just take things one day at a time..... good luck on the living with your parents house.... it will be ok..... so how have you and danie been? you have not said much.. I sounds like you guys are doing well... that is good.... so..... you 2 should maybe plan on going to the club sometime, you guys could meet up with us. that would be fun..... how is your brother doing? good I hope..... sorry I am babbling.. I am bored at work..... call me sometime soon.... and remember keep smiling =)
from gloomely :
oppsie didnt mean to put it twice sorry
from gloomely :
thanks for that really long note. I am sorry i am just getting around to reading it. But alot has been happining in my life. Thanks for you adivice in the long run you were so right. you are trully a very amazing person. THANK YOU BUNCHIES ~~~smoochies~~~ luv yas: Holly
from gloomely :
thanks for that really long note. I am sorry i am just getting around to reading it. But alot has been happining in my life. Thanks for you adivice in the long run you were so right. you are trully a very amazing person. THANK YOU BUNCHIES ~~~smoochies~~~ luv yas: Holly
from missym :
he what is going on...? I hope that move goes ok for you 2.. just relax things will be ok... if you guys change numbers make sure you call me.. so I can ge the new number.... ok..... hey just remember... keep smiling.. =)
from missym :
i don't know, lately things have just gone to shit... it is not all bad... just not really good...i am going to slowly update my diary but not in a big rush....... i will talk to ya later..... keep smiling... =)
from zania :
Oh I thought Harry Potter was really good I have now decided to read the books although I'm sure I won't finish them since I'm reading the Lord of the Rings before that movie comes out next month. Good times huh?
from petrichor :
Well, I absoluetly despise sports. I can't stand watching them or talking about them without wanting to grit my teeth from boredom. I love playing in sports ironically enough. People don't necessarily avoid me, but they don't really pursue me either. Its like I am cool enough for them to associate with but not cool enough for them to be a regular hang-out buddy. There have been a few exceptions, but few and far in between and something happens usually to screw things up. It would be ironic if we knew each other. You said you worked at a Smith's right? Which one? It'd be strange enough if we have even been in the same proximities of each other.
from zania :
Hey mike and yes the eyeball licking was for attention.....I'm doing great by the way just kinda here though write tell me how things are for you=)
from zania :
lol....silly boy ^_^
from missym :
those poor cats... hahahaha =)
from zania :
YOU Rock hun.............hope you are having a good day ^_^
from missym :
why don't you ask your dad to help you with all your car stuf.. i think that he would understand that you are in a bind..... he seems like a really nice guy.... by the way that you talk aobut him.... and please try to bite your tonge when you guys fight... it just hurts feelings...... and remember.... keep smiling....
from missym :
would you knock that off.... if you feel like you need to change... THEN CHANGE... it might not be easy but it will be worth it.. show danie that you can.... try to complament her more.... don't put her down.... don't get mad or upset over stupid shit..... I know that you can and that you want to......... and remember try to keep smiling... =)
from gloomely :
you left me a note so i decided to leave you one. Hows your day? Mine is great. well have a nice day. Keep wallyworld in your heart......jk.
from missym :
hey did you go to the club.. I looked but did not see...
from zania :
Thank you for the for how to change I have no idea how we will do that hopefully we will figure it out soon^_^
from missym :
thank you again for inviting me... had very much fun.... and yes our team can fight better... hehehehe.... =)
from grl46n2 :
Hi, I was just tripping through other people's diaries and seeing how much none of them matter but I've got time to waste...... and I came to yours, what I read sounds like something out of my real journal. I have only one friend and a simple life.....I could just very much relate. Thanks
from missym :
hey call.... I rea..y don't know what is going on later..... I can not promise any thing but I think that you should call....... if I don not go.. I hope you have fun..... now I have told you before... stop being so hard on yourslef..... take a breathe it is really not that bad... keep smiling... =)

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