messages to gothologist:
(click here to add new message):

from hamiltonian :
from absinthesigh :
Am thinking about you. Sending you well wishes for the holidays and New Year. with love, ophelia
from mmeanaya :
i hope everything is alright.
from absinthesigh :
You are in my heart, thoughts "prayers"! Wishing you The Very Best... and I hope your All Hallow's Eve is a magical one. with love, ophelia
from gothologist :
Sorry folks... I have had to lock my diary for now. Someone is trying to use it against me to harm Terri and I. I will open it back up soon.
from gothologist :
Thank you, everyone. We are working on it. It looks very hopeful. *hugs*
from mercifl1 :
I'm thinking of you and Terri every single day and praying that things work out so you can live your lives together again. You both deserve such happiness & I'm so glad you can take from this nightmare experience a renewed appreciation for one another. *much hugs and love to both of you*
from snow666white :
I wish you hope, a-plenty... I have a tingling that you will be happy -inevitably! All the best, dear! ox~Snow.
from absinthesigh :
Whispers of hope. with love, ophelia
from mmeanaya :
AYE! I heard a rumor....that for the halloween shingdig costumes of superhero's are this true? *giggle* I wanna be one of the mystery men!!!
from absinthesigh :
You're back! How I missed you! 8-) Good to see your page back up. with love, ophelia
from snow666white :
Blushes that means so much to me, my lovely! Coming from you and all! And what are you talking about??? You have all the talent within the palm of your little pale hands, my dear! Honestly �you do! Thankyou for your praise and kind words of encouragement! Words in which I shan�t forget!
from absinthesigh :
I tried to read your update and all I can bring up is a blank page. Hope your are okay. Am thinking of you. with love, ophelia
from mmeanaya :
sigh.that is truly messed up.
from snow666white :
Wir sind sneeky tats�chlich! *giggles like a school girl* Ich schaue vorw�rts zu pr�chtigeren Zug�ngen an!
from snow666white :
Deutsch ist die sexy Sprache je! Ich wei� nicht, wie es zu sprechen, oder es zu schreiben! Dies ist ein Englisch zu deutscher �bersetzung es tue ich leid, Sie entt�uscht zu haben! Hehehe *grins*
from snow666white :
Your welcome... I didn't know you were German? I enjoyed reading your entry of deep- reflection, it very much mirrored some of my own beliefs and such..*smiles*
from mmeanaya :
It really is somewhat breath taking to watch those ppl slide down the sides of a helicopter.You've just brought back some bittersweet memories...sigh.. take care dearie
from snow666white :
Lovely musings, indeed <333
from mmeanaya :
yay! another entry! I like hearing about your thoughts on fatherhood. Being a mother,it is an interesting perspective. It's quite funny, you are the second person in the past four hours who admited to enjoy shopping at Meijers....hmm...go figure. got your halloween costume planned/started yet?
from mmeanaya :
Are you ever going to update? I miss reading about what is going through your are probably very busy with school and such.. psstt...i dye my hair! it's now all black except for a chunky bang part that is dyed a reddish pink.....hehehhehehe!
from absinthesigh :
You are in my thoughts, wishing you all you need in your fight for your children... cheering you on, opehlia
from roserapturer :
andimove is my AIM name. Hope everything's well with you.
from roserapturer :
*returns the hug* Thank you very much for your well wishes. I have not disappeared altogether. I in fact have two live journals. My more open journal is locked, and is thus accessable only to fellow members of LJ, which makes me sad because that would be the one I would like to give to you. It's the only of my blogs which is not now temporarily close. I do have another livejournal that is public, and also temporarily closed that I can give you if you would still like to read it for whatever strange reason but I warn it is more full of random shit than the thoughts close to my heart, as those are placed in the closed journal. I hope you are doing well! And btw... are you ever on AIM? I added your name quite long ago but you have never been on....
from mmeanaya :
Uncle do you add the "currently listening too" your template? I want to add some to mine...i have three slots..but I am not sure how to make it show up in my template.....and right blonde roots are showing....sigh...i cant figure it out... PLEASE! can you help me?!?!?! merci!
from gothfey :
Tee hee. Your profile makes me happy. You have an awesome taste in music and authors. *smile* Its nice to know there is sanity somewhere out there...
from roserapturer :
Yes I did see them. Beautiful photography!!! *hugs* And I forgot the rest of what i was going to write. But thank you!
from mercifl1 :
*wonderful* to see your photos!! You need to check out this, too: You'll get *plenty* of photos there, I'll tell ya! You took a photo of a Santa Cruz couple...then again, eeeeeeveryone did! :)
from roserapturer :
Pretentious? Wasn't it LaVey who basically said that it's inhuman to be completely loving and accepting? That one must have "prejudices" for how else will they distinguish what is best for them? *smiles* Are you going to have any pictures on the net? Because if you are think I will have a heart attack of happiness.
from mercifl1 :
>Black Tape for a Blue Girl (the lass with the flute, and extremely dark seductive dance) Lisa, who is from Chicago, a dance major (but you figured that out) and wife to Sam Rosenthal. :) Did I mention both Manuskript and Passion Play played at the Whitby I went to? Pretentiousness is underrated, I say. C'mon, you have a right to have *taste*, man, and be proud of it! I don't know...I don't think it's a great thing to feel superior to others, but when it comes down to extreme stupidity or poor taste, then let the pretention pour!!
from roserapturer :
Hehe. Yep. It was a lot of fun, got to hang the entire time with two good friends and got to go to the Winchester Mansion, which was terribly interesting. Also got to go to Alcatraz, and that was mad. Thank you for asking and have more fun!!
from mercifl1 :
Yes, I'm jealous, and desperately wish I could be there... But I'm soooooooo happy for you, too!! It's about time you experienced the spectacle of hundreds of goths together in one place. Talk about feeling like *home*, huh?!! Yay. I just knew you'd be blissed out in the extreme. :) love, elyse
from roserapturer :
"When will they fucking learn? Goths do not vandalize cemeteries. Punkers may, Mansonite kids have, Ravers do sometimes, but Goths are taphophiles. We adore cemeteries." To the rest of the world there is no difference between Goths and Mansonites. That's why they haven't learned yet. I'm sure you know, but thought I'd point that out just in case. Glad you're having fun. You deserve it.
from bloodnhate :
hey i ran into your diary you seem pretti cool :D
from mmeanaya :
i was going to leave something brilliant and amazing.....and just forgot what I was going say...damn..i hate when that happens....anyhow...i hope you're feeling alright...
from absinthesigh :
x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x , ophelia
from roserapturer :
*bear hugs for a long time* i can't "know". But my deepest empathy. And if i write anymore i will start bawling. But. *continues to hug*
from absinthesigh :
My deepest, profound and most heartfelt sympathies. I have lost children. It is a wordless thing. You are in my heart, thoughts and "prayers" (aka whispers). with love, ophelia
from chickpea981 :
I realize that sounds kind of bitchy, but it isnt meant to be. Please don't take it that way.
from chickpea981 :
I wasn't generalizing by any means. The two males shared a ridiculous amount of things in common. You maybe should read more about me before you think that I'm contributing to the stereotype. I happen to be the opposite of a man-hater. I was going through a rbeak-up at the time of the note in mmeanaya
from roserapturer :
*hugs* Good luck!! *sigh* And i was going to say soething else but i forgot what in the time it took this page to load. But... most of all... well wishes to you.
from lysippe-lost :
It is better to live up to your oaths and promises. Your friends...if they truly are your friends....will respect you in the end. And if they don't...well then dear...they really weren't your friends. Did they not take the same oath? hmmm? I don't know the whole story...but...if they are that shady...I wouldnt want to be around them.. My grandmother always said to be careful about treading in muddy water...if you trip and fall you'll never know where you would land." weren't you the one who has always told me to be true to myself? *hugs*
from absinthesigh :
I thought you might be interested in a new radio station that just began today. you can listen from the web page. with love, ophelia
from writergrrl88 :
my university - one of the commuter branches of purdue university. the 88 - stands for the year that a friend of an ex-fiance died. ~lita~
from roserapturer :
Ooooh. Good points. *sighs* i simply cannot wait to be able to go to college and take Philosephy. *shakes head* Until then i seem incapable of thought. Hmmm... most of your papers seem to have the general message that the whole (entirity of definition) of "yourself" is indefinable by us mortals. Or have i gotten it wrong again? Heh. Oh and btw *massively blushes* Thank you for your sweet description of my journal/self in your favorites page. *smiles* Also... Nietzschein? Or just great admirer?
from roserapturer :
Oh! And also, what about those of us whom are phoenixes? Whre only the most base inner essence/core remains the same, as the intellect and very "person", evolve and transform completely, over and over. And what about those who have lost their memories? Is someone in a fugue not themselves, or are they the same person simply haveing a severe psychological short circuit? What do you think?
from roserapturer :
*nodding* That's a very good paper, but i was thinking that even if you think you're you you may not still be you, even to you. What you know is more True than what you think you know, but sometimes those lines blur and merge. i suppose this all goes back to the old question of, if you belive in "God", does that make him exist for you? So, perhaps you are correct. Hmmm...
from writergrrl88 :
i found your link through a friend's diary ... you seem to be interested in role-playing and live in indiana and be into philosophy and gothism and be an individualist ... i'm a role-playing pseudo-goth/punk individualist also living to indiana going to a university and studying english ... my e-mail is [email protected] and my diaryland is ~lita~
from lysippe-lost :
i must need new glasses. heehe
from lysippe-lost :
ahem......oh dearest gm list moderator...did you..ah vote yet? *giggle* I see that Mauve did... anyhoo....nite!
from roserapturer :
*smiles through tears* Thank you so much. i really needed to hear that tonight.
from mmeanaya :
how are you classes dear? i worry about you and T...i hope all is well....take care
from mmeanaya :
did you see my new fishnets?!?!?!? muwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaa!!!
from mmeanaya :
i know it may not be much...but im just an IM away...and I believe you are correct...he's not going to get what he's after..take care sweetie.
from roserapturer :
*hugs* Go listen to "Lovecats"? Maybe it will help.
from lysippe-lost :
AWW!! i had no ideal....I am so sorry to hear about this! Let me know if there is anything i can do to help...if i can, i will..
from heyiya :
hey, thanks! i do get an extremely large kick out of discovering that random people online are reading my rants - makes the whole thing worthwhile. it's really not that great being from glasgow though, ever been there? actually it is a really cool place, but don't get too envious. good luck with college and all the rest of it, i hope things look up for you soon.
from lysippe-lost :
oui! alas....THOSE however can not be posted here.. *giggle*
from lysippe-lost :
*giggle* mmnn... I actually took a few more..and sent them to Ares...I think he'll be thanking MsChickPea also... I hope all is well..take care lovie!
from lysippe-lost : hardly ever post anymore... I miss reading about your classes!! Anyhoo..
from mmeanaya :
blue rajah."what the fork?!" that from Mystery Men?
from driftnportal :
I have no idea what that means. lol
from mmeanaya :
sigh...i like the new pic.( Will miss the long blonde hair,) i now have black with purple chunks. anyhoo. it's been a while since i have heard from you. take care
from driftnportal :
You're awesome!!
from mmeanaya :
Gl�ckliche Feiertage.. I trust all is well with you? Take Care *hugs*
from andthenudie :
Your profile and diary is greatness.
from rar :
Amazing how hard it is to crank out those last few hours. I think I'm a hair away from being a 6 year undergrad myself.
from mmeanaya :
S'not fair lovie! You got the answer..(last one was correct!) *giggle* Your answers were much more funnier than mine.. anyhooo....I have two Im's going right now.. remind me never to send my wishes out to the universe....I have two men who both want to meet me tonight for coffee and dessert.....AND I CANT GO!!!! ARRGGGG!!!!!
from gothologist :
Mad Hatter (who asked Alice the riddle in the first place) - "I haven't the slightest idea" ~~~~~~~ Lewis Carroll - "Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is nevar put with the wrong end in front!" Note the clever misspelling of nevar so it is "raven" spelled backwards. ~~~~~~~ Sam Loyd - "Because Poe wrote on both; bills and tales are among their characteristics; because they both stand on their legs. conceal their steels, and ought to be made to shut up." ~~~~~~~ (I love the internet)
from mmeanaya :
mmm..I have a riddle for you. Why is a raven like writing desk?
from mmeanaya :
Merci! I think I have this one done correctly, I actually like it better than the other one.. Except on my older pages..the left hand side looks...funny.. Wish you well on your final! Bizoullies!
from deathblossom :
Thank you so much for your kind words, and support, and especially for your friendship--it means much to me. xoxo
from mmeanaya :
Happy birthday! one more year closer to the day we die! anyhoo..i feel your semester im going to be taking 14 well as working full time and the kiddies...How many credits for you next semester?
from deathblossom :
Aww, I feel for you. Belated birthday well-wishes, and good luck with your new health programme! I know what you mean about feeling old, though. It's been that kind of year. Take care, and I'm glad to see an update from you again. xo
from nside-i-hide :
The Cure!! Orgasim
from mercifl1 :
I've said all along, back pain in *heinous*! I'm so sorry you know that now first hand. :( I send you healing thoughts. You are *so* showing me up in the glamour department! I <strike>want</strike> demand pictures! I just made air reservations to arrive in Chicago 12/23 and return 12/27. Can I see you? (Why didn't I just send an e-mail?!) Thinking of you...
from deathblossom :
Ouch! That sounds pretty horrible. I hope you feel better soon. I'd never heard of Midol having those effects on anyone, but hopefully there's something else you can take for the pain. Be well. xo
from deathblossom :
Mmmm...that description of yourself made me wish you'd included pictures. *sigh*
from mmeanaya :
goldfish ass rapin' sharks? hmmm...
from deathblossom :
Thanks for taking time out to update--I'd missed you!
from mmeanaya :
thank you for taking my survey... *giggle*....gonna brush up on yer chess skills love? I almost had you that game...lucky for you i lost my conncetion... lemme many games did i win last night...oh yeah! I believe i won two? (not sure..could be three..) and....if my calculations are owe me.... two hamburgers...two fries and a penguin named Henri. *giggle*
from deathblossom :
And I thought I was the only one that was happening to. =/ It IS disconcerting, isn't it. *hugs* Best wishes.
from mercifl1 :
I'm not getting email notification when you update. *pout* I'm so glad I checked in! Much hugs and love, e
from deathblossom :
Thank you for adding me to your favourites, and for your kind comments! Much appreciated! <3
from deathblossom :
I'm rapidly becoming addicted to your diary. I'll be adding you to my list of favourites very soon--for too many reasons to list in this tiny box.
from mercifl1 :
>I'm not a spiritually inclined person, as my faithful readers know... haha...I enjoyed this. :) And I suppose graduate students can predict the weather far far in advance, eh?! *squish*
from mmeanaya :
Bon jour! Ran across this while looking for my friends journal...(long story ) sad the way things have turned out for you..
from slayryder :
Sorry bout that. My server is down right now, but it will be back up soon. Thanks for letting me know.
from bleedingisnt :
i love what you said about bush, ah, if only everyone saw things this way
from love-in-vein :
Well considering the fact that suicide seems appealing, I'd say fuck no.
from rar :
Regarding Itch with a B: Wow, that is one of the more intense rants I've read in awhile. I'm sorry, I understand, I gave up an internship somewhere rather prominent to be there for someone only to find out he was a, well, you put most eloquently. People should come with warning labels.
from darkgren :
^^;; I belive I'm right in quoting, "When did I realize I was God? Well I was praying, and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself."
from darkgren :
Oh, woot! ^_^ then arigatou gozaimasu for leaving me a note in return! Japanese, the language I'd like to speak but can't remember a bloody thing. ^^;; I said something thoughtful? Wow, one step forward for gren in being a human...
from darkgren :
*blink* Vielen danke?
from darkgren :
The only reason half the assholes are alive is because its illegal to kill the annoying little twerps. In some countries at least.
from rar :
Don't let the kid bother you too much. The blog community is over run with insecure, holier/freakier/worldlier-than-thou attention sluts. Oh my, that sounded bitter didn't it? I don't even want to consider the depths that emotion might reach by the big 34. I've got 10 years to seek zen, or get over it (whichever is easiest)! ;-P
from coldheroin :
from skylark113 :
Hey babe.. Elise here... I am, wiat are you sitting?.... Journaling here.. OMG!!!! My mind scares me, now I am letting others see it...Manic urge? Nope, nurotic need... hahaha I'll read you.. if you read Love and hugs, Elise aka The Skylark
from bete-noire :
"You've got to help us! Greenpeace is after us for clubbing ourselves on the head with baby seals, which we do quite a lot."...................................................................................................... ;�
from love-in-vein :
Your sympathy is appreciated. -Mel-
from measi :
Hi there~ Thanks for joining the gamergeeks diary ring. Please put the code on your page. Thanks. :)
from love-in-vein :
Stopped by your diary because you listed me (btw, thanks). Quite impressed-you have a very distinct writing style. And for the record, Zoloft is a medicine for depression, which I'm coincidentally on at the moment. Heh, anyway...welcome to the dark side of Diaryland. Enjoy your stay. -Mel-
from penguinwhore :
thanks for joing the absinthe diaryring and getting the link up. if you ever have any questions/problems feel free to contact me. </3-clare ps. my avorit quote of nietzsche is "against boredom, even gods themselves struggle in vain"

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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