messages to graypaint:
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from flicka :
cool. did the faery painting sell? I'm going back to Art Awakenings here in Phoenix. Too bad you're not here in Phoenix, it'd be good to chat with you while "making art."
from flicka :
I hope you are well. I have not been online in ages. I have an apartment with a woman I met in a halfway house with 19 months of sobrity. I locked my journal and do not know that I'll unlock it because of my paranoia. My sister found it and read parts of it to my mother. And she won't talk to ME! Ha! I hope you are well and think of you from time to time. Do you still have your website up with your paintings? I wish I were in art awakenings again. I miss it.
from flicka :
where can i find the new picture?
from flicka :
Man, my life..... My friend, I do often wonder how I look put together at times. How is W?
from flicka :
I've stopped taking IV drugs, and I am taking Vitamin E and slathering on LOTS of lotion. I'm showering again, and I've gone on a rather long vacation. I'm not sure VO is for me or not. I know that I thank god or lack of one everyday for learning to paint and meeting you dearest grayone :) love pam; she loves you. sometimes it goes that ways--for years sometimes from what I'm told from old couples who love each other.
from flicka :
Hey, I'm taking drugs again. Lots of em too.....psych meds make my soul drunk.
from mycostume :
I might still be a little crazy. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell....
from flicka :
I am no longer crazy. I am not am psych meds, and I do not need to be. It's a good thing too because my insurance ran out. Wow, I run out of money to pay for meds, and I find out I am cured. WHAT LUCK!
from flicka :
YOU WILL BE FINE. Stop worrying dear one. Stay strong, get some sleep, and hug me the next time you see me.
from flicka :
Sometimes I think I have no one but you in this world to trust. And you have your doubts about me. All I want to do is call you and come pick you up. I need you dearest one.
from flicka :
you are the sun you are the rain you make my life feel good again you need to know i love you so gray should be in the rainbow. it is as far as i'm concerned.
from flicka :
We're down to 389 rainbows, but that is still pretty darn good. 11 lighting bolts and 2 gamma rays.
from flicka :
400 rainbows? that made my night 400 times better. I will sleep now, and I will dream of rain and sunshine.
from flicka :
They ARE masterpieces.
from flicka :
Wow, you sound like a brilliant teacher. Of course, I'm drunk off my ass. Please profess more dearest graypaint.

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