Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.

Oh man, do I love Keith Richards.

My favorite diaries:

blindsten profile - diary
comments: She hasn't updated in three months, but I'll keep her here anyway.
dailynightly profile - diary
comments: Ellen is like a displaced friend, someone you know you'd be friends with if you went to the same high school.
marygraceful profile - diary
comments: Me, but five years older and still confused.
angrystarlyt profile - diary
comments: For some reason I'm always under the impression that she's British.
blind-life profile - diary
comments: I almost got rid of her link while editing this list, but then she updated. Karma?
chadin profile - diary
comments: I make broad sweeping statments about things I don't really know about, and he responds swiftly, pointing out the error of my ways. It's symbiotic, really.
zoostation profile - diary
comments: The politics of... well, everything, not just dancing.
sparroe profile - diary
comments: Logical, wise, and sharp as a tack.
realjesus profile - diary
comments: The second coming. Who knew it would be on Dland? Honestly, read this.
orange-cloud profile - diary
comments: She loves Jim Morrison, but I'll get over that.
scanzilla profile - diary
comments: The perrenial favourite. He doesn't update as often as he used to though.

My favorite music:

The Rolling Stones
comments: One of those teenage obsessions that just won't die. I long for Keith Richards.
The White Stripes
comments: Salvation shall be theirs!!
comments: ANGUS YOUNG!!!
Bob Dylan
comments: No one turns a phrase quite like Dylan.
Justin Timberlake
comments: Shut up. =)

My favorite movies:

Moulin Rouge!
comments: Trainspotting // Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone // Beetlejuice // Pleasantville
Life As A House
comments: The Sound Of Music // The Shawshank Redemption // Cruel Intentions (guilty pleasure)
comments: How The Grinch Stole Christmas // A League Of Their Own // The Quick And The Dead
Star Wars
comments: Live And Let Die // Die Hard With A Vengeance // Gimme Shelter
Jesus Christ Superstar
comments: Forrest Gump, //This Is Spinal Tap // Mulan // Ivanhoe // Robin Hood (animated)

My favorite authors:

Mikhail Bulgakov
comments: "The Master and Margarita" is one of the most fabulously hilarious books i have ever read
comments: Harry Potter is the most brilliant boy wizard i have ever encountered... this woman is a genius
Marianne Faithfull
comments: her autobiography is also one of the most hilarious books i have ever read
comments: i know "The Catcher In The Rye" is really clicheed but i love it anyway
Jennifer Egan
comments: "The Invisible Circus"...ignore the movie (not that i saw it) and read the book

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last updated: 2003-10-22 16:30:07
this user's total entries: 172
user since: 2002-03-06

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